SYTFE: "I can too rape women!!! Who the hell are you to say I can't brutally rape women? This is Amerika and in Amerika I'm free to do whatever I want, any time I want"!!! Oy vey...this poor little progressive nitwit :eusa_doh:
One of the Trump-fans here just threatened to have me murdered, by posting an image of what was supposedly in store for me, a one-way helicopter ride. I linked to my reply, in case the original gets deleted.

Tell us, Trump-fans. Anyone on this board threatened to murder you? No? It would appear all the actual threats are coming only from one side.

Oh, I await your unqualified condemnation of the actions of that Trump-fan. Let's see if your actions match your fine words. Are you willing to condemn violent threats or not?

Hardly surprising that the threat came from Pete "Meat Puppet Faggot" 7469.
She CAN yell and be disruptive.
No...really....she can't. She could be arrested and charged with a host of statutes:
  • Disturbing the Peace
  • Disorderly Conduct
  • 6-11-34.1 - Preventing or disrupting General Assembly sessions or other meetings of members; unlawful activities within the state capitol or certain Capitol Square buildings
Would you like me to continue? There are at least half a dozen statutes that she violated. You poor little nitwit. You're so unhinged right now that you're just screaming stupid shit like the progressives in the video.

Was she arrested, P@triot?
Well there is some fine "logic". For starters, the video ends with her still standing there. How do you know that law enforcement wasn't called and she didn't get arrested? Idiot.

Furthermore, plenty of people commit crimes without being arrested. It doesn't make it any less of a crime. Was anyone arrested for the Jack the Ripper murders??? Moron.
One of the best things to ever come out of the Donald Trump campaign and subsequent election is the chance to see the real progressive. The hate. The violence. The intolerance. And of course, the unhinged, emotional, irrational mindset. All one has to do is point to these videos of progressives having meltdowns as evidence of why it's a good idea to reject that entire ideology. I mean, seriously, what adult acts like this?

This is America, where we have the freedom to express ourselves and communicate directly to electors. Have a problem with it? Then get the fuck out and move to Somalia where you'll be much happier.

Doesn't know the difference between peaceful protesting and disruptions. Must be one of them.
If you want to see censorship, look no further than the America-hating OP, who wants more than anything to censor the woman in the video. He wants what she did to be a crime SO BAD he's shaking! You can hear his seething hatred through the just burns him knowing that people are granted free speech in our country, even when it means offending our electors delicate sensibilities. Oh, the horror! It just eats him up inside and tortures every fascist fiber in his body. He's gonna blow!

Deflection SYTFE, you attempted to censor me. The woman in the video chose an inappropriate format for her speech. Campaigning preelection, voting, letters to the editor, protesting in front of the capitol all exceptable forums for speech. The one she chose was not.
SYTFE: "I can too rape women!!! Who the hell are you to say I can't brutally rape women? This is Amerika and in Amerika I'm free to do whatever I want, any time I want"!!! Oy vey...this poor little progressive nitwit :eusa_doh:

Where did I say that, scumbag? It's always a sign that you're losing the debate when you have to resort to making up quotes about your opponent.

Scurry along, fascist, it's only going to get worse from this point on.
One of the Trump-fans here just threatened to have me murdered, by posting an image of what was supposedly in store for me, a one-way helicopter ride. I linked to my reply, in case the original gets deleted.

Tell us, Trump-fans. Anyone on this board threatened to murder you? No? It would appear all the actual threats are coming only from one side.

Oh, I await your unqualified condemnation of the actions of that Trump-fan. Let's see if your actions match your fine words. Are you willing to condemn violent threats or not?

Usually they ask me to commit suicide, because they are pussies.
One of the Trump-fans here just threatened to have me murdered, by posting an image of what was supposedly in store for me, a one-way helicopter ride. I linked to my reply, in case the original gets deleted.

Tell us, Trump-fans. Anyone on this board threatened to murder you? No? It would appear all the actual threats are coming only from one side.

Oh, I await your unqualified condemnation of the actions of that Trump-fan. Let's see if your actions match your fine words. Are you willing to condemn violent threats or not?
Actually...yes. One of your fellow progressives went bat-shit crazy one night (I mean, more so than normal for you people) and was advocating killing everyone. The president elect. Conservatives. Members of USMB. He even got suspended from the board for a day.
If you want to see censorship, look no further than the America-hating OP, who wants more than anything to censor the woman in the video. He wants what she did to be a crime SO BAD he's shaking! You can hear his seething hatred through the just burns him knowing that people are granted free speech in our country, even when it means offending our electors delicate sensibilities. Oh, the horror! It just eats him up inside and tortures every fascist fiber in his body. He's gonna blow!

Deflection SYTFE, you attempted to censor me. The woman in the video chose an inappropriate format for her speech. Campaigning preelection, voting, letters to the editor, protesting in front of the capitol all exceptable forums for speech. The one she chose was not.

You really ought to try to take things a little less seriously, you're getting very precious.
I noticed P@triot, a fascist POS who incidentally is also an advocate for genocide, hasn't answered my question. Was she arrested, P@triot?
SYTFE: "I can too rape women!!! Who the hell are you to say I can't brutally rape women? This is Amerika and in Amerika I'm free to do whatever I want, any time I want"!!! Oy vey...this poor little progressive nitwit :eusa_doh:

Where did I say that, scumbag? It's always a sign that you're losing the debate when you have to resort to making up quotes about your opponent. keep saying that America means a person can do anything they want. Which is really odd coming from a progressive who advocates burning the U.S. Constitution.

I guess you've suddenly become a libertarian now that your side isn't in power? :lol:
I noticed P@triot, a fascist POS who incidentally is also an advocate for genocide, hasn't answered my question. Was she arrested, P@triot?
I noticed now that I bent you over in front of everyone with the various statutes that she could (or maybe was) be arrested on, you're attempting to move the goalposts.

Game over sweetie. You lose. Big.
SYTFE: "I can too rape women!!! Who the hell are you to say I can't brutally rape women? This is Amerika and in Amerika I'm free to do whatever I want, any time I want"!!! Oy vey...this poor little progressive nitwit :eusa_doh:

Where did I say that, scumbag? It's always a sign that you're losing the debate when you have to resort to making up quotes about your opponent. keep saying that America means a person can do anything they want. Which is really odd coming from a progressive who advocates burning the U.S. Constitution.

I guess you've suddenly become a libertarian now that your side isn't in power? :lol:

Was she arrested, P@triot?
One of the best things to ever come out of the Donald Trump campaign and subsequent election is the chance to see the real progressive. The hate. The violence. The intolerance. And of course, the unhinged, emotional, irrational mindset. All one has to do is point to these videos of progressives having meltdowns as evidence of why it's a good idea to reject that entire ideology. I mean, seriously, what adult acts like this?

Nothing Trump said brought me over. Not one thing, and I still have real concerns about they guy. What did bring me over and firmly planted my feet in his camp is the behavior of the American Media and the AMERICAN left. All through this election they have shown them selves for what they are. Its not just them either, its the republicans in congress to. They are nothing but scorpions under rocks and it is my hope that Trump squashes all of them in both parties.
Was she arrested, P@triot? said (and I quote) "it was not illegal". Are you changing your tune suddenly? :lol:

No...really....she can't. She could be arrested and charged with a host of statutes:
  • Disturbing the Peace
  • Disorderly Conduct
  • 6-11-34.1 - Preventing or disrupting General Assembly sessions or other meetings of members; unlawful activities within the state capitol or certain Capitol Square buildings
Would you like me to continue? There are at least half a dozen statutes that she violated. You poor little nitwit. You're so unhinged right now that you're just screaming stupid shit like the progressives in the video.
Here in post #23 the nitwit SYTFE states that what the woman did was not illegal:
Actually, she can -- and did, and was told to "shut up." Why? Why Patriot? Because this is America, and if she wants to express herself in that way -- she can. It isn't 'illegal" you fucking ignoramus.

Then I posted the obvious (that it was completely illegal based on a host of statutes):

No...really....she can't. She could be arrested and charged with a host of statutes:
  • Disturbing the Peace
  • Disorderly Conduct
  • 6-11-34.1 - Preventing or disrupting General Assembly sessions or other meetings of members; unlawful activities within the state capitol or certain Capitol Square buildings
Would you like me to continue? There are at least half a dozen statutes that she violated. You poor little nitwit. You're so unhinged right now that you're just screaming stupid shit like the progressives in the video.

And now, poor little SYTFE is trying to move the goal posts by proclaiming it doesn't count if she's not "arrested".

Bwahahahahaha! :lmao:
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Here in post #23 the nitwit SYTFE states that what the woman did was not illegal:

Actually, she can -- and did, and was told to "shut up." Why? Why Patriot? Because this is America, and if she wants to express herself in that way -- she can. It isn't 'illegal" you fucking ignoramus.

Then I posted the obvious (that it was completely illegal based on a host of statutes):

No...really....she can't. She could be arrested and charged with a host of statutes:
  • Disturbing the Peace
  • Disorderly Conduct
  • 6-11-34.1 - Preventing or disrupting General Assembly sessions or other meetings of members; unlawful activities within the state capitol or certain Capitol Square buildings
Would you like me to continue? There are at least half a dozen statutes that she violated. You poor little nitwit. You're so unhinged right now that you're just screaming stupid shit like the progressives in the video.

And now, poor little SYTFE is trying to move the goal posts by proclaiming it doesn't count if she's not "arrested".

Bwahahahahaha! :lmao:

One more time, fascist, was she or was she not arrested?

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