President Trump's racist neglect of Puerto Rico is threatening lives

As Trump blasts the mayor of San Juan, a quick look at where the two of them are spending their time and efforts right now


San Juan mayor:
"Yesterday Obama campaigned with JayZ & Springsteen while Hurricane Sandy victims across NY & NJ are still decimated by Sandy. Wrong!" - Trump

A tweet for every occasion as Trump spends the weekend at a luxury golf course while Puerto Rico remains w/o power or enough water and food.
When I lived through Hurricane Andrew, we didn't see any federal help in my neighborhood for 2 weeks.

Fucking racist Bush 41 hates Cubans, I guess.
Yeah, that too was all politics. If you remember that was 1992. Election year right? Just a few months before the election. August, 1992. Lawton Chiles, governor of Florida (a swing state) and a democrat decided not to formally ask for federal help. That is why you see so many governors declare a state of emergency. There is a formal process that happens.

Well, the democrats set up the republicans again and sacrificed the citizens to do it. They BLAMED Bush for not sending FEMA. The MEDIA of course did not hold the DEMOCRAT Lawton Chiles responsible. What did Clinton do? He went down there, took some photo ops. Made themselves look like robin hood to the gullible and that it worked.

You’re the mayor of San Juan & you have 2 choices...

A) Ask Trump for help
B) Attack Trump

Anyone with a brain would say A. Dems say B
Just a reminder...

according to Trump:

Hillary- Nasty
Mayor of San Juan- Nasty
NFL Players- Sons Of Bitches
Democrats- Losers
Ben Carson - Low Energy
Ted Cruz - Liar

Nazis- Fine People
"Y tenemos que exigirle que excarcele al prisionero político Oscar López Rivera."

that's the San Juan mayor calling a terrorist a "political prisoner" on twitter
You can tell a lot about a society by how we treat the most vulnerable. What does it say when kids' lives takes a backseat to golf?
Only Donald Trump could pick a fight with people suffering in the aftermath of a natural disaster and think he’s the real victim.
You’re the mayor of San Juan & you have 2 choices...

A) Ask Trump for help
B) Attack Trump

Anyone with a brain would say A. Dems say B

She alredy tried A, and Trump ignored her.

It's 10 days, and Trump hasn't asked congress for a dime to help Puerto Rico. He had to be shammed into sending the USS Comfort which is still several days away..
The Dirty Racist Democrats ALWAYS politicize natural disasters.
Remember what creepy corrupt Democrat Rahm Emanuel said "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste”
What Bush did was gross negligence. But what Trump is doing is cold-hearted, racist antagonism
Remember when the Troglocrat Looters were shooting at the National Guard during the Katrina rescue efforts......... Dirty Dem Rahm Emanuel says "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste”

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