President Trump: the man who restored constitutional government

Yep, liberals try to keep the nation progressing in life-style and law.
And by "progressing" the left means a fascist, totalitarian government rationing food, water, housing, healthcare, and opportunity so that we are all "equal" in poverty and misery.
So you're saying that Republicans, are working to create equality with prosperity and joy. Guess they gave up their old Hooverism, "Prosperity is just around the corner."
Nope. Didn't say that at all. Didn't even imply it's. Struggling?
The ripple effect from President Trump has been nothing short of astounding. He has even caused the anti-American, anti-constitution progressive crowd to begin to embrace and abide by the U.S. Constitution.

This is how the United States was designed to operate. With each state deciding for themselves what direction to go in. If California wants to implement all kinds of "green" policies - good for them. Go for it. They just don't get to force the rest of society into it.

Democrats Plot ‘Revolution’ to Circumvent Trump’s Paris Decision


I got your Constitutional right here Buttsoiler ---

aaaand another message board arsonist's work, doused. My work is done.


You work of humiliating yourself is done. President Trump has completely upheld the U.S. Constitution. Libel laws are constitutional. Sadly, you're ignorant of the U.S. Constitution (and every other topic you speak about).

Trump has COMPLETELY upheld the Constitution?
He was in violation of the emolument clause the moment he took the oath of office and nothing has changed.
Sadly you're ignorant of the Constitution or just give him a pass on everything. Actually both.
He was in violation of the emolument clause the moment he took the oath of office
Telling a lie over and over doesn't cease to make it a lie. He has never been in "violation" of the Emolument Clause. You literally have no idea what that is.
He was in violation of the emolument clause the moment he took the oath of office
Telling a lie over and over doesn't cease to make it a lie. He has never been in "violation" of the Emolument Clause. You literally have no idea what that is.

Ooooh, devastating comebacker.
Gainsaying, what a novel idea Gonna be hard to top that. :udaman:
President Trump has been nothing short of astounding during his first few months. Illegal aliens have been self-deporting because he has shown real leadership. And now, these criminals are ending their own illegal public assistance. President Trump is solving problems even without legislation or Executive Orders. Just his presence solves problems.

Fear of deportation drives people off food stamps in US
The significance of this cannot be overstated. President Trump truly is "Making America Great Again".
“For the many Americans whose top concern in November was electing a president who would put committed constitutionalists to the courts, this is another major victory.”
Getting true justices in place who don't have a political agenda but instead are simply upholding the law as it is written is critical to restoring and upholding the U.S. Constitution.

Trump, Keeping Campaign Promise, Picks More Conservative Judges
The ripple effect from President Trump has been nothing short of astounding. He has even caused the anti-American, anti-constitution progressive crowd to begin to embrace and abide by the U.S. Constitution.

This is how the United States was designed to operate. With each state deciding for themselves what direction to go in. If California wants to implement all kinds of "green" policies - good for them. Go for it. They just don't get to force the rest of society into it.

Democrats Plot ‘Revolution’ to Circumvent Trump’s Paris Decision

Ha.Ha.---it's just too bad Trump didn't understand the U.S. Constitution. Like the Establishment Clause and the Emoluments clause.

As far as him getting back to a Constitutional government--you can't do that if you don't understand the Constitution. In fact I think he wants to write his own constitution.
Donald Trump’s Constitution of One

It has been great entertainment though


You elected a CLOWN and he brought a Yuuuuge circus with him.
The ripple effect from President Trump has been nothing short of astounding. He has even caused the anti-American, anti-constitution progressive crowd to begin to embrace and abide by the U.S. Constitution.

This is how the United States was designed to operate. With each state deciding for themselves what direction to go in. If California wants to implement all kinds of "green" policies - good for them. Go for it. They just don't get to force the rest of society into it.

Democrats Plot ‘Revolution’ to Circumvent Trump’s Paris Decision
Ha.Ha.---it's just too bad Trump didn't understand the U.S. Constitution.
He clearly does considering he has restored it

The ripple effect from President Trump has been nothing short of astounding. He has even caused the anti-American, anti-constitution progressive crowd to begin to embrace and abide by the U.S. Constitution.

This is how the United States was designed to operate. With each state deciding for themselves what direction to go in. If California wants to implement all kinds of "green" policies - good for them. Go for it. They just don't get to force the rest of society into it.

Democrats Plot ‘Revolution’ to Circumvent Trump’s Paris Decision


I got your Constitutional right here Buttsoiler ---

aaaand another message board arsonist's work, doused. My work is done.


He's right, the media is completely dishonest. He will defeat them...

Stupefying how many armchair pundits are completely ignorant of this little gem....


Define "the press", retard.

"The press" ceased to be after they decided to collaborate with a political party.
This is a joke right? Trump rules with executive orders even though his party controlled Congress. And when the courts put a check on his power he basically wants them all fired.
You obviously have never played chess.

A "check" implies that you still have moves to make.

Appealing to the Supreme Court for a fair hearing is more like starting a new game altogether because the first game was rigged.
Well, Trump isn't very welcome in Western Europe, so Russia makes a strange sense. (-:
No, Rotty old sock, they weren't...which is why numerous judges have ruled it unconstitutional.
Boom, sweetie! Just as I told you in post #64. It is 100% constitutional and even you uninformed progressives know it. A few judges violating their oath and abusing their power ruled it that way to impose their own political agendas. The Supreme Court upheld the law just as I knew they would.

The winning continues!!!

Supreme Court Allows Partial Implementation of Trump Travel Ban

No, Rotty old sock, they weren't...which is why numerous judges have ruled it unconstitutional.
Boom, sweetie! Just as I told you in post #64. It is 100% constitutional and even you uninformed progressives know it. A few judges violating their oath and abusing their power ruled it that way to impose their own political agendas. The Supreme Court upheld the law just as I knew they would.

The winning continues!!!

Supreme Court Allows Partial Implementation of Trump Travel Ban


The SCOTUS has not yet ruled on whether its Constitutional, puppy.

The Supreme Court Monday allowed parts of President Donald Trump's travel ban to go into effect and will hear oral arguments on the case this fall.
The SCOTUS has not yet ruled on whether its Constitutional, puppy.
But it is constitutional and that is a 100% fact, kitty.

1. It is not a "muslim ban" (that wouldn't even be possible)

2. We can ban any foreigner for any reasons - including for being muslim

3. The U.S. Constitution is not an international document. Foreigners don't have constitutional rights
It is remarkable what the mere presence of Donald Trump has done to restore constitutional government. Even the bat-shit crazy lefties are now screaming "the federal government is not the answer".
It’s time to confront a simple but stunning fact: When it comes to urban policy and much else, the federal government is the wrong vehicle for getting things done and for getting them done right.
I was a devout "Never Trump". I've never been so wrong. President Trump appears to be the answer to America's prayers. In just a few short months, he's scared the left into constitutional government (the solution to every problem we have).

A Declaration of Urban Independence
How could the orange anus restore a constitutional government when he's in direct violation of the Constitution himself?

He had more conflicts of interest than any prez in history,
You dopes live in the Twilight Zone.
Just as President Trump promised. So. Much. Winning.
A Hawaiian judge ruled in favor of the Trump administration defending the restrictive definition of “close family relationships” used in his travel ban. The ruling was handed down Thursday evening.
View attachment 137432

Breaking: Trump travel ban racks up another courtroom victory
How's Trumpcare doing? Republicans and the orange anus are so embarrassed with their disaster they won't even talk about it.
Let the masses die while you keep fellating the orange asshole.
The SCOTUS has not yet ruled on whether its Constitutional, puppy.
But it is constitutional and that is a 100% fact, kitty.

1. It is not a "muslim ban" (that wouldn't even be possible)

2. We can ban any foreigner for any reasons - including for being muslim

3. The U.S. Constitution is not an international document. Foreigners don't have constitutional rights
When's the pussy grabber going to put Russia on the list? There are over 150 Russian spies that have infiltrated America disguised as businessmen.
They're much more dangerous than anyone coming out of the Muslim Ban countries.

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