President Trump's racist neglect of Puerto Rico is threatening lives

Again, what the fuck to the inhabitants of Porto Rico do all day when they have electricity? The larger cities of Porto Rico are notorious for the murder, rape, robberies and assault much like our chocolate cities up here in the States! Fuck them! Maybe help out the smaller villages that enjoy Americanos visiting!
Recipe for neglect of Puerto Rico:
1. It's Latino & Trump is president.
2. It's not a state so no vote in Congress
Mother Nature was trying to cleanse the filth and crime and sins of the criminal element (most city dwellers in Porto Rico).
White House: We can't help Puerto Rico there's no way to reach it!

also White House: Literally all of us use private planes to go to CVS
The docks and airports are stacked with thousands upon thousands of shipping containers, no room for any more, despite the bleating from dumbasses to the contrary. I guess the PR's are all waiting for Fed Ex to drop it all off at their front doors or something.
WOW. San Juan mayor: "I am going to do what I never thought I would do. I am begging, begging anyone who can hear us to save us from dying."

meanwhile, Trump is GOLFING in New Jersey

Where are you, and what are you doing? lol we probably don't want to know ... never mind ...
President Trump calls mayor of San Juan "nasty" in latest twitterstorm!

Main thing I've heard from the Mayor of San Juan are pleas for food, water, fuel, and medical supplies because Americans are dying



This is the mayor of San Juan who our president says wants everyone else to do things for her. She's been tireless, fearless and human.

Mayor of San Juan is a person of color who dared to criticize Trump. His fury says it all.
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Refugees from Puerto Rico can take their revenge on Trump and the GOP by settling in swing states and voting for Democrats.

Bush’s response to Katrina is looking noble compared to Trump right now - and that's fucking insane
Mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico pays $9,634,913 in Christmas bonuses to city employees. Recently sold off parking lot for $10M
There's a host in Puerto Rico on one cable news channel, there's a host reading "Cat in the Hat" on another channel


Mayor of San Juan has stated things like "Trump does not deserve to be President" in Spanish

"He tenido mis diferencias con ella y las sostengo pero no puedo negar que está preparada y que Trump no merece ser Pres."
Mayor of San Juan and Bernie Sanders calling to free confessed terrorist Oscar Riviera

i take back everything nice i said about the mayor of san juan

Trump's failure in Puerto Rico is his lack of empathy and morality. He doesn't care about his fellow Americans.
Mayor of San Juan thinks this will jumpstart her failed campaign for governor. Won't work! People of PR are too smart

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