President Trump’s approval rating has reached highest point of presidency, new polls shows

President Trump’s approval rating has reached highest point of presidency, new polls shows

WASHINGTON (WJHL) – President Donald Trump’s approval rating has reached the highest point of his presidency.

According to a New Washington Post-ABC Poll, 44 percent of Americans approve of his job performance. The poll shows 53 percent disapprove.

The approval number is up five points since April.

The economy served as the only issue where a majority said they approve of the president’s performance with 51 percent.

The survey was conducted with President Trump was in Japan for the G-20 Summit.

The poll shows 42 percent said they disapprove of Trump’s handling of the economy.

President Trump’s approval rating has reached highest point of presidency, new polls shows

I generally don’t post polls especially so early in the campaign, but I was wondering about the divisiveness in the country, what should we expect from these polls? Who are the most likely to vote?

With the fervor of the left, we would expect the left to be the most likely to show up at the polls or would it be the “silent majority” as in 2016? Trump is killing it in campaign funds and his crowds outscore the Democrat all candidates combines.

Does that make a difference? Those on the left that come out with their face covered, are there more of them, than conservatives?
Highest point of his *presidency* and still under 45%.

congress hasnt reached 30% in ten should be laughing at them....
tRump is the only president in history to never reach a 50% approval rating, that's all the amusement I need.
and trump has some time to go,and as you know anything could happen,did you ever think bush would reach 90%?....
Trump could wipe out the national debt just charging $100 bucks a minute for sitting on the faces of the folks that worship him.
Don't be laughing. I want it in the 30's, if that.
Old Lady, what is it that bothers you about Trump? The lowest unemployment figures? The number of jobs created? Our tax cut? Record highs of stock market?Manufacturing soared 33% high? Housing sales up? Defeating Isis?

And don't start that Obama did any of this...all he did was work on Obamacare and lied about that.
He's stupid. He has a shitty attitude toward refugees and immigrants. He's rude and unpresidential and he's an old pig. He thinks making "friends" with dictators and murderers is a personal achievement. And he's stupid.
Stupid? Not true, the man has given the U.S. the greatest economy in decades. You talk like Trump is trying to stop legal immigration. This country allows more ligal immigrants than any other country. When you enter this country illegally you are breaking Federal laws and need to be incarcerated until you are deported.
As for refugees, they are required to seek asylum in the first country they enter after leaving their home country. Why is it you don’t think all these refugees should follow international law but we should welcome them ang grant them all the benefits of legal citizens.
Should we not seek to have cordial relationships withthe leaders of foreign governments? We don’t elect the leaders of these nations but have to dealeiththem as they are. Would you rether be at war with North Korea? Trump has defused the conflict we were heading to with the policies of the last few Presidents. Trump has accomplished the impossible. Hehas us on a path that willlead to normalising relations with North Korea instead ofwar.
Who are you really, Kelly Ann Conway?
I don’t know who you are asking but if it’s me I will tellyou who I am.
A level headed American Viet Nam vetwho has not been driven insane with TDS.
That's exactly what you would say if you really were Kelly Anne.
President Trump’s approval rating has reached highest point of presidency, new polls shows

WASHINGTON (WJHL) – President Donald Trump’s approval rating has reached the highest point of his presidency.

According to a New Washington Post-ABC Poll, 44 percent of Americans approve of his job performance. The poll shows 53 percent disapprove.

The approval number is up five points since April.

The economy served as the only issue where a majority said they approve of the president’s performance with 51 percent.

The survey was conducted with President Trump was in Japan for the G-20 Summit.

The poll shows 42 percent said they disapprove of Trump’s handling of the economy.

President Trump’s approval rating has reached highest point of presidency, new polls shows

I generally don’t post polls especially so early in the campaign, but I was wondering about the divisiveness in the country, what should we expect from these polls? Who are the most likely to vote?

With the fervor of the left, we would expect the left to be the most likely to show up at the polls or would it be the “silent majority” as in 2016? Trump is killing it in campaign funds and his crowds outscore the Democrat all candidates combines.

Does that make a difference? Those on the left that come out with their face covered, are there more of them, than conservatives?
Highest point of his *presidency* and still under 45%. Lmao.
And still POTUS


Only because he cheated.
President Trump’s approval rating has reached highest point of presidency, new polls shows

WASHINGTON (WJHL) – President Donald Trump’s approval rating has reached the highest point of his presidency.

According to a New Washington Post-ABC Poll, 44 percent of Americans approve of his job performance. The poll shows 53 percent disapprove.

The approval number is up five points since April.

The economy served as the only issue where a majority said they approve of the president’s performance with 51 percent.

The survey was conducted with President Trump was in Japan for the G-20 Summit.

The poll shows 42 percent said they disapprove of Trump’s handling of the economy.

President Trump’s approval rating has reached highest point of presidency, new polls shows

I generally don’t post polls especially so early in the campaign, but I was wondering about the divisiveness in the country, what should we expect from these polls? Who are the most likely to vote?

With the fervor of the left, we would expect the left to be the most likely to show up at the polls or would it be the “silent majority” as in 2016? Trump is killing it in campaign funds and his crowds outscore the Democrat all candidates combines.

Does that make a difference? Those on the left that come out with their face covered, are there more of them, than conservatives?
...and out come the talking points. Blah blah blah... blaah blah blah

It has become the catechism of every Trumptard and Republican in the country. Unemployment and economy--they roll it out as if those are the only things that matter in the world. I've been alive and working long enough to know that the jobs aren't offering benefits like they used to our access to healthcare is a disaster now, and can we please remember that unemployment is counted by the number of people filing claims, not the number of people who are not working or working some shit job like greeter at WalMart?

and can we please remember that unemployment is counted by the number of people filing claims

Can we please put this lie to bed already. Unemployment claims have nothing whatsoever to do with BLS figures.
President Trump’s approval rating has reached highest point of presidency, new polls shows

WASHINGTON (WJHL) – President Donald Trump’s approval rating has reached the highest point of his presidency.

According to a New Washington Post-ABC Poll, 44 percent of Americans approve of his job performance. The poll shows 53 percent disapprove.

The approval number is up five points since April.

The economy served as the only issue where a majority said they approve of the president’s performance with 51 percent.

The survey was conducted with President Trump was in Japan for the G-20 Summit.

The poll shows 42 percent said they disapprove of Trump’s handling of the economy.

President Trump’s approval rating has reached highest point of presidency, new polls shows

I generally don’t post polls especially so early in the campaign, but I was wondering about the divisiveness in the country, what should we expect from these polls? Who are the most likely to vote?

With the fervor of the left, we would expect the left to be the most likely to show up at the polls or would it be the “silent majority” as in 2016? Trump is killing it in campaign funds and his crowds outscore the Democrat all candidates combines.

Does that make a difference? Those on the left that come out with their face covered, are there more of them, than conservatives?

Since when does a single poll cited turn into polls?
God help us all. I'm going to hang on to the 53% who disapprove and trust that the country has learned its lesson about voting for a reality tv celebrity.
congress hasnt hit 30% approval in ten years....and everyone is worried about trump?....this is the worst congress maybe ever,some of the worst people ever in there right now......

Congress's approval rating hasn't hit 30% in 10 years. That's a record - CNNPolitics
Jun 1, 2019 - A new Gallup poll shows that just 20% of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing. The vast majority, 75%, disapprove of the job ...
And Gallup also shows 38% of those polled approve of the job Democrats are doing compared to 31% approval of Republicans.

Congress and the Public
Funny how polls for Congress never differentiated between parties before Democrats took the House.

Hell, they never even differentiated between the House and Senate approval.

It’s almost like Gallup only exists to boost Democrats or something....

BTW dumbass, 38% and 31% doesn’t average out to 20.
God help us all. I'm going to hang on to the 53% who disapprove and trust that the country has learned its lesson about voting for a reality tv celebrity.
congress hasnt hit 30% approval in ten years....and everyone is worried about trump?....this is the worst congress maybe ever,some of the worst people ever in there right now......

Congress's approval rating hasn't hit 30% in 10 years. That's a record - CNNPolitics
Jun 1, 2019 - A new Gallup poll shows that just 20% of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing. The vast majority, 75%, disapprove of the job ...
And Gallup also shows 38% of those polled approve of the job Democrats are doing compared to 31% approval of Republicans.

Congress and the Public
Funny how polls for Congress never differentiated between parties before Democrats took the House.

Hell, they never even differentiated between the House and Senate approval.

It’s almost like Gallup only exists to boost Democrats or something....

BTW dumbass, 38% and 31% doesn’t average out to 20.
"Funny how polls for Congress never differentiated between parties before Democrats took the House."

You're fucking deranged. You know that, right? :cuckoo:

The link I posted shows those polls going back to 1999.

"BTW dumbass, 38% and 31% doesn’t average out to 20."

No one said it does. You're speaking from a perspective of derangement again.
God help us all. I'm going to hang on to the 53% who disapprove and trust that the country has learned its lesson about voting for a reality tv celebrity.
unless you're living under a rock you would know America is better off now than it was 3 years ago.
He's stupid. He has a shitty attitude toward refugees and immigrants. He's rude and unpresidential and he's an old pig. He thinks making "friends" with dictators and murderers is a personal achievement. And he's stupid.
1. Only ideologues and morons think Trump is stupid given all of his accomplishments that they try to assplain it all away, like their words mean anything other than that they suffer from TDS.
2. We need less 'Presidential' and more 'Gitter done' in our Presidents for a very long time now. The Washington Professional Political Class has stopped solving problems and instead have been milking them for every tax payer dime they can squeeze from our credulousness for the last 50 years.
3. Trump realizes it is better, in an age of nuclear weaponry, to befriend these evil slugs and get them to open up to change and world markets that bring that change. He is correct as the past 70+ years of total failure to bring the Norks to heel demonstrates.
4. Trump isn't stupid, the Professional Political Class and their minions is stupid if they think we will keep voting for their lame asses.

Trump is only the first, OldLady. More POTUSes like him will come till the Dims learn better and that is going to be a very long time, methinks.
President Trump’s approval rating has reached highest point of presidency, new polls shows

WASHINGTON (WJHL) – President Donald Trump’s approval rating has reached the highest point of his presidency.

According to a New Washington Post-ABC Poll, 44 percent of Americans approve of his job performance. The poll shows 53 percent disapprove.

The approval number is up five points since April.

The economy served as the only issue where a majority said they approve of the president’s performance with 51 percent.

The survey was conducted with President Trump was in Japan for the G-20 Summit.

The poll shows 42 percent said they disapprove of Trump’s handling of the economy.

President Trump’s approval rating has reached highest point of presidency, new polls shows

I generally don’t post polls especially so early in the campaign, but I was wondering about the divisiveness in the country, what should we expect from these polls? Who are the most likely to vote?

With the fervor of the left, we would expect the left to be the most likely to show up at the polls or would it be the “silent majority” as in 2016? Trump is killing it in campaign funds and his crowds outscore the Democrat all candidates combines.

Does that make a difference? Those on the left that come out with their face covered, are there more of them, than conservatives?
...and out come the talking points. Blah blah blah... blaah blah blah

It has become the catechism of every Trumptard and Republican in the country. Unemployment and economy--they roll it out as if those are the only things that matter in the world. I've been alive and working long enough to know that the jobs aren't offering benefits like they used to our access to healthcare is a disaster now, and can we please remember that unemployment is counted by the number of people filing claims, not the number of people who are not working or working some shit job like greeter at WalMart?

and can we please remember that unemployment is counted by the number of people filing claims

Can we please put this lie to bed already. Unemployment claims have nothing whatsoever to do with BLS figures.

Thanks for correcting me, FA_Q2. How is it determined?
God help us all. I'm going to hang on to the 53% who disapprove and trust that the country has learned its lesson about voting for a reality tv celebrity.
unless you're living under a rock you would know America is better off now than it was 3 years ago.
Is it really? Lots of jobs but crummy benefits, $3,000 deductibles on your health insurance, the cost of everything continuing to go up. Good thing so many are working. They need it.

Trump is an ignorant cuss when it comes to anything outside his area of expertise--real estate and tv ratings. He doesn't bother to get informed, either, confident he knows more than anyone else.

- He pushed for detaining everyone seeking asylum at the border, with no thought to how he was going to house these families. That is just plain stupid.

- He thinks the Continental Army was named for George Washington?

- He half listens to Fox News and then forgets half of what he heard and goes on national television and talks about it. ("You look at what's happening last night in Sweden. Sweden! Who would believe this?")

He changes his mind and does 180 reversals in a matter of days. He upholds Putin's lies at a press conference televised around the world and has the cajones to later tell the world 'would' meant 'wouldn't.' Yeah, only he believed that one.

Usually the "lies" Trump tells are just uninformed inaccuracies that I'm sure he doesn't intentionally drop on the American public. But there are plenty of real ones, too. (And here is where all the conservatives run in with "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.")

So that's just a couple of examples of why I call him stupid and why I don't like him or trust him. You can remind me of the vast amount of money in my wallet (not) but I'm not buying it, guys. Sorry. And no more of this hard sell on what a great job he's doing, okay? It's about to make me lose my breakfast.
God help us all. I'm going to hang on to the 53% who disapprove and trust that the country has learned its lesson about voting for a reality tv celebrity.
unless you're living under a rock you would know America is better off now than it was 3 years ago.
You know our haters don't care about America or Americans. They only know that they hate and are miserable and that they even hate anyone and everyone who does not share their hate-filled misery.

Some of 'em even recognize they are sick puppies yet they continue to wallow in their mental & emotional distress as though enjoy it. They seem addicted.

They would much prefer the US crash & burn than succeed & prosper with Trump as our Prez.
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Well, not really. To get accurate numbers you probably have to add 5% to Trumps numbers.
The most accurate polls I have seen are rally turnout crowds
Particularly when compared to the Dem hopefuls' crowds. Then there is the not-so-small matter of enthusiasm and fun the Dems never seem to be having.

And finally there are the campaign contributions.
God help us all. I'm going to hang on to the 53% who disapprove and trust that the country has learned its lesson about voting for a reality tv celebrity.
So is that how you made you money....reality TV?

How did "The President" even get to the point where Millions of people would watch The Apprentice.?

And what have you done with your pathetic hate filled life?
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The most accurate polls I have seen are rally turnout crowds
That's strange, since Hillary's crowds were much smaller than Trump's yet she still received more votes.
And still lost the election!!! Imagine how much the loser one must be to accomplish that feat. Woo.

Shrillary's war chest was 3 times that of Trump.

$1.1 billion bought her a lot of votes … in places where people sell their votes. :lol:


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