President Trump's audience laughs at him at UN General Assembly

Once again libtards cannot read. He was talking about the speech in general, not the specific claims he made, which happens to be true to anyone with an IQ north of room temperature. you claim his whole fucking speech was meant as a joke?

It was a joke...but not an intentional one

Yet again, you cannot read at a third grade level. Show me where he used the word "joke" to refer to his speech, dumbass!
Trump on laughter at UN during speech: “Oh it was great. Well that was meant to get some laughter, but it was great.

"It was meant to get laughter".

That doesn't mean the entire speech was a joke. He never used the word "joke" and you keep falsely claiming. That is why you are such a dumbass! You lie without realizing it because you are so talented at it.

Words have meanings and it would help if you actually learned some of them.
I just don't know how one can ignore the fact that Trump is not stable? And how many of his supporters do really exist? Vs 70% some that didn't vote for him, along with most of the world. I mean one has to be either so dumb, so uninformed or both to support him.

Speaking of unstable, did you catch his press conference this afternoon? That was probably one of the most chaotic, confusing pressers I've ever seen. He would interrupt a reporter in the middle of a question and go off on a tangent about all his accusers that he's had over the years.

Yes! The dumb fucker was actually bragging about how many people had filed claims against HIM in his own press conference!

I watched for about 30 min, felt IQ points dropping because of his inane banter, then went and got them back up to normal levels watching Jeopardy for the next half hour.

Then? I turned to the local news, and guess what? The orange idiot in chief was STILL talking, and the local NBC station was broadcasting it. Took up 15 min. of the local news.

If you were losing IQ points that would be an accomplishment. A negative IQ is impossible.
Media Misrepresents UN Laughter at Trump Speech

The ambassador explained the world leaders at the U.N. do not love America, but they respect the U.S. since Trump has become president.

Completing this poll entitles you to The Western Journal news updates free of charge.

When he said that, they love how honest he is,” Haley said. “It’s not diplomatic and they find it funny. I mean, when he goes and he is very truthful, they kind of were taken back by it. …

All day yesterday, they were falling over themselves to get a picture with him, to talk about how great his speech was, how strong it was. Whether he said good things about them or not, they love that he’s honest with them, and they’ve never seen anything like it, and so there’s a respect there.”

The ambassador further observed, “I saw that the media was trying to make it something disrespectful. That’s not what it was — they love to be with him.”

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Nikki Haley Clears Up Misconception That UN Laughed at Trump Out of Disrespect: They 'Loved His Honesty' @ Nikki Haley Clears Up Misconception That UN Laughed at Trump Out of Disrespect: They 'Loved His Honesty'
Media Misrepresents UN Laughter at Trump Speech

The ambassador explained the world leaders at the U.N. do not love America, but they respect the U.S. since Trump has become president.

Completing this poll entitles you to The Western Journal news updates free of charge.

When he said that, they love how honest he is,” Haley said. “It’s not diplomatic and they find it funny. I mean, when he goes and he is very truthful, they kind of were taken back by it. …

All day yesterday, they were falling over themselves to get a picture with him, to talk about how great his speech was, how strong it was. Whether he said good things about them or not, they love that he’s honest with them, and they’ve never seen anything like it, and so there’s a respect there.”

The ambassador further observed, “I saw that the media was trying to make it something disrespectful. That’s not what it was — they love to be with him.”

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Nikki Haley Clears Up Misconception That UN Laughed at Trump Out of Disrespect: They 'Loved His Honesty' @ Nikki Haley Clears Up Misconception That UN Laughed at Trump Out of Disrespect: They 'Loved His Honesty'

Haha...come on. You don't really believe that nonsense.
Media Misrepresents UN Laughter at Trump Speech

The ambassador explained the world leaders at the U.N. do not love America, but they respect the U.S. since Trump has become president.

Completing this poll entitles you to The Western Journal news updates free of charge.

When he said that, they love how honest he is,” Haley said. “It’s not diplomatic and they find it funny. I mean, when he goes and he is very truthful, they kind of were taken back by it. …

All day yesterday, they were falling over themselves to get a picture with him, to talk about how great his speech was, how strong it was. Whether he said good things about them or not, they love that he’s honest with them, and they’ve never seen anything like it, and so there’s a respect there.”

The ambassador further observed, “I saw that the media was trying to make it something disrespectful. That’s not what it was — they love to be with him.”

More @

Nikki Haley Clears Up Misconception That UN Laughed at Trump Out of Disrespect: They 'Loved His Honesty' @ Nikki Haley Clears Up Misconception That UN Laughed at Trump Out of Disrespect: They 'Loved His Honesty'

Haha...come on. You don't really believe that nonsense.

Of course they do...they're a cult.
Media Misrepresents UN Laughter at Trump Speech

The ambassador explained the world leaders at the U.N. do not love America, but they respect the U.S. since Trump has become president.

Completing this poll entitles you to The Western Journal news updates free of charge.

When he said that, they love how honest he is,” Haley said. “It’s not diplomatic and they find it funny. I mean, when he goes and he is very truthful, they kind of were taken back by it. …

All day yesterday, they were falling over themselves to get a picture with him, to talk about how great his speech was, how strong it was. Whether he said good things about them or not, they love that he’s honest with them, and they’ve never seen anything like it, and so there’s a respect there.”

The ambassador further observed, “I saw that the media was trying to make it something disrespectful. That’s not what it was — they love to be with him.”

More @

Nikki Haley Clears Up Misconception That UN Laughed at Trump Out of Disrespect: They 'Loved His Honesty' @ Nikki Haley Clears Up Misconception That UN Laughed at Trump Out of Disrespect: They 'Loved His Honesty'

Look. A fox reader. you claim his whole fucking speech was meant as a joke?

It was a joke...but not an intentional one

Yet again, you cannot read at a third grade level. Show me where he used the word "joke" to refer to his speech, dumbass!
Trump on laughter at UN during speech: “Oh it was great. Well that was meant to get some laughter, but it was great.

"It was meant to get laughter".

You still can't find the word "joke" that you keep claiming he used. You are an imbecile.
Hey dummy

President Donald Trump is playing off Tuesday morning's embarrassing moment — in which he was laughed at by the United Nations General Assembly — by saying he totally meant it as a joke.

On Tuesday afternoon, between events at the UN, Trump briefly chatted with reporters and he dropped this nugget, apparently confusing the concepts of "laughing at" and "laughing with."

Jim Acosta


Trump on laughter at UN during speech: “Oh it was great. Well that was meant to get some laughter, but it was great.”

3:16 PM - Sep 25, 2018
Twitter Ads info and privacy

Brian Ries


Trump on how his UN speech went:

"I think really well, it’s gotten very good reviews certainly and I think it went very well."

He said the laugher was intentionally provoked:

"Oh it was great. Well that was meant to get some laughter, but it was great."

What is a joke moron? It's something said "to get a laugh".

And you believe that bullshit?
Wow, here's another one, who is so very easy to manipulate. A perfect
Little Trumpster.
/——/ Laugh at this libtard:
Final reading on Q2 GDP unrevised at up 4.2%
Yet again, you cannot read at a third grade level. Show me where he used the word "joke" to refer to his speech, dumbass!
Trump on laughter at UN during speech: “Oh it was great. Well that was meant to get some laughter, but it was great.

"It was meant to get laughter".

You still can't find the word "joke" that you keep claiming he used. You are an imbecile.
Hey dummy

President Donald Trump is playing off Tuesday morning's embarrassing moment — in which he was laughed at by the United Nations General Assembly — by saying he totally meant it as a joke.

On Tuesday afternoon, between events at the UN, Trump briefly chatted with reporters and he dropped this nugget, apparently confusing the concepts of "laughing at" and "laughing with."

Jim Acosta


Trump on laughter at UN during speech: “Oh it was great. Well that was meant to get some laughter, but it was great.”

3:16 PM - Sep 25, 2018
Twitter Ads info and privacy

Brian Ries


Trump on how his UN speech went:

"I think really well, it’s gotten very good reviews certainly and I think it went very well."

He said the laugher was intentionally provoked:

"Oh it was great. Well that was meant to get some laughter, but it was great."

What is a joke moron? It's something said "to get a laugh".

And you believe that bullshit?
Wow, here's another one, who is so very easy to manipulate. A perfect
Little Trumpster.
/——/ Laugh at this libtard:
Final reading on Q2 GDP unrevised at up 4.2%

Well, whoopee! Let me know when Trumpster hits 5.1, 4.9 or 4.7, which are three of Obama's better quarterly GDP stats.
U.S.: real GDP growth by quarter 2011-2018 | Statista
You keep on displaying exactly how poorly informed you are, keep up the great work.
Media Misrepresents UN Laughter at Trump Speech

The ambassador explained the world leaders at the U.N. do not love America, but they respect the U.S. since Trump has become president.

Completing this poll entitles you to The Western Journal news updates free of charge.

When he said that, they love how honest he is,” Haley said. “It’s not diplomatic and they find it funny. I mean, when he goes and he is very truthful, they kind of were taken back by it. …

All day yesterday, they were falling over themselves to get a picture with him, to talk about how great his speech was, how strong it was. Whether he said good things about them or not, they love that he’s honest with them, and they’ve never seen anything like it, and so there’s a respect there.”

The ambassador further observed, “I saw that the media was trying to make it something disrespectful. That’s not what it was — they love to be with him.”

More @

Nikki Haley Clears Up Misconception That UN Laughed at Trump Out of Disrespect: They 'Loved His Honesty' @ Nikki Haley Clears Up Misconception That UN Laughed at Trump Out of Disrespect: They 'Loved His Honesty'

Haha...come on. You don't really believe that nonsense.

I have no reason not to believe a word of it!
Media Misrepresents UN Laughter at Trump Speech

The ambassador explained the world leaders at the U.N. do not love America, but they respect the U.S. since Trump has become president.

Completing this poll entitles you to The Western Journal news updates free of charge.

When he said that, they love how honest he is,” Haley said. “It’s not diplomatic and they find it funny. I mean, when he goes and he is very truthful, they kind of were taken back by it. …

All day yesterday, they were falling over themselves to get a picture with him, to talk about how great his speech was, how strong it was. Whether he said good things about them or not, they love that he’s honest with them, and they’ve never seen anything like it, and so there’s a respect there.”

The ambassador further observed, “I saw that the media was trying to make it something disrespectful. That’s not what it was — they love to be with him.”

More @

Nikki Haley Clears Up Misconception That UN Laughed at Trump Out of Disrespect: They 'Loved His Honesty' @ Nikki Haley Clears Up Misconception That UN Laughed at Trump Out of Disrespect: They 'Loved His Honesty'

Haha...come on. You don't really believe that nonsense.

I have no reason not to believe a word of it!

Nah, you're lying. I know you don't believe it.
  • Thanks
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Media Misrepresents UN Laughter at Trump Speech

The ambassador explained the world leaders at the U.N. do not love America, but they respect the U.S. since Trump has become president.

Completing this poll entitles you to The Western Journal news updates free of charge.

When he said that, they love how honest he is,” Haley said. “It’s not diplomatic and they find it funny. I mean, when he goes and he is very truthful, they kind of were taken back by it. …

All day yesterday, they were falling over themselves to get a picture with him, to talk about how great his speech was, how strong it was. Whether he said good things about them or not, they love that he’s honest with them, and they’ve never seen anything like it, and so there’s a respect there.”

The ambassador further observed, “I saw that the media was trying to make it something disrespectful. That’s not what it was — they love to be with him.”

More @

Nikki Haley Clears Up Misconception That UN Laughed at Trump Out of Disrespect: They 'Loved His Honesty' @ Nikki Haley Clears Up Misconception That UN Laughed at Trump Out of Disrespect: They 'Loved His Honesty'

Haha...come on. You don't really believe that nonsense.

I have no reason not to believe a word of it!

Nah, you're lying. I know you don't believe it.

Trump gets unexpected laugh at UN

"In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in our country" - Trump

Audience starts laughing

Trump responds, didn't expect that reaction, but thats okay and starts laughing too.

He is being ripped to shreds on Facebook, people calling him an embarrassment and disgrace

Imagine how much more embarrassing it would be to have a well respected black man giving the speech.

There is no need to imagine this. A stupid white man gave the speech.
Pass it around boys, Trump's compliments!

So this is what putin lubes him up thanks we don't want any.
Go get yourself fucked with his special lube....
I believe it's a thug blacks breakfast ..makes them STFU until 8 PM!
Or poor white trash's version of thanksgiving turkey glaze...
Makes grandma stop making such a fuss...
Or YOU can brush what little teeth you have left with it...make them pearly WHITE!!!...LOLOLOL
Trump gets unexpected laugh at UN

"In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in our country" - Trump

Audience starts laughing

Trump responds, didn't expect that reaction, but thats okay and starts laughing too.

He is being ripped to shreds on Facebook, people calling him an embarrassment and disgrace
The world is laughing at the USA led by Trump.
Trump and his idiot minion followers are so clueless they do not realize it.
Trump gets unexpected laugh at UN

"In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in our country" - Trump

Audience starts laughing

Trump responds, didn't expect that reaction, but thats okay and starts laughing too.

He is being ripped to shreds on Facebook, people calling him an embarrassment and disgrace
The world is laughing at the USA led by Trump.
Trump and his idiot minion followers are so clueless they do not realize it.

I was gonna give you a "Funny and Agree", but the situation has gotten so sad, that now all I can do is shake my head and agree with you.
Trump gets unexpected laugh at UN

"In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in our country" - Trump

Audience starts laughing

Trump responds, didn't expect that reaction, but thats okay and starts laughing too.

He is being ripped to shreds on Facebook, people calling him an embarrassment and disgrace
The world is laughing at the USA led by Trump.
Trump and his idiot minion followers are so clueless they do not realize it.

I was gonna give you a "Funny and Agree", but the situation has gotten so sad, that now all I can do is shake my head and agree with you.
/—-/ I’ll give you losers a funny and a box of tissues.

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