President Trump's racist neglect of Puerto Rico is threatening lives

Why is it you see all these supplies behind the mayor who hated on Trump? But then just sits there waiting to get on TV instead of organizing to pass out the supplies? She is the one who's making this more of a mess!
That's all she got for her entire city. 3-4 pallets of water, and 3-4 pallets of food, and several pallets of baby supplies.

And she had to give a pallet of water to a neighboring city that received nothing.
So they say! Next time she should be more organized by requesting more than 3-4 pallets of water and food. Since you know she's on a island in the middle of the ocean. Terrible mayor.
This "bailout"?

President Obama signs Puerto Rico rescue bill ~ June 30, 2016

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton endorsed the plan. Republican Donald Trump said he would not support a "bailout" for the island, although Republicans in Congress, including House Speaker Paul Ryan, point out that this is not a bailout since no federal taxpayers dollars are used to pay the island's debt.

President Obama signs Puerto Rico rescue bill

Note ~ Once again trump LIED
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Why is it you see all these supplies behind the mayor who hated on Trump? But then just sits there waiting to get on TV instead of organizing to pass out the supplies? She is the one who's making this more of a mess!
That's all she got for her entire city. 3-4 pallets of water, and 3-4 pallets of food, and several pallets of baby supplies.

And she had to give a pallet of water to a neighboring city that received nothing.
So they say! Next time she should be more organized by requesting more than 3-4 pallets of water and food. Since you know she's on a island in the middle of the ocean. Terrible mayor.
AND it's a very big ocean very very big and all those people, good people ,,very very good
Why is it you see all these supplies behind the mayor who hated on Trump? But then just sits there waiting to get on TV instead of organizing to pass out the supplies? She is the one who's making this more of a mess!
That's all she got for her entire city. 3-4 pallets of water, and 3-4 pallets of food, and several pallets of baby supplies.

And she had to give a pallet of water to a neighboring city that received nothing.
So they say! Next time she should be more organized by requesting more than 3-4 pallets of water and food. Since you know she's on a island in the middle of the ocean. Terrible mayor.
AND it's a very big ocean very very big and all those people, good people ,,very very good
Mayor of San Juan and Bernie Sanders calling to free confessed terrorist Oscar Riviera

i take back everything nice i said about the mayor of san juan


lol lol lol good ole Bernie, using a disaster to call up and get some murdering criminal vermin freed. lol lol lol yes, these Democrats are just full of 'Win!!!'

Where is Obama and Hillary and Michelle? They have private jets, shouldn't they be unloading supplies at an airport there or something?
The US should actually cut Puerto Rico loose. Grant it its Independence and be done with it. It's only a massive drain on the US now. They blew it with me forever when they wouldn't even thank American Taxpayers for bailing them out. And now they insult my President? Yeah, to hell with Puerto Rico. Movin on...

George W. Bush sent hundreds of thousands of troops and $87 billion to rebuild Iraq.
And they weren't americans.

That is like saying that FDR sent millions of troops and spent trillions of dollars to invade and then rebuild Europe and they weren't Americans nor did they even attack us at Pearl Harbor.

Silliness like that doesn't mean anything.
George W. Bush sent hundreds of thousands of troops and $87 billion to rebuild Iraq.
And they weren't americans.

That is like saying that FDR sent millions of troops and spent trillions of dollars to invade and then rebuild Europe and they weren't Americans nor did they even attack us at Pearl Harbor.

Silliness like that doesn't mean anything.

FDR spent a fortune on the new deal to help americans FIRST..
Did some research, and it is what i figured. The current Puerto Rico Government, which has bankrupted the country, has close ties with the US Democratic Party. So this Race-Baiting and Entitlement shite makes perfect sense.

The country wouldn't be in ruins if the Puerto Rican People hadn't supported a corrupt Government closely aligned with the US Democratic Party. Take a look at once great cities like Detroit and Chicago. The Democrats have thoroughly destroyed them. The beginning of the end for Puerto Rico, was when it decided to get in bed with the Democrats. They should have known better.
When I lived through Hurricane Andrew, we didn't see any federal help in my neighborhood for 2 weeks.

Fucking racist Bush 41 hates Cubans, I guess.
Yeah, that too was all politics. If you remember that was 1992. Election year right? Just a few months before the election. August, 1992. Lawton Chiles, governor of Florida (a swing state) and a democrat decided not to formally ask for federal help. That is why you see so many governors declare a state of emergency. There is a formal process that happens.

Well, the democrats set up the republicans again and sacrificed the citizens to do it. They BLAMED Bush for not sending FEMA. The MEDIA of course did not hold the DEMOCRAT Lawton Chiles responsible. What did Clinton do? He went down there, took some photo ops. Made themselves look like robin hood to the gullible and that it worked.


It was fucking disgusting
This is what white nationalism looks like as policy. when you have a belief that only white people are true americans...

guess what Mr Trump, Puerto Rico are Americans.

Trump doesn’t care about that, therefore he is attacking people and distracting from the fact that our response there, to fellow American citizens, has not been adequate
PR cast their GOP primary votes for Rubio, and have no electoral votes to cast. It does not surprise anyone that Trump doesn't give is shit it they live or die.
Did some research, and it is what i figured. The current Puerto Rico Government, which has bankrupted the country, has close ties with the US Democratic Party. So this Race-Baiting and Entitlement shite makes perfect sense.

The country wouldn't be in ruins if the Puerto Rican People hadn't supported a corrupt Government closely aligned with the US Democratic Party. Take a look at once great cities like Detroit and Chicago. The Democrats have thoroughly destroyed them. The beginning of the end for Puerto Rico, was when it decided to get in bed with the Democrats. They should have known better.

...and no link, of course...
"With every day that passes, I’m more outraged that the federal govt isn’t doing more to help our fellow Americans in Puerto Rico & the Virgin Islands." - Goofy Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren

and the Mayor of San Juan just compared Trump's hurricane response to the Holocaust.

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