President Trump “Was Never Given an Orderly Transition of Power"

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Democrats called for impeachment before Trump even took office
Has nothing to do with the transition of power.
Democrats did not attend inauguration claiming Trump was not really president
Has nothing to do with the transition of power.
Democrats attempted an overthrow with a fake impeachment based on Lies
Definitely has nothing to do with the transition of power (occurred three years after the election you dope).
Democrats tried to get doctors to declare Trump mentally unfit
Has nothing to do with the transition of power.
Democrats have now cheated and tried to steal an election
An idiotic lie to protect the fragile ego of a dope.
That is a friggin lie . . . . .

That does not mean much from you, you being one of the biggest liars and idiots in the forum.

Everything I posted is a fact you dunce:
Democrats called for impeachment before Trump even took office
Democrats did not attend inauguration claiming Trump was not really president
Democrats attempted an overthrow with a fake impeachment based on Lies
Democrats tried to get doctors to declare Trump mentally unfit
Democrats have now cheated and tried to steal an election

And thats just the tip of the iceberg

Lol..That a person who calls himself Lie would lie does not surprise me. You thread is one big lie. True to your name.

the blond ninny said on day one as the newest ( 4th, 5th,6th?) press sec.

'she wouldn't lie to the press' then immediately proceeded to lie.
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This thread is a friggin lie. The Obama Administration worked closely with the incoming Trump administration. Of course in the Trumpers parallel universe they inhabit I am sure the OP believes that rubbish he just posted.
You mean like when the Obama administration sent out their corrupt swamp FBI to try to set Flynn up ----------for a perjury trap and when that failed lied about flynn lying among other things to press nonsense charges in order to rail road him? Yeah, they worked closely alright?

linky linky, por favor?

hillary conceded the night of the 2016 election

& obama started the 'transition' immediately; inviting donny to the WH on november 10, 2016.

& just to humor you - a couple of (D)s didn't attend trump's installation - but you didn't say that. you used the term 'democrats', as if it was the whole party.

tsk tsk , soooooooooo misleading, yet sooooooooo unsurprising.

the rest of yer little diatribe is plain ol' pablum, not worthy of a response.

Hillary clitons only recollections are of being a professional LOSER
This thread is a friggin lie. The Obama Administration worked closely with the incoming Trump administration. Of course in the Trumpers parallel universe they inhabit I am sure the OP believes that rubbish he just posted.
You mean like when the Obama administration sent out their corrupt swamp FBI to try to set Flynn up ----------for a perjury trap and when that failed lied about flynn lying among other things to press nonsense charges in order to rail road him? Yeah, they worked closely alright?

linky linky, por favor?

Do you want a link that aliens are real or that most dumocraps are bigfoots?

Home / Featured Content / Sorry to Break It to You, But the Internet is a Lie
Sorry to Break It to You, But the Internet is a Lie
The fakeness of the internet is less about fake news and more about the bots, click fraud, simulated video, traffic factories, followers, comments and other ways to simulate popularity; the real issue is the Inversion, the tipping point when the number of fake users exceeds real ones: fake accounts collecting fake cookies and fake mouse movements making fake clicks on fake pages, in a kind of parallel universe in which the only real thing is advertising.
hillary conceded the night of the 2016 election

& obama started the 'transition' immediately; inviting donny to the WH on november 10, 2016.

& just to humor you - a couple of (D)s didn't attend trump's installation - but you didn't say that. you used the term 'democrats', as if it was the whole party.

tsk tsk , soooooooooo misleading, yet sooooooooo unsurprising.

the rest of yer little diatribe is plain ol' pablum, not worthy of a response.

Hillary clitons only recollections are of being a professional LOSER

& yet, she's living her life - not worrying about about her or her child's world imploding, courtesy of the NYS AG, cy vance, summer zervos or E jean carroll.

hillary conceded the night of the 2016 election

& obama started the 'transition' immediately; inviting donny to the WH on november 10, 2016.

& just to humor you - a couple of (D)s didn't attend trump's installation - but you didn't say that. you used the term 'democrats', as if it was the whole party.

tsk tsk , soooooooooo misleading, yet sooooooooo unsurprising.

the rest of yer little diatribe is plain ol' pablum, not worthy of a response.

Hillary clitons only recollections are of being a professional LOSER

& yet, she's living her life - not worrying about about her or her child's world imploding, courtesy of the NYS AG, cy vance, summer zervos or E jean carroll.

View attachment 419310

LOL cliton can not walk or breath without coughing. Is she still munching on huma abedins pussy
Your homersexual desires have nothing to do with the subject at hand

Neither does your childish post. Reported.


President Trump “Was Never Given an Orderly Transition of Power"

"During a White House briefing Friday, press secretary Kayleigh McEnany laid out how President Trump's transition to the presidency since 2016 was anything but orderly. "

Help me out fellow conservatives:
Democrats called for impeachment before Trump even took office
Democrats did not attend inauguration claiming Trump was not really president
Democrats attempted an overthrow with a fake impeachment based on Lies
Democrats tried to get doctors to declare Trump mentally unfit
Democrats have now cheated and tried to steal an election

Who can name more ways that Liberals and the Left have never given Trump his own peaceful transfer of power from Obama to Trump

You can't impeach someone not in office can you please be a little more absurd?
Has nothing to do with the transition of power.

You are engaging in semantics you nutless wonder. The point is that democrats have never accepted Trump as president the way the expect us now to accept Biden as president. That was the meaning of her statement and she is right. So shut your stupid dicksucker and pull your head out of your ass.
Trump will not stop the future of the US because he is a sore loser and refuses to work with the new guy.

President Trump “Was Never Given an Orderly Transition of Power"

"During a White House briefing Friday, press secretary Kayleigh McEnany laid out how President Trump's transition to the presidency since 2016 was anything but orderly. "

Help me out fellow conservatives:
Democrats called for impeachment before Trump even took office
Democrats did not attend inauguration claiming Trump was not really president
Democrats attempted an overthrow with a fake impeachment based on Lies
Democrats tried to get doctors to declare Trump mentally unfit
Democrats have now cheated and tried to steal an election

Who can name more ways that Liberals and the Left have never given Trump his own peaceful transfer of power from Obama to Trump

Do you really think that posting the same thing over and over again somehow makes it more true?

*Hint*--it doesn't.
Your homersexual desires have nothing to do with the subject at hand

Neither does your childish post. Reported.


President Trump “Was Never Given an Orderly Transition of Power"

"During a White House briefing Friday, press secretary Kayleigh McEnany laid out how President Trump's transition to the presidency since 2016 was anything but orderly. "

Help me out fellow conservatives:
Democrats called for impeachment before Trump even took office
Democrats did not attend inauguration claiming Trump was not really president
Democrats attempted an overthrow with a fake impeachment based on Lies
Democrats tried to get doctors to declare Trump mentally unfit
Democrats have now cheated and tried to steal an election

Who can name more ways that Liberals and the Left have never given Trump his own peaceful transfer of power from Obama to Trump

You can't impeach someone not in office can you please be a little more absurd?

They were talking about impeaching him once he took office prior to him actually taking office. Get it? They were unhinged for 4 years.
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