President Trump's audience laughs at him at UN General Assembly

Yes but the world also sees who put this POS in power. I would never put faith in America again, knowing now what a large percentage of our population are hateful bigots that would vote for this man and his policies. The repercussions will be great and widespread.
No. They voted for him because he lied to them. Republicans of been lying for years. It’s a party of Alt white and Nazis and KKK. Naturally they lie about anything. They know it’s the only way to get people to follow them. Well people beyond racists and bigots

Have you ever gotten the opportunity to speak to someone who voted for Trump? Not a challenge but a real question. (Full disclosure, I did not.)They speak of fear that the world they knew is being ripped away from them and on that account they are correct. The world is changing very quickly and people who felt that they were powerful within their society are feeling less so. That is not a defense but instead is meant to show that many of these folks legitimately feel like they are making a last stand to preserve their own relevance. Some of the most respectful and caring people I know voted for him. They wanted him to stand up for the world of the past that will soon become archaic at best and and irrelevant at worst. And yes, welcome to club white, middle class, non-college educated, Roseanne Barr-loving folks, but to ignore that pain is to instigate that population into more extreme behaviors. The folks who have gotten violent at Trump rallies may have been misguided, but they also felt a real sense of urgency when confronted by someone, in person, saying what we all fear, “You and your ideas don’t matter”. So let us dismiss the ideals of ignorance but not dismiss the people who are constrained by them. If most Trump voters were given a detailed account of Huey Long’s rise and fall, I believe they may see that the Emperor is indeed naked.

You're a moron. No offense.

Fair enough, now tell me why you think I’m a moron. It would be great if you would include more information so that maybe I could see where my thinking is wrong.

I'm not interested in your cartoon version of reality. I'm a Trump supporter, I'm a real person. There are many like me here at USMB: real people supporting Trump.

There are also 2 Progressives here at USMB who run about 30 separate sock accounts each on any given day

First, not sure what the “I’m a real person” statement means. Didn’t realize I was calling that into question.
Also, please explain how my version of reality is a cartoon. I have no idea what brought you to support President Trump, nor do you have any idea why I did not vote for him. I was not trying to explain why every person who voted for President Trump did so, I was simply suggesting that the passion people are feeling is justified and should not be dismissed as baseless nor ignored.
Now, if your support for the president is justified, then correct my errors in logic. If you just call people names not only can they not see your point of view but they also get very little to understand why you find their opinions so objectionable.
The US is a great country, probably the greatest. What will allow us to continue to enjoy living in such country is if people with differing ideas share them and honestly point out disagreements. It is possible for two thoughtful and caring people to come to alternate conclusions. I mean no offense and if I have a truly apologize.
That being said, it should get our attention as Americans if world leaders laugh at our president. That is not to say he deserved to be laughed at but it should give us pause. I welcome any feedback as to where you see my thinking as flawed, but please be kind enough to explain why.
Trump gets unexpected laugh at UN

"In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in our country" - Trump

Audience starts laughing

Trump responds, didn't expect that reaction, but thats okay and starts laughing too.

He is being ripped to shreds on Facebook, people calling him an embarrassment and disgrace

The President is a hilarious guy.

I haven't heard the speech, but those who have believe it was tremendous. Uncle Nooty says it was one of the President's greatest speeches, El Rushbo says it was a "grand slam home run", Great American Sean Hannity intends to rebroadcast the speech in its entirety.
Actually, no. Thats just the voices from the media in your head.
Really? Trump says fuck you to the world and we`ll do our own thing. How does that differ from what NK`s been doing for decades?

We're a sovereign nation. We can do whatever we want. Thats why the world hates us.
The world hates Trump
all except a few million idiots in America

We know, the left hates Trump and America.
WRONG BROWN NOSE'''''We hate the scum Trump and love America You are the ones that let the POS get away with murder Wait till the ah's trade war puts a dent in your income along with his tariffs
Trump gets unexpected laugh at UN

"In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in our country" - Trump

Audience starts laughing

Trump responds, didn't expect that reaction, but thats okay and starts laughing too.

He is being ripped to shreds on Facebook, people calling him an embarrassment and disgrace

Just go to his Twitter feed if you want to see him bleeding from the eyes and torn to pieces.
The majority of Americans hate the motherfucker.

Every day Twitter and FB shut down pro-Trump voices. Why on earth would we take facebook/twitter mobs as anything like *representative* of the citizens of this country?

Every fb employee has a dozen fb accounts. Every google employee has multiple accounts. The screeching of the trolls on the internet is no longer relevant, or at no longer considered in any way, shape or form to be representative of reality.

Just as we all know the leftist media lies and fabricates, we likewise understand that the left's internet presence means NOTHING.
Trump gets unexpected laugh at UN

"In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in our country" - Trump

Audience starts laughing

Trump responds, didn't expect that reaction, but thats okay and starts laughing too.

He is being ripped to shreds on Facebook, people calling him an embarrassment and disgrace

The President is a hilarious guy.

I haven't heard the speech, but those who have believe it was tremendous. Uncle Nooty says it was one of the President's greatest speeches, El Rushbo says it was a "grand slam home run", Great American Sean Hannity intends to rebroadcast the speech in its entirety.

Self-delusion is like an addictive drug. You have to "hook" other losers into it so you don't look like the only one buying the bullshit. Enter Inanity and Limblob. The latter's already an addict so one more is easy peasy lemon Kool Aid. Whoops, make that orange.
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Really? Trump says fuck you to the world and we`ll do our own thing. How does that differ from what NK`s been doing for decades?

We're a sovereign nation. We can do whatever we want. Thats why the world hates us.
The world hates Trump
all except a few million idiots in America

We know, the left hates Trump and America.
WRONG BROWN NOSE'''''We hate the scum Trump and love America You are the ones that let the POS get away with murder Wait till the ah's trade war puts a dent in your income along with his tariffs
No, you hate America. Or you wouldn't hate Trump.

Leftists hate America. They hate Trump because he supports the Constitution and our people...that is why the left hates him, and that is what makes them anti-American. You can't hate every good thing about America and then pretend to be "pro American" you imbecile marxist dope.
We're a sovereign nation. We can do whatever we want. Thats why the world hates us.
The world hates Trump
all except a few million idiots in America

We know, the left hates Trump and America.
WRONG BROWN NOSE'''''We hate the scum Trump and love America You are the ones that let the POS get away with murder Wait till the ah's trade war puts a dent in your income along with his tariffs
No, you hate America. Or you wouldn't hate Trump.

Leftists hate America. They hate Trump because he supports the Constitution and our people...that is why the left hates him, and that is what makes them anti-American. You can't hate every good thing about America and then pretend to be "pro American" you imbecile marxist dope.
we love america ,,,we hate bullies ,pussy grabbing perverts liars and the rich that cheat those working for them ,,,,we hate braggarts and racists and those that betray our nation by dealing with it's enemies like putin now do you understand kosher?
we love america ,,,we hate bullies ,pussy grabbing perverts liars and the rich that cheat those working for them ,,,,we hate braggarts and racists and those that betray our nation by dealing with it's enemies like putin now do you understand kosher?

The Big O and Mrs. C dealt with Uncle Pooty, ed.

She did the "RESET" button stunt and sold away much of our uranium reserves.

He told Putin's Second Fiddle "Tell Vlad, I'll have more flexibility to kiss his Russian ass after the election"
Well, Trump has accomplished quite a bit in his first two years, maybe more than any other administration.
Having said that, who really cares what a bunch of authoritarian countries have to say?
I'll bet they will continue to have their hands out for the US dollar.
Increasing deficits counts as an accomplishment?
That is really rich, a liberal posting about increased deficits. :auiqs.jpg:
Im an independent. Rich is any republicans claiming to be fiscally responsible!
Independents can't be liberal? :auiqs.jpg:
And what way do you mean liberal? I’m fiscally responsible and believe in balanced budgets. I guess that is liberal now, repubs sure have thrown it out.

I have never seen an republican president end his presidency with a lower deficit than when he started. Same with the national debt.

reagan started with 74 billion in deficit in 1981 when he became president. That deficit was 221 billion when reagan left office. A new historic high

The first bush started with 221 billion in deficit. That deficit was 290 billion when he left office. A new historic high.

Clinton started with 290 billion in deficit. That deficit turned into a surplus of 236 billion when Clinton left office. NOTICE THE DEMOCRAT ELIMINATED THAT DEFICIT AND TURNED IT INTO A SURPLUS.

The bush boy started with a balanced budget with 236 billion in surplus in 2001. The bush boy squandered that surplus to turn it into 1.4 TRILLION in deficit. A new historic record.

Obama started with 1.4 trillion in deficit. In 8 years he slashed it down to 500 and something billion dollars. HE DECREASED THAT DEFICIT BY NEARLY ONE TRILLION DOLLARS.

All of those presidents increased the national debt. Some faster than others. I will say that Clinton had started to pay off that national debt then left a plan for the nation to be out of debt by 2010. Too bad the bush boy trashed it and more than doubled the debt Clinton handed him.

The republican economic policy has always been very irresponsible and always adds to our budget deficit and national debt and always at a much faster rate than democratic presidents.

The truth is the republicans have never been economically or fiscally responsible. Their economic policies have always ended up destroying or harming our economy very badly.
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The world hates Trump
all except a few million idiots in America

We know, the left hates Trump and America.
WRONG BROWN NOSE'''''We hate the scum Trump and love America You are the ones that let the POS get away with murder Wait till the ah's trade war puts a dent in your income along with his tariffs
No, you hate America. Or you wouldn't hate Trump.

Leftists hate America. They hate Trump because he supports the Constitution and our people...that is why the left hates him, and that is what makes them anti-American. You can't hate every good thing about America and then pretend to be "pro American" you imbecile marxist dope.
we love america ,,,we hate bullies ,pussy grabbing perverts liars and the rich that cheat those working for them ,,,,we hate braggarts and racists and those that betray our nation by dealing with it's enemies like putin now do you understand kosher?

Then you hate the Clintons and the democrats.
We could do this all day long. You believe lies and you support criminals and traitors. That makes you a useful idiot.

People who are so easily lied to deserve whatever comes to them. What is coming to the enemies of the US, both within, and outside, our borders is mental institutions, prison, penury, disgrace.. and for some..death.

Yes, the enemies of the US sneer and laugh.They are the enemies of the US, and the UN is chock full of them.

But they will come to heel. So will you.
Put up an East Side Time Warner type Center on former the UN HQ site

The question is does he feel humiliation?

There is nothing humilitating about exposing a roomful of enemies...who might sneer, laugh, steal, and traffick..but who gladly accept American money and military support.

Which is ending for our enemies..and for those who attack our friends.
That would be 7/8 of the people in that room. The UN is a disgusting conglomerate of tyrants, criminals and reprobates lined up at the American banquet table.
The foreign press is having a field day with this fool of a trumps, UN speech.

Meanwhile, America is back to being the country that everybody wants to live in.

Except for the brainwashed marxists who are littering our streets and government is my fondest hope that THOSE scumbags are executed, or at the very least, deported to foreign prisons somewhere in Haiti or Yemen.
We are isolating ourselves from the rest of the world
If something happens globally...we are on our own
The question is does he feel humiliation?

There is nothing humilitating about exposing a roomful of enemies...who might sneer, laugh, steal, and traffick..but who gladly accept American money and military support.

Which is ending for our enemies..and for those who attack our friends.
That would be 7/8 of the people in that room. The UN is a disgusting conglomerate of tyrants, criminals and reprobates lined up at the American banquet table.
That is the problem with Trump

He considers the world our enemy
The question is does he feel humiliation?


No, and he shouldn't.
The speech is being hailed (by the people who matter) as a tremendous success.

Our enemies, including you, are jeering. So what? You're our enemies..why should we care what you think?
Psst..we don't.
Increasing deficits counts as an accomplishment?
That is really rich, a liberal posting about increased deficits. :auiqs.jpg:
Im an independent. Rich is any republicans claiming to be fiscally responsible!
Independents can't be liberal? :auiqs.jpg:
And what way do you mean liberal? I’m fiscally responsible and believe in balanced budgets. I guess that is liberal now, repubs sure have thrown it out.

I have never seen an republican president end his presidency with a lower deficit than when he started. Same with the national debt.

reagan started with 74 billion in deficit in 1981 when he became president. That deficit was 221 billion when reagan left office. A new historic high

The first bush started with 221 billion in deficit. That deficit was 290 billion when he left office. A new historic high.

Clinton started with 221 billion in deficit. That deficit turned into a surplus of 236 billion when Clinton left office. NOTICE THE DEMOCRAT ELIMINATED THAT DEFICIT AND TURNED IT INTO A SURPLUS.

The bush boy started with a balanced budget with 236 billion in surplus in 2001. The bush boy squandered that surplus to turn it into 1.4 TRILLION in deficit. A new historic record.

Obama started with 1.4 trillion in deficit. In 8 years he slashed it down to 500 and something billion dollars. HE DECREASED THAT DEFICIT BY NEARLY ONE TRILLION DOLLARS.

All of those presidents increased the national debt. Some faster than others. I will say that Clinton had started to pay off that national debt then left a plan for the nation to be out of debt by 2010. Too bad the bush boy trashed it and more than doubled the debt Clinton handed him.

The republican economic policy has always been very irresponsible and always adds to our budget deficit and national debt and always at a much faster rate than democratic presidents.

The truth is the republicans have never been economically or fiscally responsible. Their economic policies have always ended up destroying or harming our economy very badly.
Great post Dana ,,,you could be my new best friend
Told you so the left are traitors. These punks from other countries dare disrespect an American president on our own soil, boot them the fuck out of OUR country.
Trump gets unexpected laugh at UN

"In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in our country" - Trump

Audience starts laughing

Trump responds, didn't expect that reaction, but thats okay and starts laughing too.

He is being ripped to shreds on Facebook, people calling him an embarrassment and disgrace

Imagine how much more embarrassing it would be to have a well respected black man giving the speech.

No well respected black man would give such a bullshit speech: full of lies, contradictions, and bluster.

Trump truly is the laughingstock of the world.
That is really rich, a liberal posting about increased deficits. :auiqs.jpg:
Im an independent. Rich is any republicans claiming to be fiscally responsible!
Independents can't be liberal? :auiqs.jpg:
And what way do you mean liberal? I’m fiscally responsible and believe in balanced budgets. I guess that is liberal now, repubs sure have thrown it out.

I have never seen an republican president end his presidency with a lower deficit than when he started. Same with the national debt.

reagan started with 74 billion in deficit in 1981 when he became president. That deficit was 221 billion when reagan left office. A new historic high

The first bush started with 221 billion in deficit. That deficit was 290 billion when he left office. A new historic high.

Clinton started with 221 billion in deficit. That deficit turned into a surplus of 236 billion when Clinton left office. NOTICE THE DEMOCRAT ELIMINATED THAT DEFICIT AND TURNED IT INTO A SURPLUS.

The bush boy started with a balanced budget with 236 billion in surplus in 2001. The bush boy squandered that surplus to turn it into 1.4 TRILLION in deficit. A new historic record.

Obama started with 1.4 trillion in deficit. In 8 years he slashed it down to 500 and something billion dollars. HE DECREASED THAT DEFICIT BY NEARLY ONE TRILLION DOLLARS.

All of those presidents increased the national debt. Some faster than others. I will say that Clinton had started to pay off that national debt then left a plan for the nation to be out of debt by 2010. Too bad the bush boy trashed it and more than doubled the debt Clinton handed him.

The republican economic policy has always been very irresponsible and always adds to our budget deficit and national debt and always at a much faster rate than democratic presidents.

The truth is the republicans have never been economically or fiscally responsible. Their economic policies have always ended up destroying or harming our economy very badly.
Great post Dana ,,,you could be my new best friend

Well the post was full of bias so not surprising.

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