Pretend Hillary was elected president instead and had 1/8 of the controversy Trump has now


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Republicans would have kicked her to the curb of impeachment a mere 3 months in. Congressional legislation would have been abandoned until they were successful. Her VP would have been the 46th president in record time.

If you deny this, you’re an idiot.
I LOVE science fiction ... keep going ..
I don’t think you can even say to me what’s unrealistic about this hypothetical.

No one can convince a psychotic that his altered perceptions aren't real.

You've been experiencing a two-year long emotional meltdown that, while entertaining to watch, had undoubtedly warp your perceptions in a way that you will believe anything that conforms to those perceptions.
I was searching for the Kimba Woods content on You Tube, in which it was revealed she was involved in illegal activity and could not be Slick Willie's attorney general per Crooked Hillary's request and found this classic. Folks Hannity does a radio show in the afternoon and a TV show at night. Rush also used to do that. I think he should do it again, but he is probably making so much cash and enjoying living in sunny Florida, he doesn't want to bother dealing with the savages that would be stalking him in New York or other studio city.

Republicans would have kicked her to the curb of impeachment a mere 3 months in. Congressional legislation would have been abandoned until they were successful. Her VP would have been the 46th president in record time.

If you deny this, you’re an idiot.

Of course. The partisans who come on here and make absolute fools out of themselves on a daily basis defending Trump while attack others for the same things Trump does.
Republicans would have kicked her to the curb of impeachment a mere 3 months in. Congressional legislation would have been abandoned until they were successful. Her VP would have been the 46th president in record time.

If you deny this, you’re an idiot.

Of course. The partisans who come on here and make absolute fools out of themselves on a daily basis defending Trump while attack others for the same things Trump does.
They just don’t hace the maturity to admit they have been wrong about him all along. They don’t have the balls to tell the liberals on this board that.
Republicans would have kicked her to the curb of impeachment a mere 3 months in. Congressional legislation would have been abandoned until they were successful. Her VP would have been the 46th president in record time.

If you deny this, you’re an idiot.

It doesn’t matter who gets elected anymore, the other side will scream and piss and moan. Both sides believe they would have legit and valid reasons for wanting the other side impeached whether it’s there or not.

Bill Clinton was on the hot seat from day one, then Bush was the next that needed to be impeached, then Obama and now Trump. With Trump, impeached talk start the day after he was elected. For 26 plus years America has had to listen to the right and left wingnuts bitch and moan and demand investigations and special counsels for all sorts of stupid crap. The two party’s are lost in their right and left extremism’s. Sad we have come down to this constant BS.
I LOVE science fiction ... keep going ..
I don’t think you can even say to me what’s unrealistic about this hypothetical.

No one can convince a psychotic that his altered perceptions aren't real.

You've been experiencing a two-year long emotional meltdown that, while entertaining to watch, had undoubtedly warp your perceptions in a way that you will believe anything that conforms to those perceptions.
Oh right. I point out the fact that Trump and his supporters like you are morons and that’s a “meltdown”.
The teflon clinton?

that skank would have murdered, uhm been near when mysterious deaths, happened to her political rivals. She would have passed censorship laws to shut down all media opposition, opened the boarders to anything that wanted to come in, collapsed the economy, shredded the Constitution.

The second day would have been much worse.
there's no dif betwixt Trump & Clinton ....well maybe Hillary has bigger hands.....~S~
Republicans would have kicked her to the curb of impeachment a mere 3 months in. Congressional legislation would have been abandoned until they were successful. Her VP would have been the 46th president in record time.

If you deny this, you’re an idiot.

Of course. The partisans who come on here and make absolute fools out of themselves on a daily basis defending Trump while attack others for the same things Trump does.

Trump took hundreds of millions in bribes from foreign governments?

our entire foreign policy revolves around some sort of extortion

I supported Trump.
No wall, huge budget, huge debt, Planned Parenthood funded, Obama Care still in effect, increased war and endless investigations.
if I would have asked you on November 7, 2016, who would be president on April 17, 2018, given those facts, honestly, would you have picked Donald?

Whatever the reasons, Donald is failing.
Republicans would have kicked her to the curb of impeachment a mere 3 months in. Congressional legislation would have been abandoned until they were successful. Her VP would have been the 46th president in record time.

If you deny this, you’re an idiot.

Had Hillary been elected, we would be at war. With ourselves. No joke.
I really think Hillary would have been worse that DJT

To me the clinton machine was pure evil , but then most of what came outta wall street smelled the same

I supported Trump.
No wall, huge budget, huge debt, Planned Parenthood funded, Obama Care still in effect, increased war and endless investigations.
if I would have asked you on November 7, 2016, who would be president on April 17, 2018, given those facts, honestly, would you have picked Donald?

Whatever the reasons, Donald is failing.

Over Hillary? At the same speed, under all circumstances.
Clinton would have spun it all better, lotta experience, DJT just fires everyone and tweets his fingers to the bone about it

she openly hated nearly 1/2 the population.

she's a vile, nasty, vindictive divisive hateful skank that on the day she lost sounded the call for trump to bring us all together.

The utter ridiculousness of it was in the news for less than a month.

seriously imagine; every day you wake up, you know your President hates you.
hates men
hates women that fucked her husband
hates the military
hates the country
caters directly to the 1%, both in this country and out.
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