Prince Harry engaged to Meghan Markle


Deal Or no Deal?

Tunnel accident or bridge accident?
You were there, you tell us.
You should see what they're knighting in Britain, these days.



Being American you won't know but that is when a man goes from Mr. to Sir it is called a Knighthood.

Yes. something HE earned.

Not his great great grandson

Also Will, sorry that some of my comments in this thread are perhiaps offensive to some people, I am not being deliberately offensive, I am just saying that this situation is very shocking because it's just not the thing that happens it's against social protocol and thats why it's Harry rebelling.

In one of my comments I did say if this was a Middle Class thing and someone married Meghan Markle there would be nothing wrong with that, but this is not a Middle Class thing and as such it's a rebellion against social protocol. Good thing Harry is so far down the pecking order and will never be at the top unless there is a mega disaster and William, George and Charlotte and whatever the third child is going to be all get put out of action. WTF William and Kate better have two more children and thats five just in case something bizarro happens.

So was there this much racism and bigotry when "the sun never set on the British Empire"?? You think a global empire of 14 or so colonies, territories can AFFORD to be racist? Of course the INHABITANTS thought they were. But I doubt that after a century of living, working and having sex with the brown and black natives of the Empire that the Brits are really uptight about who their Prince chooses to marry. Pretty sure those biases are fairly well contained to Continent of Europe. Not the Isles of the Brit Empire or what's left of it.

The British are fucked like the French, half of Britain is now either Paki or some other Kebab or Sub Saharan African the same with France they seem both determined to flush their nations down the toilet.

Look at London their capital, half is Kebab and African and they have a Pakistani Kebab Mayor as I say Winston Churchill must be spinning in his grave, the whole Muh Colonialism Guilt Trip that Britain and France have been brainwashed with is resulting in them almost encouraging now the speeding of the Cultural Suicide.

Well the British began the descent in the late 1940s when the Socialist Government began mass importing West Indians from Jamaica and Trinidad etc. Then continued into the 1960s when it got into Infinity Immigration and now they are beyond the point of returning to anything resembling Britain as in Britain and if any of them say they want to preserve British Culture, Heritage and Values they are called racist by the usual Leftist pro-Multicultural crowd.

Multiculturalism does not enhance the existing and Centuries old Culture it destroys it.

What it illustrates is that Enoch Powell was correct.


Made Strangers In Their Own Country, Enoch Powell was right in Britain the British are even now called racist if they are White British and say Proud To Be British, but some Somalian from Mogadishu or some Pakistani from Islamabad who was Imported and has NO Ancestral connection to Britain at all says Proud To Be British to push the actual British noses in it and if they say um well no you are not British you are Somali or you are Pakistani they are met with STFU you racist.


"Pretty sure those biases are fairly well contained to Continent of Europe."

Which is good because at least some of us want to preserve our Culture and Heritage that our Ancestors entrusted us with. We have no intention of becoming African or Kebab. Thank God we pulled our drawbridges up. If the British and French HATE their Ancestors so much they actively want to commit Cultural Suicide that is their choice it does not mean we have to do it as well.
Being American you won't know but that is when a man goes from Mr. to Sir it is called a Knighthood.

Yes. something HE earned.

Not his great great grandson

Also Will, sorry that some of my comments in this thread are perhaps offensive to some people, I am not being deliberately offensive, I am just saying that this situation is very shocking because it's just not the thing that happens it's against social protocol and thats why it's Harry rebelling.

In one of my comments I did say if this was a Middle Class thing and someone married Meghan Markle there would be nothing wrong with that, but this is not a Middle Class thing and as such it's a rebellion against social protocol. Good thing Harry is so far down the pecking order and will never be at the top unless there is a mega disaster and William, George and Charlotte and whatever the third child is going to be all get put out of action. WTF William and Kate better have two more children and thats five just in case something bizarro happens.

So was there this much racism and bigotry when "the sun never set on the British Empire"?? You think a global empire of 14 or so colonies, territories can AFFORD to be racist? Of course the INHABITANTS thought they were. But I doubt that after a century of living, working and having sex with the brown and black natives of the Empire that the Brits are really uptight about who their Prince chooses to marry. Pretty sure those biases are fairly well contained to Continent of Europe. Not the Isles of the Brit Empire or what's left of it.

From one of her earlier posts, she can trace the purity of her line back 500 years...

Sounds like 500 years of inbreeding to me.

Yes Will because you are a mod you can launch a family attack on me, what a POS you are abusing your position to attack my family.

report it.

Unless I'm posting in red, I'm just a regular member of the board.
That's him James Hewitt. I'll have to Google Webster Hubbell not heard of him.



Both stories came out in the early 1990's. You can see Harrys facial features are the same.
I don't believe Harry is somebody else's kid.
He looks just like his Grandmother the Queen and Diana.



He looks nothing like the British Queen Elizabeth or Diana his mother or Charles, but there is a resemblance to that James Hewitt who Diana was having a affair with during 1983 and Harry born September 15 1984.


William has a resemblance to both Diana and Charles though.

William looks a lot like his mother. Harry looks like his father.
William looks like his mother and Harry looks like his Grandmother.

Don't let the red hair fool you

I can't help it, but those noses really irritate me.
Yes. something HE earned.

Not his great great grandson

Also Will, sorry that some of my comments in this thread are perhaps offensive to some people, I am not being deliberately offensive, I am just saying that this situation is very shocking because it's just not the thing that happens it's against social protocol and thats why it's Harry rebelling.

In one of my comments I did say if this was a Middle Class thing and someone married Meghan Markle there would be nothing wrong with that, but this is not a Middle Class thing and as such it's a rebellion against social protocol. Good thing Harry is so far down the pecking order and will never be at the top unless there is a mega disaster and William, George and Charlotte and whatever the third child is going to be all get put out of action. WTF William and Kate better have two more children and thats five just in case something bizarro happens.

So was there this much racism and bigotry when "the sun never set on the British Empire"?? You think a global empire of 14 or so colonies, territories can AFFORD to be racist? Of course the INHABITANTS thought they were. But I doubt that after a century of living, working and having sex with the brown and black natives of the Empire that the Brits are really uptight about who their Prince chooses to marry. Pretty sure those biases are fairly well contained to Continent of Europe. Not the Isles of the Brit Empire or what's left of it.

From one of her earlier posts, she can trace the purity of her line back 500 years...

Sounds like 500 years of inbreeding to me.

Yes Will because you are a mod you can launch a family attack on me, what a POS you are abusing your position to attack my family.

report it.

Unless I'm posting in red, I'm just a regular member of the board.

I have deleted my response to you, as I am taking this off Open Forum and instead into a private realm. I have though Screen Shot everything that I needed to.

Now as you are becoming a Troll don't forget to funny this post, you funny everything else because you have not the intellectual capacity to respond with anything else you cannot refute so you just funny.

You might not agree with or like certain comments I make but I do have a right to make them and I am within forum rules as far as I can determine.

You are not there is a No Family Attack rule.
You should see what they're knighting in Britain, these days.



Being American you won't know but that is when a man goes from Mr. to Sir it is called a Knighthood.

Yes. something HE earned.

Not his great great grandson

Also Will, sorry that some of my comments in this thread are perhaps offensive to some people, I am not being deliberately offensive, I am just saying that this situation is very shocking because it's just not the thing that happens it's against social protocol and thats why it's Harry rebelling.

In one of my comments I did say if this was a Middle Class thing and someone married Meghan Markle there would be nothing wrong with that, but this is not a Middle Class thing and as such it's a rebellion against social protocol. Good thing Harry is so far down the pecking order and will never be at the top unless there is a mega disaster and William, George and Charlotte and whatever the third child is going to be all get put out of action. WTF William and Kate better have two more children and thats five just in case something bizarro happens.

So was there this much racism and bigotry when "the sun never set on the British Empire"?? You think a global empire of 14 or so colonies, territories can AFFORD to be racist? Of course the INHABITANTS thought they were. But I doubt that after a century of living, working and having sex with the brown and black natives of the Empire that the Brits are really uptight about who their Prince chooses to marry. Pretty sure those biases are fairly well contained to Continent of Europe. Not the Isles of the Brit Empire or what's left of it.

It's hardly been mentioned, or thought about in the UK. So far.

Being American you won't know but that is when a man goes from Mr. to Sir it is called a Knighthood.

Yes. something HE earned.

Not his great great grandson

Also Will, sorry that some of my comments in this thread are perhaps offensive to some people, I am not being deliberately offensive, I am just saying that this situation is very shocking because it's just not the thing that happens it's against social protocol and thats why it's Harry rebelling.

In one of my comments I did say if this was a Middle Class thing and someone married Meghan Markle there would be nothing wrong with that, but this is not a Middle Class thing and as such it's a rebellion against social protocol. Good thing Harry is so far down the pecking order and will never be at the top unless there is a mega disaster and William, George and Charlotte and whatever the third child is going to be all get put out of action. WTF William and Kate better have two more children and thats five just in case something bizarro happens.

So was there this much racism and bigotry when "the sun never set on the British Empire"?? You think a global empire of 14 or so colonies, territories can AFFORD to be racist? Of course the INHABITANTS thought they were. But I doubt that after a century of living, working and having sex with the brown and black natives of the Empire that the Brits are really uptight about who their Prince chooses to marry. Pretty sure those biases are fairly well contained to Continent of Europe. Not the Isles of the Brit Empire or what's left of it.

It's hardly been mentioned, or thought about in the UK. So far.

Weird I thought the BBC would be doing wall to wall coverage.
Being American you won't know but that is when a man goes from Mr. to Sir it is called a Knighthood.

Yes. something HE earned.

Not his great great grandson

Also Will, sorry that some of my comments in this thread are perhaps offensive to some people, I am not being deliberately offensive, I am just saying that this situation is very shocking because it's just not the thing that happens it's against social protocol and thats why it's Harry rebelling.

In one of my comments I did say if this was a Middle Class thing and someone married Meghan Markle there would be nothing wrong with that, but this is not a Middle Class thing and as such it's a rebellion against social protocol. Good thing Harry is so far down the pecking order and will never be at the top unless there is a mega disaster and William, George and Charlotte and whatever the third child is going to be all get put out of action. WTF William and Kate better have two more children and thats five just in case something bizarro happens.

So was there this much racism and bigotry when "the sun never set on the British Empire"?? You think a global empire of 14 or so colonies, territories can AFFORD to be racist? Of course the INHABITANTS thought they were. But I doubt that after a century of living, working and having sex with the brown and black natives of the Empire that the Brits are really uptight about who their Prince chooses to marry. Pretty sure those biases are fairly well contained to Continent of Europe. Not the Isles of the Brit Empire or what's left of it.

It's hardly been mentioned, or thought about in the UK. So far.

Weird I thought the BBC would be doing wall to wall coverage.

About the race, I meant.
Yes. something HE earned.

Not his great great grandson

Also Will, sorry that some of my comments in this thread are perhaps offensive to some people, I am not being deliberately offensive, I am just saying that this situation is very shocking because it's just not the thing that happens it's against social protocol and thats why it's Harry rebelling.

In one of my comments I did say if this was a Middle Class thing and someone married Meghan Markle there would be nothing wrong with that, but this is not a Middle Class thing and as such it's a rebellion against social protocol. Good thing Harry is so far down the pecking order and will never be at the top unless there is a mega disaster and William, George and Charlotte and whatever the third child is going to be all get put out of action. WTF William and Kate better have two more children and thats five just in case something bizarro happens.

So was there this much racism and bigotry when "the sun never set on the British Empire"?? You think a global empire of 14 or so colonies, territories can AFFORD to be racist? Of course the INHABITANTS thought they were. But I doubt that after a century of living, working and having sex with the brown and black natives of the Empire that the Brits are really uptight about who their Prince chooses to marry. Pretty sure those biases are fairly well contained to Continent of Europe. Not the Isles of the Brit Empire or what's left of it.

It's hardly been mentioned, or thought about in the UK. So far.

Weird I thought the BBC would be doing wall to wall coverage.

About the race, I meant.

Okay again I'm surprised as the BBC seems in perpetual Multicultural mode, well the BBC World Service does not sure what is happening with the other things.
Also Will, sorry that some of my comments in this thread are perhaps offensive to some people, I am not being deliberately offensive, I am just saying that this situation is very shocking because it's just not the thing that happens it's against social protocol and thats why it's Harry rebelling.

In one of my comments I did say if this was a Middle Class thing and someone married Meghan Markle there would be nothing wrong with that, but this is not a Middle Class thing and as such it's a rebellion against social protocol. Good thing Harry is so far down the pecking order and will never be at the top unless there is a mega disaster and William, George and Charlotte and whatever the third child is going to be all get put out of action. WTF William and Kate better have two more children and thats five just in case something bizarro happens.

So was there this much racism and bigotry when "the sun never set on the British Empire"?? You think a global empire of 14 or so colonies, territories can AFFORD to be racist? Of course the INHABITANTS thought they were. But I doubt that after a century of living, working and having sex with the brown and black natives of the Empire that the Brits are really uptight about who their Prince chooses to marry. Pretty sure those biases are fairly well contained to Continent of Europe. Not the Isles of the Brit Empire or what's left of it.

From one of her earlier posts, she can trace the purity of her line back 500 years...

Sounds like 500 years of inbreeding to me.

Yes Will because you are a mod you can launch a family attack on me, what a POS you are abusing your position to attack my family.

report it.

Unless I'm posting in red, I'm just a regular member of the board.

I have deleted my response to you, as I am taking this off Open Forum and instead into a private realm. I have though Screen Shot everything that I needed to.

Now as you are becoming a Troll don't forget to funny this post, you funny everything else because you have not the intellectual capacity to respond with anything else you cannot refute so you just funny.

hun, you've been in a private realm for years.

screen shots?


500 years of family tree?

and no mutts?

Just because they didnt' show up on the tree, doesn't mean they didn't exist.

the best word for you is delusional.

and I attacked your claim of purity, not your family.

Still, feel free to report it
So was there this much racism and bigotry when "the sun never set on the British Empire"?? You think a global empire of 14 or so colonies, territories can AFFORD to be racist? Of course the INHABITANTS thought they were. But I doubt that after a century of living, working and having sex with the brown and black natives of the Empire that the Brits are really uptight about who their Prince chooses to marry. Pretty sure those biases are fairly well contained to Continent of Europe. Not the Isles of the Brit Empire or what's left of it.

From one of her earlier posts, she can trace the purity of her line back 500 years...

Sounds like 500 years of inbreeding to me.

Yes Will because you are a mod you can launch a family attack on me, what a POS you are abusing your position to attack my family.

report it.

Unless I'm posting in red, I'm just a regular member of the board.

I have deleted my response to you, as I am taking this off Open Forum and instead into a private realm. I have though Screen Shot everything that I needed to.

Now as you are becoming a Troll don't forget to funny this post, you funny everything else because you have not the intellectual capacity to respond with anything else you cannot refute so you just funny.

hun, you've been in a private realm for years.

screen shots?


500 years of family tree?

and no mutts?

Just because they didnt' show up on the tree, doesn't mean they didn't exist.

the best word for you is delusional.

and I attacked your claim of purity, not your family.

Still, feel free to report it

I gave you no permission to even mention my family ANY of my family on ANY level in ANY context living or deceased.
From one of her earlier posts, she can trace the purity of her line back 500 years...

Sounds like 500 years of inbreeding to me.

Yes Will because you are a mod you can launch a family attack on me, what a POS you are abusing your position to attack my family.

report it.

Unless I'm posting in red, I'm just a regular member of the board.

I have deleted my response to you, as I am taking this off Open Forum and instead into a private realm. I have though Screen Shot everything that I needed to.

Now as you are becoming a Troll don't forget to funny this post, you funny everything else because you have not the intellectual capacity to respond with anything else you cannot refute so you just funny.

hun, you've been in a private realm for years.

screen shots?


500 years of family tree?

and no mutts?

Just because they didnt' show up on the tree, doesn't mean they didn't exist.

the best word for you is delusional.

and I attacked your claim of purity, not your family.

Still, feel free to report it

I gave you no permission to even mention my family ANY of my family on ANY level in ANY context living or deceased.

YOU are the one that brought up the 500 year old family tree, hun
Yes Will because you are a mod you can launch a family attack on me, what a POS you are abusing your position to attack my family.

report it.

Unless I'm posting in red, I'm just a regular member of the board.

I have deleted my response to you, as I am taking this off Open Forum and instead into a private realm. I have though Screen Shot everything that I needed to.

Now as you are becoming a Troll don't forget to funny this post, you funny everything else because you have not the intellectual capacity to respond with anything else you cannot refute so you just funny.

hun, you've been in a private realm for years.

screen shots?


500 years of family tree?

and no mutts?

Just because they didnt' show up on the tree, doesn't mean they didn't exist.

the best word for you is delusional.

and I attacked your claim of purity, not your family.

Still, feel free to report it

I gave you no permission to even mention my family ANY of my family on ANY level in ANY context living or deceased.

YOU are the one that brought up the 500 year old family tree, hun

It is MY family I have a right to mention my family.

You being totally unable to refute anything are mentioning my family because you have NOTHING else to throw at me in this thread.

If you do not like my opinions, that is your choice, but you are NOT going to make me feel bad about having those opinions.
report it.

Unless I'm posting in red, I'm just a regular member of the board.

I have deleted my response to you, as I am taking this off Open Forum and instead into a private realm. I have though Screen Shot everything that I needed to.

Now as you are becoming a Troll don't forget to funny this post, you funny everything else because you have not the intellectual capacity to respond with anything else you cannot refute so you just funny.

hun, you've been in a private realm for years.

screen shots?


500 years of family tree?

and no mutts?

Just because they didnt' show up on the tree, doesn't mean they didn't exist.

the best word for you is delusional.

and I attacked your claim of purity, not your family.

Still, feel free to report it

I gave you no permission to even mention my family ANY of my family on ANY level in ANY context living or deceased.

YOU are the one that brought up the 500 year old family tree, hun

It is MY family I have a right to mention my family.

You being totally unable to refute anything are mentioning my family because you have NOTHING else to throw at me in this thread.

If you do not like my opinions, that is your choice, but you are NOT going to make me feel bad about having those opinions.
It is MY family I have a right to mention my family.

hun, you brought it up in open forum, which makes it fair game
Yes Will because you are a mod you can launch a family attack on me, what a POS you are abusing your position to attack my family.

report it.

Unless I'm posting in red, I'm just a regular member of the board.

I have deleted my response to you, as I am taking this off Open Forum and instead into a private realm. I have though Screen Shot everything that I needed to.

Now as you are becoming a Troll don't forget to funny this post, you funny everything else because you have not the intellectual capacity to respond with anything else you cannot refute so you just funny.

hun, you've been in a private realm for years.

screen shots?


500 years of family tree?

and no mutts?

Just because they didnt' show up on the tree, doesn't mean they didn't exist.

the best word for you is delusional.

and I attacked your claim of purity, not your family.

Still, feel free to report it

I gave you no permission to even mention my family ANY of my family on ANY level in ANY context living or deceased.

YOU are the one that brought up the 500 year old family tree, hun


Calling me offensive names now WTF calling me Hun? This is the second time you have call me Hun. The British a long time ago used to call our peoples that they even put it on posters during the First War then the Americans did the same thing.

1917 British poster:



First War American posters I think 1916:


I have deleted my response to you, as I am taking this off Open Forum and instead into a private realm. I have though Screen Shot everything that I needed to.

Now as you are becoming a Troll don't forget to funny this post, you funny everything else because you have not the intellectual capacity to respond with anything else you cannot refute so you just funny.

hun, you've been in a private realm for years.

screen shots?


500 years of family tree?

and no mutts?

Just because they didnt' show up on the tree, doesn't mean they didn't exist.

the best word for you is delusional.

and I attacked your claim of purity, not your family.

Still, feel free to report it

I gave you no permission to even mention my family ANY of my family on ANY level in ANY context living or deceased.

YOU are the one that brought up the 500 year old family tree, hun

It is MY family I have a right to mention my family.

You being totally unable to refute anything are mentioning my family because you have NOTHING else to throw at me in this thread.

If you do not like my opinions, that is your choice, but you are NOT going to make me feel bad about having those opinions.
It is MY family I have a right to mention my family.

hun, you brought it up in open forum, which makes it fair game

"hun, you brought it up in open forum, which makes it fair game"

WTF a third time you have called me Hun.

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