Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, owns Fox shares valued at 3 billion dollars talks on MSNBC




Second-largest shareholder after the Murdoch Family

Saudi Prince, Rupert Murdoch Discuss Alliances -

Murdoch and the Prince's fortunes are very well entwined since Rupert bought equal shares in the Prince's media empire. Prince Talal's shares keep Murdoch safe from a "hostile takeover".

The questions:

1. Why don't we ever see the Prince on Fox?

2. Why wasn't the Prince asked about his stake in a company that appears very anti Muslim and anti Arab.

3. Why wasn't he Prince asked about the telethons for the families of suicide bombers, not the victims, but the families of those who committed the atrocities?
The Saudi Propaganda channel has been directing the US to attack it's enemies.

They wanted Iraq crushed? The result..Iraq was crushed.

Next target is Iran.
Remember when the Muslin haters yammered on and on about the so-called "ground zero mosque"? While Fox and the rw's were lying about that mosque, the MUSLIM ARAB oil sheik, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, was quietly financing it.

The rw's know that. They also know he is in charge of programming for Fox.

They CHOOSE to ignore that.
Why are conservatives pro-oil, anti-green energy, anti-alternate energy, anti-enviromental, anti-climate change and anti-global warming?


Not one of them has the courage to read this but

ExposingReligion Blog - Behind the Conservative Veil: News Corp., Fox News, Saudi Arabian Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes, The Wall Street Journal and The New York Post
taking notes.

You can't expect them to bite the hand that feeds them.
what now they hate muslims?

Didn't they buy Al bore Gore channel?

you people obsessed with Fox's almost comical if it wasn't so damn pathetic
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what now they hate muslims?

Didn't they buy Al bore Gore channel?

you people obsessed with Fox's almost comical if it wasn't so damn pathetic

I believe very strongly that NO foreign country or foreign interest should be allowed to own US media.

The real question here is WHY do you maroon rw's support a US political party who uses a Muslin-owned "news" media to pimp their lies?

Don't bother trying to lie your way out of this because you maroon rw's DO support a US political party who uses a Muslin-owned "news" media to pimp their lies.

And, it was the Republicans who passed the law that made it possible for foreign interests to control the second largest media group in the US.

If it was Dem owned and controlled, you would be screeching your empty head off and rightly so. Since its the anti-American and anti-American GObP, you're fine with it.
what now they hate muslims?

Didn't they buy Al bore Gore channel?

you people obsessed with Fox's almost comical if it wasn't so damn pathetic

I believe very strongly that NO foreign country or foreign interest should be allowed to own US media.

The real question here is WHY do you maroon rw's support a US political party who uses a Muslin-owned "news" media to pimp their lies?

Don't bother trying to lie your way out of this because you maroon rw's DO support a US political party who uses a Muslin-owned "news" media to pimp their lies.

And, it was the Republicans who passed the law that made it possible for foreign interests to control the second largest media group in the US.

If it was Dem owned and controlled, you would be screeching your empty head off and rightly so. Since its the anti-American and anti-American GObP, you're fine with it.

Then think it is an insult to tell us that Oblama is a Muslim.
what now they hate muslims?

Didn't they buy Al bore Gore channel?

you people obsessed with Fox's almost comical if it wasn't so damn pathetic

I believe very strongly that NO foreign country or foreign interest should be allowed to own US media.

The real question here is WHY do you maroon rw's support a US political party who uses a Muslin-owned "news" media to pimp their lies?

Don't bother trying to lie your way out of this because you maroon rw's DO support a US political party who uses a Muslin-owned "news" media to pimp their lies.

And, it was the Republicans who passed the law that made it possible for foreign interests to control the second largest media group in the US.

If it was Dem owned and controlled, you would be screeching your empty head off and rightly so. Since its the anti-American and anti-American GObP, you're fine with it.

Considering we do not block foriegn media broadcasts, who owns what is currently a moot point.

Also, do you object as well to Al-Jazzera having an american brocasting arm? what about the BBC?
I believe very strongly that NO foreign country or foreign interest should be allowed to own US media.
And yet the Obama White House is full of high ranking government appointees with top staff positions who have duel U.S./Israeli citizenship. . :doubt:
With my shares and friendly shares I'd tell a 7% shareholder to pound sand if he stepped out of line.
what now they hate muslims?

Didn't they buy Al bore Gore channel?

you people obsessed with Fox's almost comical if it wasn't so damn pathetic

I believe very strongly that NO foreign country or foreign interest should be allowed to own US media.

The real question here is WHY do you maroon rw's support a US political party who uses a Muslin-owned "news" media to pimp their lies?

Don't bother trying to lie your way out of this because you maroon rw's DO support a US political party who uses a Muslin-owned "news" media to pimp their lies.

And, it was the Republicans who passed the law that made it possible for foreign interests to control the second largest media group in the US.

If it was Dem owned and controlled, you would be screeching your empty head off and rightly so. Since its the anti-American and anti-American GObP, you're fine with it.

Considering we do not block foriegn media broadcasts, who owns what is currently a moot point.

Also, do you object as well to Al-Jazzera having an american brocasting arm? what about the BBC?

So, you actually think that HEARING foreign news is the same as having our news CONTROLLED by foreign interests?

This is another example of the boiled frog. Those who don't remember what it was like to have honest journalism don't realize just how bad it is now.

And, there is no way you can pretend that this was not sneaked in by the GObP. I have posted this before and you fools are just too dumb to GET IT. When the FCC was gutted, it was under GObP control (pres was Michael Powell - Just think about THAT).

Be that as it may, most Americans get their news from a foreign controlled "news" corporation. Most don't know that they are being duped every single day. And, those that do know (like this board) just don't give a flying fuck.

When are you going to wise up?

When will people realize that the GObP is quietly spoon feeding us propaganda that is harmful to our country, to the future of our country?

I haven't read the posts but I'll bet that the rw's are saying what they always say. Their heads firmly stuffed up their own behinds, they are criticizing the source and/or the poster. They do this because they know they are in the wrong and they don't have the brains or the integrity to educate themselves and decide to be on the side of their own country.
I believe very strongly that NO foreign country or foreign interest should be allowed to own US media.

The real question here is WHY do you maroon rw's support a US political party who uses a Muslin-owned "news" media to pimp their lies?

Don't bother trying to lie your way out of this because you maroon rw's DO support a US political party who uses a Muslin-owned "news" media to pimp their lies.

And, it was the Republicans who passed the law that made it possible for foreign interests to control the second largest media group in the US.

If it was Dem owned and controlled, you would be screeching your empty head off and rightly so. Since its the anti-American and anti-American GObP, you're fine with it.

Considering we do not block foriegn media broadcasts, who owns what is currently a moot point.

Also, do you object as well to Al-Jazzera having an american brocasting arm? what about the BBC?

So, you actually think that HEARING foreign news is the same as having our news CONTROLLED by foreign interests?

This is another example of the boiled frog. Those who don't remember what it was like to have honest journalism don't realize just how bad it is now.

And, there is no way you can pretend that this was not sneaked in by the GObP. I have posted this before and you fools are just too dumb to GET IT. When the FCC was gutted, it was under GObP control (pres was Michael Powell - Just think about THAT).

Be that as it may, most Americans get their news from a foreign controlled "news" corporation. Most don't know that they are being duped every single day. And, those that do know (like this board) just don't give a flying fuck.

When are you going to wise up?

When will people realize that the GObP is quietly spoon feeding us propaganda that is harmful to our country, to the future of our country?

I haven't read the posts but I'll bet that the rw's are saying what they always say. Their heads firmly stuffed up their own behinds, they are criticizing the source and/or the poster. They do this because they know they are in the wrong and they don't have the brains or the integrity to educate themselves and decide to be on the side of their own country.

How is owning 7% of a stock "controlling"
Well, how about that Martin Bashir Pmsnbc has for a host, who want to shit in a woman's mouth that some of found funny and didn't see anything wrong with it?

isn't he a muslim? you all don't seem to have a hardon over that

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what now they hate muslims?

Didn't they buy Al bore Gore channel?

you people obsessed with Fox's almost comical if it wasn't so damn pathetic

I believe very strongly that NO foreign country or foreign interest should be allowed to own US media.

The real question here is WHY do you maroon rw's support a US political party who uses a Muslin-owned "news" media to pimp their lies?

Don't bother trying to lie your way out of this because you maroon rw's DO support a US political party who uses a Muslin-owned "news" media to pimp their lies.

And, it was the Republicans who passed the law that made it possible for foreign interests to control the second largest media group in the US.

If it was Dem owned and controlled, you would be screeching your empty head off and rightly so. Since its the anti-American and anti-American GObP, you're fine with it.

Considering we do not block foriegn media broadcasts, who owns what is currently a moot point.

Also, do you object as well to Al-Jazzera having an american brocasting arm? what about the BBC?

Well no. It's a pretty valid point since FOX never openly shows it's affiliation with the Saudi Government. Quite the contrary, they do everything they can to hide it.

And Al-Jezzera calls itself does the BBC.
Well, how about that Martin Bashir Pmsnbc has for a host, who want to shit in a woman's mouth that some of found funny and didn't see anything wrong with it?

isn't he a muslim? you all don't seem to have a hardon over that

hummm seems Ms. Palin has no fucking idea what she's talking about. I see something wrong when Palin starts comparing ObamaCare to slavery.

Very wrong.

In response Mr Bashir described Palin as having a "well-established reputation as a world class idiot", before going on to cite the story of an incident where a slave was made to defecate in another's mouth.

He said: "Given her well-established reputation as a world class idiot, it’s hardly surprising that [Palin] should choose to mention slavery in a way that is abominable to anyone who knows anything about its barbaric history."

"So here’s an example. One of the most comprehensive first-person accounts of slavery comes from the personal diary of a man called Thomas Thistlewood, who kept copious notes for 39 years. Thistlewood was the son of a tenant farmer, who arrived on the island of Jamaica in April 1750, and assumed the position of overseer at a major plantation.

"What is most shocking about Thistlewood’s diary is not simply the fact that he assumes the right to own and possess other human beings, but is the sheer cruelty and brutality of his regime."

"In 1756, he records that a slave named Darby ‘catched eating kanes; had him well flogged and pickled, then made Hector, another slave, s-h-i-t in his mouth.’ This became known as ‘Darby’s Dose,’ a punishment invented by Thistlewood that spoke only of inhumanity.

"And he mentions a similar incident in 1756, his time in relation to a man he refers to as Punch. ‘Flogged Punch well, and then washed and rubbed salt pickle, lime juice and bird pepper. Made Negro Joe piss in his eyes and mouth'. I could go on, but you get the point."

Mr Bashir concludes by suggesting that by invoking slavery Ms Palin demonstrates her ignorance and that she should be subjected to the same treatment as the slave in the story he recounted.

"When Mrs. Palin invokes slavery, she doesn’t just prove her rank ignorance. She confirms if anyone truly qualified for a dose of discipline from Thomas Thistlewood, she would be the outstanding candidate", he says.
Martin Bashir says Sarah Palin is an 'idiot' and suggests someone should defecate in her mouth - Americas - World - The Independent

She cheapens exactly what an abomination slavery actually was..
I believe very strongly that NO foreign country or foreign interest should be allowed to own US media.

The real question here is WHY do you maroon rw's support a US political party who uses a Muslin-owned "news" media to pimp their lies?

Don't bother trying to lie your way out of this because you maroon rw's DO support a US political party who uses a Muslin-owned "news" media to pimp their lies.

And, it was the Republicans who passed the law that made it possible for foreign interests to control the second largest media group in the US.

If it was Dem owned and controlled, you would be screeching your empty head off and rightly so. Since its the anti-American and anti-American GObP, you're fine with it.

Considering we do not block foriegn media broadcasts, who owns what is currently a moot point.

Also, do you object as well to Al-Jazzera having an american brocasting arm? what about the BBC?

Well no. It's a pretty valid point since FOX never openly shows it's affiliation with the Saudi Government. Quite the contrary, they do everything they can to hide it.

And Al-Jezzera calls itself does the BBC.

How can a publicly traded firm hide one its primary (though minority) shareholders?

And if you want to talk obvious, its obvious how the rest of the mainstream media sucks down whatever the democrats spew up. The only reason the obamacare kerfluffle is being reported negatively is that it is TOO much of a clusterfuck for even Obama's butt buddies in the media to hide.

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