President Trump's audience laughs at him at UN General Assembly

do you mean that each nation thakes care of itself and its people First . If so thats simply American First and its the way that things should be RWinger .
if every man [or nation] for himself then the USA wins the whole shebang RWinger .
And for what NORMAL people thought...

Trump UN Speech Provides an Inspiring Example of American Leadership
DB Daily Update ^ | David Blackmon

The Evening Campaign Update (Because The Campaign Never Ends)

President Donald Trump was at the UN on Tuesday. There he delivered one of the most grand, soaring and inspirational speeches ever delivered by a U.S. president. It will be largely ignored and/or mis-portrayed by our fake national news media who hate everything this President says or does, but it will not and cannot be ignored by the array of despotic, globalist thugs and grifters who by and large make up the UN general assembly.

The President drew a stark contrast between himself and his four immediate predecessors in the job, standing firmly up for the sovereign rights of America and its people and culture, while at the same time extending the hand of peace and cooperation on terms that, if accepted by the other nations in the room, would be mutually beneficial for everyone. It was a magnificent moment of true American leadership that we could have never expected from Barack Obama or other globalist members of either major U.S. political party.

The full text of the speech can be found here, and I urge everyone to read it. But I want to print the closing 500 words or so here, because they are especially inspiring and do a great job of summing up the major points the President was making today.


Looking around this hall where so much history has transpired, we think of the many before us who have come here to address the challenges of their nations and of their times. And our thoughts turn to the same question that ran through all their speeches and resolutions, through every word and every hope. It is the question of what kind of world will we leave for our children and what kind of nations they will inherit.

The dreams that fill this hall today are as diverse as the people who have stood at this podium, and as varied as the countries represented right here in this body are. It really is something. It really is great, great history.

There is India, a free society over a billion people, successfully lifting countless millions out of poverty and into the middle class.

There is Saudi Arabia, where King Salman and the Crown Prince are pursuing bold new reforms.

There is Israel, proudly celebrating its 70th anniversary as a thriving democracy in the Holy Land.

In Poland, a great people are standing up for their independence, their security, and their sovereignty.

Many countries are pursuing their own unique visions, building their own hopeful futures, and chasing their own wonderful dreams of destiny, of legacy, and of a home.

The whole world is richer, humanity is better, because of this beautiful constellation of nations, each very special, each very unique, and each shining brightly in its part of the world.

In each one, we see awesome promise of a people bound together by a shared past and working toward a common future.

As for Americans, we know what kind of future we want for ourselves. We know what kind of a nation America must always be.

In America, we believe in the majesty of freedom and the dignity of the individual. We believe in self-government and the rule of law. And we prize the culture that sustains our liberty -– a culture built on strong families, deep faith, and fierce independence. We celebrate our heroes, we treasure our traditions, and above all, we love our country.

Inside everyone in this great chamber today, and everyone listening all around the globe, there is the heart of a patriot that feels the same powerful love for your nation, the same intense loyalty to your homeland.

The passion that burns in the hearts of patriots and the souls of nations has inspired reform and revolution, sacrifice and selflessness, scientific breakthroughs, and magnificent works of art.

Our task is not to erase it, but to embrace it. To build with it. To draw on its ancient wisdom. And to find within it the will to make our nations greater, our regions safer, and the world better.

To unleash this incredible potential in our people, we must defend the foundations that make it all possible. Sovereign and independent nations are the only vehicle where freedom has ever survived, democracy has ever endured, or peace has ever prospered. And so we must protect our sovereignty and our cherished independence above all.

When we do, we will find new avenues for cooperation unfolding before us. We will find new passion for peacemaking rising within us. We will find new purpose, new resolve, and new spirit flourishing all around us, and making this a more beautiful world in which to live.

So together, let us choose a future of patriotism, prosperity, and pride. Let us choose peace and freedom over domination and defeat. And let us come here to this place to stand for our people and their nations, forever strong, forever sovereign, forever just, and forever thankful for the grace and the goodness and the glory of God.

Thank you. God bless you. And God bless the nations of the world.


Magnificent. Let it sink in, and then think of what kind of speech would have been delivered to the UN by a President Hillary Clinton. Then, after you’ve done that, thank the good Lord for his divine providence of intervention into the 2016 presidential election, because that’s what it was.

That is all.


Well, Trump got so used to saying that he's got the best administration in the history of this country at his rallies, that he figured that the UN would be willing to swallow his b.s. whole just like his followers.

Only problem is..................those people and leaders of other countries at the UN already know what the policies of past administrations have had on their countries, and they also know the effect of Trump's policies on their countries.

They laughed at Trump because they know the truth. Trump's rabid followers don't and will willingly believe anything he says.

Rump has an estranged relationship with Reality....

You are a child.
Well, Trump got so used to saying that he's got the best administration in the history of this country at his rallies, that he figured that the UN would be willing to swallow his b.s. whole just like his followers.

Only problem is..................those people and leaders of other countries at the UN already know what the policies of past administrations have had on their countries, and they also know the effect of Trump's policies on their countries.

They laughed at Trump because they know the truth. Trump's rabid followers don't and will willingly believe anything he says.

Rump has an estranged relationship with Reality that goes back his entire life. Invented home runs he hit that didn't exist.... proclaimed himself "ladies man" at a prep school that had no girls... told Justin Trudeau there was a trade deficit and admitted later he had no idea, he just said it. Rump's "alternative facts" are the ramblings of a sick mind that just makes up whatever he'd like the reality to be at the time and like everything else in his life he expects no responsibility for having said them.

>> Mr. Trump’s reported conversation with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada occurred during a St. Louis fund-raiser on Wednesday for Josh Hawley, a Republican Senate candidate in Missouri. Reporters were not permitted in the room, but an audio recording was later obtained by The Washington Post.

As Mr. Trump told the story, the Canadian leader assured him that the United States did not have a trade deficit with Canada.

“I said, ‘Wrong, Justin, you do,’” Mr. Trump said, according to a transcript published by The Post. “I didn’t even know. Josh, I had no idea. I just said, ‘You’re wrong.’ You know why? Because we’re so stupid. And I thought they were smart. I said, ‘You’re wrong, Justin.’ He said, ‘Nope, we have no trade deficit.’”

The president also asserted that Japan bars American cars from its market through an odd test. “They take a bowling ball from 20 feet up in the air and they drop it on the hood of the car,” he said. “And if the hood dents, then the car doesn’t qualify.”

At a briefing the next day, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, acknowledged that the bowling ball anecdote was false. “Obviously, he’s joking about this particular test,” she said, “but it illustrates the creative ways some countries are able to keep American goods out of their markets.” <<

Get that? A "joke". Like "would" means "wouldn't". Hilarious.

>> In a public conversation at a Boeing factory in St. Louis, he lauded the number of jobs created on his watch and said “nobody would have believed that could have happened.” But in fact, 2.5 million new jobs were created in his first 13 months as president, almost exactly the same as the 2.6 million created in the 13 months before he became president and Mr. Obama was in the White House.

As a businessman, Mr. Trump often fabricated or exaggerated to sell a narrative or advance his interests. In his memoir, “The Art of the Deal,” he called it “truthful hyperbole” or “innocent exaggeration.”

When trying to lure investors to a casino project, he had bulldozers dig on one side of the site and dump the dirt on the other to give the impression that the project was making progress. He would call reporters and pretend to be a publicity agent for himself named John Barron or John Miller. He claimed to earn $1 million from a speech when it was $400,000. He claimed to be worth $3.5 billion when seeking a bank loan, four times what the bank eventually found. << --- Rump and the Truth

>> Trump’s refusal to attempt to refute charges that he was telling falsehoods, admit their inaccuracy, or attempt to wiggle out of them by equivocating demonstrates either his lack of touch with reality or his conviction that he does not have to explain himself to others. Insistence on his false statements is an assertion of power.

... Trump also does not hesitate to provide presidential approval of others’ lies. On November 29, 2017, Trump retweeted a video posted by a British right wing nationalist group, entitled “Muslim migrant beats up Dutch boy on crutches!” Dutch authorities stated that the aggressive boy was neither a migrant nor a Muslim. In response to questions about the president seeming to endorse the non-verified video, press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said “Whether it’s a real video, the threat is real. His goal is to promote strong border security and strong national security.” Hher comments implied that facts or reality do not matter as long as President Trump uses falsehoods to further his political goals.

Trump’s refusal to admit the truth of widely accepted facts corrodes political discourse and is consistent with the practice of many authoritarian leaders. The assertion of the power to define realityis destructive of democratic governance, in part because many people believe him and are not amenable to contrary evidence.

Even though his narcissistic lies are detrimental to the democratic process, Trump’s continued adherence to demonstrably false statements about politics and policy strikes at the very heart of democracy and the whole project of enlightenment epistemology. If there are no agreed upon facts, then it becomes impossible for people to make judgments about their government or hold it accountable. << --- Rump's Lying Corrodes Democracy

And some of you partisan crackheads actually question why I call him "Rump".

You are a child.

Yuh huh.

Which one of us just cut out 99% of the post because he can't deal with more than seven words?

Don't strain yerself working that out Hunior.
Well, Trump got so used to saying that he's got the best administration in the history of this country at his rallies, that he figured that the UN would be willing to swallow his b.s. whole just like his followers.

Only problem is..................those people and leaders of other countries at the UN already know what the policies of past administrations have had on their countries, and they also know the effect of Trump's policies on their countries.

They laughed at Trump because they know the truth. Trump's rabid followers don't and will willingly believe anything he says.

Rump has an estranged relationship with Reality that goes back his entire life. Invented home runs he hit that didn't exist.... proclaimed himself "ladies man" at a prep school that had no girls... told Justin Trudeau there was a trade deficit and admitted later he had no idea, he just said it. Rump's "alternative facts" are the ramblings of a sick mind that just makes up whatever he'd like the reality to be at the time and like everything else in his life he expects no responsibility for having said them.

>> Mr. Trump’s reported conversation with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada occurred during a St. Louis fund-raiser on Wednesday for Josh Hawley, a Republican Senate candidate in Missouri. Reporters were not permitted in the room, but an audio recording was later obtained by The Washington Post.

As Mr. Trump told the story, the Canadian leader assured him that the United States did not have a trade deficit with Canada.

“I said, ‘Wrong, Justin, you do,’” Mr. Trump said, according to a transcript published by The Post. “I didn’t even know. Josh, I had no idea. I just said, ‘You’re wrong.’ You know why? Because we’re so stupid. And I thought they were smart. I said, ‘You’re wrong, Justin.’ He said, ‘Nope, we have no trade deficit.’”

The president also asserted that Japan bars American cars from its market through an odd test. “They take a bowling ball from 20 feet up in the air and they drop it on the hood of the car,” he said. “And if the hood dents, then the car doesn’t qualify.”

At a briefing the next day, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, acknowledged that the bowling ball anecdote was false. “Obviously, he’s joking about this particular test,” she said, “but it illustrates the creative ways some countries are able to keep American goods out of their markets.” <<

Get that? A "joke". Like "would" means "wouldn't". Hilarious.

>> In a public conversation at a Boeing factory in St. Louis, he lauded the number of jobs created on his watch and said “nobody would have believed that could have happened.” But in fact, 2.5 million new jobs were created in his first 13 months as president, almost exactly the same as the 2.6 million created in the 13 months before he became president and Mr. Obama was in the White House.

As a businessman, Mr. Trump often fabricated or exaggerated to sell a narrative or advance his interests. In his memoir, “The Art of the Deal,” he called it “truthful hyperbole” or “innocent exaggeration.”

When trying to lure investors to a casino project, he had bulldozers dig on one side of the site and dump the dirt on the other to give the impression that the project was making progress. He would call reporters and pretend to be a publicity agent for himself named John Barron or John Miller. He claimed to earn $1 million from a speech when it was $400,000. He claimed to be worth $3.5 billion when seeking a bank loan, four times what the bank eventually found. << --- Rump and the Truth

>> Trump’s refusal to attempt to refute charges that he was telling falsehoods, admit their inaccuracy, or attempt to wiggle out of them by equivocating demonstrates either his lack of touch with reality or his conviction that he does not have to explain himself to others. Insistence on his false statements is an assertion of power.

... Trump also does not hesitate to provide presidential approval of others’ lies. On November 29, 2017, Trump retweeted a video posted by a British right wing nationalist group, entitled “Muslim migrant beats up Dutch boy on crutches!” Dutch authorities stated that the aggressive boy was neither a migrant nor a Muslim. In response to questions about the president seeming to endorse the non-verified video, press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said “Whether it’s a real video, the threat is real. His goal is to promote strong border security and strong national security.” Hher comments implied that facts or reality do not matter as long as President Trump uses falsehoods to further his political goals.

Trump’s refusal to admit the truth of widely accepted facts corrodes political discourse and is consistent with the practice of many authoritarian leaders. The assertion of the power to define realityis destructive of democratic governance, in part because many people believe him and are not amenable to contrary evidence.

Even though his narcissistic lies are detrimental to the democratic process, Trump’s continued adherence to demonstrably false statements about politics and policy strikes at the very heart of democracy and the whole project of enlightenment epistemology. If there are no agreed upon facts, then it becomes impossible for people to make judgments about their government or hold it accountable. << --- Rump's Lying Corrodes Democracy

And some of you partisan crackheads actually question why I call him "Rump".

You are a child.

Yuh huh.

Which one of us just cut out 99% of the post because he can't deal with more than seven words?

Don't strain yerself working that out Hunior.

YOur words lost all credibility with me, when you revealed yourself to be a child. Probably a stupid one.
You know, the fucked up thing about this whole incident is that Trump didn't realize that they were laughing AT him.

He said he didn't understand why they were laughing, then started to laugh along with them at his stupidity.
You know, the fucked up thing about this whole incident is that Trump didn't realize that they were laughing AT him.

He said he didn't understand why they were laughing, then started to laugh along with them at his stupidity.

He expected them to have some semblance of diplomacy and professionalism.

That was silly of him. But then again, it is hard to imagine how low lefties can go.
You know, the fucked up thing about this whole incident is that Trump didn't realize that they were laughing AT him.

He said he didn't understand why they were laughing, then started to laugh along with them at his stupidity.

That video is hilarious. He seems genuinely surprised that he didn't get to sell his bullshit this time. And it undoubtedly STILL doesn't occur to him that it even IS bullshit since he sells himself his own bullshit and lines up to buy it before the ludicrous locution falls out of his mouth.

That's the power of self-delusion and that's how sick he is.
You know, the fucked up thing about this whole incident is that Trump didn't realize that they were laughing AT him.

He said he didn't understand why they were laughing, then started to laugh along with them at his stupidity.

He expected them to have some semblance of diplomacy and professionalism.

That was silly of him. But then again, it is hard to imagine how low lefties can go.

How about Trump having some semblance of diplomacy and professionalism and not lie to other world leaders about how great his administration is? While his followers might believe that he's the best thing since sliced bread because they don't know any better, those other world leaders have actual treaties and files about how things have been between them and the US.

He could have just said that his administration is doing very well, but no..........he couldn't do that, he had to use hyperbole and say he's been one of the greatest admins ever in the history of this country. It's simply not true, and the other leaders laughed at the claim because it was so preposterous.

Hyperbole is gonna get Trump in trouble one of these days.
You know, the fucked up thing about this whole incident is that Trump didn't realize that they were laughing AT him.

He said he didn't understand why they were laughing, then started to laugh along with them at his stupidity.

He expected them to have some semblance of diplomacy and professionalism.

That was silly of him. But then again, it is hard to imagine how low lefties can go.

Is that why he gave his Little Rocket Man speech last year?
Diplomacy and professionalism?
You know, the fucked up thing about this whole incident is that Trump didn't realize that they were laughing AT him.

He said he didn't understand why they were laughing, then started to laugh along with them at his stupidity.

He expected them to have some semblance of diplomacy and professionalism.

That was silly of him. But then again, it is hard to imagine how low lefties can go.

How about Trump having some semblance of diplomacy and professionalism and not lie to other world leaders about how great his administration is? While his followers might believe that he's the best thing since sliced bread because they don't know any better, those other world leaders have actual treaties and files about how things have been between them and the US.

He could have just said that his administration is doing very well, but no..........he couldn't do that, he had to use hyperbole and say he's been one of the greatest admins ever in the history of this country. It's simply not true, and the other leaders laughed at the claim because it was so preposterous.

Hyperbole is gonna get Trump in trouble one of these days.
It all comes down to credibility on the world stage

The laughing shows Trump has none
You know, the fucked up thing about this whole incident is that Trump didn't realize that they were laughing AT him.

He said he didn't understand why they were laughing, then started to laugh along with them at his stupidity.

He expected them to have some semblance of diplomacy and professionalism.

That was silly of him. But then again, it is hard to imagine how low lefties can go.

Is that why he gave his Little Rocket Man speech last year?
Diplomacy and professionalism?


Conservatives don’t understand that Trump is an absolute laughingstock.
NO there is nothing to "understand" from corrupt libtards because educated diverse voters, not "Russians" bet on Trump's promises AND HE HAS KEPT HIS PROMISES TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! and by the way: It was a good move to leave the UN "human rights" council as the nations there are some of the most corrupt in the world. Keep laughing losers!


So, is America great again now?
Im an independent. Rich is any republicans claiming to be fiscally responsible!
Independents can't be liberal? :auiqs.jpg:
And what way do you mean liberal? I’m fiscally responsible and believe in balanced budgets. I guess that is liberal now, repubs sure have thrown it out.

I have never seen an republican president end his presidency with a lower deficit than when he started. Same with the national debt.

reagan started with 74 billion in deficit in 1981 when he became president. That deficit was 221 billion when reagan left office. A new historic high

The first bush started with 221 billion in deficit. That deficit was 290 billion when he left office. A new historic high.

Clinton started with 221 billion in deficit. That deficit turned into a surplus of 236 billion when Clinton left office. NOTICE THE DEMOCRAT ELIMINATED THAT DEFICIT AND TURNED IT INTO A SURPLUS.

The bush boy started with a balanced budget with 236 billion in surplus in 2001. The bush boy squandered that surplus to turn it into 1.4 TRILLION in deficit. A new historic record.

Obama started with 1.4 trillion in deficit. In 8 years he slashed it down to 500 and something billion dollars. HE DECREASED THAT DEFICIT BY NEARLY ONE TRILLION DOLLARS.

All of those presidents increased the national debt. Some faster than others. I will say that Clinton had started to pay off that national debt then left a plan for the nation to be out of debt by 2010. Too bad the bush boy trashed it and more than doubled the debt Clinton handed him.

The republican economic policy has always been very irresponsible and always adds to our budget deficit and national debt and always at a much faster rate than democratic presidents.

The truth is the republicans have never been economically or fiscally responsible. Their economic policies have always ended up destroying or harming our economy very badly.
Great post Dana ,,,you could be my new best friend

Thank you very much Edward. I'm sure you and I would be good friends if we ever had the chance to meet.

I didn't include trump in that list because he isn't finished in the white house. However he has taken that 500 and something billion in deficit that Obama handed him and has resumed the conservative policy of spending like a drunken sailor and not paying for it.

At the end of 2017 that deficit was 665 billion dollars. Nearly 100 billion more than what Obama left him.

The estimated deficit for 2018 is 984 trillion. trump is doing his best to irresponsibly out spend what the republican presidents did before him. He will be like all the republicans before him and take our deficit to a new historic high. Again.

When I was in college getting my degree in Accounting and Finance, I took a very interesting class. It was the economic history of the United States.

The old conservative economic policy has been forced on the United States many times in our history and every time it ended up either destroying the economy or harming it very badly.

I really wish people would wake up and see what conservative/republican economic policy does to our nation and our people.
funny, I was an accounting major and finance major at U of Cinncy live in NY on LI Ever in town dinners on me
Conservatives don’t understand that Trump is an absolute laughingstock.
NO there is nothing to "understand" from corrupt libtards because educated diverse voters, not "Russians" bet on Trump's promises AND HE HAS KEPT HIS PROMISES TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! and by the way: It was a good move to leave the UN "human rights" council as the nations there are some of the most corrupt in the world. Keep laughing losers!


So, is America great again now?
we sure as shit are alone and laughed at by the educated world
Conservatives don’t understand that Trump is an absolute laughingstock.
NO there is nothing to "understand" from corrupt libtards because educated diverse voters, not "Russians" bet on Trump's promises AND HE HAS KEPT HIS PROMISES TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! and by the way: It was a good move to leave the UN "human rights" council as the nations there are some of the most corrupt in the world. Keep laughing losers!


So, is America great again now?
we sure as shit are alone and laughed at by the educated world

They are laughing to hide their fear.
i don't know whats wrong wth these people , strongest and best country on the face of Gods Earth and these lefties are crying about some stupid weal foreigners .

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