President Trump's Approval Rating

MSNBC bobble head Trump-haters have been laughing and sneering at the "Orange Clown". They are constantly yelling about how low Trump's approval rating is.
NOW watch them try to spin the latest numbers just out.
"It's only one poll!".
Fucking losers!
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Yeah, but, but, but...."that poll can't be accurate because I still hate him and so does all six of my whacked-out friends."
MSNBC bobble head Trump-haters have been laughing and sneering at the "Orange Clown". They are constantly yelling about how low Trump's approval rating is.
NOW watch them try to spin the latest numbers just out.
"It's only one poll!".
Fucking losers!
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Agent Orange's approval numbers remain dismal, Razzymussen 'polls' remains irrelevant

bigly sad
MSNBC bobble head Trump-haters have been laughing and sneering at the "Orange Clown". They are constantly yelling about how low Trump's approval rating is.
NOW watch them try to spin the latest numbers just out.
"It's only one poll!".
Fucking losers!
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

You don't believe the polls are legitimate, foreigner. You don't get to use them when you like them, at least not without well deserved ridicule.
At a Hollywood sushi bar: "I still can't understand why Hillary lost! Everyone I know voted for her!".
Here's how Rasmussen in their own words explains why their presidential approval numbers are consistently higher than standard method pollsters:

Rasmussen offered this explanation:

When comparing Job Approval ratings between different polling firms, it's important to focus on trends rather than absolute numbers. One reason for this is that different firms ask Job Approval questions in different ways.

At Rasmussen Reports, we ask if people Strongly Approve, Somewhat Approve, Somewhat Disapprove, or Strongly Disapprove of the way the President is performing his job.

This approach, in the current political environment, yields results about 3-4 points higher than if we simply ask if people if they approve or disapprove (we have tested this by asking the question both ways on the same night).

Presumably, this is because some people who are a bit uncomfortable saying they "Approve" are willing to say they "Somewhat Approve." It's worth noting that, with our approach, virtually nobody offers a "Not Sure" response when asked about the President.

Mystery Pollster: Rasmussen Update: A Lesson in Measurement Error
Here's how Rasmussen in their own words explains why their presidential approval numbers are consistently higher than standard method pollsters:

Rasmussen offered this explanation:

When comparing Job Approval ratings between different polling firms, it's important to focus on trends rather than absolute numbers. One reason for this is that different firms ask Job Approval questions in different ways.

At Rasmussen Reports, we ask if people Strongly Approve, Somewhat Approve, Somewhat Disapprove, or Strongly Disapprove of the way the President is performing his job.

This approach, in the current political environment, yields results about 3-4 points higher than if we simply ask if people if they approve or disapprove (we have tested this by asking the question both ways on the same night).

Presumably, this is because some people who are a bit uncomfortable saying they "Approve" are willing to say they "Somewhat Approve." It's worth noting that, with our approach, virtually nobody offers a "Not Sure" response when asked about the President.

Mystery Pollster: Rasmussen Update: A Lesson in Measurement Error
That's all you got????????? HAAA HAAAAA! So when Ras. was putting Hillary's poll numbers up they too were 3-4 points higher?
Fucking habitual LIB LOSER!!!!!
Still trying to sell your 'Hands Up Don't Shoot' hoodie?
Here's how Rasmussen in their own words explains why their presidential approval numbers are consistently higher than standard method pollsters:

Rasmussen offered this explanation:

When comparing Job Approval ratings between different polling firms, it's important to focus on trends rather than absolute numbers. One reason for this is that different firms ask Job Approval questions in different ways.

At Rasmussen Reports, we ask if people Strongly Approve, Somewhat Approve, Somewhat Disapprove, or Strongly Disapprove of the way the President is performing his job.

This approach, in the current political environment, yields results about 3-4 points higher than if we simply ask if people if they approve or disapprove (we have tested this by asking the question both ways on the same night).

Presumably, this is because some people who are a bit uncomfortable saying they "Approve" are willing to say they "Somewhat Approve." It's worth noting that, with our approach, virtually nobody offers a "Not Sure" response when asked about the President.

Mystery Pollster: Rasmussen Update: A Lesson in Measurement Error
That's all you got????????? HAAA HAAAAA! So when Ras. was putting Hillary's poll numbers up they too were 3-4 points higher?
Fucking habitual LIB LOSER!!!!!
Still trying to sell your 'Hands Up Don't Shoot' hoodie?

Go argue with Rasmussen, it's their statement. Go call them liars, lol.

Oh, btw, why didn't you cite the POLL AVERAGE, which has Trump at 42%? Wouldn't that be more accurate?
MSNBC bobble head Trump-haters have been laughing and sneering at the "Orange Clown". They are constantly yelling about how low Trump's approval rating is.
NOW watch them try to spin the latest numbers just out.
"It's only one poll!".
Fucking losers!
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™
You think it is a positive sign that a single poll claims only half the people polled disapprove of trump all these months after he has been on the job? Sounds like you are setting the bar pretty low.
50% libs eat it :eusa_dance:

It's pathetic that the US is on the verge of global nuclear war with Russia, China and Korea, and you're celebrating his poll numbers.

The whole reason your orange clown started bombing people is that fools like you get excited about blowing things up. Congratulations, it worked.

Now about this global nuclear war thing.
Regardless of how much bloody lipstick one puts on the Orange Pig, the fact of the matter is that the Ego-in-Chief has been underwater with the American People since his election and his appeal is gradually trending DOWN!
50% libs eat it :eusa_dance:

It's pathetic that the US is on the verge of global nuclear war with Russia, China and Korea, and you're celebrating his poll numbers.

The whole reason your orange clown started bombing people is that fools like you get excited about blowing things up. Congratulations, it worked.

Now about this global nuclear war thing.

Its pathetic that you libs LIE about the US being on the verge of global nuclear war, thank God we defeated you in the election.

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