President Trump Vowes to End the Deep State Conspiracy

Gee, just when I'm convinced that Trump has no hope left for reelection, he says something like this that proves to me that this country will be totally lost without him!

These are desperate times, the country is in a desperate mess now, and it looks like it will take a very daring, determined and desperate man now to possibly pull us out of the nosedive.

I'd love love to see desantis as president, a little more than I'd like to see trump. Even part of me wants to see tulsi gabbard be president a little more than trump.

But with the way this country is going deep down I know we need trump. We need him to be the bulldozer he is to clear things and dump it in a landfill that way someone like desantis can come in and rebuild and maintain after he is done clearing the site.

Sure he is a egomaniac and a big mouth at times. But you can't argue with his stats. All you have to do is not pay attention to his personality.
Yep. It has all been straight downhill for America since literally the DAY that jackass Biden walked into the WH! Trump was right again!

Not half as hilarious as your pathetic punk-ass government-trained illiterate public school-teacher's ass suggesting you'd like me to play with GRAVEL, imbecile.

I think the word you were looking for, is GROVEL.

One is a small stone, the other relates to a servile mannerism. I feel sorry for any student suffering under your lame ass.
I can admit my mistake
But you never make mistakes

So carry on Fuckstain.
I can admit my mistake
Like to know where, when.

But you never make mistakes
I'm very fallible and admit it, especially when trying to beat someone over the head with something I do myself and worse. Fact of the matter is that:
  1. That wasn't a typo. Just an inability to spell and differentiate similar words.
  2. A failure to even proofread well enough to catch it.
  3. The arrogance to claim that you are trusted with other people's education.
Maybe if you weren't always such an arrogant dick, we could have just laughed about it.

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