Presidential Candidate Andy Martin Has Been Discovered To Be A Dual British Citizen


May 29, 2010
Andy Martin has been asked for months since he declared his candidacy if he would release information on his father and answer questions about his natural born citizenship. He was asked to release his birth certificate right after he declared his candidacy and he refused. Well, a person through the freedom of information act has got the records and it was found that Martins father was British and became naturalized after Andy was born and thus negating his natural born status. Martin is a dual British Citizen with split allegiances which is something the founders didn't want in their future presidents. Martin is refusing to answer questions. The person has video of Martin speaking his mind about presidential eligibility and this has backfired against Candidate Martin.

You must watch the short video first before you read. Please do and comment.

Video link here for Martins comments and a historical lesson on Natural Born Citizenship. You will be suprised:
Natural Born Citizen Crisis - Presidential Usurpation on Vimeo

Now read the link:
Eligibility Exposé CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS UPDATE Part II {natural born Citizen} "CERTIFIED" ~ Pixel Patriot
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Didnt someone think to use the freedom of information act on Obama since he was running for the highest office in this nation?

No one checked?
Who is Andy Martin? Never heard of him.

He's a wealthy internet mogul and was the first candidate to file for his candidacy for President in New Hamphire several months back. He did make headlines when he did. What's ironic is that he aired the first ever campaign commercial in South Carolina and New Hampshire criticizing Obama's eligibility.

See here;

[ame=]YouTube - Andy Martin 2012 Election Ad: Obama's Credentials; Where's the Birth Certificate 2/23/2011[/ame]
Didnt someone think to use the freedom of information act on Obama since he was running for the highest office in this nation?

No one checked?

What good would that do? When the first thing the kenyan did when he got in the Oval Office was sign an executive order hiding virtually his entire past.

"The only people that don't disclose the truth, are people that have something to hide."
- barack obama.
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Didnt someone think to use the freedom of information act on Obama since he was running for the highest office in this nation?

No one checked?

What good would that do? When the first thing the kenyan did when he got in the Oval Office was sign an executive order hiding virtually his entire past.

"The only people that don't disclose the truth, are people that have something to hide."
- barack obama.


I love forcing birthers to admit that they can't back up their claims. It's kind of like a sport I can't loose at. There are a few options you have now. You can redirect by insulting me or changing the subject to something else or what not. You can ignore it entirely and go find a different thread. You can find a disreputable link that will prove to everyone that you know your way around wing nut websites.

Good luck finding a link from a reputable news agency. They've all looked at the various documents that have been released and they all agree that he was born in Hawaii.
Who is Andy Martin? Never heard of him.

He's a wealthy internet mogul and was the first candidate to file for his candidacy for President in New Hamphire several months back. He did make headlines when he did. What's ironic is that he aired the first ever campaign commercial in South Carolina and New Hampshire criticizing Obama's eligibility.

See here;

[ame=]YouTube - Andy Martin 2012 Election Ad: Obama's Credentials; Where's the Birth Certificate 2/23/2011[/ame]

How much do you think the fact that one of the original birthers is exposed as a hypocrite will effect the discourse? I say not at all. I mean look at Pale Rider. He just saw "birth certificate" and that's all it took to illicit the standard rant. Those who have made up their minds will not stop. Those of us who know it's all bullshit hardly need any more evidence that it's bullshit. Incredibly enough, polls show that some people are actually unsure. These people must not be paying very close attention, so I doubt they'll even notice.
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