‘Pride’ Night at the Old Ballpark

Does this somehow affect you? Does it make your house worth less? Does it increase your electricity bill? If not, why do you care?

That's a weak retort.

My owning a gun threatens no one, yet there are countless people who, if they had their way, would not allow me to own a gun. It doesn't make their house worth less, nor does it increase their electricity bill, but that doesn't seem to matter...

And I would ask them the same question. Does you owning a gun affect me? No. So do you think it's OK for people to get upset over something that doesn't affect them?
My point (that thing that sailed effortlessly over your head) is that people do get upset.

I've never, ever felt the need to publicly proclaim my heterosexuality. Why does the LBGTQLMNOP community believe they have to?

How does that affect you? I do not like answering a question with a question BUT my original question has never been answered.

How accepting do you think the gay community would be to heterosexuals demanding a "straight pride month" and "straight pride" parades. They'd lose their shit over that and you know it. They would say it diminishes gay pride and their desire for equality.

Which is silly, because if they wanted equality, they'd have no problem with "straight pride month".

My opinion and argument is based on the belief that what we need is equality. Equality, though, is kicked to the curb once one group gets something the other doesn't have.

Gays aren't special, and they shouldn't be treated as though they are...

Start one and find out.

If gay advocates hadn't demanded attention we would still be discriminating against them. Women had to march to get voting rights. We still have woman's day at the old ball park.

It's been tried, and gays lost their fucking minds...

The distraction of Straight Pride, as explained by LGBTQ activists and historians

Well the article notes that most people were just confused but march away.

Try reading the entire article.

The gay community was up in arms over the very thought of a straight pride parade...

Just as people are when they parade and my position remains the same.

Nowadays you get pockets of uber-right religious nuts who protest gay pride parades. Normal straight people don't really give them the time of day (which also drives gays nuts). But it's clear that the gay community felt as though those who wanted a straight pride parade were attacking the gay community. How stupid is that? The worst thing to be in this country right now is a heterosexual white guy. You can't do a fucking thing without someone, somewhere, taking offense to it...

And if it doesn't really affect you, let it be.

Why do you think heterosexuals should "let it be", yet you say nothing about gays who get all upset at the very thought of straights having pride in being straight?
How does that affect you? I do not like answering a question with a question BUT my original question has never been answered.

Then I'll answer it. We as a society have restrictions as to what our society is to look like in public. Those guidelines are created from personal, religious, and even political views. Why do we not allow people to have sex in public? After all, two people having sex doesn't affect your life in any way. The reason is it would disgust too many people like gay affection and parades make many people disgusted. Why is a guy (or girl) not allowed to masturbate on a park bench? Them doing so doesn't affect your life any! Get the point now?

Not really. The gay couple is doing nothing any different than the straight couple does in public.

Normal couples generally don't engage in same sex relations
It is bad enough that MLB sent a team down to Cuba to put on a clown show in front of Castro and that Worthless Negro.

Is is bad enough that last year they jumped on that anti American shit of supporting the BLM terrorist filth.

Now they are kissing the ass of the queers?
I love it! All the tears in this thread could end the drought out West. It's hilarious watching the 'fuck your feelings' crowd get all emotional over a baseball promotion. :lol:
Does this somehow affect you? Does it make your house worth less? Does it increase your electricity bill? If not, why do you care?

Perhaps, it's because I don't give a fetid dingo's kidney about someone else's sexual orientation (unless I'm planning to woo them) and because if I go to see a baseball game, or any other professional sporting event, I'm there to see people hit, catch, and throw the ball. I'm sure there have to a a FEW things that don't have to involve a political agenda.

Can't we just watch the game?

Sporting events have all sorts of promotions to expand attendance. Watch the game.

I wouldnt go to a sporting event that dignified homo's.
You you may get tagged as a homo along with the rest of the fruit cakes.

One of my wife's co workers went to California and took her kids to Disneyland,not knowing it was gay day at the park.
She said it was disgusting,they were hanging all over each other and playing grabass.
They left shortly after arriving it was so bad.

It's not like it's not advertised for weeks..

It's not like she felt the need to look up gay day at the park.
How does that affect you? I do not like answering a question with a question BUT my original question has never been answered.

Then I'll answer it. We as a society have restrictions as to what our society is to look like in public. Those guidelines are created from personal, religious, and even political views. Why do we not allow people to have sex in public? After all, two people having sex doesn't affect your life in any way. The reason is it would disgust too many people like gay affection and parades make many people disgusted. Why is a guy (or girl) not allowed to masturbate on a park bench? Them doing so doesn't affect your life any! Get the point now?

Not really. The gay couple is doing nothing any different than the straight couple does in public.

The Wife and I went to a local English Pub called Baker Street.
The place was packed and you know what I saw? Two ugly lesbians all but fingering each other on the patio.
What I didnt see is any hetro's doing the same.
The management eventually tossed them out for lewd behavior.
You would think mlb would finally do something about those dreadful uniforms.

What self-respecting gay man would be caught dead looking so baggy and dull?
Not really. The gay couple is doing nothing any different than the straight couple does in public.

Most straight couples contain their feelings at home and not out in public. That aside, a male and female couple is normal. Gays don't get sickened by it because it's normal, and all of them had a mother and father that engaged in intimate relations at home.
Does this somehow affect you? Does it make your house worth less? Does it increase your electricity bill? If not, why do you care?

That's a weak retort.

My owning a gun threatens no one, yet there are countless people who, if they had their way, would not allow me to own a gun. It doesn't make their house worth less, nor does it increase their electricity bill, but that doesn't seem to matter...

And I would ask them the same question. Does you owning a gun affect me? No. So do you think it's OK for people to get upset over something that doesn't affect them?
My point (that thing that sailed effortlessly over your head) is that people do get upset.

I've never, ever felt the need to publicly proclaim my heterosexuality. Why does the LBGTQLMNOP community believe they have to?

How does that affect you? I do not like answering a question with a question BUT my original question has never been answered.

How accepting do you think the gay community would be to heterosexuals demanding a "straight pride month" and "straight pride" parades. They'd lose their shit over that and you know it. They would say it diminishes gay pride and their desire for equality.

Which is silly, because if they wanted equality, they'd have no problem with "straight pride month".

My opinion and argument is based on the belief that what we need is equality. Equality, though, is kicked to the curb once one group gets something the other doesn't have.

Gays aren't special, and they shouldn't be treated as though they are...

Start one and find out.

If gay advocates hadn't demanded attention we would still be discriminating against them. Women had to march to get voting rights. We still have woman's day at the old ball park.

It's been tried, and gays lost their fucking minds...

The distraction of Straight Pride, as explained by LGBTQ activists and historians

Well the article notes that most people were just confused but march away.

Try reading the entire article.

The gay community was up in arms over the very thought of a straight pride parade...

Just as people are when they parade and my position remains the same.

Nowadays you get pockets of uber-right religious nuts who protest gay pride parades. Normal straight people don't really give them the time of day (which also drives gays nuts). But it's clear that the gay community felt as though those who wanted a straight pride parade were attacking the gay community. How stupid is that? The worst thing to be in this country right now is a heterosexual white guy. You can't do a fucking thing without someone, somewhere, taking offense to it...

And if it doesn't really affect you, let it be.

Why do you think heterosexuals should "let it be", yet you say nothing about gays who get all upset at the very thought of straights having pride in being straight?

You didn't read what I said. I said I would tell them the same thing.
How does that affect you? I do not like answering a question with a question BUT my original question has never been answered.

Then I'll answer it. We as a society have restrictions as to what our society is to look like in public. Those guidelines are created from personal, religious, and even political views. Why do we not allow people to have sex in public? After all, two people having sex doesn't affect your life in any way. The reason is it would disgust too many people like gay affection and parades make many people disgusted. Why is a guy (or girl) not allowed to masturbate on a park bench? Them doing so doesn't affect your life any! Get the point now?

Not really. The gay couple is doing nothing any different than the straight couple does in public.

Normal couples generally don't engage in same sex relations

Nobody is having sexual relations in public.
How does that affect you? I do not like answering a question with a question BUT my original question has never been answered.

Then I'll answer it. We as a society have restrictions as to what our society is to look like in public. Those guidelines are created from personal, religious, and even political views. Why do we not allow people to have sex in public? After all, two people having sex doesn't affect your life in any way. The reason is it would disgust too many people like gay affection and parades make many people disgusted. Why is a guy (or girl) not allowed to masturbate on a park bench? Them doing so doesn't affect your life any! Get the point now?

Not really. The gay couple is doing nothing any different than the straight couple does in public.

The Wife and I went to a local English Pub called Baker Street.
The place was packed and you know what I saw? Two ugly lesbians all but fingering each other on the patio.
What I didnt see is any hetro's doing the same.
The management eventually tossed them out for lewd behavior.
View attachment 505105

So they were grabbing one by the pussy?
Ludicrously declaring homosexuality as "pride", and something to be proud of, sends a message to children and young people not fully developed intellectually, that it's normal. This then can induce them to adopt this absurd aberration for themselves.

This then is harmful to them and their families. It is harmful to society as a whole, just as if it would be if people barking like dogs were declared normal, and we then had millions of people barking lie dogs. It's just nuts, and when you legitimize something, it spreads. Not good.
But,but,but...man on man ass sex and men gargling man gravy is sooooo PROGRESSIVE and cool...It deserves glamorization and celebration....PLUS its a direct assault on the traditional American value system...and thats always cool...ask a Lefty.
It's one of the LEAST things I can think of for a man to be "proud" of. And it disgusts me when I see the rainbow flag been flown by these perverts.

First of all, why do they call it a pride flag ? What the hell is there to be proud of ? Being a sex pervert ?

It so happens that many years before LGBT lunatics adopted the rainbow image for their flag, that image was (and still is) the emblem of the US Army 42nd Infantry (Rainbow) Division, which I served in for 6 years, back in the 60s.

I wore the rainbow patch on my uniform, and I had PRIDE wearing that patch, for a good reason. The 42nd Infantry Division, was highly decorated with medals in World War 1 & 2, and there is something to be proud of.

The only reason why LGBTs fly a rainbow flag, and call it "pride" is to cover up the SHAME that they really feel, for being nothing but a bunch of sex perverts. I will say that I don't actually see 2 lesbians having sex as being abnormal, but 2 guys having sex with each other ? Ugh! That's beyond abnormal. That is disgusting.




Operation Nordwind | Military Wiki | Fandom (wikia.org)

This link describes the rainbow 42nd infantry division's liberation of the Nazi concentration camp at Dachau, and their heroic battles against Nazi forces in Operation Nordwind

42nd Infantry Division Campaigns during World War II
The 42nd Infantry Division was created in August 1917, just months after the United States entered World War I, and was sent overseas to France in November. In 1943, the "Rainbow" division was reactivated for duty and deployed to Europe in December 1944, when it landed in the French port of Marseille. By mid-December, the "Rainbow" division had advanced into Alsace, closing in on the Strasbourg area. In March 1945, the 42nd drove into Germany and crossed the Rhine River by the end of the month. In April, the "Rainbow" division captured the cities of Würzburg, Schweinfurt, and Fürth. By war's end, it had completed its drive into Bavaria and had entered Austria.

US veteran James Rose describes his impressions of Dachau upon liberation
James A. Rose, of Toledo, Ohio, was with the 42nd (Rainbow) Division.

The 42nd Infantry Division and the Liberation of Dachau
On April 29, 1945, the 42nd Infantry Division entered the Dachau concentration camp, the earliest and longest-functioning SS-controlled camp in Nazi Germany. On that day, three US Army divisions converged on the camp: the 42nd Infantry, the 45th Infantry, and the 20th Armored. When the three units arrived at Dachau, they discovered more than 30,000 prisoners in the overcrowded camp. Just days before, about 2,000 inmates evacuated on a death march from the Flossenbürg concentration camp had arrived at Dachau and the SS guards had forced almost 7,000 Dachau inmates to move southward.
On April 28, the day before liberation, a train with about 40 or so railway cars arrived at the camp. It had left Buchenwald four weeks earlier on April 7 filled with more than 5,000 prisoners. With few provisions, almost 2,000 inmates died on the circuitous route that took them from Thuringia through Saxony to Czechoslovakia and into Bavaria. Their bodies were left behind in various locations throughout Germany. When US troops arrived in Dachau on April 29, they found 2,310 additional corpses on the train. The 816 surviving prisoners were taken to barracks within the camp.

Liberation of Dachau

Jewish religious service at Dachau
Liberation of Dachau
Dachau after liberation
US soldiers care for Dachau survivors
Dallas Peyton describes his recollections of the liberation of Dachau
Aerial view of Dachau concentration camp
Jewish religious service at Dachau
Liberation of Dachau
Dachau after liberation
US soldiers care for Dachau survivors
Dallas Peyton describes his recollections of the liberation of Dachau
Aerial view of Dachau concentration camp
Jewish religious service at Dachau

The proximity of the US Army gave hope to the prisoners in the camp and to anti-Nazis outside it. In the town of Dachau, German opponents of the regime, including a few escaped concentration camp prisoners, took over the town hall, but the local SS put down the small rebellion and executed those among the insurgents whom they caught. In the Dachau camp itself, an international committee composed of representatives of the various nationalities imprisoned there was established to organize resistance.
News of Dachau's liberation spread swiftly. The delegations of journalists and congressmen who had been viewing the Buchenwald concentration camp were quickly diverted to Dachau to see the camp. In their report delivered to Congress on May 15, 1945, the senators and representatives stated that
As we visited Dachau we saw on a railroad sidetrack paralleling the main highway, and close to the gates of the prison camp, a train of cars which had been used to bring additional civilian prisoners to this camp. These cars were an assortment of odd boxcars, some of which were locked, and some were coal-car type. In each of them the floor of the car was covered with dead, emaciated bodies. In some of these cars there were more than enough to cover the floors. In size, these cars were of the small European type, which, when used for the movement of troops, would never accommodate more than 40 men. Nevertheless, the Army officials in charge of this camp advised us that there were 50 of these cars in this 1 train and that at least 100 of these civilians had been jammed into each car . . .
We saw many dead bodies on the ground. These prisoners had apparently crawled out of the cars and had died on the ground. Our officials advised us that many of the others who had survived the trip had died since in the camp, and many more, although still alive, were starved beyond redemption.
Click to expand...
Immediately after Dachau's liberation, US Army authorities and other Allied representatives began treating the sick prisoners, implementing health and sanitary measures to curb the typhus epidemic, and bringing in tons of food to feed the starving prisoners.

Recognition as a Liberating Unit
The 42nd Infantry Division was recognized as a liberating unit by the US Army's Center of Military History and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in 1985.
42nd Infantry Casualty Figures
Casualty figures for the 42nd Infantry Division, European theater of operations:
  • Total battle casualties: 3,971
  • Total deaths in battle: 655
42nd Infantry Division Nickname
The nickname of the 42nd Infantry Division, the "Rainbow" division, reflects the composition of the division during World War I. The division was drawn from the National Guards of 26 states and the District of Columbia. It represented a cross section of the American people, as the rainbow represents a cross section of colors.
As such, my unit was composed of whites, blacks, Hispanics and Asians. Christians and Jews.
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I love how this thread brings out right wing hatred. More please.
I don't love it, but yes, it does bring out right wing hatred, but it is hatred of bad things that we all SHOULD be hating. Like you would hate murder, rape, arson, or election cheating.

So for those people who DON'T hate these displays of sex perversion and lunacy, one can only wonder why not ?

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