Press Plays The Victim Card After Body-Slamming Republican Wins

Then don't try to convince us Trump is right for us just because he's right for your rich ass. Telling me you are a rich republican doesn't make you look right. It makes you look greedy.

Real rich people who are intelligent know the gap between rich and poor is a problem. You see it as free market capitalism. Remember the French Revolution?

Did you learn that from Murray Rothbard, Comrade? I have a copy of "Man, economy and state" right here, can you point out which page speaks of how market capitalism is a 'problem" due to the gap between rich and poor? You know, since you are a "Rothbardian" and all...

The French Revolution completely changed the social and political structure of France. It put an end to feudalism, and took political power from the Catholic church. It brought new ideas to Europe including liberty and freedom for the commoner as well as the abolishment of slavery and the rights of women. Although the revolution ended with the rise of Napoleon, the ideas and reforms did not die. These new ideas continued to influence Europe and helped to shape many of Europe's modern-day governments.

Yeah, that's what Napoleon said, you ignorant shill.

No, I learned it from a billionaire Paul Tudor Jones

PAUL TUDOR JONES: Income inequality will end in revolution, taxes, or war
I could buy this site if I
My rich ass is right for anyone...white,brown,red,yellow and black....I give people jobs and pay them well. Nobody makes minimum wage at my company, not even entry level. I also do profit share because I want employees who want to be a part of a team, not simply work for a check.

Then why do you come off as an asshole here?
I am an asshole when it comes to my money and maintaining my company's image as top shelf. I am an asshole towards parasites and losers who don't take initiative. So I am an asshole, but I'm an asshole for good reasons, not just simply to be one.
Yeah buddy. Craft a multi million dollar company out of nothing and then sit back and take shit from welfareites?
Probably not
You have to be, if you're an entrepreneur. These kids that inherit companies do not know or appreciate what a man has to go through to keep a business going. I have over 100 people to care for, I don't want them unemployed...I thought I was dong something good while enriching myself at the same time. I guess that's a crime to leftists.

Oh look at the rich guy feeling like the victim. Or what, aren't we/they kissing your ass enough? You only hire them because they provide you with value, asshole. You aren't doing anyone any favors. And you only pay them as much as you have to. Why don't you pay minimum wage? Because they'll leave or not do a good job for that much. It's not because you are kind hearted.

I worked for a small business owner like you. He uses everyone who works for them. BUT, it's their fault for working for him. It was my fault accepting the position. I learned later that the only person making any money at a small business is the owner.

None of your employees will ever retire and can not afford to send their kids to college on the pay you give them. Is that correct? Thanks for offering the poorest a little bit better than minimum. Never say you didn't do the least you could.
This is the response of a under motivated, underachieved, resentful person
I could buy this site if I
My rich ass is right for anyone...white,brown,red,yellow and black....I give people jobs and pay them well. Nobody makes minimum wage at my company, not even entry level. I also do profit share because I want employees who want to be a part of a team, not simply work for a check.

Then why do you come off as an asshole here?
I am an asshole when it comes to my money and maintaining my company's image as top shelf. I am an asshole towards parasites and losers who don't take initiative. So I am an asshole, but I'm an asshole for good reasons, not just simply to be one.
Yeah buddy. Craft a multi million dollar company out of nothing and then sit back and take shit from welfareites?
Probably not
You have to be, if you're an entrepreneur. These kids that inherit companies do not know or appreciate what a man has to go through to keep a business going. I have over 100 people to care for, I don't want them unemployed...I thought I was dong something good while enriching myself at the same time. I guess that's a crime to leftists.

Oh look at the rich guy feeling like the victim. Or what, aren't we/they kissing your ass enough? You only hire them because they provide you with value, asshole. You aren't doing anyone any favors. And you only pay them as much as you have to. Why don't you pay minimum wage? Because they'll leave or not do a good job for that much. It's not because you are kind hearted.

I worked for a small business owner like you. He uses everyone who works for them. BUT, it's their fault for working for him. It was my fault accepting the position. I learned later that the only person making any money at a small business is the owner.

None of your employees will ever retire and can not afford to send their kids to college on the pay you give them. Is that correct? Thanks for offering the poorest a little bit better than minimum. Never say you didn't do the least you could.
Dude...I grew up poor, I was raised in housing projects. My dad eventually was able to move the family out of there to a middle class neighborhood, he spent half the year away from his wife and family in Alaska working on the fishing vessels. I'm not a victim nor would I claim to be. What I don't expect is to be belittled for my success, and my success helping others.
Which is what folks like you do.

I do more than you, so you hate.
I make more money than you and your family combined. "Cranbrook" ?....lulzy stuff.

I could spend 35k in a day and be alright. You brag about what I consider scraps, faggot.

Then don't try to convince us Trump is right for us just because he's right for your rich ass. Telling me you are a rich republican doesn't make you look right. It makes you look greedy.

Real rich people who are intelligent know the gap between rich and poor is a problem. You see it as free market capitalism. Remember the French Revolution?

The French Revolution completely changed the social and political structure of France. It put an end to feudalism, and took political power from the Catholic church. It brought new ideas to Europe including liberty and freedom for the commoner as well as the abolishment of slavery and the rights of women. Although the revolution ended with the rise of Napoleon, the ideas and reforms did not die. These new ideas continued to influence Europe and helped to shape many of Europe's modern-day governments.
My rich ass is right for anyone...white,brown,red,yellow and black....I give people jobs and pay them well. Nobody makes minimum wage at my company, not even entry level. I also do profit share because I want employees who want to be a part of a team, not simply work for a check.

Hey all! I am a right-wing, neo-reactionary, with an end goal of a propertarian/right/Rothbardian/Hoppeian libertarian society.

Hope to have some interesting discussions here.

So you're a nutjob. Got it.

Rothbardian my ass. You are a Pol Pot following totalitarian thug, part of the democrats Nazi machine.
He's talking about me.

How come billionaire Paul Tudor Jones gets it but you don't?

PAUL TUDOR JONES: Income inequality will end in revolution, taxes, or war

"Now here's a macro forecast that's easy to make and that's that the gap between the wealthiest and the poorest it will get closed. History always does it. It typically happens in one of three ways– either through revolution, higher taxes or wars.

During his talk, Tudor Jones, who has an estimated networth of $4.6 billion, praised capitalism.

"It's a system I love because of the successes and opportunities it has afforded me and millions of others."

Over the last several decades, however, there's been a shift.

Tudor Jones continued: "I've seen a lot of crazy things in markets ... And unfortunately, I'm sad to report that right now we might be on the grips of certainly one of the most disastrous certainly in my career."

According to Tudor Jones, the problem has to do with how companies nowadays derive their value from profits, quarterly earnings, and their stock price.

"It's like we've ripped the humanity out of our companies," he said, explaining that we don't value people based on their monthly income or credit score. "We have this double standard when it comes to the way we value businesses. You know what? It's threatening the very underpinnings of our society."

Right now, corporate profits in the US are at all-time highs. This, he said, is increasing income inequality.

"Higher profit margins do not increase societal wealth. What they actually do is exacerbate income inequality, and that's not a good thing."
He explained that if the top 10% of American families own 90% of the stocks, then they will take a greater share of those corporate profits and there's less wealth for the rest of society.

Tudor Jones said that income inequality in the US is "literally off the charts" and that's going to come along with "the greatest societal problems" such as lower life expectancy, teenage pregnancy, and lower literacy rates.

His solution is to advocate for justice in corporate behavior.

Tudor Jones recently formed a not-for-profit called JUST Capital with a mission to help companies by using the public's input to find out the criteria that would define justice.

"Now capitalism has been responsible for every major innovation that's made this world a more inspiring and wonderful place to live in," Tudor Jones said. "Capitalism has to be based on justice ... I'm not against progress. I want a driverless car and a jetpack like everyone else, but I'm pleading for recognition that with increased wealth or profits should come, has to come ... greater corporate social responsibility."
Then don't try to convince us Trump is right for us just because he's right for your rich ass. Telling me you are a rich republican doesn't make you look right. It makes you look greedy.

Real rich people who are intelligent know the gap between rich and poor is a problem. You see it as free market capitalism. Remember the French Revolution?

The French Revolution completely changed the social and political structure of France. It put an end to feudalism, and took political power from the Catholic church. It brought new ideas to Europe including liberty and freedom for the commoner as well as the abolishment of slavery and the rights of women. Although the revolution ended with the rise of Napoleon, the ideas and reforms did not die. These new ideas continued to influence Europe and helped to shape many of Europe's modern-day governments.
My rich ass is right for anyone...white,brown,red,yellow and black....I give people jobs and pay them well. Nobody makes minimum wage at my company, not even entry level. I also do profit share because I want employees who want to be a part of a team, not simply work for a check.

Hey all! I am a right-wing, neo-reactionary, with an end goal of a propertarian/right/Rothbardian/Hoppeian libertarian society.

Hope to have some interesting discussions here.

So you're a nutjob. Got it.

Rothbardian my ass. You are a Pol Pot following totalitarian thug, part of the democrats Nazi machine.
He's talking about me.

How come billionaire Paul Tudor Jones gets it but you don't?

PAUL TUDOR JONES: Income inequality will end in revolution, taxes, or war

"Now here's a macro forecast that's easy to make and that's that the gap between the wealthiest and the poorest it will get closed. History always does it. It typically happens in one of three ways– either through revolution, higher taxes or wars.

During his talk, Tudor Jones, who has an estimated networth of $4.6 billion, praised capitalism.

"It's a system I love because of the successes and opportunities it has afforded me and millions of others."

Over the last several decades, however, there's been a shift.

Tudor Jones continued: "I've seen a lot of crazy things in markets ... And unfortunately, I'm sad to report that right now we might be on the grips of certainly one of the most disastrous certainly in my career."

According to Tudor Jones, the problem has to do with how companies nowadays derive their value from profits, quarterly earnings, and their stock price.

"It's like we've ripped the humanity out of our companies," he said, explaining that we don't value people based on their monthly income or credit score. "We have this double standard when it comes to the way we value businesses. You know what? It's threatening the very underpinnings of our society."

Right now, corporate profits in the US are at all-time highs. This, he said, is increasing income inequality.

"Higher profit margins do not increase societal wealth. What they actually do is exacerbate income inequality, and that's not a good thing."
He's a globalist scumbag. He's nothing like me
"Maybe we will find out the most important thing for the public is create living wage jobs or make healthy products or help, not harm the environment," he explained. "At JUST Capital, we don't know. It's not for us to decide. We are but messengers. We have 100% confidence and faith in the American public to get it right."

They plan to issue the survey every year. Eventually, they will rank the companies in order based on the data they collect.

The hope, he explained, is that human and economic resources will be attracted toward those just companies and that they will be the most prosperous.
You're truly fucking deranged conservative. :cuckoo:

Simple question, 'yes' or 'no'... is the FBI investigation over collision between Russia and Trump's campaign associates still open?

If you answer,'no,' you're insane beyond repair.

If you answer, 'yes,' lucidly explain why the news should not cover it?

The investigation is of Russian influence in the election. No one has suggested collusion. Only you Nazis think that there was any - well you don't really think it - you just think if you LIE enough you can convince the public.

But then even the CIA bastard Brennan, who utterly hates Trump, acknowledged there was never any collusion.

{The former CIA director said that interactions and meetings with the Russians during the 2016 cycle are not evidence of collusion. }

Former CIA Director Cuts Through Neo-McCarthyite Hysteria, Says Interactions With Russia Are Not Evidence Of Collusion

But, you're a Nazi, you don't give a fuck about facts, you will say anything to attack the hated opposition. Because you have not a hint of integrity, as long as it damages those you hate, you'll post it.
We are not billionaires, just successful business people, we do not fancy ourselves to follow billionaire scripts but we certainly disavow that owning and running a successful company is something to take shit about
I make more money than you and your family combined. "Cranbrook" ?....lulzy stuff.

I could spend 35k in a day and be alright. You brag about what I consider scraps, faggot.

Then don't try to convince us Trump is right for us just because he's right for your rich ass. Telling me you are a rich republican doesn't make you look right. It makes you look greedy.

Real rich people who are intelligent know the gap between rich and poor is a problem. You see it as free market capitalism. Remember the French Revolution?

The French Revolution completely changed the social and political structure of France. It put an end to feudalism, and took political power from the Catholic church. It brought new ideas to Europe including liberty and freedom for the commoner as well as the abolishment of slavery and the rights of women. Although the revolution ended with the rise of Napoleon, the ideas and reforms did not die. These new ideas continued to influence Europe and helped to shape many of Europe's modern-day governments.
My rich ass is right for anyone...white,brown,red,yellow and black....I give people jobs and pay them well. Nobody makes minimum wage at my company, not even entry level. I also do profit share because I want employees who want to be a part of a team, not simply work for a check.

Hey all! I am a right-wing, neo-reactionary, with an end goal of a propertarian/right/Rothbardian/Hoppeian libertarian society.

Hope to have some interesting discussions here.

So you're a nutjob. Got it.

Rothbardian my ass. You are a Pol Pot following totalitarian thug, part of the democrats Nazi machine.
That's offensivelyopenminded's words not mine. I'm a rastafarian.

You're a Nazi.
The Pinheads in the media claim that Trump caused that Montana candidate to body-slam that journalist.
They had very little to say about the violence at Berkeley and all of the Blacks going around parts of the country beating people up. They feel that when a journalist got aggressive and got assaulted by a guy who lost his cool, this is all Trump's fault.

No, America is pissed off about the despicable comments that leaders like F**k Schumer and Crazy Auntie Maxine Waters, screaming for impeachment before the man even took office.

We're pissed off because of the we can't watch the news without throwing a brick thru our televisions.

Pinheads? You mean the knees news video people who confirmed it.?
What do you expect in a red rube state where 75% of the votes were already in.
All they had to do was to say it was a liberal (which none of the rubes know the def of)
Just like the "you lie" guy who got 10 more confederate points after he insulted the uppity nixxxxer
This whole thing shows how far the Republicans have sunk

They celebrate a physical attack on a reporter and Gianforte probably got more votes for being "tough on the media"

The reporter was asking questions about the Republican healthcare plan. He was not making personal attacks, he was not attacking the mans family, he did not physically assault him


And that is why he was thrown to the ground and punched by a candidate for Congress
Oh be quiet. Remember the you lie guy whose confederate standing went up?
Rube city!
We are not billionaires, just successful business people, we do not fancy ourselves to follow billionaire scripts but we certainly disavow that owning and running a successful company is something to take shit about

Well that's the thing, isn't it? The Billionaire tells you that you should be ashamed of wealth and should give it to the poor; but HE sure the fuck isn't giving his wealth away, now is he?

If these Marxist scum are to have ANY credibility, they need to give away everything beyond a middle class life style. None of them will ever do so, though.
We are not billionaires, just successful business people, we do not fancy ourselves to follow billionaire scripts but we certainly disavow that owning and running a successful company is something to take shit about
Yup my corporate filthy rich dreaded liberal (for the individual and small gov)friends, who need no more money all voted for Don the con.
We know where our bread is buttered.
Hope he leaves enough behind when he completes the greatest ever con, a whole country.
Anyone heard of Rockefeller?
The uneducated have always been screwed and so susceptible and they never realize it
The Pinheads in the media claim that Trump caused that Montana candidate to body-slam that journalist.
They had very little to say about the violence at Berkeley and all of the Blacks going around parts of the country beating people up. They feel that when a journalist got aggressive and got assaulted by a guy who lost his cool, this is all Trump's fault.

No, America is pissed off about the despicable comments that leaders like F**k Schumer and Crazy Auntie Maxine Waters, screaming for impeachment before the man even took office.

We're pissed off because of the we can't watch the news without throwing a brick thru our televisions.

Like I told you, you fuckers are violent pieces of shit that do nothing for the country.
You're truly fucking deranged conservative. :cuckoo:

Simple question, 'yes' or 'no'... is the FBI investigation over collision between Russia and Trump's campaign associates still open?

If you answer,'no,' you're insane beyond repair.

If you answer, 'yes,' lucidly explain why the news should not cover it?

The investigation is of Russian influence in the election. No one has suggested collusion. Only you Nazis think that there was any - well you don't really think it - you just think if you LIE enough you can convince the public.

But then even the CIA bastard Brennan, who utterly hates Trump, acknowledged there was never any collusion.

{The former CIA director said that interactions and meetings with the Russians during the 2016 cycle are not evidence of collusion. }

Former CIA Director Cuts Through Neo-McCarthyite Hysteria, Says Interactions With Russia Are Not Evidence Of Collusion

But, you're a Nazi, you don't give a fuck about facts, you will say anything to attack the hated opposition. Because you have not a hint of integrity, as long as it damages those you hate, you'll post it.
This whole thing shows how far the Republicans have sunk

They celebrate a physical attack on a reporter and Gianforte probably got more votes for being "tough on the media"

The reporter was asking questions about the Republican healthcare plan. He was not making personal attacks, he was not attacking the mans family, he did not physically assault him


And that is why he was thrown to the ground and punched by a candidate for Congress
Oh be quiet. Remember the you lie guy whose confederate standing went up?
Rube city!
The fuck are you babbling about?
Don Lemon calls us "Fake People......Horrible People".

It's people like Don Lemon that all of us real people are angry. Fake Newsmen Like Don Lemon Piss Us Off...........and we refuse to watch him lie about us 5 days a week.
He is absolutely correct. You condone, even cheer the kind of behavior that led to the Third Reich.
The Pinheads in the media claim that Trump caused that Montana candidate to body-slam that journalist.
They had very little to say about the violence at Berkeley and all of the Blacks going around parts of the country beating people up. They feel that when a journalist got aggressive and got assaulted by a guy who lost his cool, this is all Trump's fault.

No, America is pissed off about the despicable comments that leaders like F**k Schumer and Crazy Auntie Maxine Waters, screaming for impeachment before the man even took office.

We're pissed off because of the we can't watch the news without throwing a brick thru our televisions.

Like I told you, you fuckers are violent pieces of shit that do nothing for the country.

Youre a lazy fuck who should be deported then..
You create nothing, you employ're just a shill for losers like yourself. Begging for the gubmint to give you something.

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