President Trump: the man who restored constitutional government the guy who has had his "travel ban" ruled unconstitutional numerous times now is "restoring constitutional government"?!?
Snowflake....his travel ban is 100% constitutional. What is not constitutional is the idiot left-wing judges who are abusing their power for their left-wing political agenda. Here - learn something before commenting. Section 212(f) from the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952:
"Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate."
That is federal law sweetcakes. And here it is directly on the government's own website:

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952

Trump's tiny orange dick doesn't even trigger your gag reflex does it?

It's been updated, sugarplum...

U.S. Immigration Legislation: 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act (Hart-Cellar Act)

8 U.S. Code § 1152 - Numerical limitations on individual foreign states
Oh sweetie....your little college website just doesn't get the job done. The GOVERNMENT link I provided includes the latest version. BOTH of his Executive Orders were 1,000% constitutional and the Supreme Court will uphold them.

If there was any justice in the world - both of those judges would be brought up on charges. They knowingly blocked a constitutional order simply because they have a political agenda. They are not upholding the oath they swore.
You even made a comparison about the 2nd amendment.
*Sigh*. No did. Here it is - post #21:
Lol um okay. So you would be okay with compromising the 1st amendment with introducing a new amendment? So why do you people throw bitch fits over compromises made to the 2nd amendment? So, tell me, how exactly would Trump amend libel laws? Be specific. You're basically already saying libel laws are flawed.
Are you off of your meds or something? :uhh:
lol yes and in the following post you defended the comparison.
I didn't defend it goofball - I pointed out how idiotic it was. You attempted to compare a legal and proper amendment to the 1st Amendment to a (and I quote) "compromise" of the 2nd Amendment. I pointed out how idiotic that was and that you were comparing apples to oranges because a "compromise" on constitutional rights is intolerable, while a legal and proper amendment is keeping with law.

Seriously - you are really struggling with this entire conversation. What is going on buddy? Are you feeling ok? the guy who has had his "travel ban" ruled unconstitutional numerous times now is "restoring constitutional government"?!?
Snowflake....his travel ban is 100% constitutional. What is not constitutional is the idiot left-wing judges who are abusing their power for their left-wing political agenda. Here - learn something before commenting. Section 212(f) from the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952:
"Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate."
That is federal law sweetcakes. And here it is directly on the government's own website:

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952

Trump's tiny orange dick doesn't even trigger your gag reflex does it?

It's been updated, sugarplum...

U.S. Immigration Legislation: 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act (Hart-Cellar Act)

8 U.S. Code § 1152 - Numerical limitations on individual foreign states
Oh sweetie....your little college website just doesn't get the job done. The GOVERNMENT link I provided includes the latest version. BOTH of his Executive Orders were 1,000% constitutional and the Supreme Court will uphold them.

If there was any justice in the world - both of those judges would be brought up on charges. They knowingly blocked a constitutional order simply because they have a political agenda. They are not upholding the oath they swore.

No, Rotty old sock, they weren't...which is why numerous judges have ruled it unconstitutional. And Drumph's got nobody to blame but himself and his big, fat, "tellin' it like it is" cats anus mouth. (Oh, and his idiot friend Giuliani) It might have had a chance if he wasn't trying so hard to usurp the 1st Amendment.
No, Rotty old sock, they weren't...which is why numerous judges have ruled it unconstitutional.
Not "numerous". Just two left-wing assholes who abuse their power and rule in accordance with their political agenda as opposed to the law.
And Drumph's got nobody to blame but himself and his big, fat, "tellin' it like it is" cats anus mouth. (Oh, and his idiot friend Giuliani) It might have had a chance if he wasn't trying so hard to usurp the 1st Amendment.
Boom! Puppy here just confirmed it yet again. Those judges ruled based on their feelings about President Trump and his words rather than the legality of the Executive Order (which was 100% constitutional). It's ok puppy....the U.S. Supreme Court will correct it!

No, Rotty old sock, they weren't...which is why numerous judges have ruled it unconstitutional.
Not "numerous". Just two left-wing assholes who abuse their power and rule in accordance with their political agenda as opposed to the law.
And Drumph's got nobody to blame but himself and his big, fat, "tellin' it like it is" cats anus mouth. (Oh, and his idiot friend Giuliani) It might have had a chance if he wasn't trying so hard to usurp the 1st Amendment.
Boom! Puppy here just confirmed it yet again. Those judges ruled based on their feelings about President Trump and his words rather than the legality of the Executive Order (which was 100% constitutional). It's ok puppy....the U.S. Supreme Court will correct it!


It will likely be moot by the time it is heard, silly boy.

And "numerous" is an apt description. A judge in MD, then HI then the Fourth Circuit court of appeals ruled 10-3 against Twitler's Muslim ban. 10-3!
I would prefer the old 1789 version and not Trump's.
President Trump is getting us there. Unfortunately the left is the party of obstruction and is slowing down the process. Patience regent. Patience.
So you would be okay with compromising the 1st amendment with introducing a new amendment? So why do you people throw bitch fits over compromises made to the 2nd amendment?
Notice the two key words there, chief? A "compromise" to the U.S. Constitution is not legal. An amendment is. You're comparing apples to oranges because you know you are wrong.

President Trump has done nothing to the 1st Amendment. Absolutely nothing. But that little bitch Pogo has to make stuff up because his homosexuality feels so "threatened" by President Trump. That's what happens when people submerse themselves in propaganda instead of facts.

I "made nothing up", Buttsoiler with IQ just below that of a turnip. I posted a video of Rump's own words, coming right out of Rump's own orange mouth. Verbatim. You can't photoshop a video. What, you think I put on a wig, rubbed Velveeta cheese all over my face and impersonated him into a fake video?

I'm good but I ain't that good.

I realize you wish he'd never said that. I understand how you're staying up all night trying to think of a way to make it go away. Have a good cry because ---- it ain't going away.

Oh and that was well before the election when he was still an orange attention whore private citizen, not after he finally got the first job he's ever had in his life at the age of 70.
I would prefer the old 1789 version and not Trump's.
President Trump is getting us there. Unfortunately the left is the party of obstruction and is slowing down the process. Patience regent. Patience.
Apparently you have a reading problem, I said "not Trump's." Perhaps some Republicans in Congress will read the Constitution and our history and realize that Trump could destroy their political party, as John Adams destroyed the first conservative party.
I would prefer the old 1789 version and not Trump's.
President Trump is getting us there. Unfortunately the left is the party of obstruction and is slowing down the process. Patience regent. Patience.
Apparently you have a reading problem, I said "not Trump's." Perhaps some Republicans in Congress will read the Constitution and our history and realize that Trump could destroy their political party, as John Adams destroyed the first conservative party.
Yeah...I know what you said jack-ass. And if you weren't an illiterate nitwit, you would realize that what I was saying is that President Trump was taking us to the 1789 version (but that it was taking time because the left is determined to make America fail at all costs).
I would prefer the old 1789 version and not Trump's.
President Trump is getting us there. Unfortunately the left is the party of obstruction and is slowing down the process. Patience regent. Patience.
Apparently you have a reading problem, I said "not Trump's." Perhaps some Republicans in Congress will read the Constitution and our history and realize that Trump could destroy their political party, as John Adams destroyed the first conservative party.
Yeah...I know what you said jack-ass. And if you weren't an illiterate nitwit, you would realize that what I was saying is that President Trump was taking us to the 1789 version (but that it was taking time because the left is determined to make America fail at all costs).
Yep, liberals try to keep the nation progressing in life-style and law.
The ripple effect from President Trump has been nothing short of astounding. He has even caused the anti-American, anti-constitution progressive crowd to begin to embrace and abide by the U.S. Constitution.

This is how the United States was designed to operate. With each state deciding for themselves what direction to go in. If California wants to implement all kinds of "green" policies - good for them. Go for it. They just don't get to force the rest of society into it.

Democrats Plot ‘Revolution’ to Circumvent Trump’s Paris Decision

Fake news source, fake post, fake poster, paid poster.
I would prefer the old 1789 version and not Trump's.
President Trump is getting us there. Unfortunately the left is the party of obstruction and is slowing down the process. Patience regent. Patience.
Apparently you have a reading problem, I said "not Trump's." Perhaps some Republicans in Congress will read the Constitution and our history and realize that Trump could destroy their political party, as John Adams destroyed the first conservative party.
Yeah...I know what you said jack-ass. And if you weren't an illiterate nitwit, you would realize that what I was saying is that President Trump was taking us to the 1789 version (but that it was taking time because the left is determined to make America fail at all costs).

What do you get per post? .25? .50? Did you have to pledge loyalty to get this job? Is Flynn as short in person as he looks on television? Does Jared Kushner say anything or is he really a mute? Questions, so many questions.....
Yep, liberals try to keep the nation progressing in life-style and law.
And by "progressing" the left means a fascist, totalitarian government rationing food, water, housing, healthcare, and opportunity so that we are all "equal" in poverty and misery.
What do you get per post? .25? .50?
What do you get to mooch off of society? How much do you cost society total per month in welfare checks, food stamps, housing, and Medicaid?
Did you have to pledge loyalty to get this job?
Pledging loyalty is a left-wing fascist requirement. The right doesn't resort to blind obedience.
Is Flynn as short in person as he looks on television?
No. He's a great guy too. Have spent a lot of time with him.
Does Jared Kushner say anything or is he really a mute?
Unlike progressives - he's modest. He knows when to talk and when not to. His wife Ivanka is actually more beautiful in person than she is on tv. Have spent extensive time with her as well.
Questions, so many questions.....
Well...that's only natural for people with limited IQ's.
Yep, liberals try to keep the nation progressing in life-style and law.
And by "progressing" the left means a fascist, totalitarian government rationing food, water, housing, healthcare, and opportunity so that we are all "equal" in poverty and misery.
So you're saying that Republicans, are working to create equality with prosperity and joy.
Guess they gave up their old Hooverism, "Prosperity is just around the corner."
This stuff is a bunch of hubblub. Nothing will come of any of this. First, Trump is president and is able to speak to whomever he wants. Second, he is rich beyond anything and that makes him basically untouchable. I see no laws broken etc. I invite any of you to try and deport this american born swede first american second.

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