Press Plays The Victim Card After Body-Slamming Republican Wins

So two weeks ago conservatives were beside themselves when people resorted to physical violence at Berkeley but now think it just fine for a political candidate.

In both examples given The Left instigated the violence.
Oh? Exactly what did that reporter do to instigate violence against him?

Burst into a private interview, shoved a mic into the candidate's face and began shouting questions. I'd have broken his arm.

"Gosh Officer, I thought his recorder was a knife, so I reacted."

I'd have politely asked him to leave
Polite would have been not entering a room without an invitation.
This could be the start of the 2020 presidential campaign.

Would be fun to see Webb's daughter get body-slammed off the edge of the state her momma fell off in 2016!
And I am sure that you think that it would be fun to see the swastika over the stripes in our flag. More and more, this nation is beginning to have the look of Germany in the '30's.

Calm down
This could be the start of the 2020 presidential campaign.

Would be fun to see Webb's daughter get body-slammed off the edge of the state her momma fell off in 2016!
And I am sure that you think that it would be fun to see the swastika over the stripes in our flag. More and more, this nation is beginning to have the look of Germany in the '30's.

Calm down
Fuck no. I have not seen this kind of Fascism rising to the top in the 73 years I have been alive. The fat senile old orange clown has adopted the slogan of the American Nazi's from the era in which I was born. We all have heard him encourage physical violence toward anyone disagreeing with him and his minions. I am seeing happening in America what was happening in Germany in the '30's.
This could be the start of the 2020 presidential campaign.

Would be fun to see Webb's daughter get body-slammed off the edge of the state her momma fell off in 2016!
And I am sure that you think that it would be fun to see the swastika over the stripes in our flag. More and more, this nation is beginning to have the look of Germany in the '30's.

Calm down
Fuck no. I have not seen this kind of Fascism rising to the top in the 73 years I have been alive. The fat senile old orange clown has adopted the slogan of the American Nazi's from the era in which I was born. We all have heard him encourage physical violence toward anyone disagreeing with him and his minions. I am seeing happening in America what was happening in Germany in the '30's.

Bullshit. You're being a fucking drama queen.
No, you are being blind. Same sort of xenophobia that allowed the incarceration of the Americans of Japanese ancestry during WW2.
The Pinheads in the media claim that Trump caused that Montana candidate to body-slam that journalist.
They had very little to say about the violence at Berkeley and all of the Blacks going around parts of the country beating people up. They feel that when a journalist got aggressive and got assaulted by a guy who lost his cool, this is all Trump's fault.

No, America is pissed off about the despicable comments that leaders like F**k Schumer and Crazy Auntie Maxine Waters, screaming for impeachment before the man even took office.

We're pissed off because of the we can't watch the news without throwing a brick thru our televisions.

Which of the anti-fa committing violent acts at Berkeley won a seat in Congress?

Both sides have their violent elements. The difference is the right wing elects theirs. The Republican Party = The Party of Violence.

Barack Obama won the White House.
Obama has a bunch of his former administration running the Berkeley campus.

So basically your answer is Obama.
You're truly fucking deranged conservative. :cuckoo:

Simple question, 'yes' or 'no'... is the FBI investigation over collision between Russia and Trump's campaign associates still open?

If you answer,'no,' you're insane beyond repair.

If you answer, 'yes,' lucidly explain why the news should not cover it?

The investigation is of Russian influence in the election. No one has suggested collusion. Only you Nazis think that there was any - well you don't really think it - you just think if you LIE enough you can convince the public.

But then even the CIA bastard Brennan, who utterly hates Trump, acknowledged there was never any collusion.

{The former CIA director said that interactions and meetings with the Russians during the 2016 cycle are not evidence of collusion. }

Former CIA Director Cuts Through Neo-McCarthyite Hysteria, Says Interactions With Russia Are Not Evidence Of Collusion

But, you're a Nazi, you don't give a fuck about facts, you will say anything to attack the hated opposition. Because you have not a hint of integrity, as long as it damages those you hate, you'll post it.
So you're saying, 'no,' then? That there is no FBI investigation into collusion between Russians and Trump campaign associates?

Then that dumps your brain-dead ass in the 'demented' bucket.

"I’ve been authorized by the Department of Justice to confirm that the FBI, as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government's efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election. And that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts. As with any counterintelligence investigation, this will also include an assessment of whether any crimes were committed” ~ James Comey, former FBI Director
We are not billionaires, just successful business people, we do not fancy ourselves to follow billionaire scripts but we certainly disavow that owning and running a successful company is something to take shit about
Yes I know how they won you over. What most small business' will see is that if the people aren't spending then they don't do well.

And the people got to save. Isn't that true?

But you want us to spend. No, you need us to.

Your way doesn't work. You'll see. But you'll blame liberals when it happens
My way is working and has worked for a century
Your way is to avoid work and castigate those who have reaped rewards of their efforts and behaviors
I am an asshole when it comes to my money and maintaining my company's image as top shelf. I am an asshole towards parasites and losers who don't take initiative. So I am an asshole, but I'm an asshole for good reasons, not just simply to be one.
Yeah buddy. Craft a multi million dollar company out of nothing and then sit back and take shit from welfareites?
Probably not
You have to be, if you're an entrepreneur. These kids that inherit companies do not know or appreciate what a man has to go through to keep a business going. I have over 100 people to care for, I don't want them unemployed...I thought I was dong something good while enriching myself at the same time. I guess that's a crime to leftists.

Oh look at the rich guy feeling like the victim. Or what, aren't we/they kissing your ass enough? You only hire them because they provide you with value, asshole. You aren't doing anyone any favors. And you only pay them as much as you have to. Why don't you pay minimum wage? Because they'll leave or not do a good job for that much. It's not because you are kind hearted.

I worked for a small business owner like you. He uses everyone who works for them. BUT, it's their fault for working for him. It was my fault accepting the position. I learned later that the only person making any money at a small business is the owner.

None of your employees will ever retire and can not afford to send their kids to college on the pay you give them. Is that correct? Thanks for offering the poorest a little bit better than minimum. Never say you didn't do the least you could.
This is the response of a under motivated, underachieved, resentful person
If you only knew how well I was doing right now at work

That doesn't mean I want Republicans to raise my taxes, cut social security and Medicare'd rather have Democrats do that.....cuz they say it's for your own good.
Very Similar. Thugs who marched to intimidate any who held differing views - exactly as the Soros Brown Shirts do now.

Face facts, the Soros democrats are in fact literal Nazis, there is very little difference in the aims of the Soros Reich and Hitlers Reich, and you can't deny that your methods are identical.


Soros Reich thugs


Hitler Reich thugs
You don't see anyone on the left body slamming reporters.
No order for a Stand Your Ground claim you have to show you feared death or great bodily harm.......I know you are stupid...but you should really do more research...

The guy body slammed him to the ground. Are you telling me that reporter wasn't afraid for his life as he was being slammed to the ground?

If it were a black man who assaulted the reporter maybe it'd be different, right?
Observe the absolute desperation of this leftist here. He is stuck grasping for straws, trying desperately to gain the moral high ground. As you'll note, leftists cannot stick to the topic because they will lose. So here this guy is, blabbering on about what if it was a fucking black guy who bodyslammed him. Because that is there go to, when their amygdala is rubbed raw..bring out the race or sex or tranny or faggot or class card.

This is when you know they've got nothing and the best thing you could do is dismiss his stupid pleas and not even address it.

There was no black guy, this involved white men in arguably the whitest state in the Union.

I'm trying to help you realize a politician assaulting someone is not right, cool or justified. If I give you an example of how black men get shot for attacking people, maybe that will help you realize what idiots you are being. The reporter should have shot the politician. If I were a reporter I'd get my concealed weapons permit and shoot a fucker if he touched me.
I have an even better idea.
Quit being a rudely offensive twit and nobody will body-slam you.
Oh so now it's ok to body slam people who are rude? I always knew you guys were unamerican and hated free speech.

I knew this jackass set a bad precedent.

He should have been arrested.

hell liberals beat up white people on the potential they may be dangerous. never heard you say shit bout that.
I've seen it many times....
A reporter is chasing after someone asking questions while shoving a microphone in his face. That someone clearly states the he is not answering questions at the time. It's little wonder that hardly anyone cares that such a reporter gets "body slammed" as he cannot take no for an answer and will not back off.

Kids in preschool are taught to respect the personal space of others. It's damn time "news reporters" are given a refresher on the topic.
Very Similar. Thugs who marched to intimidate any who held differing views - exactly as the Soros Brown Shirts do now.

Face facts, the Soros democrats are in fact literal Nazis, there is very little difference in the aims of the Soros Reich and Hitlers Reich, and you can't deny that your methods are identical.


Soros Reich thugs


Hitler Reich thugs
You don't see anyone on the left body slamming reporters.
This is the first time I have ever heard of anyone body slamming a reporter. You act like this is a daily occurrence, you wimpy fuck.
Let's list the countries around the world where the press is subject to wanton violence from the government...hmm which countries would those be?

North Korea? For sure.
Saudi Arabia? Yes.
Russia? Putin murders you in plain site if you do something he doesn't like.
The Isis Caliphate? What press? What media?

This is the problem with the tendencies of conservatives. They all lead to authoritarian dictatorships.
Let's list the countries around the world where the press is subject to wanton violence from the government...hmm which countries would those be?

North Korea? For sure.
Saudi Arabia? Yes.
Russia? Putin murders you in plain site if you do something he doesn't like.
The Isis Caliphate? What press? What media?

This is the problem with the tendencies of conservatives. They all lead to authoritarian dictatorships.
Yeah, because the commie Chinese would never hurt a journo, lol.

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