President Trump's racist neglect of Puerto Rico is threatening lives

The US should actually cut Puerto Rico loose. Grant it its Independence and be done with it. It's only a massive drain on the US now. They blew it with me forever when they wouldn't even thank American Taxpayers for bailing them out. And now they insult my President? Yeah, to hell with Puerto Rico. Movin on...

George W. Bush sent hundreds of thousands of troops and $87 billion to rebuild Iraq.
And they weren't americans.

When you receive a blessing like a massive American Taxpayer Bailout, the least you can do is say thank you. It's not Trump or the US's fault Puerto Rico is bankrupt. That's all on their corrupt Government and the Puerto Rican People. And then they go on and insult my President? Well, that's it for me. I'm out. I wash my hands of that miserable hellhole.
Sure, all on PR government. It’s their fault for investing $33m in trump’s brand.

Take our hard-earned Taxpayer-funded Bailout, and don't even say thank you. And now, insult my President too? Yeah, to hell with Puerto Rico.

Here's my answer to your 'Statehood' demand...

Sorry libs this won't stick either....everyone knows that the aid is getting to where it is needed. This is the third disaster in three weeks and this time it's on an island. Of course it will take time and people will be effected for years to come in all three locations. To try and turn this into a race thing our to call it Katrina two is a joke. The Governor of PR said that very thing. One Trump hating totally unqualified mayor opens her trap and points her finger at Trump when she should be looking in a mirror. She's been on TV for two days straight when she should be working to help her people.
It's always the finger pointers that carry the actual blame, she is no exception.
Sorry libs this won't stick either....everyone knows that the aid is getting to where it is needed. This is the third disaster in three weeks and this time it's on an island.

That's the problem, the infrastructure is in shambles, the distribution system has collapsed. So as the Mayor of San Juan pointed out, it's NOT getting where it's needed.
George W. Bush sent hundreds of thousands of troops and $87 billion to rebuild Iraq.
And they weren't americans.

When you receive a blessing like a massive American Taxpayer Bailout, the least you can do is say thank you. It's not Trump or the US's fault Puerto Rico is bankrupt..

We bail out Iraq, but not Americans? You know that George W. Bush gave Iraqi's free healthcare.

The U.S. Has Sponsored Universal Health Care – in Iraq, 3L Observes in Inquirer Blog - Kline School of Law

The Iraqi Constitution supported by President Bush conferred the right to health care upon all citizens, Maughan wrote, adding that his administration budgeted $950 million in 2003 to develop a universal health care system.

Maughan highlighted the contradiction, calling it “quite interesting that the United States government was willing to fund universal health care for Iraqis

You're deflecting and derailing now. The fact is, Puerto Rico recently received a massive US Taxpayer Bailout. And not even a single thank you went out to American Taxpayers. Now they're insulting my President too? Sorry, but i don't tolerate Entitlement Assholes.

And all of Puerto Rico's problems are solely on its corrupt incompetent Government. It has bankrupted the nation. But now i'm done with that hellhole. They got the Democrat 'Hateful Entitlement Asshole' disease now. So Puerto Rico can go fuck itself as far as i'm concerned.
Every time I think that Trump has plumbed the depths of racial divisiveness and bigotry, he doubles down again. How any person could support this jerk is completely a mystery to me
Just look at all of the natural disaster experts we have with us today. All of you certainly trained in logistics, experts in shipping aerial dropping, medicine, sanitary duties. What a bunch of stupid libs. YOU pounce on Trump at the drop of a hat without a second of thought to go along with it.
I've never had much respect for you libs on this board but today you are all a disgusting embarrassment to what being an American once was. Get out of your underwear and do something to help rather than try and score political points on some message board. Fools each and everyone of you. You should all be ashamed.
As that area is only an American held territory it does NOT qualify for many programs.

better for you not to comment-----saving a drowning baby is not a "program"-------other than that------you seem to be human
That's the problem, the infrastructure is in shambles, the distribution system has collapsed. So as the Mayor of San Juan pointed out, it's NOT getting where it's needed
Oh so rather than going to where the problem is and fixing it she would rather go on TV and drop a bomb on the one person that is trying to help....real smart.
The US should actually cut Puerto Rico loose. Grant it its Independence and be done with it. It's only a massive drain on the US now. They blew it with me forever when they wouldn't even thank American Taxpayers for bailing them out. And now they insult my President? Yeah, to hell with Puerto Rico. Movin on...

George W. Bush sent hundreds of thousands of troops and $87 billion to rebuild Iraq.
And they weren't americans.

When you receive a blessing like a massive American Taxpayer Bailout, the least you can do is say thank you. It's not Trump or the US's fault Puerto Rico is bankrupt. That's all on their corrupt Government and the Puerto Rican People. And then they go on and insult my President? Well, that's it for me. I'm out. I wash my hands of that miserable hellhole.
Sure, all on PR government. It’s their fault for investing $33m in trump’s brand.


The Puerto Rican People should be thinking Revolution. They should be out to tar & feather their corrupt incompetent Government. But my guess is, they'll sit around and whine and do nothing. Nothing will change there.

That being said, we need to cut Puerto Rico loose once and for all. Grant it Independence and be done with it. It's only a massive drain on the US now. Time to cut losses, and cut Puerto Rico loose.
You're deflecting and derailing now. The fact is, Puerto Rico recently received a massive US Taxpayer Bailout.

How much did we spend in Iraq.

How the US sent $12bn in cash to Iraq. And watched it vanish

The US flew nearly $12bn in shrink-wrapped $100 bills into Iraq, then distributed the cash with no proper control over who was receiving it and how it was being spent.

In the year after the invasion of Iraq in 2003 nearly 281 million notes, weighing 363 tonnes, were sent from New York to Baghdad for disbursement to Iraqi ministries and US contractors. Using C-130 planes, the deliveries took place once or twice a month with the biggest of $2,401,600,000 on June 22 2004, six days before the handover.
You're deflecting and derailing now. The fact is, Puerto Rico recently received a massive US Taxpayer Bailout.

How much did we spend in Iraq.

How the US sent $12bn in cash to Iraq. And watched it vanish

The US flew nearly $12bn in shrink-wrapped $100 bills into Iraq, then distributed the cash with no proper control over who was receiving it and how it was being spent.

In the year after the invasion of Iraq in 2003 nearly 281 million notes, weighing 363 tonnes, were sent from New York to Baghdad for disbursement to Iraqi ministries and US contractors. Using C-130 planes, the deliveries took place once or twice a month with the biggest of $2,401,600,000 on June 22 2004, six days before the handover.

Start a thread on that issue, and i'll be glad to weigh in. It's not the topic of this particular thread though.
That's the problem, the infrastructure is in shambles, the distribution system has collapsed. So as the Mayor of San Juan pointed out, it's NOT getting where it's needed
Oh so rather than going to where the problem is and fixing it she would rather go on TV and drop a bomb on the one person that is trying to help....real smart.

You started off saying ...

Sorry libs this won't stick either....everyone knows that the aid is getting to where it is needed.

Wanna start by walking that back?
Well, we all knew the Democrats would eventually get around to politicizing these recent Hurricanes. They're incredibly shallow disingenuous folks. I'm willing to bet anything this current corrupt incompetent Puerto Rico Government is very closely aligned with the US Democratic Party. Playing the Race-Card and blaming everything on Trump? Sound familiar?

Puerto Rico just blew it with me. I draw the line at insulting my President this way. Especially after they recently received a massive US Taxpayer Bailout to keep the nation afloat. So it's time to write Puerto Rico off, and send it on its way. Grant it Independence and be done with it once and for all. Period, end of story.
Start a thread on that issue, and i'll be glad to weigh in. It's not the topic of this particular thread though.
Bush sent hundreds of thousands of troops and hundreds of billions to Iraq to help the brown people there, who weren't evren americans.

Trump won't do a fraction of that in Puerto RIco.
That's the problem, the infrastructure is in shambles, the distribution system has collapsed. So as the Mayor of San Juan pointed out, it's NOT getting where it's needed
Oh so rather than going to where the problem is and fixing it she would rather go on TV and drop a bomb on the one person that is trying to help....real smart.

You started off saying ...

Sorry libs this won't stick either....everyone knows that the aid is getting to where it is needed.

Wanna start by walking that back?
I said there were three disaster in three weeks and this one is on an island dummy...what I'm interested in watching are the words of you and her when things get fixed and back to some sense of normalcy. You all tried the same shit in Texas and Florida and then you were absent when Trump did a good job in those two disasters and you will be absent when this one is over as well.
His job Approval numbers are 45% and incing up. By the way...
Start a thread on that issue, and i'll be glad to weigh in. It's not the topic of this particular thread though.
Bush sent hundreds of thousands of troops and hundreds of billions to Iraq to help the brown people there, who weren't evren americans.

Trump won't do a fraction of that in Puerto RIco.

A completely different issue. Feel free to start a thread on it. But regardless, Puerto Rico just recently received a massive US Taxpayer Bailout. Its Government has bankrupted the nation. And not even a single thank you to American Taxpayers. Now they play the Race-Card and insult my President? Sorry, i ain't havin it. FUCK PUERTO RICO! :mad-61:
If you voted for Trump, you get immediate help from FEMA

If you didn't vote for Trump FEMA says you have to fill out the paperwork first.

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