President Trump's racist neglect of Puerto Rico is threatening lives


Left Wing Stupidity is indescribable
San Juan needs a new mayor. They are lucky FEMA is there to take over because she's incompetent.

She supports a terrorist who wants Puerto Rico to be an independent communist nation but she wants MORE US gov help?

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"Yesterday Obama campaigned with JayZ & Springsteen while Hurricane Sandy victims across NY & NJ are still decimated by Sandy. Wrong!" - Trump

A tweet for every occasion as Trump spends the weekend at a luxury golf course while Puerto Rico remains w/o power or enough water and food.

Trump works 14-20 hours per day every day of his life. Never have we had a GOVT official who works like him. Non-stop. He is working no matter where he is. The mind-phones-text-directions to employees, always working. We are Lucky he was willing to try to save us from 30 years of total incompetence, fraud, laziness and waste. And more.
She could be pulling raft full of MRE & water. Lazy cow. Photo op. Should have staged stuff in advance. Fudge packer Cooper looking for more brown butt to pack.

That'a a valid point. Texas and Florida moved their people 200 miles away from the storms path. Puerto Rico residents were just too lazy to drive to safety. ;)
The Demoncrats' long term dream of a hurricane destroying Puerto Rico finally realized.

Useless island of party. Close it. As one esteemed poster said......"what do they do when the power is on?" Great point. nothing of value.

Losing poker hand......don't chase. Fold. Evacuate. Do not waste money to rebuild one tin roof.
C’mon, trump has more important business to take of than Puerto Rico...

A True Moment of National Disgrace

Thanks to reporting from the big papers, we now have a general understanding of how this all unfolded. For a critical three or four days after Maria made landfall in Puerto Rico, President Trump was away at his New Jersey golf resort, ranting about the NFL and generally not paying attention. It now seems that wasn’t merely a matter of optics and presidential statements. Critical time was lost and things didn’t happen. Once the scope of catastrophe began to become clear, Trump’s inaction began to generate criticism. Once that happened Trump proceeded to fold Puerto Rico into his comfort zone politics of grievance and narcissism. The focus shifted to Puerto Rico’s debt, ingratitude and – finally this morning – laziness and disorganization.

It does not discount or diminish Trump’s penchant for racist awfulness to note that a lot of this doesn’t seem to be by design or, perhaps better to say, forethought. It is more like reflex, in response to his own bumbling. Trump provoked his battle with the NFL out of a mix of personal, racist rage and desire to stoke up his supporters with a new white rights grievance controversy. This seems a little different. His own incompetence and indifference to his job responsibilities generated criticism and led him to make critical mistakes he could not undo. Once that happened, his own personality kicked in. The greased path to narcissistic injury, grievance and racist grievance political attacks was the inevitable reflex. It’s his comfort zone, his natural inclination.

A True Moment of National Disgrace
The Primary Text of Trumpism

As I’ve read and reread these hideous three tweets which I transcribed below, I’ve realized they are not just a disgrace but something like a primary text of Trumpism. Everything is there.

Things non-white people say are dictated by “the Democrats.” Non-whites aren’t political actors.

Every conflict quickly boils down honorable and white soldiers, police and first responders versus non-white ingrates, complainers and protestors. In fact, the very actions of the latter group dishonors and assaults the sacrifices and purity of the first.

This may all sound inflamed and dramatic. It is. But look at the language about the Puerto Ricans who “want everything to be done for them” and the first responders and military service members. Look how clearly it matches the Trump’s imagery of black NFL players and protestors dishonoring veterans who sacrificed everything.

The core and essence of Trumpism is a racist morality play. It plays out again and again, just with a different troupe of actors in each town.

The Primary Text of Trumpism
Every time I think that Trump has plumbed the depths of racial divisiveness and bigotry, he doubles down again. How any person could support this jerk is completely a mystery to me.
Those filthy welfare queens in Puerto Rico don't pay any income tax but they demand that the US government bails them out of poor local disaster planning.

Piss on them.
Ah, the Race Card and of course it's gotta be all Trump's fault. So original. Obviously the Democrats have infected Puerto Rico at this point. The reality is, Puerto Rico was already in ruins before this Hurricane. Its Government, likely aligned with the US Democratic Party, has bankrupted the nation. It recently received a massive US Taxpayer Bailout just to stay afloat. It's one of the most corrupt incompetent Governments in the world. That's certainly not on Trump or the US. It's all on the Puerto Rican People and their Government.

Folks down there have no one to blame but themselves. They got the Government they wanted and deserved. And they sure do have a lotta nerve. They take our Tax Dollars and then insult my President? Well guess what? To Hell with em! They can take their 'Statehood' demand and jam it straight up their arseholes. The US should actually cut Puerto Rico loose. Grant it its Independence and be done with it. It's only a massive drain on the US now. They blew it with me forever when they wouldn't even thank American Taxpayers for bailing them out. And now they insult my President? Yeah, to hell with Puerto Rico. Movin on...
A True Moment of National Disgrace

Thanks to reporting from the big papers, we now have a general understanding of how this all unfolded. For a critical three or four days after Maria made landfall in Puerto Rico, President Trump was away at his New Jersey golf resort, ranting about the NFL and generally not paying attention. It now seems that wasn’t merely a matter of optics and presidential statements. Critical time was lost and things didn’t happen. Once the scope of catastrophe began to become clear, Trump’s inaction began to generate criticism. Once that happened Trump proceeded to fold Puerto Rico into his comfort zone politics of grievance and narcissism. The focus shifted to Puerto Rico’s debt, ingratitude and – finally this morning – laziness and disorganization.

It does not discount or diminish Trump’s penchant for racist awfulness to note that a lot of this doesn’t seem to be by design or, perhaps better to say, forethought. It is more like reflex, in response to his own bumbling. Trump provoked his battle with the NFL out of a mix of personal, racist rage and desire to stoke up his supporters with a new white rights grievance controversy. This seems a little different. His own incompetence and indifference to his job responsibilities generated criticism and led him to make critical mistakes he could not undo. Once that happened, his own personality kicked in. The greased path to narcissistic injury, grievance and racist grievance political attacks was the inevitable reflex. It’s his comfort zone, his natural inclination.

A True Moment of National Disgrace
The US should actually cut Puerto Rico loose. Grant it its Independence and be done with it. It's only a massive drain on the US now. They blew it with me forever when they wouldn't even thank American Taxpayers for bailing them out. And now they insult my President? Yeah, to hell with Puerto Rico. Movin on...

George W. Bush sent hundreds of thousands of troops and $87 billion to rebuild Iraq.
And they weren't americans.
The US should actually cut Puerto Rico loose. Grant it its Independence and be done with it. It's only a massive drain on the US now. They blew it with me forever when they wouldn't even thank American Taxpayers for bailing them out. And now they insult my President? Yeah, to hell with Puerto Rico. Movin on...

George W. Bush sent hundreds of thousands of troops and $87 billion to rebuild Iraq.
And they weren't americans.

When you receive a blessing like a massive American Taxpayer Bailout, the least you can do is say thank you. It's not Trump or the US's fault Puerto Rico is bankrupt. That's all on their corrupt Government and the Puerto Rican People. And then they go on and insult my President? Well, that's it for me. I'm out. I wash my hands of that miserable hellhole.
George W. Bush sent hundreds of thousands of troops and $87 billion to rebuild Iraq.
And they weren't americans.

When you receive a blessing like a massive American Taxpayer Bailout, the least you can do is say thank you. It's not Trump or the US's fault Puerto Rico is bankrupt..

We bail out Iraq, but not Americans? You know that George W. Bush gave Iraqi's free healthcare.

The U.S. Has Sponsored Universal Health Care – in Iraq, 3L Observes in Inquirer Blog - Kline School of Law

The Iraqi Constitution supported by President Bush conferred the right to health care upon all citizens, Maughan wrote, adding that his administration budgeted $950 million in 2003 to develop a universal health care system.

Maughan highlighted the contradiction, calling it “quite interesting that the United States government was willing to fund universal health care for Iraqis

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