Presidential Rankings........Obama: Tenth......Trump: last

I am certainly not surprised that Trump is ranked last. I am just bewildered that anyone could possibly find fault with the scholars' rankings. There seems to be some people who live in some kind of alternative universe in which Trump isn't really a disgusting caracturature of himself.
LOL, What's that got to do with the fact that the "poll" was overwhelmingly biased in favor of Democrats? Or did you miss the fact that ONLY 13% of those polled were Republicans? Do you think the tiny sample size has anything to do with the results?

If your objective was to prove how intense your confirmation bias is then you proved your point....

Even among Republican respondents, Mr. Trump still ranked extremely low, earning the 40th spot for presidential greatness. These Republicans labeled James Buchanan -- whose presidency saw the secession of seven states before the Civil War -- as the all-time worst and George Washington as the best.
A fucking totalitarian that raped, killed and stole from innocent woman and children is the best prez we ever had? One that jailed peopel simply for having an opinion? What a load of fucking hogwash :rofl:

Lincoln was a rapist? Do tell

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Abe and his lovely "scorched earth" policy :rolleyes:

Lincoln's army waged war upon civilians. We call that Terrorism now days.
170 dumb shits passed judgement on Trump's presidency just 25% into his 4 year term? That sounds typical for idiot liberals.

Do you believe he will change or do anything differently in the next --- however long he lasts?

Nobody with a brain does.

This makes you people look stupid. There's no telling what president Trump will face in the next 3 years, he could end up being the most heroic president in history for all anyone knows so you stupid shits pre-judging his presidency is ridiculous. Control your hate you freaks.
LOL, What's that got to do with the fact that the "poll" was overwhelmingly biased in favor of Democrats? Or did you miss the fact that ONLY 13% of those polled were Republicans? Do you think the tiny sample size has anything to do with the results?

If your objective was to prove how intense your confirmation bias is then you proved your point....

Even among Republican respondents, Mr. Trump still ranked extremely low, earning the 40th spot for presidential greatness. These Republicans labeled James Buchanan -- whose presidency saw the secession of seven states before the Civil War -- as the all-time worst and George Washington as the best.

ROFLMAO! I see you're just determined to double down on proving your ignorance of how sample sizes work and at what point they become meaningless.....

Don't sweat it though, the world needs ditch diggers too so at least you have some job security. :rock:
ROFLMAO! I see you're just determined to double down on proving your ignorance of how sample sizes work and at what point they become meaningless.....

So the 23 presidential scholars who identified as Republican and collectively rated Trump 40th overall are to be discounted entirely?

Whatever :rolleyes-41:
A fucking totalitarian that raped, killed and stole from innocent woman and children is the best prez we ever had? One that jailed peopel simply for having an opinion? What a load of fucking hogwash :rofl:

Lincoln was a rapist? Do tell

Sent from my iPhone using
Abe and his lovely "scorched earth" policy :rolleyes:

Lincoln's army waged war upon civilians. We call that Terrorism now days.
But it was lincoln... so.... racism :dunno:
This poll means nothing. Shucks if you polled a million Negroes, Obama would rank #1 all time greatest President...

I love it when racists chime in
OP doesn't know the definition of racist. But just played the race card.

Who me?

I'm not racist.....I never lynched anyone

Right Scamp?

You don't believe those negoes are qualified to be judges, now do you, shit for brains?
This poll means nothing. Shucks if you polled a million Negroes, Obama would rank #1 all time greatest President...

They polled 170 members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents and Executive Politics section

American Political Science Association > MEMBERSHIP > Organized Sections by Number

APSA Organized Sections

They polled a bunch of fucking commies sucking on the government tit.
Obama moves up to 8th - Let the caterwauling begin! :eusa_dance:

President Trump came in last place in an expert ranking of "presidential greatness," according to the 2018 Presidents & Executive Politics Presidential Greatness Survey released by Boise State University Monday.

The survey was conducted among 170 current and recent members of the Presidents & Executive Politics Section of the American Political Science Association, which is a group of scholars dedicated to studying the American presidency.

These experts were asked to rank each president on a scale from zero (worst) to 100 (best) based on their overall performance in office. With this, Mr. Trump came in last place with an average score of 12.34.

Even among Republican respondents, Mr. Trump still ranked extremely low, earning the 40th spot for presidential greatness. These Republicans labeled James Buchanan -- whose presidency saw the secession of seven states before the Civil War -- as the all-time worst and George Washington as the best.

Coming in first place is Abraham Lincoln, who scored an average of 95.03 between both Democrats and Republicans surveyed. The top seven presidents have remained the same since the poll was last conducted in 2014: Lincoln, George Washington, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, Harry Truman, and Dwight D. Eisenhower.

In this round of questioning, former president Barack Obama moved up in the rankings to 8th best president, whereas in 2014 he came in at 18th. Scholars identifying as Republican, however, ranked Obama 16th. Ronald Reagan, who also moved up from his previous ranking, trails behind Obama in 9th place.​

Political scientists rank Trump last, Lincoln first in greatness survey - CNNPolitics

CNN is biased enough to include a president who is not even done with his term yet in the list.

About the same grade of bias as the 98% change to win for Hillary prediction.
This makes you people look stupid. There's no telling what president Trump will face in the next 3 years, he could end up being the most heroic president in history for all anyone knows so you stupid shits pre-judging his presidency is ridiculous. Control your hate you freaks.

Absolutely - He's got things like leadership, presidential, & maturity written all over him. Reminds most of Washington, Lincoln, Eisenhower & Reagan! :rolleyes:

You 37%-ers are quite entertaining .. don't stop!

Gallup 2/12 - 2/18 1500 A 37 59 -22
Looks like Trump has nowhere to go but up

Opinion | How Does Trump Stack Up Against the Best — and Worst — Presidents?

Since our previous survey in 2014, some presidential legacies have soared (Barack Obama’s stock has climbed into the Top 10), while others have fallen (Andrew Jackson toppled to 15, out of the Top 10).

And President Trump? Let’s say that, according to the 170 members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents and Executive Politics section who filled out our survey, he has at least three years to improve on an ignominious debut.
College Is for People Too Dumb to Learn Anything on Their Own

Not indoctrinated by isolated and sheltered academia, my rankings are:

1. Monroe
2. Jefferson
3. Jackson
4. Polk
5. Teddy Roosevelt
6. Washington
7. Lincoln
8. FDR
9. Reagan
10. Eisenhower

I put Lincoln dead last, and Wilson 2nd to last. Roosevelt is 3rd to last, LBJ is 4th. Teddy Roosevelt is in the bottomg 10. These men were all goosestepping aspiring dictators. Lincoln wasn't even aspiring. He was an actual dictator.`
ROFLMAO! I see you're just determined to double down on proving your ignorance of how sample sizes work and at what point they become meaningless.....

So the 23 presidential scholars who identified as Republican and collectively rated Trump 40th overall are to be discounted entirely?

Whatever :rolleyes-41:

Yeah genius, this opinion poll is horribly slanted by partisanship, not to mention Trump has only been in office for slightly over 1 year and hasn't completed a full term whereas every other president has, which makes it an apples to oranges (pun intended) comparison.

It's completely meaningless to anybody with even an ounce of objectivity and only meaningful to hyper-partisan drones like you that are singularly focused on feeding their confirmation bias and don't give a rats ass about objective assessments.

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