President Unveils Plan To Boost College Affordability


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010

President Unveils Plan To Boost College Affordability

President Unveils Plan To Boost College Affordability : The Two-Way : NPR

by Scott Neuman

August 22, 201312:38 PM

Saying a college education is the "surest path to the middle class," President Obama announced a plan Thursday to allocate federal aid to colleges and universities based in part on their affordability.

Speaking at the University at Buffalo, State University of New York, the president said that over the last 30 years, there's been a 250 percent increase in the cost of higher education, while at the same time incomes have risen just 16 percent. Meanwhile, he said, the states have cut back dramatically on their allocations for higher education.

"The average student who graduates from college owes $26,000, some more than that," he said.

Obama outlined three main goals of the new system, the linchpin of which is a rating system that would judge institutions of higher learning "not just by which is the most selective, not just by which is the most expensive, not just by the one with the best facilities," he said, "but by the one that is the biggest bang for the buck."

He said under his plan, colleges "are not going to be increasing tuition year after year and passing it along to students and parents."

I'd think making more "colleges" compete for your business would lower the cost. Well, this could help slow down the raise of tuition as the lower costing colleges get the money. ;)
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I hear the best way to stop the inflation of education costs is to stop inflation itself.

Restore Gold and Silver Coin today!
Rangel: ‘No reason why a young person should have to pay for college education’ [VIDEO]
The Daily Caller ^ | August 22, 2013 | Jeff Poor
Rangel: No reason why you should have to pay for college | The Daily Caller

On Martin Bashir’s Thursday MSNBC program, New York Democratic Rep. Charles Rangel said that no students should have to pay for college.

Rangel was reacting to President Barack Obama’s higher education proposal rollout that would put in place requirements for students and institutions to receive federal financial aid assistance.

Rangel explained to fill-in host Joy Reid that he support Obama’s plan, particularly the accountability components.

“I think it’s exciting, and certainly it’s going to bring in accountability,” he said. “You know, we have universities scattered all over the world. Sometimes you think that tuition means nothing to a large group of people who pay these enormous salaries to college presidents. But if you’re talking about production, if you’re talking about what is the college really giving someone that doesn’t want a worldwide education, they just want to be able to compete. This makes sense.”(continued)

Rangel, however, told Reid those reforms alone weren’t enough and would offer college to Americans for free.
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One sure way to keep education costs going ever higher, and quality going the other way, give the government more control of it.
I hear the best way to stop the inflation of education costs is to stop inflation itself.

Restore Gold and Silver Coin today!

Well that certainly would stop inflation. I think the shitstorm that would occur during the transition might be somewhat dramatic, but you are absolutely right that the return of specie WOULD end inflation (except for the inflation of the value of gold and silver, of course)

But the western world (read the central banks, cause they basically ARE the only thing in the Western World that actually matters anymore) is dead set against returning to the international GOLD STANDARD.
Pick an economist — just about any economist, left, right or center — and see what happens when you suggest that the United States should return to the “gold standard.” Unless your chosen wonk happens to be of the ultra-conservative Austrian persuasion, the most likely response will be a sigh and an eye-roll. For the vast majority of the field, the inadvisability of running a modern advanced economy on the gold standard is settled science. It’s a bad idea.
Obama has plans for you from cradle to grave...

and it comes with a string attached from you umbilical cord to the government..

what a nice dictator
Pick an economist — just about any economist, left, right or center — and see what happens when you suggest that the United States should return to the “gold standard.” Unless your chosen wonk happens to be of the ultra-conservative Austrian persuasion, the most likely response will be a sigh and an eye-roll. For the vast majority of the field, the inadvisability of running a modern advanced economy on the gold standard is settled science. It’s a bad idea.

The gold standard delusion -

That article really did its readers a disservice because it completelyt FAILED to not that the US GOLD STANDARD of pre1937 and the GOLD STANDARD post the Benton woods agreement until 1974 were two VERY different things.
The best affordability for college tuition would be availability of jobs after graduatikn.

Looks like THAT is of no interest to obama.

President Unveils Plan To Boost College Affordability

President Unveils Plan To Boost College Affordability : The Two-Way : NPR

by Scott Neuman

August 22, 201312:38 PM

Saying a college education is the "surest path to the middle class," President Obama announced a plan Thursday to allocate federal aid to colleges and universities based in part on their affordability.

Speaking at the University at Buffalo, State University of New York, the president said that over the last 30 years, there's been a 250 percent increase in the cost of higher education, while at the same time incomes have risen just 16 percent. Meanwhile, he said, the states have cut back dramatically on their allocations for higher education.

"The average student who graduates from college owes $26,000, some more than that," he said.

Obama outlined three main goals of the new system, the linchpin of which is a rating system that would judge institutions of higher learning "not just by which is the most selective, not just by which is the most expensive, not just by the one with the best facilities," he said, "but by the one that is the biggest bang for the buck."

He said under his plan, colleges "are not going to be increasing tuition year after year and passing it along to students and parents."

I'd think making more "colleges" compete for your business would lower the cost. Well, this could help slow down the raise of tuition as the lower costing colleges get the money. ;)

Like everything else bed wetters do, this will fail to achieve the desired results, and we'll end up with unintended consequences that are worse than the original problem.
If Obama really cared he would push trade schools, apprenticeships, etc etc

not everyone is cut out FOR COLLEGE

but the government has their hands in college so that is what he pushes

but he is still a loving caring dictator isn't he
Just an empty speech.

Aren't they all?

I'm seriously asking...

Everytime I hear his voice or see his face I turn off the source of the bullshit. I don't think I've ever heard an entire speech from that assclown, much less an entire soundbite if there was a mute button available.

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