Presidential Rankings........Obama: Tenth......Trump: last

By the time historians get through tallying up the ranks, Obama will be number 1....that brilliant black man took more shit off of rednecks without kickin some white ass, took our economy out of the abyss and handed it over to an idiot and he kept us safe for 8 years....unlike Bush and unlike Trump. And the only way Trump will ever rise to the top, is if we elect an ash tray with cig, buts in it. than he rises.
Obama was inconsequential and will be remembered as such. He dindunuffin.
As much as I dislike Trump, I would have to rank him above Bush 43 (who I like)

While Trump is totally unsuited for the job he holds, he has not done any lasting damage. Most can be fixed within a year of him leaving office

Bush on the other hand, gave up the worse terrorist attack in history. His response to that attack was to get the US involved in two unnecessary wars, engage in torture and set up a concentration camp in Gitmo. To top it off, he oversaw the biggest economic collapse in 70 years

Gotta agree with you here, Rump may win for worst person to ever hold office. And that is a big if, but Booshie the dumber was certainly miles worse! But have faith Rump has only been at it for a little over a year!
As much as I dislike Trump, I would have to rank him above Bush 43 (who I like)

While Trump is totally unsuited for the job he holds, he has not done any lasting damage. Most can be fixed within a year of him leaving office

Bush on the other hand, gave up the worse terrorist attack in history. His response to that attack was to get the US involved in two unnecessary wars, engage in torture and set up a concentration camp in Gitmo. To top it off, he oversaw the biggest economic collapse in 70 years

Gotta agree with you here, Rump may win for worst person to ever hold office. And that is a big if, but Booshie the dumber was certainly miles worse! But have faith Rump has only been at it for a little over a year!

Yes, Trump does scare the hell out of me and most of the world

But I doubt he will be given the latitude Bush was given after 9-11

If Trump asks Congress to approve invading a country.....both sides of the aisle will turn him down
As much as I dislike Trump, I would have to rank him above Bush 43 (who I like)

While Trump is totally unsuited for the job he holds, he has not done any lasting damage. Most can be fixed within a year of him leaving office

Bush on the other hand, gave up the worse terrorist attack in history. His response to that attack was to get the US involved in two unnecessary wars, engage in torture and set up a concentration camp in Gitmo. To top it off, he oversaw the biggest economic collapse in 70 years

Gotta agree with you here, Rump may win for worst person to ever hold office. And that is a big if, but Booshie the dumber was certainly miles worse! But have faith Rump has only been at it for a little over a year!

Yes, Trump does scare the hell out of me and most of the world

But I doubt he will be given the latitude Bush was given after 9-11

If Trump asks Congress to approve invading a country.....both sides of the aisle will turn him down

You have more faith than me. The Military Industrial Complex has it's claws in many of our. Congress people, and they love tryng out their new toy's!
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Doesnt matter who publishes it.
The list was generated by 170 members of American Political Science Association.
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That kills it right there. From your link.
Look at the graphics on new york times article.
They separate out the democrat / independent / republican members. According the the republican members, Trump is still in 40th place.
And Trump has only been in office for a year. The whole study is ridiculous and is just propaganda against Trump.
It is to soon to respect any results concerning his presidency. Historians who do not know that are hardly worth listening to.

For some reason......Conservatives dismiss Newsmen, Scientists and Historians because they contradict rightwing propaganda

We dismiss newsmen who keep apologizing for lying, and then continue to lie and scientists who lie to keep gov. grants coming in. We dismiss historians who, like Obama said, can write a NEW history for our children, filled with Muslims and gay people as founding fathers.
And you forgot one. We dismiss Nobel prizes. Guess why...
Did you know that Islam forbids homosexuality. A gay muslim can only be a dead muslim.

Lying scientists? All their reports are peer reviewed. They get the most credit by debunking other scientists work. All of them can earn more money if they move to private sector, yet many dont.
Look where Clinton is...
Being a sexual predator, accused rapist, and obvious murderer, must bring extra points.

Clinton had a sound presidency

The economy went through the roof, 23 million jobs created, booming stock market

He also maintained relative peace for eight years

Clinton had a sound presidency

The economy went through the roof, 23 million jobs created, booming stock market

He also maintained relative peace for eight years
What then is your problem with Trump? So far all we've seen is milions more jobs, a booming stock market and relative peace for one year plus. Maybe he won't have sex with an intern in the Oval Office too.
Look where Clinton is...
Being a sexual predator, accused rapist, and obvious murderer, must bring extra points.

Clinton had a sound presidency

The economy went through the roof, 23 million jobs created, booming stock market

He also maintained relative peace for eight years
The internet took the economy through the roof, Clinton just happened to be president.

Clinton had a sound presidency

The economy went through the roof, 23 million jobs created, booming stock market

He also maintained relative peace for eight years
What then is your problem with Trump? So far all we've seen is milions more jobs, a booming stock market and relative peace for one year plus. Maybe he wonn't have sex with an intern in the Oval Office too.

My problem is that he is too immature and irrational to hold office
Just because he has not destroyed the economy yet does not excuse that
It took Bush 7 years to destroy our economy. Hopefully, we can get Trump out of office before that happens
Clinton had a sound presidency

The economy went through the roof, 23 million jobs created, booming stock market

He also maintained relative peace for eight years
Stop whining. Exactly the same standards you set for Clinton's success Trump has matched and given time wil likely outdo.

Your problem is squarely one of butthurt and little else.

Clinton had a sound presidency

The economy went through the roof, 23 million jobs created, booming stock market

He also maintained relative peace for eight years
What then is your problem with Trump? So far all we've seen is milions more jobs, a booming stock market and relative peace for one year plus. Maybe he wonn't have sex with an intern in the Oval Office too.

My problem is that he is too immature and irrational to hold office
Just because he has not destroyed the economy yet does not excuse that
It took Bush 7 years to destroy our economy. Hopefully, we can get Trump out of office before that happens
Dodd- Frank destroyed the economy.

Clinton had a sound presidency

The economy went through the roof, 23 million jobs created, booming stock market

He also maintained relative peace for eight years
What then is your problem with Trump? So far all we've seen is milions more jobs, a booming stock market and relative peace for one year plus. Maybe he wonn't have sex with an intern in the Oval Office too.

My problem is that he is too immature and irrational to hold office
Just because he has not destroyed the economy yet does not excuse that
It took Bush 7 years to destroy our economy. Hopefully, we can get Trump out of office before that happens
Dodd- Frank destroyed the economy.

You'll have to break that one out. How was the economy doing in 2008/2009? Dodd Frank passed in 2010. How is the economy doing now?

Clinton had a sound presidency

The economy went through the roof, 23 million jobs created, booming stock market

He also maintained relative peace for eight years
What then is your problem with Trump? So far all we've seen is milions more jobs, a booming stock market and relative peace for one year plus. Maybe he wonn't have sex with an intern in the Oval Office too.

My problem is that he is too immature and irrational to hold office
Just because he has not destroyed the economy yet does not excuse that
It took Bush 7 years to destroy our economy. Hopefully, we can get Trump out of office before that happens
Dodd- Frank destroyed the economy.

You'll have to break that one out. How was the economy doing in 2008/2009? Dodd Frank passed in 2010. How is the economy doing now?
My mistake. But Dodd Frank is a disaster. The economy collapsed because our government forced banks to loan money to people who could not afford to do that.
Looks like Trump has nowhere to go but up

Opinion | How Does Trump Stack Up Against the Best — and Worst — Presidents?

Since our previous survey in 2014, some presidential legacies have soared (Barack Obama’s stock has climbed into the Top 10), while others have fallen (Andrew Jackson toppled to 15, out of the Top 10).

And President Trump? Let’s say that, according to the 170 members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents and Executive Politics section who filled out our survey, he has at least three years to improve on an ignominious debut.
College Is for People Too Dumb to Learn Anything on Their Own

Not indoctrinated by isolated and sheltered academia, my rankings are:

1. Monroe
2. Jefferson
3. Jackson
4. Polk
5. Teddy Roosevelt
6. Washington
7. Lincoln
8. FDR
9. Reagan
10. Eisenhower

I put Lincoln dead last, and Wilson 2nd to last. Roosevelt is 3rd to last, LBJ is 4th. Teddy Roosevelt is in the bottomg 10. These men were all goosestepping aspiring dictators. Lincoln wasn't even aspiring. He was an actual dictator.`

Nope, Wilson was last and then FDR and Roosevelt.

Lincoln was actually willing to sign the Corwin Act. So long as the Southern states would return to the union he would have allowed slavery to be put as a Constitutional right.

Then when they didn't, and a few shots were fired in a skirmish, which the North may have provoked, he sent in the troops as over a million American lost their lives.

The main thing that Lincoln cared about was keeping the states in the Union

It was all about power.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ It''s the Slimes, dumb ass
Get over it. The book's closed on Obama. As inconsequential as they come and getting more so every day. The HopeyChangey thing never panned out.
The book is closed on Obama

Looks like he did pretty good

He did pretty good at two things:

1. Artificially inflating the stock market, thereby making a lot of Wall Streeters wealthy.

2. Boosting the sale and manufacture of firearms and ammunition.

You know when you insult Obama it says nothing about Obama? Can you go through your posts and show when you last said a good thing about Obama?

You have lost objectivity, you lack the ability to inject cognitive thought into a conservation on this topic, so what you are saying is mute as it is not based in reason.

He struggles to find fault with the Great Obama

Meanwhile, The Great Obama sits at number 8 in a ranking of US presidents

The two Republicans that served before and after Obama?
30th and dead last
It is a real shame the study is not credible.

How can it possibly have any credibility? The Democrats voted for Hillary Clinton because of their nostalgia for Bill. She was being groomed for the job throughout the entire Obama Presidency, and everyone was sure that it was "her time." Yet she got dick-slapped by some guy who has never had an hour's worth of political experience and who also by the way, beat 17 other highly-experienced Republican politicians.
The book is closed on Obama

Looks like he did pretty good

He did pretty good at two things:

1. Artificially inflating the stock market, thereby making a lot of Wall Streeters wealthy.

2. Boosting the sale and manufacture of firearms and ammunition.

You know when you insult Obama it says nothing about Obama? Can you go through your posts and show when you last said a good thing about Obama?

You have lost objectivity, you lack the ability to inject cognitive thought into a conservation on this topic, so what you are saying is mute as it is not based in reason.

He struggles to find fault with the Great Obama

Meanwhile, The Great Obama sits at number 8 in a ranking of US presidents

The two Republicans that served before and after Obama?
30th and dead last
It is a real shame the study is not credible.

its a shame that the left has nothing left but personal attacks on a duly elected president. They have no platform, stand for nothing, and are run by senile idiots like Pelosi, Waters, Schumer, and Bernie

"But....but....Russians........And guns..." :crybaby:

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