President Trump's racist neglect of Puerto Rico is threatening lives

Like I said. When you know what to be pissed about, get back to me. All you care about is that the Ambassador died. You don’t know what the hell is really going on and you don’t care. You stop at the surface, and you’re too stupid to realize it.
I actually do realize all of that, I just did not want to get into all of that in greater detail because most people don't know or care about any of that. I was keeping it simple.

I agree with you on all of that, but what I do not agree with you on is continuing to insult a man who was abandoned to die:

"One douche died and that’s the fucking scandal."

That 'douche' was a US Ambassador, an American citizen, a husband, a father, a son.... I do not agree with the callousness with which you ... and Hillary ... responded, putting such little value of human / American lives.

The fact that 4 Americans needlessly dies, were abandoned to die, is just as important in its own was in the assessment of Hillary Clinton as everything else that was going on that you mentioned. Yes, it's a much smaller part in all of it, but if all you knew about Hillary were the details oh how she did LESS than nothing to save American lives in Benghazi you would / should know she should NEVER have been President of the United States.

That man was an Ambassador not some wannabe James Bond reject. He should have remained at the embassy instead of getting out into the civil war disputed territory to see what the CIA was up to. That is like telling me I should feel sorry for a jackass who walks into a bear area in Alaska and expects to live with them in peace. They are bears, and they will kill you if you ever forget that.

I shot a copperhead snake in my yard yesterday. It never occurred to me to do otherwise. It’s legal in this state to do just that. I could have pretended that I was a famous snake wrangler and gone to handle it. When I inevitably got bitten, would it be worthy of sympathy?

Stevens had no training or experience as a CIA spook. He was an amateur trying to handle a snake. He was an idiot living among the Kodak Grizzly Bears thinking they loved him. He was a fool climbing to the top of a tower to get a good picture. If he had died as an Ambassador instead of some pathetic wannabe spy that might be worth some sympathy. But he didn’t.
so what you're saying is he should have been removed? we all agree.

He should have been in Tripoli at the Embassy.

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That man was an Ambassador not some wannabe James Bond reject.
You really going to blame the 1st US Ambassador murdered in over 30 years for his own death when he and his fellow Americans were abandoned to die in Benghazi? REALLY?

EVERY other nation there ordered their people out...except Americans.

Hillary hired Al Qaeda-associated militia to protect Americans...from Al Qaeda. BRILLIANT!

Hillary refused to order Americans out despite knowing a call to assassinate Stevens was out, despite knowing an attack on 9/11/12 was coming, despite knowing the outpost had been attacked twice already, despite knowing Stevens told her / the State department if a 3rd attack happened and they didn't have more security he would die, despite rejecting more than 50 pleas for more security, despite knowing they had reduced the size of his security team, despite knowing every country had pulled their people out, and despite knowing the military had no people nearby in case the Americans in Benghazi needed rescuing.

...and you want to blame the abandoned 'douche' for this entire F* UP that led to his own death.

Good God, man - pry your lips off of Hillary's ass for one second and admit she could not have handled the Benghazi mess any worse...unless she had gotten MORE Americans killed.

Millions dead or wounded and in supposed to piss my pants over one? International Sanctions violated. But an ambassador died! The outrage.
Like I said. When you know what to be pissed about, get back to me. All you care about is that the Ambassador died. You don’t know what the hell is really going on and you don’t care. You stop at the surface, and you’re too stupid to realize it.
I actually do realize all of that, I just did not want to get into all of that in greater detail because most people don't know or care about any of that. I was keeping it simple.

I agree with you on all of that, but what I do not agree with you on is continuing to insult a man who was abandoned to die:

"One douche died and that’s the fucking scandal."

That 'douche' was a US Ambassador, an American citizen, a husband, a father, a son.... I do not agree with the callousness with which you ... and Hillary ... responded, putting such little value of human / American lives.

The fact that 4 Americans needlessly dies, were abandoned to die, is just as important in its own was in the assessment of Hillary Clinton as everything else that was going on that you mentioned. Yes, it's a much smaller part in all of it, but if all you knew about Hillary were the details oh how she did LESS than nothing to save American lives in Benghazi you would / should know she should NEVER have been President of the United States.

That man was an Ambassador not some wannabe James Bond reject. He should have remained at the embassy instead of getting out into the civil war disputed territory to see what the CIA was up to. That is like telling me I should feel sorry for a jackass who walks into a bear area in Alaska and expects to live with them in peace. They are bears, and they will kill you if you ever forget that.

I shot a copperhead snake in my yard yesterday. It never occurred to me to do otherwise. It’s legal in this state to do just that. I could have pretended that I was a famous snake wrangler and gone to handle it. When I inevitably got bitten, would it be worthy of sympathy?

Stevens had no training or experience as a CIA spook. He was an amateur trying to handle a snake. He was an idiot living among the Kodak Grizzly Bears thinking they loved him. He was a fool climbing to the top of a tower to get a good picture. If he had died as an Ambassador instead of some pathetic wannabe spy that might be worth some sympathy. But he didn’t.
so what you're saying is he should have been removed? we all agree.

He should have been in Tripoli at the Embassy.

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again, no disagreeing with you bubba. why didn't his boss get him and the others the hell out of there? she had all of the material from all other countries whose people were leaving. why did she deny them?
send. help. now.

TRUMP JUST TWEETED ABOUT PUERTO RICO! clearly he felt the pressure from my thread!

"Texas & Florida are doing great but Puerto Rico, which was already suffering from broken infrastructure & massive debt, is in deep trouble......It's old electrical grid, which was in terrible shape, was devastated. Much of the Island was destroyed, with billions of dollars owed to Wall Street and the banks which, sadly, must be dealt with. Food, water and medical are top priorities - and doing well."
The assholes didn't send in heavy machinery to clear the roads. They also didn't send in helicopters to deliver essential goods to those who who are otherwise inaccessible. Nor did they send out radios to communicate. They also didn't have, until today, any pivotal leadership.

You Retarded Right Wingers will justify any fucking thing that Trumpovitch does up to and including the misery being suffered on the island.

Yeah. We know. It's a big ocean. A really big one. a really really big one
TRUMP JUST TWEETED ABOUT PUERTO RICO! clearly he felt the pressure from my thread!

"Texas & Florida are doing great but Puerto Rico, which was already suffering from broken infrastructure & massive debt, is in deep trouble......It's old electrical grid, which was in terrible shape, was devastated. Much of the Island was destroyed, with billions of dollars owed to Wall Street and the banks which, sadly, must be dealt with. Food, water and medical are top priorities - and doing well."
The assholes didn't send in heavy machinery to clear the roads. They also didn't send in helicopters to deliver essential goods to those who who are otherwise inaccessible. Nor did they send out radios to communicate. They also didn't have, until today, any pivotal leadership.

You Retarded Right Wingers will justify any fucking thing that Trumpovitch does up to and including the misery being suffered on the island.

Yeah. We know. It's a big ocean. A really big one. a really really big one

Trumpovic is Serbian? i now like more than ever!
TRUMP JUST TWEETED ABOUT PUERTO RICO! clearly he felt the pressure from my thread!

"Texas & Florida are doing great but Puerto Rico, which was already suffering from broken infrastructure & massive debt, is in deep trouble......It's old electrical grid, which was in terrible shape, was devastated. Much of the Island was destroyed, with billions of dollars owed to Wall Street and the banks which, sadly, must be dealt with. Food, water and medical are top priorities - and doing well."
LYING SOS ,,trump doesn't know his ass from his elbow Supplies are all backing up ,,no one to deliver Trump once again is FOS Like the end of the estate tax won't help him by billions
White House's Tom Bossert says people will be "blown away" by the success of the Puerto Rico relief effort

blown away, literally?
"The electric power grid in Puerto Rico is totally shot. Large numbers of generators are now on Island. Food and water on site." - Trump

he's 'being a leader'!
"The president has been in contact with me almost on a daily basis. So he is aware of the devastation, and I thank him for issuing [pre-storm] emergency declarations … verbally, as the storm was hitting Puerto Rico. He has also given instructions to FEMA and other federal agencies to help Puerto Rico. So that effort is ongoing and it’s very effective. However, there are logistical threats we are facing … The logistical transportation of all the help we are receiving is becoming a kind of bottleneck. What we really need are some human resources, which we’ve requested and FEMA has established the corps of engineers and Special Forces from the DOD [Department of Defense] that are going to be coming to Puerto Rico so they can help…
we are very grateful for the administration. They have responded quickly.

The president has been very attentive to the situation, personally calling me several times. FEMA and the FEMA director have been here in Puerto Rico twice. As a matter of fact, they were here with us today, making sure that all the resources in FEMA were working in conjunction with the central government.

We have been working together. We have been getting results. The magnitude of this catastrophe is enormous. This is going to take a lot of help, a lot of collaboration. So, my call is to congressmen and congresswomen to take action quickly and conclusively with an aid package for Puerto Rico." - Puerto Rico's Governor Cristiano Rosello
You deliberately delayed help because they're Hispanics, you flaming fraud. Stop congratulating yourself for hurting more Americans, President Trump
'Puerto Rico is devastated. Phone system, electric grid many roads, gone. FEMA and First Responders are amazing. Governor said about me "great job!

FEMA & First Responders are doing a GREAT job in Puerto Rico. Massive food & water delivered. Docks & electric grid dead. Locals trying really hard to help but many have lost their homes. Military is now on site and I will be there Tuesday. Wish press would treat fairly!"' - President Trump

what a delusional narcissist.
send. help. now.


Help has been sent for days; it's piling up at the airports and docks for lack of people to distribute it, and sorry but big power plants don't get rebuilt overnight and there are no magic wands that can waved to make them pop up instantly.

Grow up.
"The electric power grid in Puerto Rico is totally shot. Large numbers of generators are now on Island. Food and water on site." - Trump

he's 'being a leader'!
Come on guy Trump is full of crap On the site but undeliverable

So get your ass over there and run the place. you seem to know all about who's screwing up and what needs to be done, so hard to believe the world lets you just sit around sniveling on the innernetz with your buddy Basque here.
White House stresses Puerto Rico’s governor thanked Trump over and over


This is the same thing everytime...

Chris Christie is a great example, when you have a state disaster, don't go fighting with the hand that feeds you... Cruz was sticking out the hand a few weeks ago too..

Thing is Trump 20 times about the NFL last weekend and none about PR...

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