Presidential Rankings........Obama: Tenth......Trump: last


OK explain why and list their awards

The list is on the Dailykos site.
Doesnt matter who publishes it.
The list was generated by 170 members of American Political Science Association.
Diversity and Inclusion Programs
Achieving diversity and inclusion in political science is a priority for the American Political Science Association. Recognizing the many differences, among them — demographic, substantive, intellectual, pedagogical, methodological, and institutional — and leveraging this variation is critical not only to the success of individual political scientists but to the strength and longevity of the disciplinary enterprise. The individual and collective creativity and innovation required for disciplinary responses to an ever-changing world depend on our ability to harness the variety of unique contributions and differences in our research, teaching, and service.

  • Minority Fellowship Program
  • Minority Student Recruitment Program
  • Ralph Bunche Summer Institute (RBSI)
  • APSA Mentoring Program
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See more information on APSA Diversity Programs.

That kills it right there. From your link.
Look at the graphics on new york times article.
They separate out the democrat / independent / republican members. According the the republican members, Trump is still in 40th place.
And Trump has only been in office for a year. The whole study is ridiculous and is just propaganda against Trump.
It is to soon to respect any results concerning his presidency. Historians who do not know that are hardly worth listening to.
OK explain why and list their awards

The list is on the Dailykos site.
Doesnt matter who publishes it.
The list was generated by 170 members of American Political Science Association.
Diversity and Inclusion Programs
Achieving diversity and inclusion in political science is a priority for the American Political Science Association. Recognizing the many differences, among them — demographic, substantive, intellectual, pedagogical, methodological, and institutional — and leveraging this variation is critical not only to the success of individual political scientists but to the strength and longevity of the disciplinary enterprise. The individual and collective creativity and innovation required for disciplinary responses to an ever-changing world depend on our ability to harness the variety of unique contributions and differences in our research, teaching, and service.

  • Minority Fellowship Program
  • Minority Student Recruitment Program
  • Ralph Bunche Summer Institute (RBSI)
  • APSA Mentoring Program
  • APSA Status Committees
See more information on APSA Diversity Programs.

That kills it right there. From your link.
Look at the graphics on new york times article.
They separate out the democrat / independent / republican members. According the the republican members, Trump is still in 40th place.
And Trump has only been in office for a year. The whole study is ridiculous and is just propaganda against Trump.
It is to soon to respect any results concerning his presidency. Historians who do not know that are hardly worth listening to.

For some reason......Conservatives dismiss Newsmen, Scientists and Historians because they contradict rightwing propaganda
This makes you people look stupid. There's no telling what president Trump will face in the next 3 years, he could end up being the most heroic president in history for all anyone knows so you stupid shits pre-judging his presidency is ridiculous. Control your hate you freaks.

Absolutely - He's got things like leadership, presidential, & maturity written all over him. Reminds most of Washington, Lincoln, Eisenhower & Reagan! :rolleyes:

You 37%-ers are quite entertaining .. don't stop!

Gallup 2/12 - 2/18 1500 A 37 59 -22

You lost, Trump whooped your ass get over it you cry babies.

I am not sure if he meant to use 37%-ers or just use the good old "deplorales".

Not all Trump voters are Deplorables, but all Deporables are Trump voters! :cool:

... and thus DrLove proudly displays the sort of vapid partisan arrogance that resulted in Her Majesty, the Duchess of Benghazi getting beaten by a screwball like Donald Trump. :rolleyes:
This study should be entitled, " presidents most disliked by liberal academia" a study done by people who have no idea what real life is all about or how it works. They live their lives in the cloistered halls of college campuses and never venture into reality. They are a major part of what is wrong with America today. Colleges used to teach kids how to earn a living, now they teach them how to hate those that do earn a living.
OK explain why and list their awards

The list is on the Dailykos site.
Doesnt matter who publishes it.
The list was generated by 170 members of American Political Science Association.
Diversity and Inclusion Programs
Achieving diversity and inclusion in political science is a priority for the American Political Science Association. Recognizing the many differences, among them — demographic, substantive, intellectual, pedagogical, methodological, and institutional — and leveraging this variation is critical not only to the success of individual political scientists but to the strength and longevity of the disciplinary enterprise. The individual and collective creativity and innovation required for disciplinary responses to an ever-changing world depend on our ability to harness the variety of unique contributions and differences in our research, teaching, and service.

  • Minority Fellowship Program
  • Minority Student Recruitment Program
  • Ralph Bunche Summer Institute (RBSI)
  • APSA Mentoring Program
  • APSA Status Committees
See more information on APSA Diversity Programs.

That kills it right there. From your link.
Look at the graphics on new york times article.
They separate out the democrat / independent / republican members. According the the republican members, Trump is still in 40th place.
And Trump has only been in office for a year. The whole study is ridiculous and is just propaganda against Trump.
It is to soon to respect any results concerning his presidency. Historians who do not know that are hardly worth listening to.
Most presidents have a high rating in the beginning and then it goes down. Trump started low and stayed low. :badgrin: He will never be anything better than the worst president the US has ever had.
1. Lincoln
2. Washington
3. F.D. Roosevelt
4. T. Roosevelt
5. Jefferson
6. Truman
7. Eisenhower
8. Obama

9. Reagan
10. L.B. Johnson

None of the highlighted Presidents have monuments or memorials dedicated to them

We need to find room on the National Mall for these great men

LBJ is directly personally responsible for tens of thousands of American deaths in the fiasco known as Viet Nam. Obama should not even be on the list in last place. The others I agree with except that Lincoln should not be remembered for eliminating slavery, because he did not do that, he kept the country together, that is what makes him significant. But if American deaths are the criteria, he fails miserably.

So were Lincoln, FDR, Truman, Eisenhower and Washington
The list is on the Dailykos site.
Doesnt matter who publishes it.
The list was generated by 170 members of American Political Science Association.
Diversity and Inclusion Programs
Achieving diversity and inclusion in political science is a priority for the American Political Science Association. Recognizing the many differences, among them — demographic, substantive, intellectual, pedagogical, methodological, and institutional — and leveraging this variation is critical not only to the success of individual political scientists but to the strength and longevity of the disciplinary enterprise. The individual and collective creativity and innovation required for disciplinary responses to an ever-changing world depend on our ability to harness the variety of unique contributions and differences in our research, teaching, and service.

  • Minority Fellowship Program
  • Minority Student Recruitment Program
  • Ralph Bunche Summer Institute (RBSI)
  • APSA Mentoring Program
  • APSA Status Committees
See more information on APSA Diversity Programs.

That kills it right there. From your link.
Look at the graphics on new york times article.
They separate out the democrat / independent / republican members. According the the republican members, Trump is still in 40th place.
And Trump has only been in office for a year. The whole study is ridiculous and is just propaganda against Trump.
It is to soon to respect any results concerning his presidency. Historians who do not know that are hardly worth listening to.

For some reason......Conservatives dismiss Newsmen, Scientists and Historians because they contradict rightwing propaganda

wrong, we dismiss bullshit peddlers and socialist indoctrinators. You, on the other hand are a tool of those assholes.
The list is on the Dailykos site.
Doesnt matter who publishes it.
The list was generated by 170 members of American Political Science Association.
Diversity and Inclusion Programs
Achieving diversity and inclusion in political science is a priority for the American Political Science Association. Recognizing the many differences, among them — demographic, substantive, intellectual, pedagogical, methodological, and institutional — and leveraging this variation is critical not only to the success of individual political scientists but to the strength and longevity of the disciplinary enterprise. The individual and collective creativity and innovation required for disciplinary responses to an ever-changing world depend on our ability to harness the variety of unique contributions and differences in our research, teaching, and service.

  • Minority Fellowship Program
  • Minority Student Recruitment Program
  • Ralph Bunche Summer Institute (RBSI)
  • APSA Mentoring Program
  • APSA Status Committees
See more information on APSA Diversity Programs.

That kills it right there. From your link.
Look at the graphics on new york times article.
They separate out the democrat / independent / republican members. According the the republican members, Trump is still in 40th place.
And Trump has only been in office for a year. The whole study is ridiculous and is just propaganda against Trump.
It is to soon to respect any results concerning his presidency. Historians who do not know that are hardly worth listening to.
Most presidents have a high rating in the beginning and then it goes down. Trump started low and stayed low. :badgrin:

If Trump manages to accomplish something, I imagine he will move up the list

I just don't think historians will consider borrowing $1.5 trillion to give to the rich is much of an accomplishment
1. Lincoln
2. Washington
3. F.D. Roosevelt
4. T. Roosevelt
5. Jefferson
6. Truman
7. Eisenhower
8. Obama

9. Reagan
10. L.B. Johnson

None of the highlighted Presidents have monuments or memorials dedicated to them

We need to find room on the National Mall for these great men

LBJ is directly personally responsible for tens of thousands of American deaths in the fiasco known as Viet Nam. Obama should not even be on the list in last place. The others I agree with except that Lincoln should not be remembered for eliminating slavery, because he did not do that, he kept the country together, that is what makes him significant. But if American deaths are the criteria, he fails miserably.

So were Lincoln, FDR, Truman, Eisenhower and Washington

yes, they were. But a civil war is different from fighting for independence or against an enemy who had attacked us. Kennedy and Johnson-----------58,000 dead americans for nothing in Viet Nam
Doesnt matter who publishes it.
The list was generated by 170 members of American Political Science Association.
Diversity and Inclusion Programs
Achieving diversity and inclusion in political science is a priority for the American Political Science Association. Recognizing the many differences, among them — demographic, substantive, intellectual, pedagogical, methodological, and institutional — and leveraging this variation is critical not only to the success of individual political scientists but to the strength and longevity of the disciplinary enterprise. The individual and collective creativity and innovation required for disciplinary responses to an ever-changing world depend on our ability to harness the variety of unique contributions and differences in our research, teaching, and service.

  • Minority Fellowship Program
  • Minority Student Recruitment Program
  • Ralph Bunche Summer Institute (RBSI)
  • APSA Mentoring Program
  • APSA Status Committees
See more information on APSA Diversity Programs.

That kills it right there. From your link.
Look at the graphics on new york times article.
They separate out the democrat / independent / republican members. According the the republican members, Trump is still in 40th place.
And Trump has only been in office for a year. The whole study is ridiculous and is just propaganda against Trump.
It is to soon to respect any results concerning his presidency. Historians who do not know that are hardly worth listening to.

For some reason......Conservatives dismiss Newsmen, Scientists and Historians because they contradict rightwing propaganda

wrong, we dismiss bullshit peddlers and socialist indoctrinators. You, on the other hand are a tool of those assholes.

For some seems everyone is out to get you

Is paranoia an integral part of Conservatism?
When broken out by party of the historians

Trump still ranked only 40 among Republicans
Get over it. The book's closed on Obama. As inconsequential as they come and getting more so every day. The HopeyChangey thing never panned out.
The book is closed on Obama

Looks like he did pretty good

He did pretty good at two things:

1. Artificially inflating the stock market, thereby making a lot of Wall Streeters wealthy.

2. Boosting the sale and manufacture of firearms and ammunition.

You know when you insult Obama it says nothing about Obama? Can you go through your posts and show when you last said a good thing about Obama?

You have lost objectivity, you lack the ability to inject cognitive thought into a conservation on this topic, so what you are saying is mute as it is not based in reason.

He struggles to find fault with the Great Obama

Meanwhile, The Great Obama sits at number 8 in a ranking of US presidents

The two Republicans that served before and after Obama?
30th and dead last
It is a real shame the study is not credible.
Doesnt matter who publishes it.
The list was generated by 170 members of American Political Science Association.
Diversity and Inclusion Programs
Achieving diversity and inclusion in political science is a priority for the American Political Science Association. Recognizing the many differences, among them — demographic, substantive, intellectual, pedagogical, methodological, and institutional — and leveraging this variation is critical not only to the success of individual political scientists but to the strength and longevity of the disciplinary enterprise. The individual and collective creativity and innovation required for disciplinary responses to an ever-changing world depend on our ability to harness the variety of unique contributions and differences in our research, teaching, and service.

  • Minority Fellowship Program
  • Minority Student Recruitment Program
  • Ralph Bunche Summer Institute (RBSI)
  • APSA Mentoring Program
  • APSA Status Committees
See more information on APSA Diversity Programs.

That kills it right there. From your link.
Look at the graphics on new york times article.
They separate out the democrat / independent / republican members. According the the republican members, Trump is still in 40th place.
And Trump has only been in office for a year. The whole study is ridiculous and is just propaganda against Trump.
It is to soon to respect any results concerning his presidency. Historians who do not know that are hardly worth listening to.
Most presidents have a high rating in the beginning and then it goes down. Trump started low and stayed low. :badgrin:

If Trump manages to accomplish something, I imagine he will move up the list

I just don't think historians will consider borrowing $1.5 trillion to give to the rich is much of an accomplishment

if that was true it wouldn't be an accomplishment, but its not true.

Obama , however, added 9 trillion to our national debt and we got nothing for it, zero, nada, zilch.
That kills it right there. From your link.
Look at the graphics on new york times article.
They separate out the democrat / independent / republican members. According the the republican members, Trump is still in 40th place.
And Trump has only been in office for a year. The whole study is ridiculous and is just propaganda against Trump.
It is to soon to respect any results concerning his presidency. Historians who do not know that are hardly worth listening to.

For some reason......Conservatives dismiss Newsmen, Scientists and Historians because they contradict rightwing propaganda

wrong, we dismiss bullshit peddlers and socialist indoctrinators. You, on the other hand are a tool of those assholes.

For some seems everyone is out to get you

Is paranoia an integral part of Conservatism?

no, but defending our nation and our constitution and our freedoms is. Why do none of those matter to you?
Trump is even worse than Nixon and Hoover?

Get over it. The book's closed on Obama. As inconsequential as they come and getting more so every day. The HopeyChangey thing never panned out.
The book is closed on Obama

Looks like he did pretty good

He did pretty good at two things:

1. Artificially inflating the stock market, thereby making a lot of Wall Streeters wealthy.

2. Boosting the sale and manufacture of firearms and ammunition.

You know when you insult Obama it says nothing about Obama? Can you go through your posts and show when you last said a good thing about Obama?

You have lost objectivity, you lack the ability to inject cognitive thought into a conservation on this topic, so what you are saying is mute as it is not based in reason.

He struggles to find fault with the Great Obama

Meanwhile, The Great Obama sits at number 8 in a ranking of US presidents

The two Republicans that served before and after Obama?
30th and dead last
It is a real shame the study is not credible.

its a shame that the left has nothing left but personal attacks on a duly elected president. They have no platform, stand for nothing, and are run by senile idiots like Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, and Bernie
The list is on the Dailykos site.
Doesnt matter who publishes it.
The list was generated by 170 members of American Political Science Association.
Diversity and Inclusion Programs
Achieving diversity and inclusion in political science is a priority for the American Political Science Association. Recognizing the many differences, among them — demographic, substantive, intellectual, pedagogical, methodological, and institutional — and leveraging this variation is critical not only to the success of individual political scientists but to the strength and longevity of the disciplinary enterprise. The individual and collective creativity and innovation required for disciplinary responses to an ever-changing world depend on our ability to harness the variety of unique contributions and differences in our research, teaching, and service.

  • Minority Fellowship Program
  • Minority Student Recruitment Program
  • Ralph Bunche Summer Institute (RBSI)
  • APSA Mentoring Program
  • APSA Status Committees
See more information on APSA Diversity Programs.

That kills it right there. From your link.
Look at the graphics on new york times article.
They separate out the democrat / independent / republican members. According the the republican members, Trump is still in 40th place.
And Trump has only been in office for a year. The whole study is ridiculous and is just propaganda against Trump.
It is to soon to respect any results concerning his presidency. Historians who do not know that are hardly worth listening to.

For some reason......Conservatives dismiss Newsmen, Scientists and Historians because they contradict rightwing propaganda

We dismiss newsmen who keep apologizing for lying, and then continue to lie and scientists who lie to keep gov. grants coming in. We dismiss historians who, like Obama said, can write a NEW history for our children, filled with Muslims and gay people as founding fathers.
And you forgot one. We dismiss Nobel prizes. Guess why...

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