President Trump’s approval rating has reached highest point of presidency, new polls shows

President Trump’s approval rating has reached highest point of presidency, new polls shows

WASHINGTON (WJHL) – President Donald Trump’s approval rating has reached the highest point of his presidency.

According to a New Washington Post-ABC Poll, 44 percent of Americans approve of his job performance. The poll shows 53 percent disapprove.

The approval number is up five points since April.

The economy served as the only issue where a majority said they approve of the president’s performance with 51 percent.

The survey was conducted with President Trump was in Japan for the G-20 Summit.

The poll shows 42 percent said they disapprove of Trump’s handling of the economy.

President Trump’s approval rating has reached highest point of presidency, new polls shows

I generally don’t post polls especially so early in the campaign, but I was wondering about the divisiveness in the country, what should we expect from these polls? Who are the most likely to vote?

With the fervor of the left, we would expect the left to be the most likely to show up at the polls or would it be the “silent majority” as in 2016? Trump is killing it in campaign funds and his crowds outscore the Democrat all candidates combines.

Does that make a difference? Those on the left that come out with their face covered, are there more of them, than conservatives?
...and out come the talking points. Blah blah blah... blaah blah blah

It has become the catechism of every Trumptard and Republican in the country. Unemployment and economy--they roll it out as if those are the only things that matter in the world. I've been alive and working long enough to know that the jobs aren't offering benefits like they used to our access to healthcare is a disaster now, and can we please remember that unemployment is counted by the number of people filing claims, not the number of people who are not working or working some shit job like greeter at WalMart?

and can we please remember that unemployment is counted by the number of people filing claims

Can we please put this lie to bed already. Unemployment claims have nothing whatsoever to do with BLS figures.

Thanks for correcting me, FA_Q2. How is it determined?

How the Government Measures Unemployment

A simple visit to the actual people that calculate these numbers is quite revealing on where they come from and the fact there is a LOT more than one figure.

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