Pressing the wrong button


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Elderly citizens all over the country were heartened and enraged by recent news reports of an employee working for the Hawaiian Emergency Management Agency (HEMA) that hit the wrong button on a computer sending an incoming missile alert to panicked citizens on the Island. Bedlam ensued while horrified island residents grabbed their guns and stuffed children down manholes. For about 38 minutes pandemonium reached a fever pitch while people who thought they were fleeing mushroom clouds filled their pockets with sandwiches and headed for the hills.

Then as suddenly as it started it was over; it was all just an honest mistake. According to various authorities and experts a poorly crafted computer drop-down page was to blame. The display was arranged so the button to launch a test alert was located right next to the button to activate an actual alert.

To make it even more confusing for the employee a third alert was in play that warned a real alarm was being initiated and asked if this was intention. It was so confusing-just a bad manufacturing mistake on the part of the computer program. The button got pressed and for 38 minutes the employee had no idea that he/she was victimized by inferior technology.

Well, the elderly in this community just want to know one thing: Who the hell designed our automobiles so the gas pedal is located right next to the brake pedal? That HEMA worker had a bad day but it was nothing compared to the honest mistake of an old timer plowing a vehicle through the brick wall of a drugstore because some nincompoop built a car with the accelerator and the brake right beside each other!

This incident in Hawaii is a foreboding of a national disaster that would make a nuclear attack look like a picnic. Due to advances in modern medicine older demographics are growing at a rapid rate while they’re still operating cars that require pushing the correct pedal.

We could be on the brink of facing a national calamity of 40 million octogenarians all having a vehicle senior moment simultaneously. With store employees and customers flying like bowling pins from coast to coast it could be known as the Great Walmart Holocaust.

Now that we have been made aware that we can blame our mistakes on bad technology the elderly can now put their foot down-hopefully on the right pedal.
That "accident" was an effort to get Trump to inappropriately respond to a fake NK attack, causing world-wide panic and destruction, all Trump's fault.
It was no accident .

It’s the war machine looking to freak out the public . Notice it said “missle Attack “ instead of the more likely emergency of “tsunami “.

I wonder what was the word from Norad on this! ;)
Again..................people need to quit the partisan bickering and look at what actually happened.

Someone at the civil defense bunker screwed up and hit the wrong button resulting in a false alarm and a nervous morning for Hawaii. I personally don't think that there was some deep conspiracy to try to get Trump to hit the nuke button. Why? Because before he would launch a strike, he would have to get confirmation that an attack was underway, and it would come from the military people around him.

But, because it wasn't an actual attack, it was sorted out in about 45 min. and it was found that it was caused by some employee who had trouble reading the computer screens, not Trump, and not some deep operative who was trying to start a war.

That being said, I DO think that Trump should have put out some kind of message, even if it was just a tweet to let people know it was a mistake made at the local level. Would have cut down on a lot of this hysteria.
Again..................people need to quit the partisan bickering and look at what actually happened.

Someone at the civil defense bunker screwed up and hit the wrong button resulting in a false alarm and a nervous morning for Hawaii. I personally don't think that there was some deep conspiracy to try to get Trump to hit the nuke button. Why? Because before he would launch a strike, he would have to get confirmation that an attack was underway, and it would come from the military people around him.

But, because it wasn't an actual attack, it was sorted out in about 45 min. and it was found that it was caused by some employee who had trouble reading the computer screens, not Trump, and not some deep operative who was trying to start a war.

That being said, I DO think that Trump should have put out some kind of message, even if it was just a tweet to let people know it was a mistake made at the local level. Would have cut down on a lot of this hysteria.
You don't have any idea what happened, all you know is what your media master told you!
Idiotic Democratic authorities of Hawaii made Kim Jong Un's day on Saturday: he scared the whole state of Hawaii without doing anything! I sympathize those poor Hawaiians (quite a few must have had heart attacks and strokes!) but they need to elect somebody more smart and more responsible and not Democrats any more.
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I try to make people laugh and all I get is conspiracy. Smile and relax. Some idiot just pressed the wrong button-70% Political-30%
Hitting the wrong button happens how many people here have hit post reply by accident?
Now regressives equate the national security civil defense warning system with posting a reply on a message board! Can they get any more out of touch? How far can they go in the ever widening spiral into stupid?

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Elderly citizens all over the country were heartened and enraged by recent news reports of an employee working for the Hawaiian Emergency Management Agency (HEMA) that hit the wrong button on a computer sending an incoming missile alert to panicked citizens on the Island. Bedlam ensued while horrified island residents grabbed their guns and stuffed children down manholes. For about 38 minutes pandemonium reached a fever pitch while people who thought they were fleeing mushroom clouds filled their pockets with sandwiches and headed for the hills.

Then as suddenly as it started it was over; it was all just an honest mistake. According to various authorities and experts a poorly crafted computer drop-down page was to blame. The display was arranged so the button to launch a test alert was located right next to the button to activate an actual alert.

To make it even more confusing for the employee a third alert was in play that warned a real alarm was being initiated and asked if this was intention. It was so confusing-just a bad manufacturing mistake on the part of the computer program. The button got pressed and for 38 minutes the employee had no idea that he/she was victimized by inferior technology.

Well, the elderly in this community just want to know one thing: Who the hell designed our automobiles so the gas pedal is located right next to the brake pedal? That HEMA worker had a bad day but it was nothing compared to the honest mistake of an old timer plowing a vehicle through the brick wall of a drugstore because some nincompoop built a car with the accelerator and the brake right beside each other!

This incident in Hawaii is a foreboding of a national disaster that would make a nuclear attack look like a picnic. Due to advances in modern medicine older demographics are growing at a rapid rate while they’re still operating cars that require pushing the correct pedal.

We could be on the brink of facing a national calamity of 40 million octogenarians all having a vehicle senior moment simultaneously. With store employees and customers flying like bowling pins from coast to coast it could be known as the Great Walmart Holocaust.

Now that we have been made aware that we can blame our mistakes on bad technology the elderly can now put their foot down-hopefully on the right pedal.

A dirty little secret is that people driving with a cane in the car, will sometimes find the cane at their feet. The cane prevents proper use of the pedals which can lead to a crash. Put the cane in the back seat.......Please.
I wonder what was the word from Norad on this! ;)

Indeed, there was no word from NORAD. The Hawaiian Democrats simply fucked up. The governor took responsibility, but the Democrat congressturds tried to make Trump the issue.

They failed miserably, as is becoming habitual with them.
Elderly citizens all over the country were heartened and enraged by recent news reports of an employee working for the Hawaiian Emergency Management Agency (HEMA) that hit the wrong button on a computer sending an incoming missile alert to panicked citizens on the Island. Bedlam ensued while horrified island residents grabbed their guns and stuffed children down manholes. For about 38 minutes pandemonium reached a fever pitch while people who thought they were fleeing mushroom clouds filled their pockets with sandwiches and headed for the hills.

Then as suddenly as it started it was over; it was all just an honest mistake. According to various authorities and experts a poorly crafted computer drop-down page was to blame. The display was arranged so the button to launch a test alert was located right next to the button to activate an actual alert.

To make it even more confusing for the employee a third alert was in play that warned a real alarm was being initiated and asked if this was intention. It was so confusing-just a bad manufacturing mistake on the part of the computer program. The button got pressed and for 38 minutes the employee had no idea that he/she was victimized by inferior technology.

Well, the elderly in this community just want to know one thing: Who the hell designed our automobiles so the gas pedal is located right next to the brake pedal? That HEMA worker had a bad day but it was nothing compared to the honest mistake of an old timer plowing a vehicle through the brick wall of a drugstore because some nincompoop built a car with the accelerator and the brake right beside each other!

This incident in Hawaii is a foreboding of a national disaster that would make a nuclear attack look like a picnic. Due to advances in modern medicine older demographics are growing at a rapid rate while they’re still operating cars that require pushing the correct pedal.

We could be on the brink of facing a national calamity of 40 million octogenarians all having a vehicle senior moment simultaneously. With store employees and customers flying like bowling pins from coast to coast it could be known as the Great Walmart Holocaust.

Now that we have been made aware that we can blame our mistakes on bad technology the elderly can now put their foot down-hopefully on the right pedal.

A dirty little secret is that people driving with a cane in the car, will sometimes find the cane at their feet. The cane prevents proper use of the pedals which can lead to a crash. Put the cane in the back seat.......Please.

No thanks. I like making my own drive-up window at the drugstore.
Again..................people need to quit the partisan bickering and look at what actually happened.

Someone at the civil defense bunker screwed up and hit the wrong button resulting in a false alarm and a nervous morning for Hawaii. I personally don't think that there was some deep conspiracy to try to get Trump to hit the nuke button. Why? Because before he would launch a strike, he would have to get confirmation that an attack was underway, and it would come from the military people around him.

But, because it wasn't an actual attack, it was sorted out in about 45 min. and it was found that it was caused by some employee who had trouble reading the computer screens, not Trump, and not some deep operative who was trying to start a war.

That being said, I DO think that Trump should have put out some kind of message, even if it was just a tweet to let people know it was a mistake made at the local level. Would have cut down on a lot of this hysteria.

"No alert folks. Some Hawaiian Democrat hit the wrong button. They're really screwed up people eh? Probably did it on purpose. Sad."
Hitting the wrong button happens how many people here have hit post reply by accident?

Not quite the same Blackhawk.
No it's not but the point is not that posting on a message board and doing things on defense alert system are the same but that human beings are foulable and everey now and then they will make a mistake.

Yeah, but in situations like Civil defense, there are procedures that need to be followed, as well as checklists. There are supposed to be safeguards in things like that to prevent screw ups.

Yes, people can screw up, especially if they are training on something new, and I am pretty sure the nuclear warning system is fairly new, but that doesn't excuse them for letting it go for 45 min.
Hitting the wrong button happens how many people here have hit post reply by accident?

Not quite the same Blackhawk.
No it's not but the point is not that posting on a message board and doing things on defense alert system are the same but that human beings are foulable and everey now and then they will make a mistake.

Yeah, but in situations like Civil defense, there are procedures that need to be followed, as well as checklists. There are supposed to be safeguards in things like that to prevent screw ups.

Yes, people can screw up, especially if they are training on something new, and I am pretty sure the nuclear warning system is fairly new, but that doesn't excuse them for letting it go for 45 min.

The good news is that if there is ever a real attack you'll probably never know what hit you.
Hitting the wrong button happens how many people here have hit post reply by accident?

Not quite the same Blackhawk.
No it's not but the point is not that posting on a message board and doing things on defense alert system are the same but that human beings are foulable and everey now and then they will make a mistake.

Yeah, but in situations like Civil defense, there are procedures that need to be followed, as well as checklists. There are supposed to be safeguards in things like that to prevent screw ups.

Yes, people can screw up, especially if they are training on something new, and I am pretty sure the nuclear warning system is fairly new, but that doesn't excuse them for letting it go for 45 min.

The good news is that if there is ever a real attack you'll probably never know what hit you.

Depends on how close you are to ground zero. If you are within a couple of miles of impact, you might go quick, but if you live outside the blast zone, but still in the fallout zone, you could take a while to die, and radiation poisoning isn't a pleasant way to go.

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