President Trump's racist neglect of Puerto Rico is threatening lives

President Trump, General Mad Dog Mattis, and DOD should send the Navy, including the USNS Comfort, to Puerto Rico now. These are American citizens.



With all due respect FEMA is rocking. As well as other agencies. I'm not understanding this shit that no one is helping Puerto Rico or the US Virgin Islands. Are you not reading about it?

And how the hell is this racist. Puerto Rico is 75% freaking white.

You can track the progress right at the FEMA website.

Federal Response Teams Assisting in Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands
Release date:
September 24, 2017
Release Number:
WASHINGTON – In the wake of Hurricane Maria, life, personal safety, and access to safe shelters for disaster survivors remain a priority of local responders, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and the entire federal family.

To aid in life sustaining missions, six FEMA Urban Search and Rescue (US&R) task forces are deployed to the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico and are working in tandem with numerous federal partners to rescue and render aid to distressed survivors in the region. Additional FEMA US&R task forces are arriving today to expand operations, as areas become accessible. FEMA US&R task forces currently conducting operations in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands include Virginia Task Forces 1 and 2, Florida Task Forces 1 and 2, and California Task Forces 6 and 7. Components of New York Task Force 1 and Massachusetts Task Force 1 are on the ground providing logistics support.

Federal partners assisting with Search and Rescue (SAR) missions include the U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), and the U.S. Department of the Interior / National Park Service.

Collectively, these federal agencies have rescued 180 individuals and searched more than 45 structures in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

More at link:

Federal Response Teams Assisting in Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands |

Nobody sane is complaining, just a collection of half-wits who don't have the first clue about anything to do with real life, cuz you know, every problem on TV is like, settled and taken care of in a few minutes; PR is just 3 minutes away by ship, and it only takes a couple of minutes to organize and ship stuff to the docks, load them to the brim with all kinds of stuff, and unload it and get to everybody who needs aid shouldn't take over 10 minutes from start to finish, you know, so obviously Trump has done nothing n stuff. We know this because a bunch of potheads sitting around out in the Burbs didn't get their fix of instant gratification over PR and say so.

3 minutes?
You all tried the same shit in Texas and Florida and then you were absent when Trump did a good job in those two disasters and you will be absent when this one is over as well..

5% of Texas got hit hard, 10% of Florida. They had the resources to help themselves, but FEMA still took the head providing additional resources.

100% of Puerto Rico was hit hard, leaving 0% of intact resources to help themselves.
That's the problem, the infrastructure is in shambles, the distribution system has collapsed. So as the Mayor of San Juan pointed out, it's NOT getting where it's needed
Oh so rather than going to where the problem is and fixing it she would rather go on TV and drop a bomb on the one person that is trying to help....real smart.

You started off saying ...

Sorry libs this won't stick either....everyone knows that the aid is getting to where it is needed.

Wanna start by walking that back?
I said there were three disaster in three weeks and this one is on an island dummy...what I'm interested in watching are the words of you and her when things get fixed and back to some sense of normalcy. You all tried the same shit in Texas and Florida and then you were absent when Trump did a good job in those two disasters and you will be absent when this one is over as well.
His job Approval numbers are 45% and incing up. By the way...

The Race-Card incitement B.S. is all they have left. It's an old awful Democrat tactic. Divide the People and then vow to 'Unite' them. That's what the previous 'Community Organizer' President was all about. It's a 'Divide & Conquer' strategy.

It's all in Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals.' I recommend folks check it out. The Democratic Party just doesn't have much to offer. So it desperately needs racial division and other divisive issues. Without it, they would win very few Elections. This stuff is all manufactured-outrage. Bet on that.
thanks to the pressure of my thread, Trump is taking action. help is on the way, Puerto Rico!





Wow, that's incredible.

3800 to help 3,500,000? Fantastic!

That's like one person for every thousand that needs help.

Good Job Brownie!
Had CITIZEN Trump not visited flooded La, the people there would STILL be waiting for Barry to give a shit enough to visit or the media to care enough to provide coverage of the disaster. Hillary did not even try to pretend to give a damn, refusing to visit at all.

But damn that racist Trump... :p know that Obama wasn't President when Katrina hit LA, right?

Did they say Katrina?
Had CITIZEN Trump not visited flooded La, the people there would STILL be waiting for Barry to give a shit enough to visit or the media to care enough to provide coverage of the disaster. Hillary did not even try to pretend to give a damn, refusing to visit at all. know that Obama wasn't President when Katrina hit LA, right?
Did they say Katrina?

Don't be stupid.
TRUMP JUST TWEETED ABOUT PUERTO RICO! clearly he felt the pressure from my thread!

"Texas & Florida are doing great but Puerto Rico, which was already suffering from broken infrastructure & massive debt, is in deep trouble......It's old electrical grid, which was in terrible shape, was devastated. Much of the Island was destroyed, with billions of dollars owed to Wall Street and the banks which, sadly, must be dealt with. Food, water and medical are top priorities - and doing well."
LYING SOS ,,trump doesn't know his ass from his elbow Supplies are all backing up ,,no one to deliver Trump once again is FOS Like the end of the estate tax won't help him by billions

You know the good thing about the estate tax?" You never have to pay it! You're dead!
TRUMP JUST TWEETED ABOUT PUERTO RICO! clearly he felt the pressure from my thread!

"Texas & Florida are doing great but Puerto Rico, which was already suffering from broken infrastructure & massive debt, is in deep trouble......It's old electrical grid, which was in terrible shape, was devastated. Much of the Island was destroyed, with billions of dollars owed to Wall Street and the banks which, sadly, must be dealt with. Food, water and medical are top priorities - and doing well."
LYING SOS ,,trump doesn't know his ass from his elbow Supplies are all backing up ,,no one to deliver Trump once again is FOS Like the end of the estate tax won't help him by billions

You know the good thing about the estate tax?" You never have to pay it! You're dead!
thanks to the pressure of my thread, Trump is taking action. help is on the way, Puerto Rico!





Wow, that's incredible.

3800 to help 3,500,000? Fantastic!

That's like one person for every thousand that needs help.

Good Job Brownie!
Had CITIZEN Trump not visited flooded La, the people there would STILL be waiting for Barry to give a shit enough to visit or the media to care enough to provide coverage of the disaster. Hillary did not even try to pretend to give a damn, refusing to visit at all.

But damn that racist Trump... :p know that Obama wasn't President when Katrina hit LA, right?

Did they say Katrina?
When else did citizen trump visit flooded Louisiana?
White House stresses Puerto Rico’s governor thanked Trump over and over


This is the same thing everytime...

Chris Christie is a great example, when you have a state disaster, don't go fighting with the hand that feeds you... Cruz was sticking out the hand a few weeks ago too..

Thing is Trump 20 times about the NFL last weekend and none about PR...

The Puerto Ricans Twitter accounts wouldn't be working if they have no power.
President Trump has done a solid job in hurricane relief efforts. And stated days ago he will be going to visit. But sadly the fake news like CNN have been fabricating what's going on. While the DNC pathetically manipulates San Juans mayor to get political at the wrong time.

Why is it you see all these supplies behind the mayor who hated on Trump? But then just sits there waiting to get on TV instead of organizing to pass out the supplies? She is the one who's making this more of a mess!

George W. Bush sent hundreds of thousands of troops and $87 billion to rebuild Iraq.
And they weren't americans.

When you receive a blessing like a massive American Taxpayer Bailout, the least you can do is say thank you. It's not Trump or the US's fault Puerto Rico is bankrupt..

We bail out Iraq, but not Americans? You know that George W. Bush gave Iraqi's free healthcare.

The U.S. Has Sponsored Universal Health Care – in Iraq, 3L Observes in Inquirer Blog - Kline School of Law

The Iraqi Constitution supported by President Bush conferred the right to health care upon all citizens, Maughan wrote, adding that his administration budgeted $950 million in 2003 to develop a universal health care system.

Maughan highlighted the contradiction, calling it “quite interesting that the United States government was willing to fund universal health care for Iraqis

You're deflecting and derailing now. The fact is, Puerto Rico recently received a massive US Taxpayer Bailout. And not even a single thank you went out to American Taxpayers. Now they're insulting my President too? Sorry, but i don't tolerate Entitlement Assholes.

And all of Puerto Rico's problems are solely on its corrupt incompetent Government. It has bankrupted the nation. But now i'm done with that hellhole. They got the Democrat 'Hateful Entitlement Asshole' disease now. So Puerto Rico can go fuck itself as far as i'm concerned.
Puerto Rico recently received a massive US Taxpayer Bailout

Uh, what bailout was that?
President Trump has done a solid job in hurricane relief efforts. And stated days ago he will be going to visit. But sadly the fake news like CNN have been fabricating what's going on. While the DNC pathetically manipulates San Juans mayor to get political at the wrong time.

Why is it you see all these supplies behind the mayor who hated on Trump? But then just sits there waiting to get on TV instead of organizing to pass out the supplies? She is the one who's making this more of a mess!

Why is it you see all these supplies behind the mayor who hated on Trump? But then just sits there waiting to get on TV instead of organizing to pass out the supplies? She is the one who's making this more of a mess!
That's all she got for her entire city. 3-4 pallets of water, and 3-4 pallets of food, and several pallets of baby supplies.

And she had to give a pallet of water to a neighboring city that received nothing.

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