President Trump’s approval rating has reached highest point of presidency, new polls shows

God help us all. I'm going to hang on to the 53% who disapprove and trust that the country has learned its lesson about voting for a reality tv celebrity.

Not to worry, there's still Canada or Cuba.
God help us all. I'm going to hang on to the 53% who disapprove and trust that the country has learned its lesson about voting for a reality tv celebrity.
congress hasnt hit 30% approval in ten years....and everyone is worried about trump?....this is the worst congress maybe ever,some of the worst people ever in there right now......
What has Congress got to do with it?
President Trump’s approval rating has reached highest point of presidency, new polls shows

WASHINGTON (WJHL) – President Donald Trump’s approval rating has reached the highest point of his presidency.

According to a New Washington Post-ABC Poll, 44 percent of Americans approve of his job performance. The poll shows 53 percent disapprove.

The approval number is up five points since April.

The economy served as the only issue where a majority said they approve of the president’s performance with 51 percent.

The survey was conducted with President Trump was in Japan for the G-20 Summit.

The poll shows 42 percent said they disapprove of Trump’s handling of the economy.

President Trump’s approval rating has reached highest point of presidency, new polls shows

I generally don’t post polls especially so early in the campaign, but I was wondering about the divisiveness in the country, what should we expect from these polls? Who are the most likely to vote?

With the fervor of the left, we would expect the left to be the most likely to show up at the polls or would it be the “silent majority” as in 2016? Trump is killing it in campaign funds and his crowds outscore the Democrat all candidates combines.

Does that make a difference? Those on the left that come out with their face covered, are there more of them, than conservatives?
Highest point of his *presidency* and still under 45%.

Don't be laughing. I want it in the 30's, if that.
Old Lady, what is it that bothers you about Trump? The lowest unemployment figures? The number of jobs created? Our tax cut? Record highs of stock market?Manufacturing soared 33% high? Housing sales up? Defeating Isis?

And don't start that Obama did any of this...all he did was work on Obamacare and lied about that.
He's stupid. He has a shitty attitude toward refugees and immigrants. He's rude and unpresidential and he's an old pig. He thinks making "friends" with dictators and murderers is a personal achievement. And he's stupid.
Worse than that, he's a F'N MORON. Just ask Rex Tillerson.

And don't forget his 1st great achievement with Carrier.
President Trump’s approval rating has reached highest point of presidency, new polls shows

WASHINGTON (WJHL) – President Donald Trump’s approval rating has reached the highest point of his presidency.

According to a New Washington Post-ABC Poll, 44 percent of Americans approve of his job performance. The poll shows 53 percent disapprove.

The approval number is up five points since April.

The economy served as the only issue where a majority said they approve of the president’s performance with 51 percent.

The survey was conducted with President Trump was in Japan for the G-20 Summit.

The poll shows 42 percent said they disapprove of Trump’s handling of the economy.

President Trump’s approval rating has reached highest point of presidency, new polls shows

I generally don’t post polls especially so early in the campaign, but I was wondering about the divisiveness in the country, what should we expect from these polls? Who are the most likely to vote?

With the fervor of the left, we would expect the left to be the most likely to show up at the polls or would it be the “silent majority” as in 2016? Trump is killing it in campaign funds and his crowds outscore the Democrat all candidates combines.

Does that make a difference? Those on the left that come out with their face covered, are there more of them, than conservatives?
Highest point of his *presidency* and still under 45%.

Don't be laughing. I want it in the 30's, if that.
Old Lady, what is it that bothers you about Trump? The lowest unemployment figures? The number of jobs created? Our tax cut? Record highs of stock market?Manufacturing soared 33% high? Housing sales up? Defeating Isis?

And don't start that Obama did any of this...all he did was work on Obamacare and lied about that.
He's stupid. He has a shitty attitude toward refugees and immigrants. He's rude and unpresidential and he's an old pig. He thinks making "friends" with dictators and murderers is a personal achievement. And he's stupid.
Stupid? Not true, the man has given the U.S. the greatest economy in decades. You talk like Trump is trying to stop legal immigration. This country allows more ligal immigrants than any other country. When you enter this country illegally you are breaking Federal laws and need to be incarcerated until you are deported.
As for refugees, they are required to seek asylum in the first country they enter after leaving their home country. Why is it you don’t think all these refugees should follow international law but we should welcome them ang grant them all the benefits of legal citizens.
Should we not seek to have cordial relationships withthe leaders of foreign governments? We don’t elect the leaders of these nations but have to dealeiththem as they are. Would you rether be at war with North Korea? Trump has defused the conflict we were heading to with the policies of the last few Presidents. Trump has accomplished the impossible. Hehas us on a path that willlead to normalising relations with North Korea instead ofwar.
President Trump’s approval rating has reached highest point of presidency, new polls shows

WASHINGTON (WJHL) – President Donald Trump’s approval rating has reached the highest point of his presidency.

According to a New Washington Post-ABC Poll, 44 percent of Americans approve of his job performance. The poll shows 53 percent disapprove.

The approval number is up five points since April.

The economy served as the only issue where a majority said they approve of the president’s performance with 51 percent.

The survey was conducted with President Trump was in Japan for the G-20 Summit.

The poll shows 42 percent said they disapprove of Trump’s handling of the economy.

President Trump’s approval rating has reached highest point of presidency, new polls shows

I generally don’t post polls especially so early in the campaign, but I was wondering about the divisiveness in the country, what should we expect from these polls? Who are the most likely to vote?

With the fervor of the left, we would expect the left to be the most likely to show up at the polls or would it be the “silent majority” as in 2016? Trump is killing it in campaign funds and his crowds outscore the Democrat all candidates combines.

Does that make a difference? Those on the left that come out with their face covered, are there more of them, than conservatives?
Highest point of his *presidency* and still under 45%.

Don't be laughing. I want it in the 30's, if that.
Old Lady, what is it that bothers you about Trump? The lowest unemployment figures? The number of jobs created? Our tax cut? Record highs of stock market?Manufacturing soared 33% high? Housing sales up? Defeating Isis?

And don't start that Obama did any of this...all he did was work on Obamacare and lied about that.
He's stupid. He has a shitty attitude toward refugees and immigrants. He's rude and unpresidential and he's an old pig. He thinks making "friends" with dictators and murderers is a personal achievement. And he's stupid.
Stupid? Not true, the man has given the U.S. the greatest economy in decades. You talk like Trump is trying to stop legal immigration. This country allows more ligal immigrants than any other country. When you enter this country illegally you are breaking Federal laws and need to be incarcerated until you are deported.
As for refugees, they are required to seek asylum in the first country they enter after leaving their home country. Why is it you don’t think all these refugees should follow international law but we should welcome them ang grant them all the benefits of legal citizens.
Should we not seek to have cordial relationships withthe leaders of foreign governments? We don’t elect the leaders of these nations but have to dealeiththem as they are. Would you rether be at war with North Korea? Trump has defused the conflict we were heading to with the policies of the last few Presidents. Trump has accomplished the impossible. Hehas us on a path that willlead to normalising relations with North Korea instead ofwar.
Who are you really, Kelly Ann Conway?
Highest point of his *presidency* and still under 45%.

Don't be laughing. I want it in the 30's, if that.
Old Lady, what is it that bothers you about Trump? The lowest unemployment figures? The number of jobs created? Our tax cut? Record highs of stock market?Manufacturing soared 33% high? Housing sales up? Defeating Isis?

And don't start that Obama did any of this...all he did was work on Obamacare and lied about that.
He's stupid. He has a shitty attitude toward refugees and immigrants. He's rude and unpresidential and he's an old pig. He thinks making "friends" with dictators and murderers is a personal achievement. And he's stupid.
Stupid? Not true, the man has given the U.S. the greatest economy in decades. You talk like Trump is trying to stop legal immigration. This country allows more ligal immigrants than any other country. When you enter this country illegally you are breaking Federal laws and need to be incarcerated until you are deported.
As for refugees, they are required to seek asylum in the first country they enter after leaving their home country. Why is it you don’t think all these refugees should follow international law but we should welcome them ang grant them all the benefits of legal citizens.
Should we not seek to have cordial relationships withthe leaders of foreign governments? We don’t elect the leaders of these nations but have to dealeiththem as they are. Would you rether be at war with North Korea? Trump has defused the conflict we were heading to with the policies of the last few Presidents. Trump has accomplished the impossible. Hehas us on a path that willlead to normalising relations with North Korea instead ofwar.
Who are you really, Kelly Ann Conway?
I don’t know who you are asking but if it’s me I will tellyou who I am.
A level headed American Viet Nam vetwho has not been driven insane with TDS.
God help us all. I'm going to hang on to the 53% who disapprove and trust that the country has learned its lesson about voting for a reality tv celebrity.
Yanno, it must be no fun to cry yourself to sleep every night, awake on the miserable side of the bed every morning, and hate a man you don't even know all day long but I suppose haters gotta hate. Can you take any solace from the fact that America and Americans are doing pretty well or are you just too bitter to enjoy our success & prosperity?
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
No wonder you bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans y'all consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
Last edited:
President Trump’s approval rating has reached highest point of presidency, new polls shows

WASHINGTON (WJHL) – President Donald Trump’s approval rating has reached the highest point of his presidency.

According to a New Washington Post-ABC Poll, 44 percent of Americans approve of his job performance. The poll shows 53 percent disapprove.

The approval number is up five points since April.

The economy served as the only issue where a majority said they approve of the president’s performance with 51 percent.

The survey was conducted with President Trump was in Japan for the G-20 Summit.

The poll shows 42 percent said they disapprove of Trump’s handling of the economy.

President Trump’s approval rating has reached highest point of presidency, new polls shows

I generally don’t post polls especially so early in the campaign, but I was wondering about the divisiveness in the country, what should we expect from these polls? Who are the most likely to vote?

With the fervor of the left, we would expect the left to be the most likely to show up at the polls or would it be the “silent majority” as in 2016? Trump is killing it in campaign funds and his crowds outscore the Democrat all candidates combines.

Does that make a difference? Those on the left that come out with their face covered, are there more of them, than conservatives?
Highest point of his *presidency* and still under 45%. Lmao.
And still POTUS


President Trump’s approval rating has reached highest point of presidency, new polls shows

WASHINGTON (WJHL) – President Donald Trump’s approval rating has reached the highest point of his presidency.

According to a New Washington Post-ABC Poll, 44 percent of Americans approve of his job performance. The poll shows 53 percent disapprove.

The approval number is up five points since April.

The economy served as the only issue where a majority said they approve of the president’s performance with 51 percent.

The survey was conducted with President Trump was in Japan for the G-20 Summit.

The poll shows 42 percent said they disapprove of Trump’s handling of the economy.

President Trump’s approval rating has reached highest point of presidency, new polls shows

I generally don’t post polls especially so early in the campaign, but I was wondering about the divisiveness in the country, what should we expect from these polls? Who are the most likely to vote?

With the fervor of the left, we would expect the left to be the most likely to show up at the polls or would it be the “silent majority” as in 2016? Trump is killing it in campaign funds and his crowds outscore the Democrat all candidates combines.

Does that make a difference? Those on the left that come out with their face covered, are there more of them, than conservatives?
Highest point of his *presidency* and still under 45%.

Don't be laughing. I want it in the 30's, if that.
Old Lady, what is it that bothers you about Trump? The lowest unemployment figures? The number of jobs created? Our tax cut? Record highs of stock market?Manufacturing soared 33% high? Housing sales up? Defeating Isis?

And don't start that Obama did any of this...all he did was work on Obamacare and lied about that.
Where do you see a 33% rise in manufacturing under trump? It went from 12,368,000 in January, 2017; to 12,854,000 last month...

BLS: Manufacturing

That's an increase of 3.9%, not 33%.
Old Lady, what is it that bothers you about Trump? The lowest unemployment figures? The number of jobs created? Our tax cut? Record highs of stock market?Manufacturing soared 33% high? Housing sales up? Defeating Isis?...
All of the above. Haters gotta hate this Prez even though we are doing well. In fact, that we are doing well just further infuriates them.
Economy was good when he took over. Unemployment was.low.when he took over...
... I hate Trump ... blah ... blah ... blah...

FFS are you still stuck on "it's Obama's economy," Snowflake? :laughing0301:
God help us all. I'm going to hang on to the 53% who disapprove and trust that the country has learned its lesson about voting for a reality tv celebrity.
congress hasnt hit 30% approval in ten years....and everyone is worried about trump?....this is the worst congress maybe ever,some of the worst people ever in there right now......

Congress's approval rating hasn't hit 30% in 10 years. That's a record - CNNPolitics
Jun 1, 2019 - A new Gallup poll shows that just 20% of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing. The vast majority, 75%, disapprove of the job ...
God help us all. I'm going to hang on to the 53% who disapprove and trust that the country has learned its lesson about voting for a reality tv celebrity.
Not to worry, there's still Canada or Cuba.
Funny that no matter how awful our loony-leftards claim this country is not one of 'em packs and leaves.

And ILLEGAL immigrants vote with their feet ... literally.
God help us all. I'm going to hang on to the 53% who disapprove and trust that the country has learned its lesson about voting for a reality tv celebrity.
congress hasnt hit 30% approval in ten years....and everyone is worried about trump?....this is the worst congress maybe ever,some of the worst people ever in there right now......

Congress's approval rating hasn't hit 30% in 10 years. That's a record - CNNPolitics
Jun 1, 2019 - A new Gallup poll shows that just 20% of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing. The vast majority, 75%, disapprove of the job ...
And Gallup also shows 38% of those polled approve of the job Democrats are doing compared to 31% approval of Republicans.

Congress and the Public
God help us all. I'm going to hang on to the 53% who disapprove and trust that the country has learned its lesson about voting for a reality tv celebrity.
congress hasnt hit 30% approval in ten years....and everyone is worried about trump?....this is the worst congress maybe ever,some of the worst people ever in there right now......

Congress's approval rating hasn't hit 30% in 10 years. That's a record - CNNPolitics
Jun 1, 2019 - A new Gallup poll shows that just 20% of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing. The vast majority, 75%, disapprove of the job ...
And Gallup also shows 38% of those polled approve of the job Democrats are doing compared to 31% approval of Republicans.

Congress and the Public
38% of Americans are Democrats and so filled with hate for Trump they would have approved of Hitler in April 1945.
God help us all. I'm going to hang on to the 53% who disapprove and trust that the country has learned its lesson about voting for a reality tv celebrity.

Outside of NY and Cali, Trumps approval is much higher than disapproval.

So glad Hillary lost and I pray that racist Biden wins the nomination.
President Trump’s approval rating has reached highest point of presidency, new polls shows

WASHINGTON (WJHL) – President Donald Trump’s approval rating has reached the highest point of his presidency.

According to a New Washington Post-ABC Poll, 44 percent of Americans approve of his job performance. The poll shows 53 percent disapprove.

The approval number is up five points since April.

The economy served as the only issue where a majority said they approve of the president’s performance with 51 percent.

The survey was conducted with President Trump was in Japan for the G-20 Summit.

The poll shows 42 percent said they disapprove of Trump’s handling of the economy.

President Trump’s approval rating has reached highest point of presidency, new polls shows

I generally don’t post polls especially so early in the campaign, but I was wondering about the divisiveness in the country, what should we expect from these polls? Who are the most likely to vote?

With the fervor of the left, we would expect the left to be the most likely to show up at the polls or would it be the “silent majority” as in 2016? Trump is killing it in campaign funds and his crowds outscore the Democrat all candidates combines.

Does that make a difference? Those on the left that come out with their face covered, are there more of them, than conservatives?
Highest point of his *presidency* and still under 45%.

Don't be laughing. I want it in the 30's, if that.
Old Lady, what is it that bothers you about Trump? The lowest unemployment figures? The number of jobs created? Our tax cut? Record highs of stock market?Manufacturing soared 33% high? Housing sales up? Defeating Isis?

And don't start that Obama did any of this...all he did was work on Obamacare and lied about that.
Economy was good when he took over. Unemployment was.low.when he took over. Job creation has lagged in recent months. Stock market has been essentially flat for the last 18 months or so. Manufactured 33% of what? Housing sales are actually down. Isis isn't really defeated and most of the damage was done by Russia anyway.

Stop posting this easily disproven nonsense.
Socialism and prosperity have never mixed in the history of the planet… Socialism always fucks over the individual
Ah, no intelligent response then?

I didn't think so.

tenor (6).gif

^Rusty hears socialism in the night^
God help us all. I'm going to hang on to the 53% who disapprove and trust that the country has learned its lesson about voting for a reality tv celebrity.
congress hasnt hit 30% approval in ten years....and everyone is worried about trump?....this is the worst congress maybe ever,some of the worst people ever in there right now......

Congress's approval rating hasn't hit 30% in 10 years. That's a record - CNNPolitics
Jun 1, 2019 - A new Gallup poll shows that just 20% of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing. The vast majority, 75%, disapprove of the job ...
And Gallup also shows 38% of those polled approve of the job Democrats are doing compared to 31% approval of Republicans.

Congress and the Public
38% of Americans are Democrats and so filled with hate for Trump they would have approved of Hitler in April 1945.
Why lie? Only 27% of Americans are Democrats.

Party Affiliation
President Trump’s approval rating has reached highest point of presidency, new polls shows

WASHINGTON (WJHL) – President Donald Trump’s approval rating has reached the highest point of his presidency.

According to a New Washington Post-ABC Poll, 44 percent of Americans approve of his job performance. The poll shows 53 percent disapprove.

The approval number is up five points since April.

The economy served as the only issue where a majority said they approve of the president’s performance with 51 percent.

The survey was conducted with President Trump was in Japan for the G-20 Summit.

The poll shows 42 percent said they disapprove of Trump’s handling of the economy.

President Trump’s approval rating has reached highest point of presidency, new polls shows

I generally don’t post polls especially so early in the campaign, but I was wondering about the divisiveness in the country, what should we expect from these polls? Who are the most likely to vote?

With the fervor of the left, we would expect the left to be the most likely to show up at the polls or would it be the “silent majority” as in 2016? Trump is killing it in campaign funds and his crowds outscore the Democrat all candidates combines.

Does that make a difference? Those on the left that come out with their face covered, are there more of them, than conservatives?
Highest point of his *presidency* and still under 45%.

congress hasnt reached 30% in ten should be laughing at them....
tRump is the only president in history to never reach a 50% approval rating, that's all the amusement I need.
God help us all. I'm going to hang on to the 53% who disapprove and trust that the country has learned its lesson about voting for a reality tv celebrity.
congress hasnt hit 30% approval in ten years....and everyone is worried about trump?....this is the worst congress maybe ever,some of the worst people ever in there right now......
What has Congress got to do with it?
who makes the decisions on how this country works?...who decides what laws you will be following?.....and you dont know why congress matters?...these useless pieces of shit havent seen 30% in years,while in that same approval poll, trump has been around 40% since he has been there....this Congress can only imagine what 40% is like...trump may not be here 2 years from now but this congress will be....

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