Presidential Rankings........Obama: Tenth......Trump: last

There was no reputation to trash after Obama.

After Obama spent years rebuilding our reputation around the world....Trump trashed it in a matter of months

Libtards don't get it. Other countries hate us. They are jealous of our prosperity. They want us to fail. They want us to become a third world sh!thole like they are. They want us to become less American. The sick thing is some Libtards also want that.

then how is it that trumptards are the least educated people in the country and libs are the educated successful elite?

who is it you think is jealous, bigot boi?
You prefer elites? Do you need to say anymore before everyone writes you off as a joke?

wrote her off as a joke long ago, along with winger and his sock jake snarkey

says one of the stupidest people on the board.

white trash trumpscum crack me up
After Obama spent years rebuilding our reputation around the world....Trump trashed it in a matter of months

Libtards don't get it. Other countries hate us. They are jealous of our prosperity. They want us to fail. They want us to become a third world sh!thole like they are. They want us to become less American. The sick thing is some Libtards also want that.

then how is it that trumptards are the least educated people in the country and libs are the educated successful elite?

who is it you think is jealous, bigot boi?
You prefer elites? Do you need to say anymore before everyone writes you off as a joke?

wrote her off as a joke long ago, along with winger and his sock jake snarkey

says one of the stupidest people on the board.

white trash trumpscum crack me up

well, at least you are honest, you are one of the stupidest people on the board. Actually it should be most stupid, but I understand that basic English is not your strong point.
After Obama spent years rebuilding our reputation around the world....Trump trashed it in a matter of months

Libtards don't get it. Other countries hate us. They are jealous of our prosperity. They want us to fail. They want us to become a third world sh!thole like they are. They want us to become less American. The sick thing is some Libtards also want that.

then how is it that trumptards are the least educated people in the country and libs are the educated successful elite?

who is it you think is jealous, bigot boi?
You prefer elites? Do you need to say anymore before everyone writes you off as a joke?

wrote her off as a joke long ago, along with winger and his sock jake snarkey

says one of the stupidest people on the board.

white trash trumpscum crack me up
From what I have seen of you, I don't think your opinion on who is stupid is valid.
But Trump has done nothing to embrace gay or sexual deviants rights, illegal immigration, hatred of America, the Islamization of America, etc.
Of course he gets a low rating from Libtards.

Trump has trashed our once proud reputation around the world
One reason he is dead last
There was no reputation to trash after Obama.

After Obama spent years rebuilding our reputation around the world....Trump trashed it in a matter of months

Libtards don't get it. Other countries hate us. They are jealous of our prosperity. They want us to fail. They want us to become a third world sh!thole like they are. They want us to become less American. The sick thing is some Libtards also want that.

then how is it that trumptards are the least educated people in the country and libs are the educated successful elite?

who is it you think is jealous, bigot boi?

^ Says the person with a post that fails elementary school grammar and spelling.
Trump has trashed our once proud reputation around the world
One reason he is dead last
There was no reputation to trash after Obama.

After Obama spent years rebuilding our reputation around the world....Trump trashed it in a matter of months


when you kiss ass and give away shit, the recipients like you. When you look out for America first the world respects you. A president's job is to take care of this country, not kiss the ass of the fricken euro trash.

er... no... when you're mentally unstable, a bigot and spend all your time trolling the internet, you don't get to be considered anything but the worst president in history.

he is exactly what trumptards want, an internet troll who they think gives liberals a sad.... when everyone all around the world and most of the people in this country are laughing at the orange sociopath.

you just denigrated more than half of the USA, and you idiots wonder why you keep losing elections. PAY ATTENTION, MOST AMERICANS ARE NOT LIBTARDIAN ASSHOLES WHO WANT TO DESTROY THE USA. YOU are a minority, YOU are nothing, YOU are an aberration. YOU are an idiot. Now, go away, put on your che sweatshirt and go burn some dumpsters.

where do you get the idea that trumptards are more than one half of the country?

trumptards are about 30% of the country

Donald got 3 million fewer votes than Hillary

Donald only won the electoral college by 70,000 votes in three states.

look at your temper tantrum? che sweatshirts? idiot I'm not a commie... but I'm not a trump moron.

your and your fellow trumptards are the ones who denigrate more than half the country every day.

now go worship your orange jesus and leave normal people alone.
Libtards don't get it. Other countries hate us. They are jealous of our prosperity. They want us to fail. They want us to become a third world sh!thole like they are. They want us to become less American. The sick thing is some Libtards also want that.

then how is it that trumptards are the least educated people in the country and libs are the educated successful elite?

who is it you think is jealous, bigot boi?
You prefer elites? Do you need to say anymore before everyone writes you off as a joke?

wrote her off as a joke long ago, along with winger and his sock jake snarkey

says one of the stupidest people on the board.

white trash trumpscum crack me up
From what I have seen of you, I don't think your opinion on who is stupid is valid.

yeah, but that opinion is coming from someone who is as stupid as you. I'm not the angry bitter white trash.

so there ya go.
then how is it that trumptards are the least educated people in the country and libs are the educated successful elite?

who is it you think is jealous, bigot boi?
Blacks and illegals are the best educated?

1. for the braindead.... illegals don't vote.
2. it is well, documented, oh dead from the neck up troll, that trumptrash are the least educated voting block.

then how is it that trumptards are the least educated people in the country and libs are the educated successful elite?

who is it you think is jealous, bigot boi?
Blacks and illegals are the best educated?

1. for the braindead.... illegals don't vote.
2. it is well, documented, oh dead from the neck up troll, that trumptrash are the least educated voting block.

Is there something wrong with you?
Yours was the post and link of a child.

Presidential historians who assume to rank a man who served 30 days ( for lack of accomplishment I assume) then rank one who has had nothing but success in one year as dead last is the height idiocy.

Fuck you and the gay jackass you rode in on.

At some point most would have more respect for themselves at least.

They rank based on what they have seen from the President.....Harrison and Garfield did not last long and did not have much to rank

Trump has had a year, a year in which his party controlled government......not much to celebrate

not much to celebrate? How about

a stock market breaking records
the lowest unemployment % in years
the lowest black unemployment rates in years
an historic tax reduction for middle class americans
bonuses and salary increases for millions of americans
doing away with the obamacare mandate
bringing American industry back to america
destroying ISIS
reversing many of obozo's unconstitutional EOs
making America respected in the world again
respecting our military, police, and first responders
bringing God back to the white house
putting Gorsuch on the SC

and its only been one year. more to come, stand by

But Trump has done nothing to embrace gay or sexual deviants rights, illegal immigration, hatred of America, the Islamization of America, etc.
Of course he gets a low rating from Libtards.

Trump has trashed our once proud reputation around the world
One reason he is dead last

you are FOS, you are a robot, right?

Just look at the post #484

Trump has destroyed our global reputation
not much to celebrate? How about

a stock market breaking records
the lowest unemployment % in years
the lowest black unemployment rates in years
an historic tax reduction for middle class americans
bonuses and salary increases for millions of americans
doing away with the obamacare mandate
bringing American industry back to america
destroying ISIS
reversing many of obozo's unconstitutional EOs
making America respected in the world again
respecting our military, police, and first responders
bringing God back to the white house
putting Gorsuch on the SC

and its only been one year. more to come, stand by

But Trump has done nothing to embrace gay or sexual deviants rights, illegal immigration, hatred of America, the Islamization of America, etc.
Of course he gets a low rating from Libtards.

Trump has trashed our once proud reputation around the world
One reason he is dead last
There was no reputation to trash after Obama.

After Obama spent years rebuilding our reputation around the world....Trump trashed it in a matter of months

Who cares? France, the UK, Germany, and Spain have been circling the bowl for quite a while.

Isn't this the part where you tell me how much Russia loves Trump?
But Trump has done nothing to embrace gay or sexual deviants rights, illegal immigration, hatred of America, the Islamization of America, etc.
Of course he gets a low rating from Libtards.

Trump has trashed our once proud reputation around the world
One reason he is dead last
There was no reputation to trash after Obama.

After Obama spent years rebuilding our reputation around the world....Trump trashed it in a matter of months

Libtards don't get it. Other countries hate us. They are jealous of our prosperity. They want us to fail. They want us to become a third world sh!thole like they are. They want us to become less American. The sick thing is some Libtards also want that.

then how is it that trumptards are the least educated people in the country and libs are the educated successful elite?

who is it you think is jealous, bigot boi?

Jesus, what a retarded fruitcake.
Libtards don't get it. Other countries hate us. They are jealous of our prosperity. They want us to fail. They want us to become a third world sh!thole like they are. They want us to become less American. The sick thing is some Libtards also want that.

then how is it that trumptards are the least educated people in the country and libs are the educated successful elite?

who is it you think is jealous, bigot boi?
You prefer elites? Do you need to say anymore before everyone writes you off as a joke?

wrote her off as a joke long ago, along with winger and his sock jake snarkey

says one of the stupidest people on the board.

white trash trumpscum crack me up

well, at least you are honest, you are one of the stupidest people on the board. Actually it should be most stupid, but I understand that basic English is not your strong point.

That one... it never has anything, ANYTHING, of any value to add and her response to everything is an ad hominem attack. Tell tale signs of a low IQ.
But Trump has done nothing to embrace gay or sexual deviants rights, illegal immigration, hatred of America, the Islamization of America, etc.
Of course he gets a low rating from Libtards.

Trump has trashed our once proud reputation around the world
One reason he is dead last
There was no reputation to trash after Obama.

After Obama spent years rebuilding our reputation around the world....Trump trashed it in a matter of months

Who cares? France, the UK, Germany, and Spain have been circling the bowl for quite a while.

Isn't this the part where you tell me how much Russia loves Trump?
No, this is the part where you tell us how presidential historians rate Trump. Please?
There was no reputation to trash after Obama.

After Obama spent years rebuilding our reputation around the world....Trump trashed it in a matter of months


when you kiss ass and give away shit, the recipients like you. When you look out for America first the world respects you. A president's job is to take care of this country, not kiss the ass of the fricken euro trash.

er... no... when you're mentally unstable, a bigot and spend all your time trolling the internet, you don't get to be considered anything but the worst president in history.

he is exactly what trumptards want, an internet troll who they think gives liberals a sad.... when everyone all around the world and most of the people in this country are laughing at the orange sociopath.

you just denigrated more than half of the USA, and you idiots wonder why you keep losing elections. PAY ATTENTION, MOST AMERICANS ARE NOT LIBTARDIAN ASSHOLES WHO WANT TO DESTROY THE USA. YOU are a minority, YOU are nothing, YOU are an aberration. YOU are an idiot. Now, go away, put on your che sweatshirt and go burn some dumpsters.

where do you get the idea that trumptards are more than one half of the country?

trumptards are about 30% of the country

Donald got 3 million fewer votes than Hillary

Donald only won the electoral college by 70,000 votes in three states.

look at your temper tantrum? che sweatshirts? idiot I'm not a commie... but I'm not a trump moron.

your and your fellow trumptards are the ones who denigrate more than half the country every day.

now go worship your orange jesus and leave normal people alone.

Oh, where to start.

"normal people" that certainly excludes you and the 3 million in Cal who made up the difference in the PV. One state, dudette. One failing, broke, full of illegals state where the once beautiful streets of San Francisco are now piled with human feces and drug needles.

Not a commie??? but a Trump hater ??? its the same thing, fool

306 EC votes is not "barely winning". the American people are smarter than Hillary and her band of perverts think they are.

Real America is fed up with the left wing bullshit from both parties and showed it at the polls in November 2016. libs, dems, and rinos are on the way out. Americans are resuming control. WE will not allow this country to become a large version of failed European socialism.
then how is it that trumptards are the least educated people in the country and libs are the educated successful elite?

who is it you think is jealous, bigot boi?
You prefer elites? Do you need to say anymore before everyone writes you off as a joke?

wrote her off as a joke long ago, along with winger and his sock jake snarkey

says one of the stupidest people on the board.

white trash trumpscum crack me up

well, at least you are honest, you are one of the stupidest people on the board. Actually it should be most stupid, but I understand that basic English is not your strong point.

That one... it never has anything, ANYTHING, of any value to add and her response to everything is an ad hominem attack. Tell tale signs of a low IQ.

I would put her on ignore, but her entertainment value would be lost.
then how is it that trumptards are the least educated people in the country and libs are the educated successful elite?

who is it you think is jealous, bigot boi?
You prefer elites? Do you need to say anymore before everyone writes you off as a joke?

wrote her off as a joke long ago, along with winger and his sock jake snarkey

says one of the stupidest people on the board.

white trash trumpscum crack me up
From what I have seen of you, I don't think your opinion on who is stupid is valid.

yeah, but that opinion is coming from someone who is as stupid as you. I'm not the angry bitter white trash.

so there ya go.
Again, you calling someone stupid is a non-starter. Next.
You prefer elites? Do you need to say anymore before everyone writes you off as a joke?

wrote her off as a joke long ago, along with winger and his sock jake snarkey

says one of the stupidest people on the board.

white trash trumpscum crack me up

well, at least you are honest, you are one of the stupidest people on the board. Actually it should be most stupid, but I understand that basic English is not your strong point.

That one... it never has anything, ANYTHING, of any value to add and her response to everything is an ad hominem attack. Tell tale signs of a low IQ.

I would put her on ignore, but her entertainment value would be lost.

At least she stopped claiming to be a lawyer. Now she's just full-blown stupid.
They rank based on what they have seen from the President.....Harrison and Garfield did not last long and did not have much to rank

Trump has had a year, a year in which his party controlled government......not much to celebrate

not much to celebrate? How about

a stock market breaking records
the lowest unemployment % in years
the lowest black unemployment rates in years
an historic tax reduction for middle class americans
bonuses and salary increases for millions of americans
doing away with the obamacare mandate
bringing American industry back to america
destroying ISIS
reversing many of obozo's unconstitutional EOs
making America respected in the world again
respecting our military, police, and first responders
bringing God back to the white house
putting Gorsuch on the SC

and its only been one year. more to come, stand by

But Trump has done nothing to embrace gay or sexual deviants rights, illegal immigration, hatred of America, the Islamization of America, etc.
Of course he gets a low rating from Libtards.

Trump has trashed our once proud reputation around the world
One reason he is dead last

you are FOS, you are a robot, right?

Just look at the post #484

Trump has destroyed our global reputation

by making Europe pay its fair share of NATO and the UN? By making trade deals that are fair to the US and the other countries?

If that is destroying our reputation, who cares. We do not exist to make the rest of the world love us by giving them stuff and protecting them from all evils.

the truth is that because of Trump, the US is once again respected and our military is once again feared. Those are good things, fool.
not much to celebrate? How about

a stock market breaking records
the lowest unemployment % in years
the lowest black unemployment rates in years
an historic tax reduction for middle class americans
bonuses and salary increases for millions of americans
doing away with the obamacare mandate
bringing American industry back to america
destroying ISIS
reversing many of obozo's unconstitutional EOs
making America respected in the world again
respecting our military, police, and first responders
bringing God back to the white house
putting Gorsuch on the SC

and its only been one year. more to come, stand by

But Trump has done nothing to embrace gay or sexual deviants rights, illegal immigration, hatred of America, the Islamization of America, etc.
Of course he gets a low rating from Libtards.

Trump has trashed our once proud reputation around the world
One reason he is dead last
There was no reputation to trash after Obama.

After Obama spent years rebuilding our reputation around the world....Trump trashed it in a matter of months


when you kiss ass and give away shit, the recipients like you. When you look out for America first the world respects you. A president's job is to take care of this country, not kiss the ass of the fricken euro trash.
The Mecca of Globalism

Flush the Eurine Union and NYETO.

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