Presidential Rankings........Obama: Tenth......Trump: last

Shocking...FDR and Lincoln in the top 3. Never met a Constitution they couldn't destroy.

Two of our finest Presidents
Beyond question
I have always fancied TR. Turns out Trump feels the same way TR did about immigrants and national defense.

He evidently doesn't feel like Teddy Roosevelt on National Parks
I have quoted him(TR) on others threads, he had a lot to say that we need to hear now. Especially his comments on how civilizations are conquered and why are very interesting because they are spot on today.
Teddy is a top 5 President
Trump has earned his ranking...


Trump doesn't do the empathy thing very well...he never looks very comfortable.

True. Psychopaths usually don't.

9 Clues That You May Be Dealing With a Psychopath - Psychology Today
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The New York Times????????? I would be worried if the New York Times was on his side because that would really give me pause for thought.
What about ranking Reagan and Eisenhower in the top 10

Are they biased there?

Reagan was neutered when the Bush ran deep state tried to kill him two months into his first term. GH Bush was basically calling the shots. Eisenhower was a POS.......ever heard of Operation Keelhaul? How JFK could be ranked 16th is just another example of what a joke this "poll" is.
Looks like Trump has nowhere to go but up

Opinion | How Does Trump Stack Up Against the Best — and Worst — Presidents?

Since our previous survey in 2014, some presidential legacies have soared (Barack Obama’s stock has climbed into the Top 10), while others have fallen (Andrew Jackson toppled to 15, out of the Top 10).

And President Trump? Let’s say that, according to the 170 members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents and Executive Politics section who filled out our survey, he has at least three years to improve on an ignominious debut.
The NYT? Go away.
What is wrong with the survey of 170 historians?

Q. What is wrong with the survey of 170 historians?

A. They are educated, those without an education fear education; especially college or U. Professors as well as public school teachers.

Q. Why?

A. They've been told that every public teacher and every professor in higher education is a Communist and a fascist who seeks to change our country into a totalitarian nation.

Q. What evidence do they have?

A. The words of R. Limbaugh, S. Hannity and talking points of Republican Pols.
Looks like Trump has nowhere to go but up

Opinion | How Does Trump Stack Up Against the Best — and Worst — Presidents?

Since our previous survey in 2014, some presidential legacies have soared (Barack Obama’s stock has climbed into the Top 10), while others have fallen (Andrew Jackson toppled to 15, out of the Top 10).

And President Trump? Let’s say that, according to the 170 members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents and Executive Politics section who filled out our survey, he has at least three years to improve on an ignominious debut.
The NYT? Go away.
What is wrong with the survey of 170 historians?
They don’t like the outcome.

That Trump is last is perfectly appropriate, and he should remain last.
Shocking...FDR and Lincoln in the top 3. Never met a Constitution they couldn't destroy.

Two of our finest Presidents
Beyond question
I have always fancied TR. Turns out Trump feels the same way TR did about immigrants and national defense.

He evidently doesn't feel like Teddy Roosevelt on National Parks
I have quoted him(TR) on others threads, he had a lot to say that we need to hear now. Especially his comments on how civilizations are conquered and why are very interesting because they are spot on today.
Teddy is a top 5 President

Teddy was a eugenicist...which means he believes stupid people and those of what he believed to belong to inferior races shouldn't be allowed to breed. He also allowed himself to be used by the bankers to start the Bull Moose party in order to pull votes away from Taft (that was against a central bank) so that the socialist Woodrow Wilson could win because Wilson had agreed to sign the Federal Reserve Act.

Your knowledge of history is lacking........
Looks like Trump has nowhere to go but up

Opinion | How Does Trump Stack Up Against the Best — and Worst — Presidents?

Since our previous survey in 2014, some presidential legacies have soared (Barack Obama’s stock has climbed into the Top 10), while others have fallen (Andrew Jackson toppled to 15, out of the Top 10).

And President Trump? Let’s say that, according to the 170 members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents and Executive Politics section who filled out our survey, he has at least three years to improve on an ignominious debut.
The NYT? Go away.
What is wrong with the survey of 170 historians?

Q. What is wrong with the survey of 170 historians?

A. They are educated, those without an education fear education; especially college or U. Professors as well as public school teachers.

Q. Why?

A. They've been told that every public teacher and ever professor in higher education is Communist who seeks to change our country into a totalitarian nation.

Q. What evidence do they have?

A. The words of R. Limbaugh, S. Hannity and talking points of Republican Pols.

What are the names of these alleged 170 "historians" so I can do a background check on them????
Looks like Trump has nowhere to go but up

Opinion | How Does Trump Stack Up Against the Best — and Worst — Presidents?

Since our previous survey in 2014, some presidential legacies have soared (Barack Obama’s stock has climbed into the Top 10), while others have fallen (Andrew Jackson toppled to 15, out of the Top 10).

And President Trump? Let’s say that, according to the 170 members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents and Executive Politics section who filled out our survey, he has at least three years to improve on an ignominious debut.
The NYT? Go away.
What is wrong with the survey of 170 historians?
They don’t like the outcome.

That Trump is last is perfectly appropriate, and he should remain last.

Yep, and he should be the first to be convicted by the Senate when impeached.
Looks like Trump has nowhere to go but up

Opinion | How Does Trump Stack Up Against the Best — and Worst — Presidents?

Since our previous survey in 2014, some presidential legacies have soared (Barack Obama’s stock has climbed into the Top 10), while others have fallen (Andrew Jackson toppled to 15, out of the Top 10).

And President Trump? Let’s say that, according to the 170 members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents and Executive Politics section who filled out our survey, he has at least three years to improve on an ignominious debut.

An Opinion piece...from the NY Times...LOL.
Looks like Trump has nowhere to go but up

Opinion | How Does Trump Stack Up Against the Best — and Worst — Presidents?

Since our previous survey in 2014, some presidential legacies have soared (Barack Obama’s stock has climbed into the Top 10), while others have fallen (Andrew Jackson toppled to 15, out of the Top 10).

And President Trump? Let’s say that, according to the 170 members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents and Executive Politics section who filled out our survey, he has at least three years to improve on an ignominious debut.
The NYT? Go away.
What is wrong with the survey of 170 historians?
They don’t like the outcome.

That Trump is last is perfectly appropriate, and he should remain last.

Yep, and he should be the first to be convicted by the Senate when impeached.
I like to think about hanging traitors, but we aren't talking about Obama.
Looks like Trump has nowhere to go but up

Opinion | How Does Trump Stack Up Against the Best — and Worst — Presidents?

Since our previous survey in 2014, some presidential legacies have soared (Barack Obama’s stock has climbed into the Top 10), while others have fallen (Andrew Jackson toppled to 15, out of the Top 10).

And President Trump? Let’s say that, according to the 170 members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents and Executive Politics section who filled out our survey, he has at least three years to improve on an ignominious debut.
Harding may he rip can breathe a sense of relief now He's no longer last
What's wrong with Eugenics? Its just selective breeding taken to a societal level. We selectively breed everything around us to meet our need. Why should it be discouraged in humans? The idea that humans are extra nature is absurd.
Trump is one who wants to always look strong, to be confident and encourage others to pull themselves up, dust off and move forward. It's what he has learned is successful approach.

Many in history have notoriously followed this approach when dealing with tragedy. Consider the most extreme of examples when London was being bombed over and over by the Germans, Churchill basically told the Brits to not give in, to stand up and not allow their Will to be broken. There were some extremely dark times for England, and it was constant for a month, no defense, just civilians being bombed.

So, I think Trump has a one track mind when it comes to business and being on the offense. It's his nature after decades of competing in business, fighting government regulations, getting kicked around by bankers and other businessman and generally fighting uphill. Take it for what you will, he isn't going to change at this point.

Keep in mind though, considering how America has been exploited and there is a concerted effort by International socialists to essentially destroy America, he's the guy you need.
Trump is one who wants to always look strong, to be confident and encourage others to pull themselves up, dust off and move forward. It's what he has learned is successful approach.

Many in history have notoriously followed this approach when dealing with tragedy. Consider the most extreme of examples when London was being bombed over and over by the Germans, Churchill basically told the Brits to not give in, to stand up and not allow their Will to be broken. There were some extremely dark times for England, and it was constant for a month, no defense, just civilians being bombed.

So, I think Trump has a one track mind when it comes to business and being on the offense. It's his nature after decades of competing in business, fighting government regulations, getting kicked around by bankers and other businessman and generally fighting uphill. Take it for what you will, he isn't going to change at this point.

Keep in mind though, considering how America has been exploited and there is a concerted effort by International socialists to essentially destroy America, he's the guy you need.

It is also how he learned to relate to the world by his mentor, Roy Cohn: How Donald Trump and Roy Cohn’s Ruthless Symbiosis Changed America
Trump is one who wants to always look strong, to be confident and encourage others to pull themselves up, dust off and move forward. It's what he has learned is successful approach.

Many in history have notoriously followed this approach when dealing with tragedy. Consider the most extreme of examples when London was being bombed over and over by the Germans, Churchill basically told the Brits to not give in, to stand up and not allow their Will to be broken. There were some extremely dark times for England, and it was constant for a month, no defense, just civilians being bombed.

So, I think Trump has a one track mind when it comes to business and being on the offense. It's his nature after decades of competing in business, fighting government regulations, getting kicked around by bankers and other businessman and generally fighting uphill. Take it for what you will, he isn't going to change at this point.

Keep in mind though, considering how America has been exploited and there is a concerted effort by International socialists to essentially destroy America, he's the guy you need.

there's a little trump on your chin

no, no

other side
Trump is one who wants to always look strong, to be confident and encourage others to pull themselves up, dust off and move forward. It's what he has learned is successful approach.

Many in history have notoriously followed this approach when dealing with tragedy. Consider the most extreme of examples when London was being bombed over and over by the Germans, Churchill basically told the Brits to not give in, to stand up and not allow their Will to be broken. There were some extremely dark times for England, and it was constant for a month, no defense, just civilians being bombed.

So, I think Trump has a one track mind when it comes to business and being on the offense. It's his nature after decades of competing in business, fighting government regulations, getting kicked around by bankers and other businessman and generally fighting uphill. Take it for what you will, he isn't going to change at this point.

Keep in mind though, considering how America has been exploited and there is a concerted effort by International socialists to essentially destroy America, he's the guy you need.

there's a little trump on your chin

no, no

other side

Oh thank you, I thought I got it all.
motto- better than buchanan, maybe

take a bow trumplings

Oh you mean you're dumb enough to think that the very same clowns who got it totally wrong before the election claiming Trump had NO CHANCE to even win, now AFTER the election are any better judge and might actually give him HIGH MARKS? C'mon, even YOU can't be this gullible! :urinate:
Looks like Trump has nowhere to go but up

Opinion | How Does Trump Stack Up Against the Best — and Worst — Presidents?

Since our previous survey in 2014, some presidential legacies have soared (Barack Obama’s stock has climbed into the Top 10), while others have fallen (Andrew Jackson toppled to 15, out of the Top 10).

And President Trump? Let’s say that, according to the 170 members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents and Executive Politics section who filled out our survey, he has at least three years to improve on an ignominious debut.
The NYT? Go away.
What is wrong with the survey of 170 historians?
Historians from liberal progressive hateful academia? No.
When broken out by party of the historians

Trump still ranked only 40 among Republicans
Get over it. The book's closed on Obama. As inconsequential as they come and getting more so every day. The HopeyChangey thing never panned out.
How's that feary/divisiony thing working out?

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