priest has 3some with dominatrices on altar

..humans were created to '''sin''''s not wrong to sin
Think of a bow and arrow, or darts. It is not wrong to miss the target, but all can see that the target was missed, when the goal is to hit the target--and the center of the target at that. It is not wrong to have sex. It is wrong to desecrate a holy place. It is not wrong to set a fire in a fire place. It is wrong to set a fire in order to burn down a forest, someone's home or business, etc.

Societies have agreed nothing is wrong. Those are known as anarchies where the cruel set their own rules.
....but it's not a real holy place--it's a man made holy place...sinning is not bad in the religious sense
Can a monarch overrule previous monarchs? Not so with the Papacy.

Sure they can, all the time.. The difference is, all the remaining monarchs today are figureheads.

Think of a bow and arrow, or darts. It is not wrong to miss the target, but all can see that the target was missed, when the goal is to hit the target--and the center of the target at that. It is not wrong to have sex. It is wrong to desecrate a holy place. It is not wrong to set a fire in a fire place. It is wrong to set a fire in order to burn down a forest, someone's home or business, etc.

Societies have agreed nothing is wrong. Those are known as anarchies where the cruel set their own rules.

Actually, you miss the point altogether. The priest in question and the two dominatrices were consenting adults. Therefore, there was nothing really wrong with what they did. That he felt differently about his church than the dumb-asses who come there every week and throw money into the collection plate is between him and his congregation.

I hope that he is a lot happier doing something else for a living.
... '''sin''' is man made fairy tale stuff = priests commit '''''sin''''...if anyone should know not to commit '''sin''', it would be the priests...but sex is a '''''need'''
....everyone ''''sins'''''........
so this is just natural for humans
Sin means acknowledging there is a high standard, and then refusing to meet that standard. Many things are needs, but there are still standards even in need.
Sin means acknowledging there is a high standard, and then refusing to meet that standard. Many things are needs, but there are still standards even in need.
true sinners are who believe in a messiah and they will forgive them for their persecuition and victimization of the innocent. and are sinners when their time comes and be allowed into the Everlasting.
....what is the Everlasting? and prove it exist
....what is the Everlasting? and prove it exist
the metaphysical from which life came at birth and the physiology that disappears when the spiritual content is removed and does not exist otherwise. is proof of the existence within the Everlasting.
Can a monarch overrule previous monarchs? Not so with the Papacy.

Sure they can, all the time.. The difference is, all the remaining monarchs today are figureheads.

Think of a bow and arrow, or darts. It is not wrong to miss the target, but all can see that the target was missed, when the goal is to hit the target--and the center of the target at that. It is not wrong to have sex. It is wrong to desecrate a holy place. It is not wrong to set a fire in a fire place. It is wrong to set a fire in order to burn down a forest, someone's home or business, etc.

Societies have agreed nothing is wrong. Those are known as anarchies where the cruel set their own rules.

Actually, you miss the point altogether. The priest in question and the two dominatrices were consenting adults. Therefore, there was nothing really wrong with what they did. That he felt differently about his church than the dumb-asses who come there every week and throw money into the collection plate is between him and his congregation.

I hope that he is a lot happier doing something else for a living.

Actually, there are a lot of things wrong with what this priest did.

First, passersby could see what he was doing in church, that's why he got pinched.

Second, employees can't be having relations on the employers property. A friend of mine worked as a security guard on the night shift and his gf came to the worksite and they had relations in the guard shack. The boss found out and fired his ass. Its what they call time theft.
Actually, there are a lot of things wrong with what this priest did.

First, passersby could see what he was doing in church, that's why he got pinched.

So? Some people pay good money to watch that.

Second, employees can't be having relations on the employers property. A friend of mine worked as a security guard on the night shift and his gf came to the worksite and they had relations in the guard shack. The boss found out and fired his ass. Its what they call time theft.

Again, not seeing that as morally wrong. Now if someone broke into the site while he was "engaged", that would be different.
Actually, there are a lot of things wrong with what this priest did.

First, passersby could see what he was doing in church, that's why he got pinched.

So? Some people pay good money to watch that.

Second, employees can't be having relations on the employers property. A friend of mine worked as a security guard on the night shift and his gf came to the worksite and they had relations in the guard shack. The boss found out and fired his ass. Its what they call time theft.

Again, not seeing that as morally wrong. Now if someone broke into the site while he was "engaged", that would be different.

I think you are also failing to realize that the priest was not maintaining social distancing with the hoes as well.
you can get to heaven by going to church
The focal point of religion is to teach a way of living this life, loving God and His ways, and loving our fellow human beings. Respect is a part of that love--not only of the person sitting next to you, but respect for all. We are not always all going to meet that standard all the time, but it is still a great standard to keep before us.
The focal point of religion is to teach a way of living this life, loving God and His (their) ways, and loving our fellow human beings. Respect is a part of that love--not only of the person sitting next to you, but respect for all. We are not always all going to meet that standard all the time, but it is still a great standard to keep before us.
consensual sex is their way -
View attachment 399978
meriweather the hag how becoming in her christian white sheet. surly it's in the bible.
You deserve whatever hell your life is.
You deserve whatever hell your life is.
no bing, I am not a christian -
View attachment 399990
been working late in the evening lately - nice linen is it egyptian cotton ...
Of course you aren't. You worship Satan.
Of course you aren't. You worship Satan.
your the worshiper bing, your book of forgeries and fallacies and a phony messiah that is going to save you from what you are not willing to do yourself - and forgive you for persecuting and victimizing the innocent. and sweet meriweather too the righteous.
You are the only truly evil person I have met on this board. There is no good in you.
you can get to heaven by going to church
The focal point of religion is to teach a way of living this life, loving God and His ways, and loving our fellow human beings. Respect is a part of that love--not only of the person sitting next to you, but respect for all. We are not always all going to meet that standard all the time, but it is still a great standard to keep before us.
The focal point of religion is to teach a way of living this life, loving God and His (their) ways, and loving our fellow human beings. Respect is a part of that love--not only of the person sitting next to you, but respect for all. We are not always all going to meet that standard all the time, but it is still a great standard to keep before us.
consensual sex is their way -
View attachment 399978
meriweather the hag how becoming in her christian white sheet. surly it's in the bible.
You deserve whatever hell your life is.
You deserve whatever hell your life is.
no bing, I am not a christian -
View attachment 399990
been working late in the evening lately - nice linen is it egyptian cotton ...
Of course you aren't. You worship Satan.
Of course you aren't. You worship Satan.
your the worshiper bing, your book of forgeries and fallacies and a phony messiah that is going to save you from what you are not willing to do yourself - and forgive you for persecuting and victimizing the innocent. and sweet meriweather too the righteous.
You are the only truly evil person I have met on this board. There is no good in you.
You are the only truly evil person I have met on this board. There is no good in you.
you post platitudes - do you ever reference specifics in quotes to defend your spurious allegations. where's your dancing man, bing seems your hating is poorly focused.
you can get to heaven by going to church
The focal point of religion is to teach a way of living this life, loving God and His ways, and loving our fellow human beings. Respect is a part of that love--not only of the person sitting next to you, but respect for all. We are not always all going to meet that standard all the time, but it is still a great standard to keep before us.
The focal point of religion is to teach a way of living this life, loving God and His (their) ways, and loving our fellow human beings. Respect is a part of that love--not only of the person sitting next to you, but respect for all. We are not always all going to meet that standard all the time, but it is still a great standard to keep before us.
consensual sex is their way -
View attachment 399978
meriweather the hag how becoming in her christian white sheet. surly it's in the bible.
You deserve whatever hell your life is.
You deserve whatever hell your life is.
no bing, I am not a christian -
View attachment 399990
been working late in the evening lately - nice linen is it egyptian cotton ...
Of course you aren't. You worship Satan.
Of course you aren't. You worship Satan.
your the worshiper bing, your book of forgeries and fallacies and a phony messiah that is going to save you from what you are not willing to do yourself - and forgive you for persecuting and victimizing the innocent. and sweet meriweather too the righteous.
You are the only truly evil person I have met on this board. There is no good in you.
You are the only truly evil person I have met on this board. There is no good in you.
you post platitudes - do you ever reference specifics in quotes to defend your spurious allegations. where's your dancing man, bing seems your hating is poorly focused.
You post hate.
you can get to heaven by going to church
The focal point of religion is to teach a way of living this life, loving God and His ways, and loving our fellow human beings. Respect is a part of that love--not only of the person sitting next to you, but respect for all. We are not always all going to meet that standard all the time, but it is still a great standard to keep before us.
The focal point of religion is to teach a way of living this life, loving God and His (their) ways, and loving our fellow human beings. Respect is a part of that love--not only of the person sitting next to you, but respect for all. We are not always all going to meet that standard all the time, but it is still a great standard to keep before us.
consensual sex is their way -
View attachment 399978
meriweather the hag how becoming in her christian white sheet. surly it's in the bible.
You deserve whatever hell your life is.
You deserve whatever hell your life is.
no bing, I am not a christian -
View attachment 399990
been working late in the evening lately - nice linen is it egyptian cotton ...
Of course you aren't. You worship Satan.
Of course you aren't. You worship Satan.
your the worshiper bing, your book of forgeries and fallacies and a phony messiah that is going to save you from what you are not willing to do yourself - and forgive you for persecuting and victimizing the innocent. and sweet meriweather too the righteous.
You are the only truly evil person I have met on this board. There is no good in you.
You are the only truly evil person I have met on this board. There is no good in you.
you post platitudes - do you ever reference specifics in quotes to defend your spurious allegations. where's your dancing man, bing seems your hating is poorly focused.
You post hate.
You post hate.
there you go again, christian is there something to work from to support your draconian predilections.

- maybe a reference from your phony christian bible to help in your condition.
you can get to heaven by going to church
The focal point of religion is to teach a way of living this life, loving God and His ways, and loving our fellow human beings. Respect is a part of that love--not only of the person sitting next to you, but respect for all. We are not always all going to meet that standard all the time, but it is still a great standard to keep before us.
The focal point of religion is to teach a way of living this life, loving God and His (their) ways, and loving our fellow human beings. Respect is a part of that love--not only of the person sitting next to you, but respect for all. We are not always all going to meet that standard all the time, but it is still a great standard to keep before us.
consensual sex is their way -
View attachment 399978
meriweather the hag how becoming in her christian white sheet. surly it's in the bible.
You deserve whatever hell your life is.
You deserve whatever hell your life is.
no bing, I am not a christian -
View attachment 399990
been working late in the evening lately - nice linen is it egyptian cotton ...
Of course you aren't. You worship Satan.
Of course you aren't. You worship Satan.
your the worshiper bing, your book of forgeries and fallacies and a phony messiah that is going to save you from what you are not willing to do yourself - and forgive you for persecuting and victimizing the innocent. and sweet meriweather too the righteous.
You are the only truly evil person I have met on this board. There is no good in you.
You are the only truly evil person I have met on this board. There is no good in you.
you post platitudes - do you ever reference specifics in quotes to defend your spurious allegations. where's your dancing man, bing seems your hating is poorly focused.
You post hate.
You post hate.
there you go again, christian is there something to work from to support your draconian predilections.

- maybe a reference from your phony christian bible to help in your condition.
You post hate. What part of that do you not understand?
wow, are you rewriting history or what? School District pedos usually got fired and that was the end of them, if they didn't get tarred and feathered.
I am an eye-witness to history, and also a reporter of history. Look it up.
But Catholic Church Pedos. HOW DARE YOU SAY BAD THINGS ABOUT FATHER McCREEPY, HE'S A MAN OF GOD!!! In short, the Church had these fools intimidated, which is why our grandparents didn't take the Church to task when it did this shit.
Again, ignorance. Ask all of us Catholics who were changing procedures for altar servers, etc. Most of us never even knew a priest who was anything other than authentic, but we worked to implement changes anyway because we have enough sense to understand no one is immune. Where does most abuse come from? Families. Who is at the bottom of the percentage of child abuse? The Catholic Church. They just get the publicity when it does occur--and most Catholics are fine with that because we should be zero. End of story.
Check out a film called "Deliver us from Evil", it is about how the Church kept playing this shell game well into the 1990's.
There are always the exceptions. Look further and you will see other diocese put a lot of pressure on diocese who were not making changes. However, there are some who prefer to visit a garden and stare at the mud and worms. Have at it, but you are missing a lot.
In my day, the priests never had 3somes on the altars, I don't know why they think this is appropriate.

The whole problem IMHO is that Francis is an extremist that goes for this kind of shit.

The Catholic Church needs to tell Francis to take a hike, and bring in an old school Pontiff like Pius V that was of the thought that this just shouldn't be done.

Oh, come on. The catholic church has had real stinkos like Ratzinger. Frankly, the pope's position should be abolished (who needs a monarchy?) and all church offices should be open to all the people.

Pope is an elected position, not a hereditary monarchial one.

The electors are summoned to the Eternal City and locked in the Sistine Chapel until they agree with a super majority who should be elected. At that point, they put the ballots in a fireplace and a white smoke is emitted. The people outside cheer "we have a pope".

Nowadays, the pope is involved in the conclave and they always pick someone among their own in the conclave. So he comes out shortly to address the gathered mob and give the official papal blessing.

I know how it goes. Have you noticed that one-half of the population is excluded? The RCC really is an antiquated old boys' club. My father used to say that he wanted to see an American pope. I always said that I'd do him one better and just get rid of the whole thing.
you can get to heaven by going to church
The focal point of religion is to teach a way of living this life, loving God and His ways, and loving our fellow human beings. Respect is a part of that love--not only of the person sitting next to you, but respect for all. We are not always all going to meet that standard all the time, but it is still a great standard to keep before us.
The focal point of religion is to teach a way of living this life, loving God and His (their) ways, and loving our fellow human beings. Respect is a part of that love--not only of the person sitting next to you, but respect for all. We are not always all going to meet that standard all the time, but it is still a great standard to keep before us.
consensual sex is their way -
View attachment 399978
meriweather the hag how becoming in her christian white sheet. surly it's in the bible.
You deserve whatever hell your life is.
You deserve whatever hell your life is.
no bing, I am not a christian -
View attachment 399990
been working late in the evening lately - nice linen is it egyptian cotton ...
Of course you aren't. You worship Satan.
Of course you aren't. You worship Satan.
your the worshiper bing, your book of forgeries and fallacies and a phony messiah that is going to save you from what you are not willing to do yourself - and forgive you for persecuting and victimizing the innocent. and sweet meriweather too the righteous.
You are the only truly evil person I have met on this board. There is no good in you.
You are the only truly evil person I have met on this board. There is no good in you.
you post platitudes - do you ever reference specifics in quotes to defend your spurious allegations. where's your dancing man, bing seems your hating is poorly focused.
You post hate.
You post hate.
there you go again, christian is there something to work from to support your draconian predilections.

- maybe a reference from your phony christian bible to help in your condition.
You post hate. What part of that do you not understand?
You post hate. What part of that do you not understand?
the part you are unable to explain for your idiopathic mentality.

give it a shot bing might relieve your pain.
you can get to heaven by going to church
The focal point of religion is to teach a way of living this life, loving God and His ways, and loving our fellow human beings. Respect is a part of that love--not only of the person sitting next to you, but respect for all. We are not always all going to meet that standard all the time, but it is still a great standard to keep before us.
The focal point of religion is to teach a way of living this life, loving God and His (their) ways, and loving our fellow human beings. Respect is a part of that love--not only of the person sitting next to you, but respect for all. We are not always all going to meet that standard all the time, but it is still a great standard to keep before us.
consensual sex is their way -
View attachment 399978
meriweather the hag how becoming in her christian white sheet. surly it's in the bible.
You deserve whatever hell your life is.
You deserve whatever hell your life is.
no bing, I am not a christian -
View attachment 399990
been working late in the evening lately - nice linen is it egyptian cotton ...
Of course you aren't. You worship Satan.
Of course you aren't. You worship Satan.
your the worshiper bing, your book of forgeries and fallacies and a phony messiah that is going to save you from what you are not willing to do yourself - and forgive you for persecuting and victimizing the innocent. and sweet meriweather too the righteous.
You are the only truly evil person I have met on this board. There is no good in you.
You are the only truly evil person I have met on this board. There is no good in you.
you post platitudes - do you ever reference specifics in quotes to defend your spurious allegations. where's your dancing man, bing seems your hating is poorly focused.
You post hate.
You post hate.
there you go again, christian is there something to work from to support your draconian predilections.

- maybe a reference from your phony christian bible to help in your condition.
You post hate. What part of that do you not understand?
You post hate. What part of that do you not understand?
the part you are unable to explain for your idiopathic mentality.
View attachment 400157
give it a shot bing might relieve your pain.
You post hate.
you can get to heaven by going to church
The focal point of religion is to teach a way of living this life, loving God and His ways, and loving our fellow human beings. Respect is a part of that love--not only of the person sitting next to you, but respect for all. We are not always all going to meet that standard all the time, but it is still a great standard to keep before us.
The focal point of religion is to teach a way of living this life, loving God and His (their) ways, and loving our fellow human beings. Respect is a part of that love--not only of the person sitting next to you, but respect for all. We are not always all going to meet that standard all the time, but it is still a great standard to keep before us.
consensual sex is their way -
View attachment 399978
meriweather the hag how becoming in her christian white sheet. surly it's in the bible.
You deserve whatever hell your life is.
You deserve whatever hell your life is.
no bing, I am not a christian -
View attachment 399990
been working late in the evening lately - nice linen is it egyptian cotton ...
Of course you aren't. You worship Satan.
Of course you aren't. You worship Satan.
your the worshiper bing, your book of forgeries and fallacies and a phony messiah that is going to save you from what you are not willing to do yourself - and forgive you for persecuting and victimizing the innocent. and sweet meriweather too the righteous.
You are the only truly evil person I have met on this board. There is no good in you.
You are the only truly evil person I have met on this board. There is no good in you.
you post platitudes - do you ever reference specifics in quotes to defend your spurious allegations. where's your dancing man, bing seems your hating is poorly focused.
You post hate.
You post hate.
there you go again, christian is there something to work from to support your draconian predilections.

- maybe a reference from your phony christian bible to help in your condition.
You post hate. What part of that do you not understand?
You post hate. What part of that do you not understand?
the part you are unable to explain for your idiopathic mentality.
View attachment 400157
give it a shot bing might relieve your pain.
You post hate.
You post hate.
what is your example - you're a fried brain is less than a suitable response.
you can get to heaven by going to church
The focal point of religion is to teach a way of living this life, loving God and His ways, and loving our fellow human beings. Respect is a part of that love--not only of the person sitting next to you, but respect for all. We are not always all going to meet that standard all the time, but it is still a great standard to keep before us.
The focal point of religion is to teach a way of living this life, loving God and His (their) ways, and loving our fellow human beings. Respect is a part of that love--not only of the person sitting next to you, but respect for all. We are not always all going to meet that standard all the time, but it is still a great standard to keep before us.
consensual sex is their way -
View attachment 399978
meriweather the hag how becoming in her christian white sheet. surly it's in the bible.
You deserve whatever hell your life is.
You deserve whatever hell your life is.
no bing, I am not a christian -
View attachment 399990
been working late in the evening lately - nice linen is it egyptian cotton ...
Of course you aren't. You worship Satan.
Of course you aren't. You worship Satan.
your the worshiper bing, your book of forgeries and fallacies and a phony messiah that is going to save you from what you are not willing to do yourself - and forgive you for persecuting and victimizing the innocent. and sweet meriweather too the righteous.
You are the only truly evil person I have met on this board. There is no good in you.
You are the only truly evil person I have met on this board. There is no good in you.
you post platitudes - do you ever reference specifics in quotes to defend your spurious allegations. where's your dancing man, bing seems your hating is poorly focused.
You post hate.
You post hate.
there you go again, christian is there something to work from to support your draconian predilections.

- maybe a reference from your phony christian bible to help in your condition.
You post hate. What part of that do you not understand?
You post hate. What part of that do you not understand?
the part you are unable to explain for your idiopathic mentality.
View attachment 400157
give it a shot bing might relieve your pain.
You post hate.
You post hate.
what is your example - you're a fried brain is less than a suitable response.
You post hate.
you can get to heaven by going to church
The focal point of religion is to teach a way of living this life, loving God and His ways, and loving our fellow human beings. Respect is a part of that love--not only of the person sitting next to you, but respect for all. We are not always all going to meet that standard all the time, but it is still a great standard to keep before us.
The focal point of religion is to teach a way of living this life, loving God and His (their) ways, and loving our fellow human beings. Respect is a part of that love--not only of the person sitting next to you, but respect for all. We are not always all going to meet that standard all the time, but it is still a great standard to keep before us.
consensual sex is their way -
View attachment 399978
meriweather the hag how becoming in her christian white sheet. surly it's in the bible.
You deserve whatever hell your life is.
You deserve whatever hell your life is.
no bing, I am not a christian -
View attachment 399990
been working late in the evening lately - nice linen is it egyptian cotton ...
Of course you aren't. You worship Satan.
Of course you aren't. You worship Satan.
your the worshiper bing, your book of forgeries and fallacies and a phony messiah that is going to save you from what you are not willing to do yourself - and forgive you for persecuting and victimizing the innocent. and sweet meriweather too the righteous.
You are the only truly evil person I have met on this board. There is no good in you.
You are the only truly evil person I have met on this board. There is no good in you.
you post platitudes - do you ever reference specifics in quotes to defend your spurious allegations. where's your dancing man, bing seems your hating is poorly focused.
You post hate.
You post hate.
there you go again, christian is there something to work from to support your draconian predilections.

- maybe a reference from your phony christian bible to help in your condition.
You post hate. What part of that do you not understand?
You post hate. What part of that do you not understand?
the part you are unable to explain for your idiopathic mentality.
View attachment 400157
give it a shot bing might relieve your pain.
You post hate.
You post hate.
what is your example - you're a fried brain is less than a suitable response.
You post hate.
what is your example - you're a fried brain is less than a suitable response.

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