Presidential Rankings........Obama: Tenth......Trump: last


"Roughly 57% of the respondents were Democrats, 13% were Republicans and 27% were independents (3% selected "Other")."

Now run along and see if you can manage to find something just a tad more slanted to feed your confirmation bias, K? Thanks....

Miss this part didya? :)

Even among Republican respondents, Mr. Trump still ranked extremely low, earning the 40th spot for presidential greatness. These Republicans labeled James Buchanan -- whose presidency saw the secession of seven states before the Civil War -- as the all-time worst and George Washington as the best.

"Roughly 57% of the respondents were Democrats, 13% were Republicans and 27% were independents (3% selected "Other")."

Now run along and see if you can manage to find something just a tad more slanted to feed your confirmation bias, K? Thanks....

Miss this part didya? :)

Even among Republican respondents, Mr. Trump still ranked extremely low, earning the 40th spot for presidential greatness. These Republicans labeled James Buchanan -- whose presidency saw the secession of seven states before the Civil War -- as the all-time worst and George Washington as the best.
UH, And pray tell. How many polls had Pillary winning?
He did pretty good at two things:

1. Artificially inflating the stock market, thereby making a lot of Wall Streeters wealthy.

2. Boosting the sale and manufacture of firearms and ammunition.

You know when you insult Obama it says nothing about Obama? Can you go through your posts and show when you last said a good thing about Obama?

You have lost objectivity, you lack the ability to inject cognitive thought into a conservation on this topic, so what you are saying is mute as it is not based in reason.

He struggles to find fault with the Great Obama

Meanwhile, The Great Obama sits at number 8 in a ranking of US presidents

The two Republicans that served before and after Obama?
30th and dead last

what a crock of shit. That same media outlet said they had polls that said Hillary had a 97% chance or winning and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes. they lied then and they are lying now.

Trump has most of the media, most of congress, Hollywood, late night TV, and the entire dem/lib establishment against him and he is still turning the economy around, has made the USA respected internationally again, has put more money in working americans pockets, and is returning our culture to basic human values.

He could very well go down in history as the greatest president ever.

"the great Obama" :lame2:

Read the OP

It is not a poll but a ranking by 170 historians

Even if you only look at the rankings by Republican historians.....Obama is still 16 and Trump is 40

Historians from left wing indoctrination centers of diseducation and liberal brainwashing.

Value and significance = less than zero.

If that is the case

Why does Reagan rank so high?
on the OP and the NYT poll

do any of these clowns even know anything about Taft, McKinley, Adams, Hoover, or any president before Nixon? Probably not, so its not a poll, its propaganda created by a left wing propaganda rag. Its worthless bullshit.

it's not a nyt poll, brainiac

trumpkins- trump can't read, so they don't


your reading comprehension is lacking. try again

the OP and the NYT poll. two different things, dingleberry dipshit

there is no nyt poll, you fucking mouthbreather


try again rectal breather. Winger has posted several NYT polls on presidential "goodness"

It was not a NYT poll

They only reported it....what are you afraid of?
A fucking totalitarian that raped, killed and stole from innocent woman and children is the best prez we ever had? One that jailed peopel simply for having an opinion? What a load of fucking hogwash :rofl:

Lincoln was a rapist? Do tell

Sent from my iPhone using
Abe and his lovely "scorched earth" policy :rolleyes:

Still waiting to hear who he raped Professor Harley
Hitler didnt kill anyone. But he is attributed to millions of deaths.
Is this REALLY the road you want to go down?
trump's doing much better now. he's grown into the job and projects the kind of gravitas and statesmanship that most people like to see in a president

said no one who hadn't suffered oxygen deprivation at birth
trump's doing much better now. he's grown into the job and projects the kind of gravitas and statesmanship that most people like to see in a president

said no one who hadn't suffered oxygen deprivation at birth

Oxygen depravation just may explain Trump ...
Yep, without a doubt he will pivot ---- Well, maybe later today! :wink:

Donald J. Trump


A woman I don’t know and, to the best of my knowledge, never met, is on the FRONT PAGE of the Fake News Washington Post saying I kissed her (for two minutes yet) in the lobby of Trump Tower 12 years ago. Never happened! Who would do this in a public space with live security cameras running. Another False Accusation. Why doesn’t @washingtonpost report the story of the women taking money to make up stories about me? One had her home mortgage paid off. Only @FoxNews so reported...doesn’t fit the Mainstream Media narrative.
This poll means nothing. Shucks if you polled a million Negroes, Obama would rank #1 all time greatest President...

They polled 170 members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents and Executive Politics section

American Political Science Association > MEMBERSHIP > Organized Sections by Number

APSA Organized Sections
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"Roughly 57% of the respondents were Democrats, 13% were Republicans and 27% were independents (3% selected "Other")."

Now run along and see if you can manage to find something just a tad more slanted to feed your confirmation bias, K? Thanks....

Miss this part didya? :)

Even among Republican respondents, Mr. Trump still ranked extremely low, earning the 40th spot for presidential greatness. These Republicans labeled James Buchanan -- whose presidency saw the secession of seven states before the Civil War -- as the all-time worst and George Washington as the best.

LOL, What's that got to do with the fact that the "poll" was overwhelmingly biased in favor of Democrats? Or did you miss the fact that ONLY 13% of those polled were Republicans? Do you think the tiny sample size has anything to do with the results?

If your objective was to prove how intense your confirmation bias is then you proved your point....

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