President Trump's racist neglect of Puerto Rico is threatening lives

We are at war against poverty, against death, against hopelessness.

save Puerto Rico, Trump, you're all they have!
Had CITIZEN Trump not visited flooded La, the people there would STILL be waiting for Barry to give a shit enough to visit or the media to care enough to provide coverage of the disaster. Hillary did not even try to pretend to give a damn, refusing to visit at all.

But damn that racist Trump... :p know that Obama wasn't President when Katrina hit LA, right?
Not talking about Katrina - talking about the massive flooding they had down there when he was Prsident.
Down where? Cuz I seem to remember Republicans calling Crispie traitor for thanking Obama for help.
I remember a select few criticizing Christie but none calling him a 'traitor'.
Select few?

Christie’s Post-Hurricane Embrace of Obama Outrages Many in G.O.P.

“Christie,” a Romney adviser said, “allowed Obama to be president, not a politician.”

Yes, a select few. No one I talkedto gave a damn.

I still see nowhere where anyone called him a 'traitor'. Must have missed that....
So, just curious, when Barry left Stevens and other Americans to die ..

Knowing every other nation had pulled their people out ... knowing an attack was coming ... knowing there was not enough security there to protect them ... knowing the military was not close enough to help if needed ... knowing the place had been attacked twice by terrorists already ... knowing Stevens' request for additional security had been denied more than 50 times ... knowing his security teams numbers had been reduced ... you think it was because Barry was a racist, didn't give a damn, or did not want to be seen as wrong right before a re-election after having declared the war on terror was 'over'?

Do you think he withheld help, as snowflakes claim about Trump in regards to Puerto Rico, because he was / is a racist?

To debunk the OP's claim, pictures have been shown of the military in Puerto Rico helping out, rescuing victims - ships, vehicles, personnel / soldiers...

Can snowflakes show any pictures of the timely military response Barry sent in to Benghazi, the vehicles, airplanes, troops he had ready knowing an attack was coming and who he sent in when the attack began?

No? Intetesting...
So, just curious, when Barry left Stevens and other Americans to die ..

Knowing every other nation had pulled their people out ... knowing an attack was coming ... knowing there was not enough security there to protect them ... knowing the military was not close enough to help if needed ... knowing the place had been attacked twice by terrorists already ... knowing Stevens' request for additional security had been denied more than 50 times ... knowing his security teams numbers had been reduced ... you think it was because Barry was a racist, didn't give a damn, or did not want to be seen as wrong right before a re-election after having declared the war on terror was 'over'?

Do you think he withheld help, as snowflakes claim about Trump in regards to Puerto Rico, because he was / is a racist?

To debunk the OP's claim, pictures have been shown of the military in Puerto Rico helping out, rescuing victims - ships, vehicles, personnel / soldiers...

Can snowflakes show any pictures of the timely military response Barry sent in to Benghazi, the vehicles, airplanes, troops he had ready knowing an attack was coming and who he sent in when the attack began?

No? Intetesting...
/----/ Don't forget that Barry and Hildabeast sent an openly gay ambassador to a county that executes gays.
So let me get this straight. If Trump waives the Jones Act, the damaged ports would miraculously be repaired and able to handle the cargo from ships again? Great. That’s awesome.

U.S. says no need for Puerto Rico shipping waiver

Well obviously that is fake news.

That is obviously fake news too. Assholes. Faking the news. Fuckwads

So how do you get the containers to the communities when the roads are closed, blocked, etc. How do you get it there when the truckers don’t show up? I know, there is an army of foreign flagged workers waiting to get in there and work but they’re prohibited by the Jones Act.

Getting the shit to Puerto Rico isn’t easy, but it’s easier than getting it from the port to the communities. But you just want to hate Trump. Well you’re full of it.
So, just curious, when Barry left Stevens and other Americans to die ..

Knowing every other nation had pulled their people out ... knowing an attack was coming ... knowing there was not enough security there to protect them ... knowing the military was not close enough to help if needed ... knowing the place had been attacked twice by terrorists already ... knowing Stevens' request for additional security had been denied more than 50 times ... knowing his security teams numbers had been reduced ... you think it was because Barry was a racist, didn't give a damn, or did not want to be seen as wrong right before a re-election after having declared the war on terror was 'over'?

Do you think he withheld help, as snowflakes claim about Trump in regards to Puerto Rico, because he was / is a racist?

To debunk the OP's claim, pictures have been shown of the military in Puerto Rico helping out, rescuing victims - ships, vehicles, personnel / soldiers...

Can snowflakes show any pictures of the timely military response Barry sent in to Benghazi, the vehicles, airplanes, troops he had ready knowing an attack was coming and who he sent in when the attack began?

No? Intetesting...

Oh FFS. When you know what you’re supposed to be pissed about regarding Benghazi, get back to me. Until then stammering about a dead Ambassador is just stupid.
Oh FFS. When you know what you’re supposed to be pissed about regarding Benghazi, get back to me. Until then stammering about a dead Ambassador is just stupid.
Wow, you took a page from the incompetent Secretary of State who let it happen and did not give a damn, either, when she said, 'What difference does it make?!'

Thanks for summing up the mental state of snowflakes regarding their F*-ups that get Americans killed.

What snowflakes don't understand is the Secretary of State Job, Benghazi, was a 'JOB INTERVIEW' for the Job of President of the United States....and she FAILED MISERABLY.

Where else can you so magnificently F*-UP and MOVE UP other than in the Democratic Party? The Foreign polity was a DISASTER (US allowed Russia to Annex Crimea without any action to honor our vow to help protect their sovereignty, Illegal Un-Constitutional Treaty with Iran, Cash for Hostages, North Korea allowed to build their missile / nuke arsenal capable of striking the US, 2 Un-Constitutional Wars, Arming Mexican Drug Cartels, helping put terrorists in charge of our ally Egypt, and 22 Embassies attacked simultaneously on 9/11/12 - 2 overrun and 4 Americans needlessly murdered), Billions 'lost', 4 dead Americans, and a host of crimes from which she was protected due to being the 'chosen one'. Good grief.

If anyone else went to a job interview and handed over a resume that contained all of that they would not just be asked to leave - they would be BOOTED off the premises.....unless it was a liberal-owned company.

As it was, she was the 1st US Presidential Candidate in US history to be under multiple on-going FBI investigations (for crimes she did commit) and allowed to stay in the race / on the ticket.

Thank goodness she was Rejected by the American people ... AGAIN.
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Oh FFS. When you know what you’re supposed to be pissed about regarding Benghazi, get back to me. Until then stammering about a dead Ambassador is just stupid.
Wow, you took a page from the incompetent Secretary of State who let it happen and did not give a damn, either, when she said, 'What difference does it make?!'

Thanks for summing up the mental state of snowflakes regarding their F*-ups that get Americans killed.

What snowflakes don't understand is the Secretary of State Job, Benghazi, was a 'JOB INTERVIEW' for the Job of President of the United States....and she FAILED MISERABLY.

Where else can you so magnificently F*-UP and MOVE UP other than in the Democratic Party? The Foreign polity was a DISASTER (US allowed Russia to Annex Crimea without any action to honor our vow to help protect their sovereignty, Illegal Un-Constitutional Treaty with Iran, Cash for Hostages, North Korea allowed to build their missile / nuke arsenal capable of striking the US, 2 Un-Constitutional Wars, Arming Mexican Drug Cartels, helping put terrorists in charge of our ally Egypt, and 22 Embassies attacked simultaneously on 9/11/12 - 2 overrun and 4 Americans needlessly murdered), Billions 'lost', 4 dead Americans, and a host of crimes from which she was protected due to being the 'chosen one'. Good grief.

If anyone else went to a job interview and handed over a resume that contained all of that they would not just be asked to leave - they would be BOOTED off the premises.....unless it was a liberal-owned company.

As it was, she was the 1st US Presidential Candidate in US history to be under multiple on-going FBI investigations (for crimes she did commit) and allowed to stay in the race / on the ticket.

Thank goodness she was Rejected by the American people ... AGAIN.

Like I said. When you know what to be pissed about, get back to me. All you care about is that the Ambassador died. You don’t know what the hell is really going on and you don’t care. You stop at the surface, and you’re too stupid to realize it.

But for shits and giggles, I’ll lay it out again. I say again, because I’ve done this several times, and folks like you never learn. In that way you’re exactly like the shallow jackasses that support Hillary because she’s a woman. Well the mirror image of those jackasses.

First, what the hell was an Ambassador doing at a Consulate? You never find an Ambassador at a Consulate here. You never hear that the British Ambassador is visiting the Consulate in Atlanta. Consulates are where low level bullshit is managed. Embassy’s are where the work gets done, and those are located in Capitals. The reason? The Capital is where the Ambassador can represent the nation to the nation he’s in.

For that answer, you actually have to go back a little more than the death of an Ambassador. You have to go back to the beginning of the “Arab Spring” when Hillary saw an opportunity to overthrow Ghadaffi. Hillary Clinton State Department approved U.S. weapons shipment to Libya despite ban

So the issue isn’t that Hillary violated international sanctions by sending weapons to Libya, it’s that an Ambassador Died. Well fuck me running. I’m glad we have our priorities straight. I mean, I’d hate to think we were distracted so fucking easily by a shiny thing to ignore the real story. Oh wait, we were. Never mind.

So what about Benghazi? We know that the illegal shipment of weapons worked in Libya, I mean, what a great Civil War they still have going on because of it. And since Hillary is a one trick pony, why not do it again? It worked once, it will certainly work again.

The CIA was using Benghazi to send weapons to Syrian Jihadists. CIA 'running arms smuggling team in Benghazi when consulate was attacked'

Weapons trafficking questions remain unanswered in Benghazi report

When that pipeline did not produce the results that we wanted, despite the death of an Ambassador, we upped the ante, because, um. Well we were in for a dime, might as well toss in the rest to get a buck right?

Arms Airlift to Syrian Rebels Expands, With C.I.A. Aid

But what are you pissed about? Not the hundreds of thousands of casualties in two civil wars caused by the woman. Not the flood of jihadist refugees in Europe and even here. Not the arming of ISIS and the rest of the crap. No, you’re pissed that one fucking asshole Ambassador who was in Benghazi to check up on the weapons shipments and find out what he could do to get more weapons into Syria was killed.

Yeah, that’s the big fucking scandal. One douche died and that’s the fucking scandal.

Now do you know why I reacted with disdain to your asinine statements? Now do you know why I viewed your post with such contempt? The dead ambassador is literally the least scandalous thing in the fucking mess. If it was just a dead ambassador, I’d probably give less than a shit about it. I might have even voted for Hillary if that was all there was to the story. But it isn’t. It isn’t by a long shot.

I’d continue, but it would mean I thought you could learn and I doubt that is possible. Otherwise you would have learned all this long before now. Go back to ranting about a dead ambassador. Because that is the distraction that you’ve fallen for hook, line, and sinker. Hell you swallowed the boat, motor, dock, and the trailer the boat came in on.

I will continue to treat asinine statements about a dead ambassador being a scandal with utter contempt. Because it is contemptible. It isn’t even the tip of the iceberg. It’s single ice crystal sitting shining brightly on the edge of the iceberg.
Like I said. When you know what to be pissed about, get back to me. All you care about is that the Ambassador died. You don’t know what the hell is really going on and you don’t care. You stop at the surface, and you’re too stupid to realize it.
I actually do realize all of that, I just did not want to get into all of that in greater detail because most people don't know or care about any of that. I was keeping it simple.

I agree with you on all of that, but what I do not agree with you on is continuing to insult a man who was abandoned to die:

"One douche died and that’s the fucking scandal."

That 'douche' was a US Ambassador, an American citizen, a husband, a father, a son.... I do not agree with the callousness with which you ... and Hillary ... responded, putting such little value of human / American lives.

The fact that 4 Americans needlessly dies, were abandoned to die, is just as important in its own was in the assessment of Hillary Clinton as everything else that was going on that you mentioned. Yes, it's a much smaller part in all of it, but if all you knew about Hillary were the details oh how she did LESS than nothing to save American lives in Benghazi you would / should know she should NEVER have been President of the United States.
Like I said. When you know what to be pissed about, get back to me. All you care about is that the Ambassador died. You don’t know what the hell is really going on and you don’t care. You stop at the surface, and you’re too stupid to realize it.
I actually do realize all of that, I just did not want to get into all of that in greater detail because most people don't know or care about any of that. I was keeping it simple.

I agree with you on all of that, but what I do not agree with you on is continuing to insult a man who was abandoned to die:

"One douche died and that’s the fucking scandal."

That 'douche' was a US Ambassador, an American citizen, a husband, a father, a son.... I do not agree with the callousness with which you ... and Hillary ... responded, putting such little value of human / American lives.

The fact that 4 Americans needlessly dies, were abandoned to die, is just as important in its own was in the assessment of Hillary Clinton as everything else that was going on that you mentioned. Yes, it's a much smaller part in all of it, but if all you knew about Hillary were the details oh how she did LESS than nothing to save American lives in Benghazi you would / should know she should NEVER have been President of the United States.

That man was an Ambassador not some wannabe James Bond reject. He should have remained at the embassy instead of getting out into the civil war disputed territory to see what the CIA was up to. That is like telling me I should feel sorry for a jackass who walks into a bear area in Alaska and expects to live with them in peace. They are bears, and they will kill you if you ever forget that.

I shot a copperhead snake in my yard yesterday. It never occurred to me to do otherwise. It’s legal in this state to do just that. I could have pretended that I was a famous snake wrangler and gone to handle it. When I inevitably got bitten, would it be worthy of sympathy?

Stevens had no training or experience as a CIA spook. He was an amateur trying to handle a snake. He was an idiot living among the Kodak Grizzly Bears thinking they loved him. He was a fool climbing to the top of a tower to get a good picture. If he had died as an Ambassador instead of some pathetic wannabe spy that might be worth some sympathy. But he didn’t.
Like I said. When you know what to be pissed about, get back to me. All you care about is that the Ambassador died. You don’t know what the hell is really going on and you don’t care. You stop at the surface, and you’re too stupid to realize it.
I actually do realize all of that, I just did not want to get into all of that in greater detail because most people don't know or care about any of that. I was keeping it simple.

I agree with you on all of that, but what I do not agree with you on is continuing to insult a man who was abandoned to die:

"One douche died and that’s the fucking scandal."

That 'douche' was a US Ambassador, an American citizen, a husband, a father, a son.... I do not agree with the callousness with which you ... and Hillary ... responded, putting such little value of human / American lives.

The fact that 4 Americans needlessly dies, were abandoned to die, is just as important in its own was in the assessment of Hillary Clinton as everything else that was going on that you mentioned. Yes, it's a much smaller part in all of it, but if all you knew about Hillary were the details oh how she did LESS than nothing to save American lives in Benghazi you would / should know she should NEVER have been President of the United States.

That man was an Ambassador not some wannabe James Bond reject. He should have remained at the embassy instead of getting out into the civil war disputed territory to see what the CIA was up to. That is like telling me I should feel sorry for a jackass who walks into a bear area in Alaska and expects to live with them in peace. They are bears, and they will kill you if you ever forget that.

I shot a copperhead snake in my yard yesterday. It never occurred to me to do otherwise. It’s legal in this state to do just that. I could have pretended that I was a famous snake wrangler and gone to handle it. When I inevitably got bitten, would it be worthy of sympathy?

Stevens had no training or experience as a CIA spook. He was an amateur trying to handle a snake. He was an idiot living among the Kodak Grizzly Bears thinking they loved him. He was a fool climbing to the top of a tower to get a good picture. If he had died as an Ambassador instead of some pathetic wannabe spy that might be worth some sympathy. But he didn’t.
/----/ Gee I don't see anything about the Ambassador strolling around town checking up on the CIA.
Benghazi Mission Attack Fast Facts - CNN
That man was an Ambassador not some wannabe James Bond reject.
You really going to blame the 1st US Ambassador murdered in over 30 years for his own death when he and his fellow Americans were abandoned to die in Benghazi? REALLY?

EVERY other nation there ordered their people out...except Americans.

Hillary hired Al Qaeda-associated militia to protect Americans...from Al Qaeda. BRILLIANT!

Hillary refused to order Americans out despite knowing a call to assassinate Stevens was out, despite knowing an attack on 9/11/12 was coming, despite knowing the outpost had been attacked twice already, despite knowing Stevens told her / the State department if a 3rd attack happened and they didn't have more security he would die, despite rejecting more than 50 pleas for more security, despite knowing they had reduced the size of his security team, despite knowing every country had pulled their people out, and despite knowing the military had no people nearby in case the Americans in Benghazi needed rescuing.

...and you want to blame the abandoned 'douche' for this entire F* UP that led to his own death.

Good God, man - pry your lips off of Hillary's ass for one second and admit she could not have handled the Benghazi mess any worse...unless she had gotten MORE Americans killed.
So let me get this straight. If Trump waives the Jones Act, the damaged ports would miraculously be repaired and able to handle the cargo from ships again? Great. That’s awesome.

U.S. says no need for Puerto Rico shipping waiver

Well obviously that is fake news.

That is obviously fake news too. Assholes. Faking the news. Fuckwads

So how do you get the containers to the communities when the roads are closed, blocked, etc. How do you get it there when the truckers don’t show up? I know, there is an army of foreign flagged workers waiting to get in there and work but they’re prohibited by the Jones Act.

Getting the shit to Puerto Rico isn’t easy, but it’s easier than getting it from the port to the communities. But you just want to hate Trump. Well you’re full of it.

The goddamned restrictions have been waived by the president, jerk!
Like I said. When you know what to be pissed about, get back to me. All you care about is that the Ambassador died. You don’t know what the hell is really going on and you don’t care. You stop at the surface, and you’re too stupid to realize it.
I actually do realize all of that, I just did not want to get into all of that in greater detail because most people don't know or care about any of that. I was keeping it simple.

I agree with you on all of that, but what I do not agree with you on is continuing to insult a man who was abandoned to die:

"One douche died and that’s the fucking scandal."

That 'douche' was a US Ambassador, an American citizen, a husband, a father, a son.... I do not agree with the callousness with which you ... and Hillary ... responded, putting such little value of human / American lives.

The fact that 4 Americans needlessly dies, were abandoned to die, is just as important in its own was in the assessment of Hillary Clinton as everything else that was going on that you mentioned. Yes, it's a much smaller part in all of it, but if all you knew about Hillary were the details oh how she did LESS than nothing to save American lives in Benghazi you would / should know she should NEVER have been President of the United States.

That man was an Ambassador not some wannabe James Bond reject. He should have remained at the embassy instead of getting out into the civil war disputed territory to see what the CIA was up to. That is like telling me I should feel sorry for a jackass who walks into a bear area in Alaska and expects to live with them in peace. They are bears, and they will kill you if you ever forget that.

I shot a copperhead snake in my yard yesterday. It never occurred to me to do otherwise. It’s legal in this state to do just that. I could have pretended that I was a famous snake wrangler and gone to handle it. When I inevitably got bitten, would it be worthy of sympathy?

Stevens had no training or experience as a CIA spook. He was an amateur trying to handle a snake. He was an idiot living among the Kodak Grizzly Bears thinking they loved him. He was a fool climbing to the top of a tower to get a good picture. If he had died as an Ambassador instead of some pathetic wannabe spy that might be worth some sympathy. But he didn’t.
so what you're saying is he should have been removed? we all agree.
so what you're saying is he should have been removed? we all agree.
Hillary Clinton should have ordered him and every other American out of Benghazi, just as every other nation did with their people due to the rising level of violence, terrorist attacks, and upcoming terrorist attack on 9/11/12.

Instead Hillary denied every plea for additional security, reduced the number of security personnel there - after 2 terrorist attacks on the compound, and failed to ensure the military was in position to effect a rescue.
so what you're saying is he should have been removed? we all agree.
Hillary Clinton should have ordered him and every other American out of Benghazi, just as every other nation did with their people due to the rising level of violence, terrorist attacks, and upcoming terrorist attack on 9/11/12.

Instead Hillary denied every plea for additional security, reduced the number of security personnel there - after 2 terrorist attacks on the compound, and failed to ensure the military was in position to effect a rescue.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^DING, DING, DING^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^WINNER WINNER CHICKEN DINNER^^^^^^^^^^^^:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::udaman:
So let me get this straight. If Trump waives the Jones Act, the damaged ports would miraculously be repaired and able to handle the cargo from ships again? Great. That’s awesome.

U.S. says no need for Puerto Rico shipping waiver

Well obviously that is fake news.

That is obviously fake news too. Assholes. Faking the news. Fuckwads

So how do you get the containers to the communities when the roads are closed, blocked, etc. How do you get it there when the truckers don’t show up? I know, there is an army of foreign flagged workers waiting to get in there and work but they’re prohibited by the Jones Act.

Getting the shit to Puerto Rico isn’t easy, but it’s easier than getting it from the port to the communities. But you just want to hate Trump. Well you’re full of it.

The goddamned restrictions have been waived by the president, jerk!

You still can’t get it from the Port to anywhere. The roads are still blocked. The truckers are either unaware that the port is open. Or unable to get to the port. Even those who can face a shortage of diesel fuel. Three days in line to get a little gas for a generator. The Jones Act was doing nothing to harm or help. Oh and before you suggest helicopter as a delivery option. There aren’t many that can carry a container even on sling load. Oh and they drink fuel by the ton. Back to shortages of fuel as a problem.

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