Press Plays The Victim Card After Body-Slamming Republican Wins

The guy body slammed him to the ground. Are you telling me that reporter wasn't afraid for his life as he was being slammed to the ground?

If it were a black man who assaulted the reporter maybe it'd be different, right?
Observe the absolute desperation of this leftist here. He is stuck grasping for straws, trying desperately to gain the moral high ground. As you'll note, leftists cannot stick to the topic because they will lose. So here this guy is, blabbering on about what if it was a fucking black guy who bodyslammed him. Because that is there go to, when their amygdala is rubbed raw..bring out the race or sex or tranny or faggot or class card.

This is when you know they've got nothing and the best thing you could do is dismiss his stupid pleas and not even address it.

There was no black guy, this involved white men in arguably the whitest state in the Union.

I'm trying to help you realize a politician assaulting someone is not right, cool or justified. If I give you an example of how black men get shot for attacking people, maybe that will help you realize what idiots you are being. The reporter should have shot the politician. If I were a reporter I'd get my concealed weapons permit and shoot a fucker if he touched me.
I have an even better idea.
Quit being a rudely offensive twit and nobody will body-slam you.
Oh so now it's ok to body slam people who are rude? I always knew you guys were unamerican and hated free speech.

I knew this jackass set a bad precedent.

He should have been arrested.

hell liberals beat up white people on the potential they may be dangerous. never heard you say shit bout that.

Yeah, but we don't elect them to Congress.
Let's list the countries around the world where the press is subject to wanton violence from the government...hmm which countries would those be?

North Korea? For sure.
Saudi Arabia? Yes.
Russia? Putin murders you in plain site if you do something he doesn't like.
The Isis Caliphate? What press? What media?

This is the problem with the tendencies of conservatives. They all lead to authoritarian dictatorships.
You know...I think you people have a serious case of group insanity.
You're literally all delusional.
It's like you're all sipping from the same trough and are infected.
You're just another shill liar. No one was body slammed. The truth will come out, and then you know what? You'll still lie.
You're another one of those home schooled idiots who think gravity plays no role in plane crashes.
Why do you liars always pretend to know facts about people you have never met? Then you make up crap and pretend even more. LOL!
Let's list the countries around the world where the press is subject to wanton violence from the government...hmm which countries would those be?

North Korea? For sure.
Saudi Arabia? Yes.
Russia? Putin murders you in plain site if you do something he doesn't like.
The Isis Caliphate? What press? What media?

This is the problem with the tendencies of conservatives. They all lead to authoritarian dictatorships.
You know...I think you people have a serious case of group insanity.
You're literally all delusional.
It's like you're all sipping from the same trough and are infected.

So you can't follow along. Fair enough, Meg.

So two weeks ago conservatives were beside themselves when people resorted to physical violence at Berkeley but now think it just fine for a political candidate.

You have to marvel at how far the Republican party has fallen. There is no bottom either, they crawl under the barrel and then start digging to reach the sewer. This is a party and cohort of people that have no compass at all anymore. They have given up on morals and truth and instead cling to lies and situational morality. Where they decide what is moral based on a situation. If you are old enough to have watched this evolution of conservatives it is stunning. They are hollow people now. There is no foundation.
I marvel at how you leftists play the victim.....even when you're the aggressor.
I'm 60 years old. I know what the tactic is. It's a bullying tactic. I had it pulled on me at times in school. Some kid screams at me for weeks, spitting on me and calling me every name in the book. Then he makes the mistake of putting his hands on me and I beat him to a pulp. They he runs crying to the principle about how I beat him up.
This is what it's like for us. We're fed up with you lying cocksuckers. We refrain from violence for so long. The moment we react to it you SOBs claim WE'RE the assholes that are prone to violence.
I think what is happening is you bastards have awoken a sleeping giant and don't even know it.
My suggestion is that you STFU and start acting like decent Americans.

I won't hold my breath waiting on you doing this however.

People shouldn't run for office if they can not be asked hard questions..

It seems that after 8 years of slamming Obama ,the same rightwing people are calling victim, so it does go both ways..

I used to volunteer almost everyday at my son's school for lunch break, sorry that happened to you..
I was on those kids that were bullies, and they knew I was watching them.
Kids should not have to fend for themselves against bullies..

But in the interview the guy was just asking hard questions, it seems..

Gianforte had voted for the GOP healthcare bill
He was being asked why

That is not a hard question

It is when the GOP healthcare bill benefits mostly insurance companies.
Blaming this on Trump is a bit much, especially considering the massive hate and rage the left have shown and not just spoken about but acted out on. This has happened in so-called rallies and protests which are really excused to destroy things.

It's a partisan environment in which both sides are quite far apart. It's a battle it seems, between individual liberty, small government and capitalism versus socialism, big government and intervention. Thus, all sides of the political aisle have steep differences.

In the end, the candidate was wrong to go overboard like this and assault a man. This in itself is inexcusable, blaming Trump for the reaction is disingenuous and in many cases politically motivated.

As an aside, listening to the audio which is disturbing, I wonder what the candidate meant when he stated " the last guy who came in here did the same thing". Was he referring to a phone placed too close to his face in an effort to illicit a response? Or was it the line of questioning? Neither should end in violence, but they are different circumstances.

Trump is a punk. Punks beget punks.
As opposed to Obama and his Antifa friends.

Yes, as opposed to Obama.
So you're saying, 'no,' then? That there is no FBI investigation into collusion between Russians and Trump campaign associates?

Then that dumps your brain-dead ass in the 'demented' bucket.

"I’ve been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. And that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts. As with any counterintelligence investigation, this will also include an assessment of whether any crimes were committed” ~ James Comey, former FBI Director

Fawn. are you mentally retarded? I mean, are you in a home where nurses put you in diapers and put a helmet on you as you walk? I suspect "yes."

Now you drooling fucking retard, I have given you a DOZEN news reports that state there is zero evidence of any sort collusion. You can obviously provide no evidence of anything, just smears and innuendo. I mean, you're a fucking Nazi so that is expected.
You don't see anyone on the left body slamming reporters.

I see them throwing rocks, bottles, and molotovs at anyone who thinks thoughts not approved of by the Khmer Rouge. I see you punching, kicking, and spiting on those who have ideas rather than obeying your fucking Fuhrer. I see jackbooted thugs violently intimidating people like this was 1928 Germany.

Never again, you fucking Nazi bastards.

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