Presidents, Police, and people who are Pblack


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
In the standoff between blacks & the police...US presidents have sided with cops for the last 50 years...that's what you can call systemic racism my friends

Nixon watched one of his campaign ads warning voters about urban crime and exclaimed: "This hits it right on the nose. it's all about LAW & ORDER and the damn N***/Puerto Rican groups out there"

Reagan complained about criminal fraud by "strapping young bucks" who use food stamps to buy T-bone steaks.

Jimmy Carter spoke out against forced integration. "the government should not take as a major purpose the intrusion of alien groups into a neighboorhood just to establish their intrusion"

President Clinton left the campaign trail to oversee the execution of Ricky Ray Rector, a black man who was so mentally ill that when he was taken to the death chamber, Rector set aside the pecan pie he ordered for his last meal because he was "saving it for later"

and of course, George HW Bush once bellowed: "by the time we're done, they're gonna wonder whether Willie is Dukakis' running mate

Obama mocked "gangbangers", saying they are so lazy they ask: "Why i gotta do it, why can't Pookie do it"...Obama also supported the Supreme Court decision to execute people for rape. as a law professor, O should have known that only black people get executed for these types of disputes

on the bright side, Obama was the first US president to visit a prison (not because he was guilty of a crime, calm down!)...and O's Justice Department investigated 20 local police departments
In the standoff between blacks & the police...US presidents have sided with cops for the last 50 years...that's what you can call systemic racism my friends

Nixon watched one of his campaign ads warning voters about urban crime and exclaimed: "This hits it right on the nose. it's all about LAW & ORDER and the damn N***/Puerto Rican groups out there"

Reagan complained about criminal fraud by "strapping young bucks" who use food stamps to buy T-bone steaks.

Jimmy Carter spoke out against forced integration. "the government should not take as a major purpose the intrusion of alien groups into a neighboorhood just to establish their intrusion"

President Clinton left the campaign trail to oversee the execution of Ricky Ray Rector, a black man who was so mentally ill that when he was taken to the death chamber, Rector set aside the pecan pie he ordered for his last meal because he was "saving it for later"

and of course, George HW Bush once bellowed: "by the time we're done, they're gonna wonder whether Willie is Dukakis' running mate

Obama mocked "gangbangers", saying they are so lazy they ask: "Why i gotta do it, why can't Pookie do it"...Obama also supported the Supreme Court decision to execute people for rape. as a law professor, O should have known that only black people get executed for these types of disputes

on the bright side, Obama was the first US president to visit a prison (not because he was guilty of a crime, calm down!)...and O's Justice Department investigated 20 local police departments

Obama is the asshole that instigated the BLM insurrection against America. Why wasn't he impeached and why isn't he in jail now? Instigating an insurrection is a crime, isn't it?
"Sided with Cops" is a freaking clche that sums up the current relatively uneducated left that grew up in front of a video game. "Siding with Cops" means siding with the Constitution. What other alternative is there?
In the standoff between blacks & the police...US presidents have sided with cops for the last 50 years...that's what you can call systemic racism my friends

Nixon watched one of his campaign ads warning voters about urban crime and exclaimed: "This hits it right on the nose. it's all about LAW & ORDER and the damn N***/Puerto Rican groups out there"

Reagan complained about criminal fraud by "strapping young bucks" who use food stamps to buy T-bone steaks.

Jimmy Carter spoke out against forced integration. "the government should not take as a major purpose the intrusion of alien groups into a neighboorhood just to establish their intrusion"

President Clinton left the campaign trail to oversee the execution of Ricky Ray Rector, a black man who was so mentally ill that when he was taken to the death chamber, Rector set aside the pecan pie he ordered for his last meal because he
Rector set aside the pecan pie he ordered for his last meal because he was "saving it for later"

and of course, George HW Bush once bellowed: "by the time we're done, they're gonna wonder whether Willie is Dukakis' running mate

Obama mocked "gangbangers", saying they are so lazy they ask: "Why i gotta do it, why can't Pookie do it"...Obama also supported the Supreme Court decision to execute people for rape. as a law professor, O should have known that only black people get executed for these types of disputes

on the bright side, Obama was the first US president to visit a prison (not because he was guilty of a crime, calm down!)...and O's Justice Department investigated 20 local police departments

As Brandon Biden says, "Come on, man!" You provided no links to verify some very suspicious accusations. Why is that?
In the standoff between blacks & the police...US presidents have sided with cops for the last 50 years...that's what you can call systemic racism my friends

Nixon watched one of his campaign ads warning voters about urban crime and exclaimed: "This hits it right on the nose. it's all about LAW & ORDER and the damn N***/Puerto Rican groups out there"

Reagan complained about criminal fraud by "strapping young bucks" who use food stamps to buy T-bone steaks.

Jimmy Carter spoke out against forced integration. "the government should not take as a major purpose the intrusion of alien groups into a neighboorhood just to establish their intrusion"

President Clinton left the campaign trail to oversee the execution of Ricky Ray Rector, a black man who was so mentally ill that when he was taken to the death chamber, Rector set aside the pecan pie he ordered for his last meal because he was "saving it for later"

and of course, George HW Bush once bellowed: "by the time we're done, they're gonna wonder whether Willie is Dukakis' running mate

Obama mocked "gangbangers", saying they are so lazy they ask: "Why i gotta do it, why can't Pookie do it"...Obama also supported the Supreme Court decision to execute people for rape. as a law professor, O should have known that only black people get executed for these types of disputes

on the bright side, Obama was the first US president to visit a prison (not because he was guilty of a crime, calm down!)...and O's Justice Department investigated 20 local police departments
.......your first sentence shows how fkd up you are---yes--blacks/YOU are pro-criminal.....siding with the police is racism???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!! you people always come up with the most IDIOTIC crap for racism
In the standoff between blacks & the police...US presidents have sided with cops for the last 50 years...that's what you can call systemic racism my friends

Nixon watched one of his campaign ads warning voters about urban crime and exclaimed: "This hits it right on the nose. it's all about LAW & ORDER and the damn N***/Puerto Rican groups out there"

Reagan complained about criminal fraud by "strapping young bucks" who use food stamps to buy T-bone steaks.

Jimmy Carter spoke out against forced integration. "the government should not take as a major purpose the intrusion of alien groups into a neighboorhood just to establish their intrusion"

President Clinton left the campaign trail to oversee the execution of Ricky Ray Rector, a black man who was so mentally ill that when he was taken to the death chamber, Rector set aside the pecan pie he ordered for his last meal because he was "saving it for later"

and of course, George HW Bush once bellowed: "by the time we're done, they're gonna wonder whether Willie is Dukakis' running mate

Obama mocked "gangbangers", saying they are so lazy they ask: "Why i gotta do it, why can't Pookie do it"...Obama also supported the Supreme Court decision to execute people for rape. as a law professor, O should have known that only black people get executed for these types of disputes

on the bright side, Obama was the first US president to visit a prison (not because he was guilty of a crime, calm down!)...and O's Justice Department investigated 20 local police departments
HAHAHHAHAHAH--you fkd up---yes investigated and found nothing wrong
what's wrong is the blacks--committing crime at HIGH levels and graduating at low levels
..I've been over this before --there is no problem with the police--the problem is the blacks ---I've linked it many times --UNLIKE you, who just babbles your OPINION
I notice that President George W. Bush was not mentioned.

In the case of Bill Clinton, Ricky Ray Rectors mental illness was self inflicted. The result of a failed suicide attempt.

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