President Trump Tweets Gateway Pundit Video Showing Poll Workers Stuffing Ballots Into Tabulators Numerous Times on Election Night

You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:


Why aren't these poll workers being arrested?

Because the governor is a spinless establishment douche. One thing is certain: he wont be reelected. The same goes for the SOS

The governor doesn't arrest people...the local police and/or sheriff does. Again, if there was a crime being committed...why hasn't anyone who supposedly committed fraud been arrested in Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada? You guys keep saying there are thousands of instances of voter fraud...yet no arrests.

Please explain.

Because the fraud they are claiming never happened...


And of course there is also the fact that you cant have more absentee paper ballots counted than the absentee envelopes counted, in the election Checks and Balances process...

AND, Fulton county and all of Georgia had 3 hand recounts of the ballots, where the machine count matched the hand count....


What part of there were no signature or registration checks for all of the recounts the just kept counting the same ballots over and over dont n.v you get?

what part of all video of the election counting in Fulton County being investigated by the SOS, and them stating it was all normal procedures of the counting process that you clearly know nothing about, thus misinterpret, as ballots being counted twice.

what part of getting a count of all absentee ballot envelopes being received, then a count of all removed ballots run through the optical scan vote counter, and the two counts having to MATCH as a check preventing ballots from being counted twice, do YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?

what part of 3 recounts done and hand recounts matching the machine recounts do you not understand?

An audit on the envelope signatures is happening right now..... when they are all eligible and no fraud detected that changes any result,


The SOS has already lied about the election several times. Why should anyone trust him?

Donald Trump has already lied over 25,000 times in the past four years and you still trust him. In fact, you believe everything he says.

Not about what he says, but more about what he gets done, and what he delivers. Even Briben praised Trump's "warp speed" program.. Ohhhhhh I know that had to have drove you all insane. LOL. Shut up Biden you blubbering idiot right ????

If "operation warp speed" got the virus delivered, how is it that Pfizer, which is a German company funded by the German government, which wasn't part of operation warp speed, got there first?

How is it that Canada, has enough vaccine for everyone in the country to be vaccinated, and their roll out is ahead of schedule, while the rollout in the USA is being delayed because of lack of supply, and expectations are being scaled back?
What has trump delivered? The scientists were working on vaccines all over the world before trump uttered the words warp speed. But when you look at this presidency trump has delivered basically nothing.
You aren't going to even give him credit for making Mexico pay for his "big, beautiful wall!" or replacing 'ObamaCare' wit "something terrific!" that covers "everybody!" at "less cost!" - not to mentioned rebuilding the nation's crumbling infrastructure?

He did more than merely suggest miracle cures like ingesting disinfectants or shining a light up one's trumper. He boated the national debt ad astra!
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What has trump delivered? The scientists were working on vaccines all over the world before trump uttered the words warp speed. But when you look at this presidency trump has delivered basically nothing.
You aren't going to even give him credit for making Mexico pay for his "big, beautiful wall!" or replacing 'ObamaCare' wit "something terrific!" that covers "everybody!" at "less cost!" - not to mentioned rebuilding the nation's crumbling infrastructure?

He did more than merely suggest miracle cures like ingesting disinfectants or shining a light up one's trumper. He boated the national debt ad astra!
Oops! I forgot all those wondrous things Chairman trump did. My bad.
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:


Why aren't these poll workers being arrested?

Because the governor is a spinless establishment douche. One thing is certain: he wont be reelected. The same goes for the SOS

The governor doesn't arrest people...the local police and/or sheriff does. Again, if there was a crime being committed...why hasn't anyone who supposedly committed fraud been arrested in Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada? You guys keep saying there are thousands of instances of voter fraud...yet no arrests.

Please explain.

Because the fraud they are claiming never happened...


And of course there is also the fact that you cant have more absentee paper ballots counted than the absentee envelopes counted, in the election Checks and Balances process...

AND, Fulton county and all of Georgia had 3 hand recounts of the ballots, where the machine count matched the hand count....


What part of there were no signature or registration checks for all of the recounts the just kept counting the same ballots over and over dont n.v you get?

what part of all video of the election counting in Fulton County being investigated by the SOS, and them stating it was all normal procedures of the counting process that you clearly know nothing about, thus misinterpret, as ballots being counted twice.

what part of getting a count of all absentee ballot envelopes being received, then a count of all removed ballots run through the optical scan vote counter, and the two counts having to MATCH as a check preventing ballots from being counted twice, do YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?

what part of 3 recounts done and hand recounts matching the machine recounts do you not understand?

An audit on the envelope signatures is happening right now..... when they are all eligible and no fraud detected that changes any result,


The SOS has already lied about the election several times. Why should anyone trust him?

Donald Trump has already lied over 25,000 times in the past four years and you still trust him. In fact, you believe everything he says.

Not about what he says, but more about what he gets done, and what he delivers. Even Briben praised Trump's "warp speed" program.. Ohhhhhh I know that had to have drove you all insane. LOL. Shut up Biden you blubbering idiot right ????

If "operation warp speed" got the virus delivered, how is it that Pfizer, which is a German company funded by the German government, which wasn't part of operation warp speed, got there first?

How is it that Canada, has enough vaccine for everyone in the country to be vaccinated, and their roll out is ahead of schedule, while the rollout in the USA is being delayed because of lack of supply, and expectations are being scaled back? usual Canada is nothing more than a welfare recipient of the US.
Trump Tweets Gateway Pundit Video ...
Rational folks ask, "Why would a narcissistic charlatan, given the boot by the American electorate, evoke a crackpot source in his whiny refusal to cowboy up and ride off into the sunset?"

Recourse to the comical Gateway Pundit is the equivalent of intoning Nearer My God To Thee on a kazoo as your manure barge of state slips ineluctably into the briny deep.

How pathetic.

The Gateway Pundit demonstrates extreme right-wing bias in story selection that always favors the right and denigrates the left. There is significant use of loaded emotional language in headlines... The Gateway Pundit is also fiercely dedicated to the promotion of Donald Trump. TGP always sources their information, but sometimes utilizes questionable sources such as Breitbart and Mike Cernovich, who both a have terrible track records with fact-checkers.​
The Gateway Pundit has published numerous false or conspiracy stories such as Hillary Clinton having a seizure, identifying an innocent person in the Las Vegas mass shooting and again identifying the wrong person after the motor vehicle homicide at the White Supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Further, TGP claimed the “FBI received tips well in advance of the Florida school shooting and decided, for whatever reason, not to act.” Finally, based on publishing false information, TGP has faced lawsuits for defamation and damages to innocent individuals.
Why would any fanatical zealot Trumpy bum kisser flail about and grab at such a feeble, gossamer, slimy filament?​
Terminal desperation, Old Boy, desperation!
1. Scaramucci Slip

CNN retracted a story in June of 2017 claiming that former Trump adviser Anthony Scaramucci was under investigation by Congress for his alleged ties to Russia. (RELATED: CNN Retracts Story About Trump Adviser Being Under Investigation)

The story relied on one anonymous congressional source and CNN apologized to Scaramucci for the error. Three CNN reporters ended up resigning from the company over the botched report.

2. Trump Jr. Collusion

CNN reported in December of 2017 that Donald Trump Jr. received special access to documents stolen by WikiLeaks on Sept. 4, 2016. However, Donald Trump Jr. actually was emailed about the documents on Sept. 14, 2016 — a day after they were already available to the general public. (RELATED: CNN Botches Major ‘Bombshell’ Alleging Contacts Between Don Jr. And WikiLeaks)

CNN updated the report but still has not explained how two sources managed to give them the wrong date on the email.

3. 17 Intel Agencies Lie

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said during a congressional hearing in May that three intelligence agencies — the CIA, NSA and the FBI — concluded that Russia interfered with the 2016 election.

Nonetheless, CNN has repeatedly claimed that all 17 intelligence agencies came to the same conclusion about Russian meddling. CNN’s claim is pure nonsense, as the Department of Energy, Department of the Treasury, and Drug Enforcement Agency, among others, would have no authority to make any assertions about Russian meddling in elections.

4. Comey Testimony Crumbles

On June 6, 2017, CNN reported that former FBI director James Comey would contradict President Donald Trump’s claim that he was not under investigation.

When the time came for Comey to release his opening statement for his congressional testimony, he actually ended up confirming Trump’s account. (RELATED: Comey Confirms: Trump Wasn’t Under FBI Investigation)

“This article was published before Comey released his prepared opening statement. The article and headline have been corrected to reflect that Comey does not directly dispute that Trump was told multiple times he was not under investigation in his prepared testimony released after this story was published,” CNN corrected.

5. Trump’s Fish Food

When President Trump met with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe last November, the pair took part in a koi fish feeding ceremony. A video posted by CNN appeared to show Trump dumping his entire box of food into the koi pond unprompted. (RELATED: Journalists Slam Trump For Copying Fish Food Dump)

An unedited video revealed that Trump was simply following the lead of Abe, who emptied his box of food first.

6. A Clean Bill Of Health

In May of 2017 when Republicans were authoring a new health care bill, CNN claimed that GOP changes to Obamacare could make rape and sexual assault pre-existing conditions.

PolitiFact rated that claim “mostly false,” explaining that “the bill does not change what is or is not a pre-existing condition; the health insurance companies write those definitions for themselves.”

7. Officer Cuomo

CNN anchor Chris Cuomo inexplicably said in October of 2016 that possessing WikiLeaks stolen documents is “illegal,” but insisted it’s “different for the media.”

“Also interesting is, remember, it’s illegal to possess these stolen documents. It’s different for the media. So everything you learn about this, you’re learning from us,” Cuomo said.

According to The Washington Post, it is not illegal to possess or distribute illegally obtained material so long as you were not involved in the original hack.

8. Just Tap It In

CNN originally denounced Trump’s claim in March of 2017 that former President Barack Obama was wiretapping phones in Trump Tower as a “flat-out lie.”

Then, in September of 2017, CNN reported that the FBI had a wiretap on former campaign chairman Paul Manafort — who has a residence in Trump Tower.

While it is unclear if the FBI tapped Manafort’s phones in Trump Tower or picked up his conversations with the president, it’s plausible enough that CNN should not be dismissing Trump’s claims out of hand. (RELATED: CNN Reporter: Trump’s Wiretap Tweets Still Not Plausible)

9. Zeleny’s Folly

CNN reporter Jeff Zeleny tweeted on July 31, 2018, that President Trump had not taken questions from reporters in at least a week.

Just one day prior to Zeleny’s tweet, Trump answered questions during a joint news conference with the Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte.

10. Republicans Did (NOT) Fund The Dossier

The salacious and unverified Steele dossier was paid for by the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign, but that hasn’t stopped CNN from pinning the document on the GOP. (RELATED: Media Still Pinning Dossier On Republicans)

Former Obama official and current CNN reporter Jim Sciutto was just one network talking-head who claimed the dossier was “initially paid for by Republicans.”

While Republicans bought standard opposition research from Fusion GPS, they stopped paying the firm well before it ever contracted with Christopher Steele to compile the anti-Trump dossier.

11. If You Build It, They Will Lie

CNN claimed that only Democratic members of Congress gathered to pray before the 2017 Congressional Baseball Game — the first game after House Majority Whip Steve Scalise was shot and nearly killed. (RELATED: CNN Incorrectly States Only Dems Prayed At Congressional Baseball Game)

Pictures of the prayer circle clearly show both Democrats and Republicans praying together, and CNN eventually deleted their tweet claiming otherwise.

12. CNN Gets Hit With A Cruz Missile

After the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, CNN media reporter Brian Stelter accused Republican congressmen of being “scared” to come on the network to debate gun control. Anchor Chris Cuomo specifically called out Texas Senator Ted Cruz for not rising to the challenge.

As it turns out, Sen. Cruz had done a 15 minute interview with CNN earlier that day. He blasted the network for airing “NONE” of his interview and noted that he had previously done three town hall debates on CNN with Senator Bernie Sanders. (RELATED: Ted Cruz Did A 15 Minute Interview With CNN — They Aired None Of It, Then Attacked Him For Not Coming On Air)

13. Silly Stelter!

CNN media reporter Brian Stelter accused the Republican National Committee of “misquoting” him in an ad attacking the credibility of Michael Wolff’s book “Fire and Fury.”

“Real factual errors … makes you wonder about the overall content,” Stelter was quoted as saying.

Stelter did utter those words during a CNN International television hit and quickly deleted his accusatory tweet.

“I stand corrected: I thought this RNC ad misquoted me, but the quote came from a @CNNI TV hit,” Stelter admitted.

14. These Boots Were Made For Correctin’

Nancy Sinatra made a quick joke about her late father’s song, “My Way,” being used at Trump’s Inauguration in January 2017. She tweeted in response to the news to “just remember the first line of the song” — which is, “And now, the end is near.”

CNN spun Sinatra’s tweet into an article claiming she was “not happy” about Trump using her father’s song at the Inauguration.

“That’s not true. I never said that. Why do you lie, CNN?” Sinatra asserted. “What a rotten spin to put on a harmless joke.”

15. School Shooting Slip-Up

After a May shooting at Santa Fe High School in Texas, CNN reporters immediately began claiming that there were 22 school shootings on the year. (RELATED: CNN Re-Ups False 22 School Shootings Stat)

However, CNN wildly exaggerates the number of school shootings by using methodology that includes accidental firearm discharges on school property, domestic disputes, and other non-active shooter events.

For example, one listed shooting at Savannah State University in Georgia involved just two people, neither of whom were students.

16. Where’s Melania?

Multiple CNN reporters speculated about the whereabouts of Melania Trump after a scheduled kidney surgery and then denied responsibility for any conspiracy theories about the first lady. (RELATED: CNN Reporters Shirk Responsibility For Melania Conspiracies)

Media reporter Brian Stelter led his “Reliable Sources” newsletter on June 3rd with the headline “Melania M.I.A,” and insisted the first lady’s whereabouts were a “mystery” because she had not been seen in public since May 10.

While Stelter blamed random internet commenters for specific conspiracy theories about plastic surgery or a move back to NYC, CNN repeated such theories in an article and even asked Melania’s spokesperson to comment on them.

17. Fake News About Fake News

CNN cited a study from the Oxford Internet Institute to claim that fake news targeted swing states during the 2016 presidential election.

However, as The Daily Caller first reported, the study says nothing of the sort. (RELATED: Mainstream Media Reporting About Twitter ‘Fake News’ Is 100% False)

The researchers in the study were talking about “junk news,” not “fake news” — and their definition of junk news includes mainstream conservative sites like The Washington Examiner and Breitbart News. A deep dive into the study thus reveals that Twitter users didn’t receive nearly as much “fake news” as CNN initially claimed to readers.

18. Trump (Not) Ignorant About Japanese Cars

CNN Money’s Daniel Shane accused President Trump of not knowing that Japan makes cars in the United States, writing, “Trump asks Japan to build cars in the U.S. It already does.”

During the president’s November visit to Japan, he told Japan Inc, “Try building your cars in the United States instead of shipping them over. Is that possible to ask?”

However, when reading his full remarks — which Shane left out — it is clear that the president was making a joke and knows that Japanese manufacturers make cars in the U.S. (RELATED: CNN Spreads Two Fake Narratives During Trump Visit To Japan)

Shane ended up issuing a correction on his article.

19. Hands Up, Fake News

A CNN panel consisting of Margaret Hoover, Sally Kohn, Sunny Hostin and Mel Robbins displayed the “hands up, don’t shoot” gesture in 2014 while talking about marches against police violence.

The gesture seemed to be a reference to the fatal police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.

While initial reports speculated that Brown had his hands up when he was shot by Darren Wilson, the DOJ concluded in a report in 2015 that physical and forensic evidence showed Brown’s hands could not have been above his waist.

20. Peace Be With You

CNN deceptively edited a video of Sherelle Smith and Kimberly Neal, the sisters of an unarmed black man who was shot by police. The network claimed the two sisters were “calling for peace” amidst riots in their neighborhood.

“Don’t bring that violence here,’ [Kimberly] Neal, his other sister, said while sobbing,” CNN’s report said.

However, in a longer video, Sherelle says, “Y’all burning down s—t we need in our community. Take that s—t to the suburbs. Burn that s—t down. We need our s—t. We need our weaves. I don’t wear it. But we need it.”

CNN removed the portion of their report about Sherelle and owned up to their error.

“An earlier version of this story mischaracterized what the victim’s sister was trying to convey. She was calling for peace in her community, urging the protesters to go elsewhere,” CNN told The Washington Examiner.
What has trump delivered? The scientists were working on vaccines all over the world before trump uttered the words warp speed. But when you look at this presidency trump has delivered basically nothing.
You aren't going to even give him credit for making Mexico pay for his "big, beautiful wall!" or replacing 'ObamaCare' wit "something terrific!" that covers "everybody!" at "less cost!" - not to mentioned rebuilding the nation's crumbling infrastructure?

He did more than merely suggest miracle cures like ingesting disinfectants or shining a light up one's trumper. He boated the national debt ad astra!
Oops! I forgot all those wondrous things Chairman trump did. My bad.
If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

Obamacare will lower your medical costs by $2500.
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:


Why aren't these poll workers being arrested?

Because the governor is a spinless establishment douche. One thing is certain: he wont be reelected. The same goes for the SOS

The governor doesn't arrest people...the local police and/or sheriff does. Again, if there was a crime being committed...why hasn't anyone who supposedly committed fraud been arrested in Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada? You guys keep saying there are thousands of instances of voter fraud...yet no arrests.

Please explain.

Because the fraud they are claiming never happened...


And of course there is also the fact that you cant have more absentee paper ballots counted than the absentee envelopes counted, in the election Checks and Balances process...

AND, Fulton county and all of Georgia had 3 hand recounts of the ballots, where the machine count matched the hand count....


What part of there were no signature or registration checks for all of the recounts the just kept counting the same ballots over and over dont n.v you get?

what part of all video of the election counting in Fulton County being investigated by the SOS, and them stating it was all normal procedures of the counting process that you clearly know nothing about, thus misinterpret, as ballots being counted twice.

what part of getting a count of all absentee ballot envelopes being received, then a count of all removed ballots run through the optical scan vote counter, and the two counts having to MATCH as a check preventing ballots from being counted twice, do YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?

what part of 3 recounts done and hand recounts matching the machine recounts do you not understand?

An audit on the envelope signatures is happening right now..... when they are all eligible and no fraud detected that changes any result,


The SOS has already lied about the election several times. Why should anyone trust him?

Donald Trump has already lied over 25,000 times in the past four years and you still trust him. In fact, you believe everything he says.

Not about what he says, but more about what he gets done, and what he delivers. Even Briben praised Trump's "warp speed" program.. Ohhhhhh I know that had to have drove you all insane. LOL. Shut up Biden you blubbering idiot right ????

What has trump delivered? The scientists were working on vaccines all over the world before trump uttered the words warp speed. But when you look at this presidency trump has delivered basically nothing.

Trump delivered a vaccine when he said it would be delivered.

Who else has done that?

It's astounding how petulant you morons are.
Voter Fraud is very real.

why is this thread in Conspiracy?

You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:


Why aren't these poll workers being arrested?

Because the governor is a spinless establishment douche. One thing is certain: he wont be reelected. The same goes for the SOS

The governor doesn't arrest people...the local police and/or sheriff does. Again, if there was a crime being committed...why hasn't anyone who supposedly committed fraud been arrested in Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada? You guys keep saying there are thousands of instances of voter fraud...yet no arrests.

Please explain.

Election fraud,voting more than once ect. Is akin to jaywalking. It's a law but not enforced.

Wow..if you really think're incredibly stupid.
Are you really pretending that there are no sympathetic LEOs anywhere in GA, MI, PA, WI, NV, AZ that would have arrested someone given probable cause?

The video is probable cause STUPID!

But it doesn't matter if you don't take it to the police and have them arrest someone....

Why hasn't that happened?

And if it has happened...apparently it was so unimpressive to these LEOs that they didn't take action.

So you agree the video is probable cause.
Dont you look STUPID!

Not at all. But what I am saying is that the process is to file a complaint with the local law enforcement organizations...if you have a video...that should cinch it. Either that never happened or the LEO's were not impressed by the "evidence".

PS: you mis-spelled "don't" dumb ass.

"Dont you look STUPID! "

Welp. Trumpian stupid shit. Apostrophe, Bitchez!
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:


Why aren't these poll workers being arrested?

Because the governor is a spinless establishment douche. One thing is certain: he wont be reelected. The same goes for the SOS

The governor doesn't arrest people...the local police and/or sheriff does. Again, if there was a crime being committed...why hasn't anyone who supposedly committed fraud been arrested in Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada? You guys keep saying there are thousands of instances of voter fraud...yet no arrests.

Please explain.

Because the fraud they are claiming never happened...


And of course there is also the fact that you cant have more absentee paper ballots counted than the absentee envelopes counted, in the election Checks and Balances process...

AND, Fulton county and all of Georgia had 3 hand recounts of the ballots, where the machine count matched the hand count....


What part of there were no signature or registration checks for all of the recounts the just kept counting the same ballots over and over dont n.v you get?

what part of all video of the election counting in Fulton County being investigated by the SOS, and them stating it was all normal procedures of the counting process that you clearly know nothing about, thus misinterpret, as ballots being counted twice.

what part of getting a count of all absentee ballot envelopes being received, then a count of all removed ballots run through the optical scan vote counter, and the two counts having to MATCH as a check preventing ballots from being counted twice, do YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?

what part of 3 recounts done and hand recounts matching the machine recounts do you not understand?

An audit on the envelope signatures is happening right now..... when they are all eligible and no fraud detected that changes any result,


The SOS has already lied about the election several times. Why should anyone trust him?

Donald Trump has already lied over 25,000 times in the past four years and you still trust him. In fact, you believe everything he says.

Not about what he says, but more about what he gets done, and what he delivers. Even Briben praised Trump's "warp speed" program.. Ohhhhhh I know that had to have drove you all insane. LOL. Shut up Biden you blubbering idiot right ????

What has trump delivered? The scientists were working on vaccines all over the world before trump uttered the words warp speed. But when you look at this presidency trump has delivered basically nothing.

Trump delivered a vaccine when he said it would be delivered.

Who else has done that?

It's astounding how petulant you morons are.

Answer your own fucking question. You have access to the Interwebs. Knowledge at your fingertips. And yet you post such Stupid Shit.

Vaccines and immunization: What is vaccination?{adgroupsurvey}&gclid=Cj0KCQiAuJb_BRDJARIsAKkycUn9NUncnHfOtWrQkXN4znufTBA8S8T8gPWOSEShNHIbNz1xiuUyaW8aAjNSEALw_wcB

The Petulant Moron is you. Fuck off, gramps. Worthless human being that you are.
A "fact" impervious to reason that irrationally festers in closed minds, the dogged dogma of a fanatically-subservient cult, brain-washed by the propaganda industry that controls them.

Zealots will simply expand their paranoia to engulf all who acknowledge reality - McConnell, Barr, Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, cybersecurity experts, Republican judges across the land, including Trump appointees all the way up to the Supreme Court, etc., etc., etc.

Screen Shot 2020-12-25 at 7.49.11 AM.png


Screen Shot 2020-12-25 at 7.53.24 AM.png

"Oh, dear!
I am about to swoon!"

To deny reality, the hysterical, groveling Trumper must lash out at the ever-increasing numbers of folks who acknowledge and accept the will of the People that is entirely consistent with their estimation of the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer in survey after survey ever since more Americans voted against him than for him in 2016.

The pifflewits rage against democracy, but they'll have to learn to live with it, and content themselves with sulking, sniveling, and viciously attacking normal folks.

Delusion, no matter how stridently insisted upon, is no substitute for reality.

A rare instance of Trump actually stumbling onto the TRUTH:

Screen Shot 2019-10-26 at 12.19.11 PM.png

"I have the most loyal people — did you ever see that?
Where I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody,
and I wouldn’t lose any voters! It’s like incredible!”

The most deranged of terminal Trumpers have embedded themselves so far up his rectum, they even place their unquestioning faith in their magical wizard who issues his scholarly pronouncements from that pinnacle of medical science, Trump University:

... And then we come to the innermost circle of Trump’s core followers. One in eight Republicans said that they would trust the president the most on the important medical decision of whether or not to take the vaccine — over family and friends, health officials like Dr. Anthony Fauci or even their own doctor. It’s kind of a cult fiction.
Screen Shot 2020-12-25 at 7.58.03 AM.png

"Master can use me, this I know,

for the P-Grabber tells me so!"

Trump Tweets Gateway Pundit Video ...
Rational folks ask, "Why would a narcissistic charlatan, given the boot by the American electorate, evoke a crackpot source in his whiny refusal to cowboy up and ride off into the sunset?"

Recourse to the comical Gateway Pundit is the equivalent of intoning Nearer My God To Thee on a kazoo as your manure barge of state slips ineluctably into the briny deep.

How pathetic.

The Gateway Pundit demonstrates extreme right-wing bias in story selection that always favors the right and denigrates the left. There is significant use of loaded emotional language in headlines... The Gateway Pundit is also fiercely dedicated to the promotion of Donald Trump. TGP always sources their information, but sometimes utilizes questionable sources such as Breitbart and Mike Cernovich, who both a have terrible track records with fact-checkers.​
The Gateway Pundit has published numerous false or conspiracy stories such as Hillary Clinton having a seizure, identifying an innocent person in the Las Vegas mass shooting and again identifying the wrong person after the motor vehicle homicide at the White Supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Further, TGP claimed the “FBI received tips well in advance of the Florida school shooting and decided, for whatever reason, not to act.” Finally, based on publishing false information, TGP has faced lawsuits for defamation and damages to innocent individuals.
Why would any fanatical zealot Trumpy bum kisser flail about and grab at such a feeble, gossamer, slimy filament?​
Terminal desperation, Old Boy, desperation!
1. Scaramucci Slip

CNN retracted a story in June of 2017 claiming that former Trump adviser Anthony Scaramucci was under investigation by Congress for his alleged ties to Russia. (RELATED: CNN Retracts Story About Trump Adviser Being Under Investigation)

The story relied on one anonymous congressional source and CNN apologized to Scaramucci for the error. Three CNN reporters ended up resigning from the company over the botched report.

2. Trump Jr. Collusion

CNN reported in December of 2017 that Donald Trump Jr. received special access to documents stolen by WikiLeaks on Sept. 4, 2016. However, Donald Trump Jr. actually was emailed about the documents on Sept. 14, 2016 — a day after they were already available to the general public. (RELATED: CNN Botches Major ‘Bombshell’ Alleging Contacts Between Don Jr. And WikiLeaks)

CNN updated the report but still has not explained how two sources managed to give them the wrong date on the email.

3. 17 Intel Agencies Lie

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said during a congressional hearing in May that three intelligence agencies — the CIA, NSA and the FBI — concluded that Russia interfered with the 2016 election.

Nonetheless, CNN has repeatedly claimed that all 17 intelligence agencies came to the same conclusion about Russian meddling. CNN’s claim is pure nonsense, as the Department of Energy, Department of the Treasury, and Drug Enforcement Agency, among others, would have no authority to make any assertions about Russian meddling in elections.

4. Comey Testimony Crumbles

On June 6, 2017, CNN reported that former FBI director James Comey would contradict President Donald Trump’s claim that he was not under investigation.

When the time came for Comey to release his opening statement for his congressional testimony, he actually ended up confirming Trump’s account. (RELATED: Comey Confirms: Trump Wasn’t Under FBI Investigation)

“This article was published before Comey released his prepared opening statement. The article and headline have been corrected to reflect that Comey does not directly dispute that Trump was told multiple times he was not under investigation in his prepared testimony released after this story was published,” CNN corrected.

5. Trump’s Fish Food

When President Trump met with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe last November, the pair took part in a koi fish feeding ceremony. A video posted by CNN appeared to show Trump dumping his entire box of food into the koi pond unprompted. (RELATED: Journalists Slam Trump For Copying Fish Food Dump)

An unedited video revealed that Trump was simply following the lead of Abe, who emptied his box of food first.

6. A Clean Bill Of Health

In May of 2017 when Republicans were authoring a new health care bill, CNN claimed that GOP changes to Obamacare could make rape and sexual assault pre-existing conditions.

PolitiFact rated that claim “mostly false,” explaining that “the bill does not change what is or is not a pre-existing condition; the health insurance companies write those definitions for themselves.”

7. Officer Cuomo

CNN anchor Chris Cuomo inexplicably said in October of 2016 that possessing WikiLeaks stolen documents is “illegal,” but insisted it’s “different for the media.”

“Also interesting is, remember, it’s illegal to possess these stolen documents. It’s different for the media. So everything you learn about this, you’re learning from us,” Cuomo said.

According to The Washington Post, it is not illegal to possess or distribute illegally obtained material so long as you were not involved in the original hack.

8. Just Tap It In

CNN originally denounced Trump’s claim in March of 2017 that former President Barack Obama was wiretapping phones in Trump Tower as a “flat-out lie.”

Then, in September of 2017, CNN reported that the FBI had a wiretap on former campaign chairman Paul Manafort — who has a residence in Trump Tower.

While it is unclear if the FBI tapped Manafort’s phones in Trump Tower or picked up his conversations with the president, it’s plausible enough that CNN should not be dismissing Trump’s claims out of hand. (RELATED: CNN Reporter: Trump’s Wiretap Tweets Still Not Plausible)

9. Zeleny’s Folly

CNN reporter Jeff Zeleny tweeted on July 31, 2018, that President Trump had not taken questions from reporters in at least a week.

Just one day prior to Zeleny’s tweet, Trump answered questions during a joint news conference with the Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte.

10. Republicans Did (NOT) Fund The Dossier

The salacious and unverified Steele dossier was paid for by the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign, but that hasn’t stopped CNN from pinning the document on the GOP. (RELATED: Media Still Pinning Dossier On Republicans)

Former Obama official and current CNN reporter Jim Sciutto was just one network talking-head who claimed the dossier was “initially paid for by Republicans.”

While Republicans bought standard opposition research from Fusion GPS, they stopped paying the firm well before it ever contracted with Christopher Steele to compile the anti-Trump dossier.

11. If You Build It, They Will Lie

CNN claimed that only Democratic members of Congress gathered to pray before the 2017 Congressional Baseball Game — the first game after House Majority Whip Steve Scalise was shot and nearly killed. (RELATED: CNN Incorrectly States Only Dems Prayed At Congressional Baseball Game)

Pictures of the prayer circle clearly show both Democrats and Republicans praying together, and CNN eventually deleted their tweet claiming otherwise.

12. CNN Gets Hit With A Cruz Missile

After the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, CNN media reporter Brian Stelter accused Republican congressmen of being “scared” to come on the network to debate gun control. Anchor Chris Cuomo specifically called out Texas Senator Ted Cruz for not rising to the challenge.

As it turns out, Sen. Cruz had done a 15 minute interview with CNN earlier that day. He blasted the network for airing “NONE” of his interview and noted that he had previously done three town hall debates on CNN with Senator Bernie Sanders. (RELATED: Ted Cruz Did A 15 Minute Interview With CNN — They Aired None Of It, Then Attacked Him For Not Coming On Air)

13. Silly Stelter!

CNN media reporter Brian Stelter accused the Republican National Committee of “misquoting” him in an ad attacking the credibility of Michael Wolff’s book “Fire and Fury.”

“Real factual errors … makes you wonder about the overall content,” Stelter was quoted as saying.

Stelter did utter those words during a CNN International television hit and quickly deleted his accusatory tweet.

“I stand corrected: I thought this RNC ad misquoted me, but the quote came from a @CNNI TV hit,” Stelter admitted.

14. These Boots Were Made For Correctin’

Nancy Sinatra made a quick joke about her late father’s song, “My Way,” being used at Trump’s Inauguration in January 2017. She tweeted in response to the news to “just remember the first line of the song” — which is, “And now, the end is near.”

CNN spun Sinatra’s tweet into an article claiming she was “not happy” about Trump using her father’s song at the Inauguration.

“That’s not true. I never said that. Why do you lie, CNN?” Sinatra asserted. “What a rotten spin to put on a harmless joke.”

15. School Shooting Slip-Up

After a May shooting at Santa Fe High School in Texas, CNN reporters immediately began claiming that there were 22 school shootings on the year. (RELATED: CNN Re-Ups False 22 School Shootings Stat)

However, CNN wildly exaggerates the number of school shootings by using methodology that includes accidental firearm discharges on school property, domestic disputes, and other non-active shooter events.

For example, one listed shooting at Savannah State University in Georgia involved just two people, neither of whom were students.

16. Where’s Melania?

Multiple CNN reporters speculated about the whereabouts of Melania Trump after a scheduled kidney surgery and then denied responsibility for any conspiracy theories about the first lady. (RELATED: CNN Reporters Shirk Responsibility For Melania Conspiracies)

Media reporter Brian Stelter led his “Reliable Sources” newsletter on June 3rd with the headline “Melania M.I.A,” and insisted the first lady’s whereabouts were a “mystery” because she had not been seen in public since May 10.

While Stelter blamed random internet commenters for specific conspiracy theories about plastic surgery or a move back to NYC, CNN repeated such theories in an article and even asked Melania’s spokesperson to comment on them.

17. Fake News About Fake News

CNN cited a study from the Oxford Internet Institute to claim that fake news targeted swing states during the 2016 presidential election.

However, as The Daily Caller first reported, the study says nothing of the sort. (RELATED: Mainstream Media Reporting About Twitter ‘Fake News’ Is 100% False)

The researchers in the study were talking about “junk news,” not “fake news” — and their definition of junk news includes mainstream conservative sites like The Washington Examiner and Breitbart News. A deep dive into the study thus reveals that Twitter users didn’t receive nearly as much “fake news” as CNN initially claimed to readers.

18. Trump (Not) Ignorant About Japanese Cars

CNN Money’s Daniel Shane accused President Trump of not knowing that Japan makes cars in the United States, writing, “Trump asks Japan to build cars in the U.S. It already does.”

During the president’s November visit to Japan, he told Japan Inc, “Try building your cars in the United States instead of shipping them over. Is that possible to ask?”

However, when reading his full remarks — which Shane left out — it is clear that the president was making a joke and knows that Japanese manufacturers make cars in the U.S. (RELATED: CNN Spreads Two Fake Narratives During Trump Visit To Japan)

Shane ended up issuing a correction on his article.

19. Hands Up, Fake News

A CNN panel consisting of Margaret Hoover, Sally Kohn, Sunny Hostin and Mel Robbins displayed the “hands up, don’t shoot” gesture in 2014 while talking about marches against police violence.

The gesture seemed to be a reference to the fatal police shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.

While initial reports speculated that Brown had his hands up when he was shot by Darren Wilson, the DOJ concluded in a report in 2015 that physical and forensic evidence showed Brown’s hands could not have been above his waist.

20. Peace Be With You

CNN deceptively edited a video of Sherelle Smith and Kimberly Neal, the sisters of an unarmed black man who was shot by police. The network claimed the two sisters were “calling for peace” amidst riots in their neighborhood.

“Don’t bring that violence here,’ [Kimberly] Neal, his other sister, said while sobbing,” CNN’s report said.

However, in a longer video, Sherelle says, “Y’all burning down s—t we need in our community. Take that s—t to the suburbs. Burn that s—t down. We need our s—t. We need our weaves. I don’t wear it. But we need it.”

CNN removed the portion of their report about Sherelle and owned up to their error.

“An earlier version of this story mischaracterized what the victim’s sister was trying to convey. She was calling for peace in her community, urging the protesters to go elsewhere,” CNN told The Washington Examiner.
Don't despair. Your insatiable binging on all that stuff may trigger an explosive, cathartic, bulimic reaction.
You gotta love these Dims who claim there's no evidence of voter fraud. We now have two videos that show voter fraud. Here's the 2nd:


Why aren't these poll workers being arrested?

Because the governor is a spinless establishment douche. One thing is certain: he wont be reelected. The same goes for the SOS

The governor doesn't arrest people...the local police and/or sheriff does. Again, if there was a crime being committed...why hasn't anyone who supposedly committed fraud been arrested in Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada? You guys keep saying there are thousands of instances of voter fraud...yet no arrests.

Please explain.

Because the fraud they are claiming never happened...


And of course there is also the fact that you cant have more absentee paper ballots counted than the absentee envelopes counted, in the election Checks and Balances process...

AND, Fulton county and all of Georgia had 3 hand recounts of the ballots, where the machine count matched the hand count....


What part of there were no signature or registration checks for all of the recounts the just kept counting the same ballots over and over dont n.v you get?

what part of all video of the election counting in Fulton County being investigated by the SOS, and them stating it was all normal procedures of the counting process that you clearly know nothing about, thus misinterpret, as ballots being counted twice.

what part of getting a count of all absentee ballot envelopes being received, then a count of all removed ballots run through the optical scan vote counter, and the two counts having to MATCH as a check preventing ballots from being counted twice, do YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?

what part of 3 recounts done and hand recounts matching the machine recounts do you not understand?

An audit on the envelope signatures is happening right now..... when they are all eligible and no fraud detected that changes any result,


The SOS has already lied about the election several times. Why should anyone trust him?

Donald Trump has already lied over 25,000 times in the past four years and you still trust him. In fact, you believe everything he says.

Not about what he says, but more about what he gets done, and what he delivers. Even Briben praised Trump's "warp speed" program.. Ohhhhhh I know that had to have drove you all insane. LOL. Shut up Biden you blubbering idiot right ????

What has trump delivered? The scientists were working on vaccines all over the world before trump uttered the words warp speed. But when you look at this presidency trump has delivered basically nothing.

Trump delivered a vaccine when he said it would be delivered.

Who else has done that?

It's astounding how petulant you morons are.

Germany, England, France, Canada, etc..... all delivered a vaccine before the USA.....
He knew he needed certain swing states...the ones that couldn’t manage to count their ballots on election night and the ones that had the most corrupt big cities were the perfect opportunity. Might I remind you that Florida is Republican at the governor and both state legislature levels. They needed the more left-leaning swing states where the legislative or judicial branch would favor them. RHINO governors help too.

Actually, WI, MI and PA were forbidden from counting their absentee ballots before the polls closed. That's why it took longer.

Florida had all their absentee ballots tabulated before the polls closed, and dumped those numbers into the totals that night.

Florida also engaged in vote suppression, such as after the state voted to restore felon voting rights, the State Legislature passed a law to keep them from voting until fees were paid off.

If we had actual full enfranchisement of all Adult Americans, the Republicans would NEVER win an election. Even with all the poor dumb white trash like you getting fooled, enough poor people would vote them out.
Germany, England, France, Canada, etc..... all delivered a vaccine before the USA.....
What is especially pathetic is that the most fanatical Trump bum kissers, eager to lavish praise upon their failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer for concocting his magic elixir in his bunker laboratory (his initial claims regarding ingesting disinfectants and shining a light up the ol' trumper having faltered,) don't trust their Trump Vaccine!

One in three Republicans said that they would not take a federally approved vaccine. Both Pfizer-BioNTech’s and Moderna’s vaccines passed rigorous testing trials with few severe conditions or side effects. Again, very few Democrats and independents said that they would not take the vaccine. Some Republicans even told us their main reason for not wanting to take the vaccine right away is that they do not believe COVID-19 is a real threat — something the president repeated or implied frequently over the last year.​
These are the same prissy boys who fear they won't look sufficiently macho if they wear masks!

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