Prince Harry engaged to Meghan Markle

The royal family's blood is being contaminated by commoners!
Yep.....and maybe they might get rid of that big nose and bucked teeth as a result.

You know, every time I see your tagline video I have to be amazed at how close we came to being ruled by a psychopath. Hillary's over acted reactions are because she doesn't really have feelings and emotions of her own. It is the only explanation.

"Hillary's over acted reactions are because she doesn't really have feelings and emotions of her own."

Hillary always seems like she is a cold person and devoid of feelings such as love and warmth, I expect she has those feelings for Chelsea and her Grandchildren but she seems very cold toward other people or if she shows any emotion it seems forced. In this way she is like the British Prime Minister Theresia May also seems a cold person and is when you see television pictures of her is very awkward in social situations.

The Donald is the opposite he seems like he just wants to hug people like a big teddy bear.
As opposed to groping people, like Al Franken.
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The royal family's blood is being contaminated by commoners!
Yep.....and maybe they might get rid of that big nose and bucked teeth as a result.

You know, every time I see your tagline video I have to be amazed at how close we came to being ruled by a psychopath. Hillary's over acted reactions are because she doesn't really have feelings and emotions of her own. It is the only explanation.

"Hillary's over acted reactions are because she doesn't really have feelings and emotions of her own."

Hillary always seems like she is a cold person and devoid of feelings such as love and warmth, I expect she has those feelings for Chelsea and her Grandchildren but she seems very cold toward other people or if she shows any emotion it seems forced. In this way she is like the British Prime Minister Theresia May also seems a cold person and is when you see television pictures of her is very awkward in social situations.

The Donald is the opposite he seems like he just wants to hug people like a big teddy bear.
As opposed to groping people like Al Franken.
There is no way in hell I would ever grope Al Jazeera Frankenstein... Only a sick fag would touch Al's private parts while he slept....
Well, I'll be. Quarter Nazi Harry marries a biracial divorcee? You can't make this shit up

Meghan was like "Fuck this shit. He better marry my ass while he's got most of his hair left"

Gun to my head, Harry's my favorite British Royal I suppose. His proposal to Meghan reminds me of his attraction to Halle Berry and the posters he used to keep on his walls as a young boy. I guess it never left his system.

Some are out making like Meghan's the founder of the Black Panthers. Fact is she's mixed race more aligned with white circles. Unlike many I don't think she looks that white-passing. This ain't like the singer's Halsey situation.

Who looks straight up like a white woman even though her father is black. You can see somethings going on when you look at Meghan.

Meghan needs to be careful. The royal family don't do ethnics. Hell, even upper middle class, privately school educated, millionaire background white Kate Middelton was seen as a commoner.

So what do you think they'll make of someone whose mother was raised in Crenshaw ?

The last person who stepped out with a side piece of brown got both of their brains left on the side of a parisan tunnel.

She better be careful during their hunting sessions if Prince Philip is alive.
Well, I think she is beautiful no matter what she is. Unfortunately, she is going to have a difficult time with some circles of people though.

Anyways, who really cares? What does this family actually DO anyways besides hold fancy parties? How do they even have so much money after being so irrelevant for so long? What is the point of having a royal family?
Im not sure where the post in question is (i have tried to find it after seeing it mentioned) but I would be skeptical of any claim of a 500 year pedigree outside of royals and nobles.

There is no reason for anyone to be skeptical considering I already explained that and I'm not going into it again because this type of thing seems to Trigger Americans, it's okay we know why it's because you have no actual Aristocrats of your own and so you elevate Meat Packing Heirs and Bootleggers who made millions and Hollyweird whores as your um version of aristocracy, lower case as even writing that word when thinking of such peasants is pretty outrageous.

An example is that most Americans consider the Bush family, the Clinton family and the Kennedy family um aristocracy, tragic actually.

Once when I was in America I had a bizarro situation where this man told me that the Rockefellers were Blue Bloods and I was like Huh? As I'm polite I did not elaborate mainly also because he would not have comprehended what I was explaining to him. Anyhow I returned home and I told this to friends of my family and they all laughed and said ignorant Americans.

Americans are good at many many things, but knowing about what exactly Aristocracy is is NOT one of them.

I agree. Actually I dont think Americans lack an aristocracy. Americans elevate the most base and ignorant to it's aristocracy. No subject of a powerful king ever abased himself like a liberal American slobbering on his knees before a Hollywood celebrity or a billionaire tech boss. In fact they still think trotting celebrities out will influence elections...a true ruling class mentality without having to answer for it.
We dont have a House of Lords but it is very common for Congress to call celebrities to testify...their only qualification being they acted a role related to the subject of the hearings.
Well, I think she is beautiful no matter what she is. Unfortunately, she is going to have a difficult time with some circles of people though.

Anyways, who really cares? What does this family actually DO anyways besides hold fancy parties? How do they even have so much money after being so irrelevant for so long? What is the point of having a royal family?

A thousand year old democracy...a people richer than most of the world....and you cant figure it out.
Well, I think she is beautiful no matter what she is. Unfortunately, she is going to have a difficult time with some circles of people though.

Anyways, who really cares? What does this family actually DO anyways besides hold fancy parties? How do they even have so much money after being so irrelevant for so long? What is the point of having a royal family?

A thousand year old democracy...a people richer than most of the world....and you cant figure it out.

How are they relevant in any way in today's world?
The royals have become more Liberal, thank God.

Prince Harry engaged to Meghan Markle

The British royal family officially announced Prince Harry's engagement to actress Meghan Markle on Monday, with the wedding set to take place in spring 2018. The couple now begin a media blitz, beginning with an interview that will air on British television later tonight.

What they're saying: Harry's brother and sister-in-law, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, issued a statement: "We are very excited for Harry and Meghan. It has been wonderful getting to know Meghan and to see how happy she and Harry are together."

Yes. something HE earned.

Not his great great grandson

Also Will, sorry that some of my comments in this thread are perhaps offensive to some people, I am not being deliberately offensive, I am just saying that this situation is very shocking because it's just not the thing that happens it's against social protocol and thats why it's Harry rebelling.

In one of my comments I did say if this was a Middle Class thing and someone married Meghan Markle there would be nothing wrong with that, but this is not a Middle Class thing and as such it's a rebellion against social protocol. Good thing Harry is so far down the pecking order and will never be at the top unless there is a mega disaster and William, George and Charlotte and whatever the third child is going to be all get put out of action. WTF William and Kate better have two more children and thats five just in case something bizarro happens.

So was there this much racism and bigotry when "the sun never set on the British Empire"?? You think a global empire of 14 or so colonies, territories can AFFORD to be racist? Of course the INHABITANTS thought they were. But I doubt that after a century of living, working and having sex with the brown and black natives of the Empire that the Brits are really uptight about who their Prince chooses to marry. Pretty sure those biases are fairly well contained to Continent of Europe. Not the Isles of the Brit Empire or what's left of it.

It's hardly been mentioned, or thought about in the UK. So far.

American media is race obsessed and see this as a blow against whites and so something to celebrate. I dont know how it is in the UK but that is the way it is here.
The UK would be best served to ignore American media and Hollywood.

So now they've dragged Paul Burrell, (Diana's butler) onto UK breakfast TV. What a surprise! Pass the sick bag please. Keeps calling the Queen grannie, and that she won't have far to walk if the wedding takes place at Saint George's Chapel, Windsor.

The focus is on Meghan being American, divorced, and a Catholic.Being a Catholic used to be an issue, more than race, in England.

But they did mention her being older and more mature than Diana when she married Charles. And how madly in love they are! :boohoo:

However being black, Catholic and divorced are the main selling points for American media. All seen as destructive to a system and heritage they hate.
Well, I think she is beautiful no matter what she is. Unfortunately, she is going to have a difficult time with some circles of people though.

Anyways, who really cares? What does this family actually DO anyways besides hold fancy parties? How do they even have so much money after being so irrelevant for so long? What is the point of having a royal family?

A thousand year old democracy...a people richer than most of the world....and you cant figure it out.

How are they relevant in any way in today's world?

Why are you speaking of them?
Well, I think she is beautiful no matter what she is. Unfortunately, she is going to have a difficult time with some circles of people though.

Anyways, who really cares? What does this family actually DO anyways besides hold fancy parties? How do they even have so much money after being so irrelevant for so long? What is the point of having a royal family?

A thousand year old democracy...a people richer than most of the world....and you cant figure it out.

How are they relevant in any way in today's world?

Why are you speaking of them?

Because they are all over the news? Why are they all over the news? How are they relevant in our world today?
I don't understand the worship of this family. It is pretty weird that it still goes on in today's day and age. Why they plaster this stuff all over the news, I don't know. I suppose some people find it interesting.
Also Will, sorry that some of my comments in this thread are perhaps offensive to some people, I am not being deliberately offensive, I am just saying that this situation is very shocking because it's just not the thing that happens it's against social protocol and thats why it's Harry rebelling.

In one of my comments I did say if this was a Middle Class thing and someone married Meghan Markle there would be nothing wrong with that, but this is not a Middle Class thing and as such it's a rebellion against social protocol. Good thing Harry is so far down the pecking order and will never be at the top unless there is a mega disaster and William, George and Charlotte and whatever the third child is going to be all get put out of action. WTF William and Kate better have two more children and thats five just in case something bizarro happens.

So was there this much racism and bigotry when "the sun never set on the British Empire"?? You think a global empire of 14 or so colonies, territories can AFFORD to be racist? Of course the INHABITANTS thought they were. But I doubt that after a century of living, working and having sex with the brown and black natives of the Empire that the Brits are really uptight about who their Prince chooses to marry. Pretty sure those biases are fairly well contained to Continent of Europe. Not the Isles of the Brit Empire or what's left of it.

It's hardly been mentioned, or thought about in the UK. So far.

American media is race obsessed and see this as a blow against whites and so something to celebrate. I dont know how it is in the UK but that is the way it is here.
The UK would be best served to ignore American media and Hollywood.

So now they've dragged Paul Burrell, (Diana's butler) onto UK breakfast TV. What a surprise! Pass the sick bag please. Keeps calling the Queen grannie, and that she won't have far to walk if the wedding takes place at Saint George's Chapel, Windsor.

The focus is on Meghan being American, divorced, and a Catholic.Being a Catholic used to be an issue, more than race, in England.

But they did mention her being older and more mature than Diana when she married Charles. And how madly in love they are! :boohoo:

However being black, Catholic and divorced are the main selling points for American media. All seen as destructive to a system and heritage they hate.

I'm fed up of it already.

The Brits are wondering if there will be a public holiday, and they can have the day off.
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Well, I think she is beautiful no matter what she is. Unfortunately, she is going to have a difficult time with some circles of people though.

Anyways, who really cares? What does this family actually DO anyways besides hold fancy parties? How do they even have so much money after being so irrelevant for so long? What is the point of having a royal family?

A thousand year old democracy...a people richer than most of the world....and you cant figure it out.

How are they relevant in any way in today's world?

Why are you speaking of them?

Because they are all over the news? Why are they all over the news? How are they relevant in our world today?

Yes lets pretend the monarchy of Britian has no relevance. That will make it true.
So was there this much racism and bigotry when "the sun never set on the British Empire"?? You think a global empire of 14 or so colonies, territories can AFFORD to be racist? Of course the INHABITANTS thought they were. But I doubt that after a century of living, working and having sex with the brown and black natives of the Empire that the Brits are really uptight about who their Prince chooses to marry. Pretty sure those biases are fairly well contained to Continent of Europe. Not the Isles of the Brit Empire or what's left of it.

It's hardly been mentioned, or thought about in the UK. So far.

American media is race obsessed and see this as a blow against whites and so something to celebrate. I dont know how it is in the UK but that is the way it is here.
The UK would be best served to ignore American media and Hollywood.

So now they've dragged Paul Burrell, (Diana's butler) onto UK breakfast TV. What a surprise! Pass the sick bag please. Keeps calling the Queen grannie, and that she won't have far to walk if the wedding takes place at Saint George's Chapel, Windsor.

The focus is on Meghan being American, divorced, and a Catholic.Being a Catholic used to be an issue, more than race, in England.

But they did mention her being older and more mature than Diana when she married Charles. And how madly in love they are! :boohoo:

However being black, Catholic and divorced are the main selling points for American media. All seen as destructive to a system and heritage they hate.

I'm fed up of it already.

The Brits are wondering if there will be a public holiday, and they can have the day off.

haha so some good may come out of it after all.
Big change compared to 1936.
Why? It's not like Harry is abdicating.

The attitudes, and all that went with it! Social change, and conventions. That sort of thing.
There hasn't been any change in the family. Harry has his own demons to slay. If Harry were the heir to the crown then he would be required to abdicate to marry this girl. No difference.

Harry has a lot of baggage over his mother's death. This marriage of rebellion isn't going to help. This is not a marriage to last.
he could have wed a dozen times the past decade if it were just for rebellion!
Why? It's not like Harry is abdicating.

The attitudes, and all that went with it! Social change, and conventions. That sort of thing.
There hasn't been any change in the family. Harry has his own demons to slay. If Harry were the heir to the crown then he would be required to abdicate to marry this girl. No difference.

Harry has a lot of baggage over his mother's death. This marriage of rebellion isn't going to help. This is not a marriage to last.
Why would this be a "marriage of rebellion"? It just seems to be two people who have found each other. No one other than themselves can know what it is like when they are alone together: laugh? cry? have hot sex? Tickle each other? All of the above?
Remember how long it took for Harry's father to finally wed the love of his life after his sham marriage to Harry's mother, who just was selected because she was a virgin and royal.
If Harry and Meghan are in the same bed together and happy when the lights go out, this is all that matters.

Should never have married Diana. She was basically a brood mare.

Camille was considered to be not aristocratic enough in those days. Can you imagine?

Camille is 100% better than Diana, not sure why Charles didn't get married to Camilla in the 1970s or perhaps she was already married I'll have to Google.

IMHO the best British Royal was Princess Margaret and they destroyed her life and she went into alcoholism, all this because she wanted to marry that Peter ???? in the 1950s and was told she couldn't because he was divorced and he was very suave and well educated and from good stock.

Now look at this Harry the Oil Driller and the MSM are orgasmic because he's OMG being Diverse and Multicultural. WTF pathetic.

Unless things are stopped probably Prince George when he grows up will be told he's got to marry a Kebab woman from Pakistan or whatever, the British are going so far down the toilet now with Infinity Immigration they'll have to have a Paki Queen.
Prince George, now a toddler, will marry whomever he wants to marry. I don't know where your prejudice against Pakistani people comes from.

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