Presidential Rankings........Obama: Tenth......Trump: last

What is wrong with the survey of 170 historians?
Historians from liberal progressive hateful academia? No.
When broken out by party of the historians

Trump still ranked only 40 among Republicans
Get over it. The book's closed on Obama. As inconsequential as they come and getting more so every day. The HopeyChangey thing never panned out.
The book is closed on Obama

Looks like he did pretty good

He did pretty good at two things:

1. Artificially inflating the stock market, thereby making a lot of Wall Streeters wealthy.

2. Boosting the sale and manufacture of firearms and ammunition.

1. Stock market and the economy this good will not stay there forever. If it collapse....... Now what?

2. Incorrect.

Remington's bankruptcy may be the tip of the iceberg as 'fear-based' purchases stall

Every time I hear a company file bankruptcy or closing down. It always breaks my heart because of people losing their jobs...... But this is the only time I fully rejoice..... This type of company should be shut down.
Historians from liberal progressive hateful academia? No.
When broken out by party of the historians

Trump still ranked only 40 among Republicans
Get over it. The book's closed on Obama. As inconsequential as they come and getting more so every day. The HopeyChangey thing never panned out.
The book is closed on Obama

Looks like he did pretty good

He did pretty good at two things:

1. Artificially inflating the stock market, thereby making a lot of Wall Streeters wealthy.

2. Boosting the sale and manufacture of firearms and ammunition.

1. Stock market and the economy this good will not stay there forever. If it collapse....... Now what?

2. Incorrect.

Remington's bankruptcy may be the tip of the iceberg as 'fear-based' purchases stall

Every time I hear a company file bankruptcy or closing down. It always breaks my heart because of people losing their jobs...... But this is the only time I fully rejoice..... This type of company should be shut down.

Remington is not only shutting down because of the dip in firearms sales, they were undergoing several lawsuits. The wonderful thing is, all this crying and moaning about "guns" seems to be doing nothing other than stimulating the firearms and ammunition market.

Prices are going back up, and ammunition is flying off the shelves, like they were when Obama was in office. Whatever "bans" or legislation the Dems and RINO's cook up will be far overshadowed by the sheer number of firearms bought and sold within the next few months.

Clinton had a sound presidency

The economy went through the roof, 23 million jobs created, booming stock market

He also maintained relative peace for eight years
What then is your problem with Trump? So far all we've seen is milions more jobs, a booming stock market and relative peace for one year plus. Maybe he wonn't have sex with an intern in the Oval Office too.

My problem is that he is too immature and irrational to hold office
Just because he has not destroyed the economy yet does not excuse that
It took Bush 7 years to destroy our economy. Hopefully, we can get Trump out of office before that happens
Dodd- Frank destroyed the economy.

You'll have to break that one out. How was the economy doing in 2008/2009? Dodd Frank passed in 2010. How is the economy doing now?
My mistake. But Dodd Frank is a disaster. The economy collapsed because our government forced banks to loan money to people who could not afford to do that.

That isn’t Dodd/Frank. Do you even know what the bill you are panning did?
obama in jaiiiil.jpg

Left Wing ratings are always worthless.
Obama almost destroyed our democracy with his incredible abuse of power.
Trump is trying to get our country back on track.
still think sandy hook was a false flag & they were actors?

I don't think that Sandy Hoax was a psy-op...I KNOW that it was............want to debate this pathetic false flag psy-op with me???

nope. just double checking to see if you are still whacked.

& you are.

Debate much time have you spent attacking that particular issue from every angle possible?
You see, I have done that and I initially went into this "event" with the notion that it really did happen. What I found was a DHS capstone drill that was passed off as a real time event that was so pathetically pulled off that I am actually embarrassed that people still believe it.

i will be as delicate as i can possibly be with someone like you.

you are a freak & it will be a waste of time for the both of us. i tried to go a few rounds with you way early on when i first got here & didn't know what you were. it was useless. you tried to convince me with a bunch of bullshit talk, but i have no patience for nuttiness. i'll tell you one last time, i am from ct & i know all too well how adam lanza was real. & so was his murderous rampage.

Oh betcha. I bet you knew Robbie Parker as well. Spare me, dude...there are holes big enough to drive tanks through. Only an IDIOT would believe that the CT would leave the body of 27 dead bodies in a school for nearly 20 hours after the alleged event and that no EMTs were allowed to go inside the school and that they could have porta-potties delivered post haste and an electronic sign that says "Everyone Must Check In" but no care-flite copters were called and the streets leading into and out of where Sandy Hook were clogged with cars. Get bent.......

ummm, dale? there were 26 victims. not 27. if you are gonna go off on your freakish sandy hook conspiracy, the least you can do is get the body count right. 'cause that kinda blows your 'intel' right outa the water...

"These bad ratings only means I need to lock myself and my ALT-Right followers up until we can figure what is going on here!"
I don't think that Sandy Hoax was a psy-op...I KNOW that it was............want to debate this pathetic false flag psy-op with me???

nope. just double checking to see if you are still whacked.

& you are.

Debate much time have you spent attacking that particular issue from every angle possible?
You see, I have done that and I initially went into this "event" with the notion that it really did happen. What I found was a DHS capstone drill that was passed off as a real time event that was so pathetically pulled off that I am actually embarrassed that people still believe it.

i will be as delicate as i can possibly be with someone like you.

you are a freak & it will be a waste of time for the both of us. i tried to go a few rounds with you way early on when i first got here & didn't know what you were. it was useless. you tried to convince me with a bunch of bullshit talk, but i have no patience for nuttiness. i'll tell you one last time, i am from ct & i know all too well how adam lanza was real. & so was his murderous rampage.

Oh betcha. I bet you knew Robbie Parker as well. Spare me, dude...there are holes big enough to drive tanks through. Only an IDIOT would believe that the CT would leave the body of 27 dead bodies in a school for nearly 20 hours after the alleged event and that no EMTs were allowed to go inside the school and that they could have porta-potties delivered post haste and an electronic sign that says "Everyone Must Check In" but no care-flite copters were called and the streets leading into and out of where Sandy Hook were clogged with cars. Get bent.......

ummm, dale? there were 26 victims. not 27. if you are gonna go off on your freakish sandy hook conspiracy, the least you can do is get the body count right. 'cause that kinda blows your 'intel' right outa the water...


This guy get it!

Trump’s ratings won’t improve.

Not after the conviction.

Even if Trump escapes conviction, the people he surrounded himself with and his family surrogates will not

It shows either a leader who has others do their dirty work or a leader who has no control over his administration. Neither is good for the Trump legacy

NY State is waiting to get a piece of donny that pre dates his 'presidency', so if he leaves office by resignation or worse, after being stomped in 2020, he is screwed anyway. karma is sharpening her nails.
I don't think that Sandy Hoax was a psy-op...I KNOW that it was............want to debate this pathetic false flag psy-op with me???

nope. just double checking to see if you are still whacked.

& you are.

Debate much time have you spent attacking that particular issue from every angle possible?
You see, I have done that and I initially went into this "event" with the notion that it really did happen. What I found was a DHS capstone drill that was passed off as a real time event that was so pathetically pulled off that I am actually embarrassed that people still believe it.

i will be as delicate as i can possibly be with someone like you.

you are a freak & it will be a waste of time for the both of us. i tried to go a few rounds with you way early on when i first got here & didn't know what you were. it was useless. you tried to convince me with a bunch of bullshit talk, but i have no patience for nuttiness. i'll tell you one last time, i am from ct & i know all too well how adam lanza was real. & so was his murderous rampage.

Oh betcha. I bet you knew Robbie Parker as well. Spare me, dude...there are holes big enough to drive tanks through. Only an IDIOT would believe that the CT would leave the body of 27 dead bodies in a school for nearly 20 hours after the alleged event and that no EMTs were allowed to go inside the school and that they could have porta-potties delivered post haste and an electronic sign that says "Everyone Must Check In" but no care-flite copters were called and the streets leading into and out of where Sandy Hook were clogged with cars. Get bent.......

ummm, dale? there were 26 victims. not 27. if you are gonna go off on your freakish sandy hook conspiracy, the least you can do is get the body count right. 'cause that kinda blows your 'intel' right outa the water...


The alleged shooter allegedly committed suicide and suffered from alleged mental illness and was allegedly compelled to commit this alleged crime. So, I stand by the number "27" as those of alleged victims, dude........
Absolutely - He's got things like leadership, presidential, & maturity written all over him. Reminds most of Washington, Lincoln, Eisenhower & Reagan! :rolleyes:

You 37%-ers are quite entertaining .. don't stop!

Gallup 2/12 - 2/18 1500 A 37 59 -22

You lost, Trump whooped your ass get over it you cry babies.

I am not sure if he meant to use 37%-ers or just use the good old "deplorales".

The fool is still bruised and battered from the beating we gave them in 2016 :muahaha:

A "beating" by 77.000 votes in three states after 2 Comey announcements within 11 days of the election and 2 years of help from Putin.

It was YUUUGE!! ;)

Your stupid talking points are meaningless, great Americans in 30 states chose Trump over Hillary, tissue?

lol... he 'won' the electoral vote. but not the popular vote. he lost by 3,000,000 votes & it still irked captain crazy pants so much, that he tried to get an investigation going as to why.... poor buttercup.
nope. just double checking to see if you are still whacked.

& you are.

Debate much time have you spent attacking that particular issue from every angle possible?
You see, I have done that and I initially went into this "event" with the notion that it really did happen. What I found was a DHS capstone drill that was passed off as a real time event that was so pathetically pulled off that I am actually embarrassed that people still believe it.

i will be as delicate as i can possibly be with someone like you.

you are a freak & it will be a waste of time for the both of us. i tried to go a few rounds with you way early on when i first got here & didn't know what you were. it was useless. you tried to convince me with a bunch of bullshit talk, but i have no patience for nuttiness. i'll tell you one last time, i am from ct & i know all too well how adam lanza was real. & so was his murderous rampage.

Oh betcha. I bet you knew Robbie Parker as well. Spare me, dude...there are holes big enough to drive tanks through. Only an IDIOT would believe that the CT would leave the body of 27 dead bodies in a school for nearly 20 hours after the alleged event and that no EMTs were allowed to go inside the school and that they could have porta-potties delivered post haste and an electronic sign that says "Everyone Must Check In" but no care-flite copters were called and the streets leading into and out of where Sandy Hook were clogged with cars. Get bent.......

ummm, dale? there were 26 victims. not 27. if you are gonna go off on your freakish sandy hook conspiracy, the least you can do is get the body count right. 'cause that kinda blows your 'intel' right outa the water...


The alleged shooter allegedly committed suicide and suffered from alleged mental illness and was allegedly compelled to commit this alleged crime. So, I stand by the number "27" as those of alleged victims, dude........

lanza was not a victim. & there was documented history of his mental deficencies. but you should have known that, right?
Last edited:
You lost, Trump whooped your ass get over it you cry babies.

I am not sure if he meant to use 37%-ers or just use the good old "deplorales".

The fool is still bruised and battered from the beating we gave them in 2016 :muahaha:

A "beating" by 77.000 votes in three states after 2 Comey announcements within 11 days of the election and 2 years of help from Putin.

It was YUUUGE!! ;)

Your stupid talking points are meaningless, great Americans in 30 states chose Trump over Hillary, tissue?

lol... he 'won' the electoral vote. but not the popular vote. he lost by 3,000,000 votes & it still irked captain crazy pants so much, that he tried to get an investigation going as to why.... poor buttercup.

Fourteen of the meager twenty states she won had no voter ID laws.
Debate much time have you spent attacking that particular issue from every angle possible?
You see, I have done that and I initially went into this "event" with the notion that it really did happen. What I found was a DHS capstone drill that was passed off as a real time event that was so pathetically pulled off that I am actually embarrassed that people still believe it.

i will be as delicate as i can possibly be with someone like you.

you are a freak & it will be a waste of time for the both of us. i tried to go a few rounds with you way early on when i first got here & didn't know what you were. it was useless. you tried to convince me with a bunch of bullshit talk, but i have no patience for nuttiness. i'll tell you one last time, i am from ct & i know all too well how adam lanza was real. & so was his murderous rampage.

Oh betcha. I bet you knew Robbie Parker as well. Spare me, dude...there are holes big enough to drive tanks through. Only an IDIOT would believe that the CT would leave the body of 27 dead bodies in a school for nearly 20 hours after the alleged event and that no EMTs were allowed to go inside the school and that they could have porta-potties delivered post haste and an electronic sign that says "Everyone Must Check In" but no care-flite copters were called and the streets leading into and out of where Sandy Hook were clogged with cars. Get bent.......

ummm, dale? there were 26 victims. not 27. if you are gonna go off on your freakish sandy hook conspiracy, the least you can do is get the body count right. 'cause that kinda blows your 'intel' right outa the water...


The alleged shooter allegedly committed suicide and suffered from alleged mental illness and was allegedly compelled to commit this alleged crime. So, I stand by the number "27" as those of alleged victims, dude........

lanza was not a victim. & there was documented history of his mental deficencies. but you should have known that, right?

So the sheeple were told (if he even existed)....but if he DID exist and wasn't given help he needed, would he still qualify as a victim? I believe so. What I find hilarious about Sandy Hook believers is that they believe that the victims were left in the school until the wee morning hours of Saturday. They ignore the interview of a lady on CBS that claimed she got there to pick up her son and she saw police officer after police officer coming out of the school holding a bloodied dead child. She lied because she was a crisis actor. You got worked, kiddo........
I am not sure if he meant to use 37%-ers or just use the good old "deplorales".

The fool is still bruised and battered from the beating we gave them in 2016 :muahaha:

A "beating" by 77.000 votes in three states after 2 Comey announcements within 11 days of the election and 2 years of help from Putin.

It was YUUUGE!! ;)

Your stupid talking points are meaningless, great Americans in 30 states chose Trump over Hillary, tissue?

lol... he 'won' the electoral vote. but not the popular vote. he lost by 3,000,000 votes & it still irked captain crazy pants so much, that he tried to get an investigation going as to why.... poor buttercup.

Fourteen of the meager twenty states she won had no voter ID laws.
But they required signatures

It is easier to fake an ID than a signature
The fool is still bruised and battered from the beating we gave them in 2016 :muahaha:

A "beating" by 77.000 votes in three states after 2 Comey announcements within 11 days of the election and 2 years of help from Putin.

It was YUUUGE!! ;)

Your stupid talking points are meaningless, great Americans in 30 states chose Trump over Hillary, tissue?

lol... he 'won' the electoral vote. but not the popular vote. he lost by 3,000,000 votes & it still irked captain crazy pants so much, that he tried to get an investigation going as to why.... poor buttercup.

Fourteen of the meager twenty states she won had no voter ID laws.
But they required signatures

It is easier to fake an ID than a signature

Who checks and verifies the signature in order to make sure that the person signing is whom they say they are???
The fool is still bruised and battered from the beating we gave them in 2016 :muahaha:

A "beating" by 77.000 votes in three states after 2 Comey announcements within 11 days of the election and 2 years of help from Putin.

It was YUUUGE!! ;)

Your stupid talking points are meaningless, great Americans in 30 states chose Trump over Hillary, tissue?

lol... he 'won' the electoral vote. but not the popular vote. he lost by 3,000,000 votes & it still irked captain crazy pants so much, that he tried to get an investigation going as to why.... poor buttercup.

Fourteen of the meager twenty states she won had no voter ID laws.
But they required signatures

It is easier to fake an ID than a signature
I bet they took marks for the voters that could not read or write.

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