Pretty ironic that Ayers was released while..


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Pretty ironic that domestic terrorist Bill Ayers was released, when he should have been sharing a cell with Charley Manson, for the alleged "illegal surveillance" by the federal government that the left is now defending.
The only reason Bill Ayers was released was because he blackmailed the FBI.
The FBI was doing, illegal FBI projects called COINTEL and Ayers was going to blow the whistle on them. The truth about the FBI finally came out in 1973.

It is very ironic, but this is even worse, the crap that's going on now involves all of us. It doesn't matter if you are Conservative, Liberal or independent. They can now target us all in whatever they want to deem as enemies.
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Oh, c'mon. He's an unrepentant lefty radical with blood on his hands, but that was years ago and look at all the good stuff he's done since. Besides, what difference does it make?
Pretty ironic that domestic terrorist Bill Ayers was released, when he should have been sharing a cell with Charley Manson, for the alleged "illegal surveillance" by the federal government that the left is now defending.

(My bold)

It's not a question of Left or Right. The surveillance power that NSA has arrogated to itself - @ W's urging & with the cowed acquiescence of the Legislative & the Judiciary - is far too much power to put into fallible human hands. NSA hoovers up all the data it can - which it plays shell games with: the data isn't a "file" until NSA or a henchman opens it up & looks/listens etc. @ it - & so merely having e-files isn't the same as gathering illegal data.

Sophistry, pure & simple. Ayers is out because Hoover & the FBI screwed the pooch, something Hoover did all the time, regardless of whatever guidance or orders he was given. He was apparently incapable of just doing the job - gathering intel - & saw Communists or Socialists or anarchists or nihilists - take your pick - under every bed, behind every protest & march & strike. To him, these were all existential threats, & he crushed them all as best he could.

To my knowledge, Ayers didn't kill anyone. & the Weathermen generally avoided killing/maiming, they targeted buildings - except for the one bomb assembly session that went bad. & that only killed Weathermen, as far as I know.
Pretty ironic that domestic terrorist Bill Ayers was released, when he should have been sharing a cell with Charley Manson, for the alleged "illegal surveillance" by the federal government that the left is now defending.

Alleged is right. But why do you think it is the left that is defending the NSA data gathering programs. Isn't it both. Sen. Lindsey Graham agrees with Sen. Al Franken. :eek:

Al Franken Defends National Security Agency Over Spying Allegations (VIDEO)
> But why do you think it is the left that is defending the NSA data gathering programs. Isn't it both. Sen. Lindsey Graham agrees with Sen. Al Franken. :eek:

Oooh, you've done it now. Don't you know that as far as the people in them are concerned, their parties can do no wrong?

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