Prince Harry engaged to Meghan Markle

The royals have become more Liberal, thank God.

Prince Harry engaged to Meghan Markle

The British royal family officially announced Prince Harry's engagement to actress Meghan Markle on Monday, with the wedding set to take place in spring 2018. The couple now begin a media blitz, beginning with an interview that will air on British television later tonight.

What they're saying: Harry's brother and sister-in-law, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, issued a statement: "We are very excited for Harry and Meghan. It has been wonderful getting to know Meghan and to see how happy she and Harry are together."

It is a very good thing when the royals marry a woman with a small amount of African blood. I guess. Seems to be cause for celebration in some circles.
he got permission because he is now a cadet branch and his bloodline doesnt matter.

Being American you won't know but that is when a man goes from Mr. to Sir it is called a Knighthood.

Yes. something HE earned.

Not his great great grandson

Also Will, sorry that some of my comments in this thread are perhaps offensive to some people, I am not being deliberately offensive, I am just saying that this situation is very shocking because it's just not the thing that happens it's against social protocol and thats why it's Harry rebelling.

In one of my comments I did say if this was a Middle Class thing and someone married Meghan Markle there would be nothing wrong with that, but this is not a Middle Class thing and as such it's a rebellion against social protocol. Good thing Harry is so far down the pecking order and will never be at the top unless there is a mega disaster and William, George and Charlotte and whatever the third child is going to be all get put out of action. WTF William and Kate better have two more children and thats five just in case something bizarro happens.

So was there this much racism and bigotry when "the sun never set on the British Empire"?? You think a global empire of 14 or so colonies, territories can AFFORD to be racist? Of course the INHABITANTS thought they were. But I doubt that after a century of living, working and having sex with the brown and black natives of the Empire that the Brits are really uptight about who their Prince chooses to marry. Pretty sure those biases are fairly well contained to Continent of Europe. Not the Isles of the Brit Empire or what's left of it.

It's hardly been mentioned, or thought about in the UK. So far.

American media is race obsessed and see this as a blow against whites and so something to celebrate. I dont know how it is in the UK but that is the way it is here.
The UK would be best served to ignore American media and Hollywood.
The royal family's blood is being contaminated by commoners!
Yep.....and maybe they might get rid of that big nose and bucked teeth as a result.

You know, every time I see your tagline video I have to be amazed at how close we came to being ruled by a psychopath. Hillary's over acted reactions are because she doesn't really have feelings and emotions of her own. It is the only explanation.

"Hillary's over acted reactions are because she doesn't really have feelings and emotions of her own."

Hillary always seems like she is a cold person and devoid of feelings such as love and warmth, I expect she has those feelings for Chelsea and her Grandchildren but she seems very cold toward other people or if she shows any emotion it seems forced. In this way she is like the British Prime Minister Theresia May also seems a cold person and is when you see television pictures of her is very awkward in social situations.

The Donald is the opposite he seems like he just wants to hug people like a big teddy bear.
The royal family's blood is being contaminated by commoners!
Yep.....and maybe they might get rid of that big nose and bucked teeth as a result.

You know, every time I see your tagline video I have to be amazed at how close we came to being ruled by a psychopath. Hillary's over acted reactions are because she doesn't really have feelings and emotions of her own. It is the only explanation.

"Hillary's over acted reactions are because she doesn't really have feelings and emotions of her own."

Hillary always seems like she is a cold person and devoid of feelings such as love and warmth, I expect she has those feelings for Chelsea and her Grandchildren but she seems very cold toward other people or if she shows any emotion it seems forced. In this way she is like the British Prime Minister Theresia May also seems a cold person and is when you see television pictures of her is very awkward in social situations.

The Donald is the opposite he seems like he just wants to hug people like a big teddy bear.

My two sisters are apolitical. After meeting Donald Trump in a crowd a few months back they became enthusiastic trump supporters. They said he genuinely enjoyed meeting people and it showed.
Hillary Clinton doesnt really care about anyone. It is said she enjoyed making chelsea cry at the supper table to "toughen her up". As a matter of fact, as much as I despise him, Bill Clinton did always seem to care for his daughter...other than siring her with a psychopath like Hillary.
Im not sure where the post in question is (i have tried to find it after seeing it mentioned) but I would be skeptical of any claim of a 500 year pedigree outside of royals and nobles.

There is no reason for anyone to be skeptical considering I already explained that and I'm not going into it again because this type of thing seems to Trigger Americans, it's okay we know why it's because you have no actual Aristocrats of your own and so you elevate Meat Packing Heirs and Bootleggers who made millions and Hollyweird whores as your um version of aristocracy, lower case as even writing that word when thinking of such peasants is pretty outrageous.

An example is that most Americans consider the Bush family, the Clinton family and the Kennedy family um aristocracy, tragic actually.

Once when I was in America I had a bizarro situation where this man told me that the Rockefellers were Blue Bloods and I was like Huh? As I'm polite I did not elaborate mainly also because he would not have comprehended what I was explaining to him. Anyhow I returned home and I told this to friends of my family and they all laughed and said ignorant Americans.

Americans are good at many many things, but knowing about what exactly Aristocracy is is NOT one of them.
The royal family's blood is being contaminated by commoners!
Yep.....and maybe they might get rid of that big nose and bucked teeth as a result.

You know, every time I see your tagline video I have to be amazed at how close we came to being ruled by a psychopath. Hillary's over acted reactions are because she doesn't really have feelings and emotions of her own. It is the only explanation.

"Hillary's over acted reactions are because she doesn't really have feelings and emotions of her own."

Hillary always seems like she is a cold person and devoid of feelings such as love and warmth, I expect she has those feelings for Chelsea and her Grandchildren but she seems very cold toward other people or if she shows any emotion it seems forced. In this way she is like the British Prime Minister Theresia May also seems a cold person and is when you see television pictures of her is very awkward in social situations.

The Donald is the opposite he seems like he just wants to hug people like a big teddy bear.

My two sisters are apolitical. After meeting Donald Trump in a crowd a few months back they became enthusiastic trump supporters. They said he genuinely enjoyed meeting people and it showed.
Hillary Clinton doesnt really care about anyone. It is said she enjoyed making chelsea cry at the supper table to "toughen her up". As a matter of fact, as much as I despise him, Bill Clinton did always seem to care for his daughter...other than siring her with a psychopath like Hillary.

I think you just watch The Donald in a social situation and it's obvious he is a people person and loves meeting people, he's good with people including children someone posted a YouTube video a few weeks ago of small children at Halloween in The White House with him and they loved it and he was funny and charming with them and you could see how he loved them being there.

If that is correct about Hillary making Chelsea cry to toughen her up that's not good, what their adult relationship is like I do not know but parenting where you frighten children to toughen them up is not something I agree with.

Bill seems an emotional person, perhaps he went with all these other women and had relationships with them because Hillary is such a cold person and he's full of emotion and feeling and Hillary is the opposite.
The royals have become more Liberal, thank God.

Prince Harry engaged to Meghan Markle

The British royal family officially announced Prince Harry's engagement to actress Meghan Markle on Monday, with the wedding set to take place in spring 2018. The couple now begin a media blitz, beginning with an interview that will air on British television later tonight.

What they're saying: Harry's brother and sister-in-law, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, issued a statement: "We are very excited for Harry and Meghan. It has been wonderful getting to know Meghan and to see how happy she and Harry are together."

They are like the Amish....they inbreed then look for new blood somewhere else. Harry isn't Charles son anyway

There has always been that rumour Harry is the result of Diana's affair with that James ???? has red hair can't be bothered Googling, the thing about Harry is he does not have the famous Horse features that all the others do the big horse teeth and the general look of being half actual horse also the big nose they have, Harry has different teeth and a different nose and also he's got red hair.

They would never public say that Harry isn't Charles son, whenever historically there has been a child born from extra marital things they have always been brought up within but never actually accepted within, could be another reason why Harry has spent more than 10 years embarrassing them in very public ways.

The Spencers had red hair.

They do? I didn't know that.

yes; Harry is the dead ringer of his uncle; Diana's brother.

He's the tall chap.


Being American you won't know but that is when a man goes from Mr. to Sir it is called a Knighthood.

Yes. something HE earned.

Not his great great grandson

Also Will, sorry that some of my comments in this thread are perhiaps offensive to some people, I am not being deliberately offensive, I am just saying that this situation is very shocking because it's just not the thing that happens it's against social protocol and thats why it's Harry rebelling.

In one of my comments I did say if this was a Middle Class thing and someone married Meghan Markle there would be nothing wrong with that, but this is not a Middle Class thing and as such it's a rebellion against social protocol. Good thing Harry is so far down the pecking order and will never be at the top unless there is a mega disaster and William, George and Charlotte and whatever the third child is going to be all get put out of action. WTF William and Kate better have two more children and thats five just in case something bizarro happens.

So was there this much racism and bigotry when "the sun never set on the British Empire"?? You think a global empire of 14 or so colonies, territories can AFFORD to be racist? Of course the INHABITANTS thought they were. But I doubt that after a century of living, working and having sex with the brown and black natives of the Empire that the Brits are really uptight about who their Prince chooses to marry. Pretty sure those biases are fairly well contained to Continent of Europe. Not the Isles of the Brit Empire or what's left of it.

The British are fucked like the French, half of Britain is now either Paki or some other Kebab or Sub Saharan African the same with France they seem both determined to flush their nations down the toilet.

Look at London their capital, half is Kebab and African and they have a Pakistani Kebab Mayor as I say Winston Churchill must be spinning in his grave, the whole Muh Colonialism Guilt Trip that Britain and France have been brainwashed with is resulting in them almost encouraging now the speeding of the Cultural Suicide.

Well the British began the descent in the late 1940s when the Socialist Government began mass importing West Indians from Jamaica and Trinidad etc. Then continued into the 1960s when it got into Infinity Immigration and now they are beyond the point of returning to anything resembling Britain as in Britain and if any of them say they want to preserve British Culture, Heritage and Values they are called racist by the usual Leftist pro-Multicultural crowd.

Multiculturalism does not enhance the existing and Centuries old Culture it destroys it.

What it illustrates is that Enoch Powell was correct.

View attachment 163075

Made Strangers In Their Own Country, Enoch Powell was right in Britain the British are even now called racist if they are White British and say Proud To Be British, but some Somalian from Mogadishu or some Pakistani from Islamabad who was Imported and has NO Ancestral connection to Britain at all says Proud To Be British to push the actual British noses in it and if they say um well no you are not British you are Somali or you are Pakistani they are met with STFU you racist.

View attachment 163076

"Pretty sure those biases are fairly well contained to Continent of Europe."

Which is good because at least some of us want to preserve our Culture and Heritage that our Ancestors entrusted us with. We have no intention of becoming African or Kebab. Thank God we pulled our drawbridges up. If the British and French HATE their Ancestors so much they actively want to commit Cultural Suicide that is their choice it does not mean we have to do it as well.

Britain is not free of serious immigration issues. HOWEVER, they achieve much better ASSIMILATION than the rest of Europe. There may be more "accommodation" to shariah courts and all, BUT -- the more open-minded British worked at integration. Not segregating the immigrants as notoriously as places like Belgium, Scandinavia..

As for the potential princess -- I just watched the news and they showed pics of Princess Kate and this one side by side and with good lighting they are very similar. Except for the curves... :eusa_dance: Just because it's not pedigreed doesn't mean you can't love it.

On a 2nd note -- Just watched the Pentatonix Christmas special. THIS is what integration does for America. Talent finds talent and creates. From MANY different angles and cultures. That's WHY we are blessed with results like this.

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Being American you won't know but that is when a man goes from Mr. to Sir it is called a Knighthood.

Yes. something HE earned.

Not his great great grandson

Also Will, sorry that some of my comments in this thread are perhiaps offensive to some people, I am not being deliberately offensive, I am just saying that this situation is very shocking because it's just not the thing that happens it's against social protocol and thats why it's Harry rebelling.

In one of my comments I did say if this was a Middle Class thing and someone married Meghan Markle there would be nothing wrong with that, but this is not a Middle Class thing and as such it's a rebellion against social protocol. Good thing Harry is so far down the pecking order and will never be at the top unless there is a mega disaster and William, George and Charlotte and whatever the third child is going to be all get put out of action. WTF William and Kate better have two more children and thats five just in case something bizarro happens.

So was there this much racism and bigotry when "the sun never set on the British Empire"?? You think a global empire of 14 or so colonies, territories can AFFORD to be racist? Of course the INHABITANTS thought they were. But I doubt that after a century of living, working and having sex with the brown and black natives of the Empire that the Brits are really uptight about who their Prince chooses to marry. Pretty sure those biases are fairly well contained to Continent of Europe. Not the Isles of the Brit Empire or what's left of it.

The British are fucked like the French, half of Britain is now either Paki or some other Kebab or Sub Saharan African the same with France they seem both determined to flush their nations down the toilet.

Look at London their capital, half is Kebab and African and they have a Pakistani Kebab Mayor as I say Winston Churchill must be spinning in his grave, the whole Muh Colonialism Guilt Trip that Britain and France have been brainwashed with is resulting in them almost encouraging now the speeding of the Cultural Suicide.

Well the British began the descent in the late 1940s when the Socialist Government began mass importing West Indians from Jamaica and Trinidad etc. Then continued into the 1960s when it got into Infinity Immigration and now they are beyond the point of returning to anything resembling Britain as in Britain and if any of them say they want to preserve British Culture, Heritage and Values they are called racist by the usual Leftist pro-Multicultural crowd.

Multiculturalism does not enhance the existing and Centuries old Culture it destroys it.

What it illustrates is that Enoch Powell was correct.

View attachment 163075

Made Strangers In Their Own Country, Enoch Powell was right in Britain the British are even now called racist if they are White British and say Proud To Be British, but some Somalian from Mogadishu or some Pakistani from Islamabad who was Imported and has NO Ancestral connection to Britain at all says Proud To Be British to push the actual British noses in it and if they say um well no you are not British you are Somali or you are Pakistani they are met with STFU you racist.

View attachment 163076

"Pretty sure those biases are fairly well contained to Continent of Europe."

Which is good because at least some of us want to preserve our Culture and Heritage that our Ancestors entrusted us with. We have no intention of becoming African or Kebab. Thank God we pulled our drawbridges up. If the British and French HATE their Ancestors so much they actively want to commit Cultural Suicide that is their choice it does not mean we have to do it as well.

Britain is not free of serious immigration issues. HOWEVER, they achieve much better ASSIMILATION than the rest of Europe. There may be more "accommodation" to shariah courts and all, BUT -- the more open-minded British worked at integration. Not segregating the immigrants as notoriously as places like Belgium, Scandinavia..

As for the potential princess -- I just watched the news and they showed pics of Princess Kate and this one side by side and with good lighting they are very similar. Except for the curves... :eusa_dance: Just because it's not pedigreed doesn't mean you can't love it.

On a 2nd note -- Just watched the Pentatonix Christmas special. THIS is what integration does for America. Talent finds talent and creates. From MANY different angles and cultures. That's WHY we are blessed with results like this.

Uh well Sweden especially has done probably the worst attempt at integration ie. they haven't they have just let all those people in and basically said okay everyone just get along or whatever and now it's all gone wrong the Government has retreated to put it's head in the sand hoping everything will just work out somehow sometime.

No Megan Markle is very attractive, only a blind person or a complete idiot would say she's not.

What does that mean Pentatonix? A Pentatonix Christmas special.
The royals have become more Liberal, thank God.

Prince Harry engaged to Meghan Markle

The British royal family officially announced Prince Harry's engagement to actress Meghan Markle on Monday, with the wedding set to take place in spring 2018. The couple now begin a media blitz, beginning with an interview that will air on British television later tonight.

What they're saying: Harry's brother and sister-in-law, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, issued a statement: "We are very excited for Harry and Meghan. It has been wonderful getting to know Meghan and to see how happy she and Harry are together."

They are like the Amish....they inbreed then look for new blood somewhere else. Harry isn't Charles son anyway

There has always been that rumour Harry is the result of Diana's affair with that James ???? has red hair can't be bothered Googling, the thing about Harry is he does not have the famous Horse features that all the others do the big horse teeth and the general look of being half actual horse also the big nose they have, Harry has different teeth and a different nose and also he's got red hair.

They would never public say that Harry isn't Charles son, whenever historically there has been a child born from extra marital things they have always been brought up within but never actually accepted within, could be another reason why Harry has spent more than 10 years embarrassing them in very public ways.

The Spencers had red hair.

They do? I didn't know that.

yes; Harry is the dead ringer of his uncle; Diana's brother.

He's the tall chap.


I can see a resemblance there with Harry and Diana's brother, strangely now Harry is an adult not so much. William probably looks at that picture and thinks WTF what happened to that nice head of hair lol.
Yes. something HE earned.

Not his great great grandson

Also Will, sorry that some of my comments in this thread are perhiaps offensive to some people, I am not being deliberately offensive, I am just saying that this situation is very shocking because it's just not the thing that happens it's against social protocol and thats why it's Harry rebelling.

In one of my comments I did say if this was a Middle Class thing and someone married Meghan Markle there would be nothing wrong with that, but this is not a Middle Class thing and as such it's a rebellion against social protocol. Good thing Harry is so far down the pecking order and will never be at the top unless there is a mega disaster and William, George and Charlotte and whatever the third child is going to be all get put out of action. WTF William and Kate better have two more children and thats five just in case something bizarro happens.

So was there this much racism and bigotry when "the sun never set on the British Empire"?? You think a global empire of 14 or so colonies, territories can AFFORD to be racist? Of course the INHABITANTS thought they were. But I doubt that after a century of living, working and having sex with the brown and black natives of the Empire that the Brits are really uptight about who their Prince chooses to marry. Pretty sure those biases are fairly well contained to Continent of Europe. Not the Isles of the Brit Empire or what's left of it.

The British are fucked like the French, half of Britain is now either Paki or some other Kebab or Sub Saharan African the same with France they seem both determined to flush their nations down the toilet.

Look at London their capital, half is Kebab and African and they have a Pakistani Kebab Mayor as I say Winston Churchill must be spinning in his grave, the whole Muh Colonialism Guilt Trip that Britain and France have been brainwashed with is resulting in them almost encouraging now the speeding of the Cultural Suicide.

Well the British began the descent in the late 1940s when the Socialist Government began mass importing West Indians from Jamaica and Trinidad etc. Then continued into the 1960s when it got into Infinity Immigration and now they are beyond the point of returning to anything resembling Britain as in Britain and if any of them say they want to preserve British Culture, Heritage and Values they are called racist by the usual Leftist pro-Multicultural crowd.

Multiculturalism does not enhance the existing and Centuries old Culture it destroys it.

What it illustrates is that Enoch Powell was correct.

View attachment 163075

Made Strangers In Their Own Country, Enoch Powell was right in Britain the British are even now called racist if they are White British and say Proud To Be British, but some Somalian from Mogadishu or some Pakistani from Islamabad who was Imported and has NO Ancestral connection to Britain at all says Proud To Be British to push the actual British noses in it and if they say um well no you are not British you are Somali or you are Pakistani they are met with STFU you racist.

View attachment 163076

"Pretty sure those biases are fairly well contained to Continent of Europe."

Which is good because at least some of us want to preserve our Culture and Heritage that our Ancestors entrusted us with. We have no intention of becoming African or Kebab. Thank God we pulled our drawbridges up. If the British and French HATE their Ancestors so much they actively want to commit Cultural Suicide that is their choice it does not mean we have to do it as well.

Britain is not free of serious immigration issues. HOWEVER, they achieve much better ASSIMILATION than the rest of Europe. There may be more "accommodation" to shariah courts and all, BUT -- the more open-minded British worked at integration. Not segregating the immigrants as notoriously as places like Belgium, Scandinavia..

As for the potential princess -- I just watched the news and they showed pics of Princess Kate and this one side by side and with good lighting they are very similar. Except for the curves... :eusa_dance: Just because it's not pedigreed doesn't mean you can't love it.

On a 2nd note -- Just watched the Pentatonix Christmas special. THIS is what integration does for America. Talent finds talent and creates. From MANY different angles and cultures. That's WHY we are blessed with results like this.

Uh well Sweden especially has done probably the worst attempt at integration ie. they haven't they have just let all those people in and basically said okay everyone just get along or whatever and now it's all gone wrong the Government has retreated to put it's head in the sand hoping everything will just work out somehow sometime.

No Megan Markle is very attractive, only a blind person or a complete idiot would say she's not.

What does that mean Pentatonix? A Pentatonix Christmas special.

I pasted the wrong vid. Go back and sample...
Also Will, sorry that some of my comments in this thread are perhiaps offensive to some people, I am not being deliberately offensive, I am just saying that this situation is very shocking because it's just not the thing that happens it's against social protocol and thats why it's Harry rebelling.

In one of my comments I did say if this was a Middle Class thing and someone married Meghan Markle there would be nothing wrong with that, but this is not a Middle Class thing and as such it's a rebellion against social protocol. Good thing Harry is so far down the pecking order and will never be at the top unless there is a mega disaster and William, George and Charlotte and whatever the third child is going to be all get put out of action. WTF William and Kate better have two more children and thats five just in case something bizarro happens.

So was there this much racism and bigotry when "the sun never set on the British Empire"?? You think a global empire of 14 or so colonies, territories can AFFORD to be racist? Of course the INHABITANTS thought they were. But I doubt that after a century of living, working and having sex with the brown and black natives of the Empire that the Brits are really uptight about who their Prince chooses to marry. Pretty sure those biases are fairly well contained to Continent of Europe. Not the Isles of the Brit Empire or what's left of it.

The British are fucked like the French, half of Britain is now either Paki or some other Kebab or Sub Saharan African the same with France they seem both determined to flush their nations down the toilet.

Look at London their capital, half is Kebab and African and they have a Pakistani Kebab Mayor as I say Winston Churchill must be spinning in his grave, the whole Muh Colonialism Guilt Trip that Britain and France have been brainwashed with is resulting in them almost encouraging now the speeding of the Cultural Suicide.

Well the British began the descent in the late 1940s when the Socialist Government began mass importing West Indians from Jamaica and Trinidad etc. Then continued into the 1960s when it got into Infinity Immigration and now they are beyond the point of returning to anything resembling Britain as in Britain and if any of them say they want to preserve British Culture, Heritage and Values they are called racist by the usual Leftist pro-Multicultural crowd.

Multiculturalism does not enhance the existing and Centuries old Culture it destroys it.

What it illustrates is that Enoch Powell was correct.

View attachment 163075

Made Strangers In Their Own Country, Enoch Powell was right in Britain the British are even now called racist if they are White British and say Proud To Be British, but some Somalian from Mogadishu or some Pakistani from Islamabad who was Imported and has NO Ancestral connection to Britain at all says Proud To Be British to push the actual British noses in it and if they say um well no you are not British you are Somali or you are Pakistani they are met with STFU you racist.

View attachment 163076

"Pretty sure those biases are fairly well contained to Continent of Europe."

Which is good because at least some of us want to preserve our Culture and Heritage that our Ancestors entrusted us with. We have no intention of becoming African or Kebab. Thank God we pulled our drawbridges up. If the British and French HATE their Ancestors so much they actively want to commit Cultural Suicide that is their choice it does not mean we have to do it as well.

Britain is not free of serious immigration issues. HOWEVER, they achieve much better ASSIMILATION than the rest of Europe. There may be more "accommodation" to shariah courts and all, BUT -- the more open-minded British worked at integration. Not segregating the immigrants as notoriously as places like Belgium, Scandinavia..

As for the potential princess -- I just watched the news and they showed pics of Princess Kate and this one side by side and with good lighting they are very similar. Except for the curves... :eusa_dance: Just because it's not pedigreed doesn't mean you can't love it.

On a 2nd note -- Just watched the Pentatonix Christmas special. THIS is what integration does for America. Talent finds talent and creates. From MANY different angles and cultures. That's WHY we are blessed with results like this.

Uh well Sweden especially has done probably the worst attempt at integration ie. they haven't they have just let all those people in and basically said okay everyone just get along or whatever and now it's all gone wrong the Government has retreated to put it's head in the sand hoping everything will just work out somehow sometime.

No Megan Markle is very attractive, only a blind person or a complete idiot would say she's not.

What does that mean Pentatonix? A Pentatonix Christmas special.

I pasted the wrong vid. Go back and sample...

Okay good, they are a vocal group called Pentatonix, never heard of them before.
Britain’s black queen: Will Meghan Markle really be the first mixed-race royal?

A portrait of Queen Charlotte, the wife of King George III, and American actress Meghan Markle, who is engaged to Prince Harry. (Print Collector/Getty Images and Daniel Leal-Olivas/AFP/Getty Images)

Some historians suspect that Queen Charlotte, the wife of King George III who bore the king 15 children, was of African descent.

Historian Mario De Valdes y Cocom argues that Queen Charlotte was directly descended from a black branch of the Portuguese royal family: Alfonso III and his concubine, Ouruana, a black Moor.
Being American you won't know but that is when a man goes from Mr. to Sir it is called a Knighthood.

Yes. something HE earned.

Not his great great grandson

Also Will, sorry that some of my comments in this thread are perhiaps offensive to some people, I am not being deliberately offensive, I am just saying that this situation is very shocking because it's just not the thing that happens it's against social protocol and thats why it's Harry rebelling.

In one of my comments I did say if this was a Middle Class thing and someone married Meghan Markle there would be nothing wrong with that, but this is not a Middle Class thing and as such it's a rebellion against social protocol. Good thing Harry is so far down the pecking order and will never be at the top unless there is a mega disaster and William, George and Charlotte and whatever the third child is going to be all get put out of action. WTF William and Kate better have two more children and thats five just in case something bizarro happens.

So was there this much racism and bigotry when "the sun never set on the British Empire"?? You think a global empire of 14 or so colonies, territories can AFFORD to be racist? Of course the INHABITANTS thought they were. But I doubt that after a century of living, working and having sex with the brown and black natives of the Empire that the Brits are really uptight about who their Prince chooses to marry. Pretty sure those biases are fairly well contained to Continent of Europe. Not the Isles of the Brit Empire or what's left of it.

The British are fucked like the French, half of Britain is now either Paki or some other Kebab or Sub Saharan African the same with France they seem both determined to flush their nations down the toilet.

Look at London their capital, half is Kebab and African and they have a Pakistani Kebab Mayor as I say Winston Churchill must be spinning in his grave, the whole Muh Colonialism Guilt Trip that Britain and France have been brainwashed with is resulting in them almost encouraging now the speeding of the Cultural Suicide.

Well the British began the descent in the late 1940s when the Socialist Government began mass importing West Indians from Jamaica and Trinidad etc. Then continued into the 1960s when it got into Infinity Immigration and now they are beyond the point of returning to anything resembling Britain as in Britain and if any of them say they want to preserve British Culture, Heritage and Values they are called racist by the usual Leftist pro-Multicultural crowd.

Multiculturalism does not enhance the existing and Centuries old Culture it destroys it.

What it illustrates is that Enoch Powell was correct.

View attachment 163075

Made Strangers In Their Own Country, Enoch Powell was right in Britain the British are even now called racist if they are White British and say Proud To Be British, but some Somalian from Mogadishu or some Pakistani from Islamabad who was Imported and has NO Ancestral connection to Britain at all says Proud To Be British to push the actual British noses in it and if they say um well no you are not British you are Somali or you are Pakistani they are met with STFU you racist.

View attachment 163076

"Pretty sure those biases are fairly well contained to Continent of Europe."

Which is good because at least some of us want to preserve our Culture and Heritage that our Ancestors entrusted us with. We have no intention of becoming African or Kebab. Thank God we pulled our drawbridges up. If the British and French HATE their Ancestors so much they actively want to commit Cultural Suicide that is their choice it does not mean we have to do it as well.

Britain is not free of serious immigration issues. HOWEVER, they achieve much better ASSIMILATION than the rest of Europe. There may be more "accommodation" to shariah courts and all, BUT -- the more open-minded British worked at integration. Not segregating the immigrants as notoriously as places like Belgium, Scandinavia..

As for the potential princess -- I just watched the news and they showed pics of Princess Kate and this one side by side and with good lighting they are very similar. Except for the curves... :eusa_dance: Just because it's not pedigreed doesn't mean you can't love it.

On a 2nd note -- Just watched the Pentatonix Christmas special. THIS is what integration does for America. Talent finds talent and creates. From MANY different angles and cultures. That's WHY we are blessed with results like this.

Cool. Another to add to my Pentatonix thread. Thanks.
Britain’s black queen: Will Meghan Markle really be the first mixed-race royal?

A portrait of Queen Charlotte, the wife of King George III, and American actress Meghan Markle, who is engaged to Prince Harry. (Print Collector/Getty Images and Daniel Leal-Olivas/AFP/Getty Images)

Some historians suspect that Queen Charlotte, the wife of King George III who bore the king 15 children, was of African descent.

Historian Mario De Valdes y Cocom argues that Queen Charlotte was directly descended from a black branch of the Portuguese royal family: Alfonso III and his concubine, Ouruana, a black Moor.

^^^^ :lol:

Queen Charlotte was not a black woman only those Black Revisionist Conspiracy websites push this crap.

She was Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz and the bullshit about her being black is bullshit and Mario de Valdes y Cocum has already been 100% discredited.

This idiot bases this MORONIC theory on the portrait by a minor and unimportant artist called Sir Allan Ramsay which he painted in 1762.

Other portraits of Queen Charlotte show as she was a white not black woman.

Johann Zoffany c. 1766:


Johann Zoffany c. 1775.


I could post ALL night about this stupid Conspiracy Theory pushed by a crackpot and accepted by ONLY Black Revisionist Conspiracy websites and Afrocentric magazines, but it would be pointless for many reasons including you are a Professional Troll so why waste the time.

Go on go on post the equally STUPID MORONIC Conspiracy that BEETHOVEN WAS A BLACK MAN :lol:

Charlotte's father was Herzog Carl Ludwig Friedrich zu Mecklenburg, Prinz von Mirow ie. Duke Charles Louis Frederick of Mecklenburg and her mother was Herzogin Elisabeth Albertine von Saxe-Hildburghausen ie. Duchess Elisabeth Albertine of Saxe-Hildburghausen.




Stuart Jeffries: Was the consort of George III Britain's first black queen?


^^^^ Great some idiot American called Ken Aptekat is now going to tell EVERYONE that not only was Queen Charlotte Black but that Queen Victoria and Kaiser Wilhelm and Marie-Antoinette and Napoléon Bonaparte and everyone else was also Black. Pathetic and hilarious, Americans should just GTFO and stop having this OBSESSION with trashing ALL White EUROPEAN people and in their mental delusion symptom of their mental illness INSISTING EVERYONE throughout EUROPEAN history that was White was actually Black.

Oh did I mention these MANIACS the Black Revisionists are trying to convince people that Ludwig van Beethoven was BLACK :uhoh3:

From wait for it....THE AFRICA CHANNEL :lol:

This is um Ludwig van Beethoven according to these fucking INSANE low IQ morons:


Um NO this is Ludwig van Beethoven:


See WHEN you have NO Culture of your own throughout History you have to attempt to STEAL others Culture to co-opt it and push it on low IQ morons.



Was Beethoven’s African Heritage Whitewashed?

^^^^ TOTAL BULLSHIT. Ludwig van Beethoven was the son of Johann van Beethoven and his wife Maria Magdalena Keverich who was NOT A MOOR NOR WAS SHE A BLACK WIMMENS. She was from Ehrenbreitstein which is on the Rhein and near Koblenz and her parents were Johann Heinrich Keverich and Anna Klara Westorff and Beethoven's mothers mother was also from Ehrenbreitstein.

This directly from the Mittelrhein Museum in Koblenz:

Mutter-Beethoven-Haus : Mittelrhein Museum Koblenz

Beethoven's parents:

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Being American you won't know but that is when a man goes from Mr. to Sir it is called a Knighthood.

Yes. something HE earned.

Not his great great grandson

Also Will, sorry that some of my comments in this thread are perhaps offensive to some people, I am not being deliberately offensive, I am just saying that this situation is very shocking because it's just not the thing that happens it's against social protocol and thats why it's Harry rebelling.

In one of my comments I did say if this was a Middle Class thing and someone married Meghan Markle there would be nothing wrong with that, but this is not a Middle Class thing and as such it's a rebellion against social protocol. Good thing Harry is so far down the pecking order and will never be at the top unless there is a mega disaster and William, George and Charlotte and whatever the third child is going to be all get put out of action. WTF William and Kate better have two more children and thats five just in case something bizarro happens.

So was there this much racism and bigotry when "the sun never set on the British Empire"?? You think a global empire of 14 or so colonies, territories can AFFORD to be racist? Of course the INHABITANTS thought they were. But I doubt that after a century of living, working and having sex with the brown and black natives of the Empire that the Brits are really uptight about who their Prince chooses to marry. Pretty sure those biases are fairly well contained to Continent of Europe. Not the Isles of the Brit Empire or what's left of it.

It's hardly been mentioned, or thought about in the UK. So far.

American media is race obsessed and see this as a blow against whites and so something to celebrate. I dont know how it is in the UK but that is the way it is here.
The UK would be best served to ignore American media and Hollywood.

So now they've dragged Paul Burrell, (Diana's butler) onto UK breakfast TV. What a surprise! Pass the sick bag please. Keeps calling the Queen grannie, and that she won't have far to walk if the wedding takes place at Saint George's Chapel, Windsor.

The focus is on Meghan being American, divorced, and a Catholic.Being a Catholic used to be an issue, more than race, in England.

But they did mention her being older and more mature than Diana when she married Charles. And how madly in love they are! :boohoo:
Britain’s black queen: Will Meghan Markle really be the first mixed-race royal?

A portrait of Queen Charlotte, the wife of King George III, and American actress Meghan Markle, who is engaged to Prince Harry. (Print Collector/Getty Images and Daniel Leal-Olivas/AFP/Getty Images)

Some historians suspect that Queen Charlotte, the wife of King George III who bore the king 15 children, was of African descent.

Historian Mario De Valdes y Cocom argues that Queen Charlotte was directly descended from a black branch of the Portuguese royal family: Alfonso III and his concubine, Ouruana, a black Moor.

^^^^ :lol:

Queen Charlotte was not a black woman only those Black Revisionist Conspiracy websites push this crap.

She was Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz and the bullshit about her being black is bullshit and Mario de Valdes y Cocum has already been 100% discredited.

This idiot bases this MORONIC theory on the portrait by a minor and unimportant artist called Sir Allan Ramsay which he painted in 1762.

Other portraits of Queen Charlotte show as she was a white not black woman.

Johann Zoffany c. 1766:


Johann Zoffany c. 1775.


I could post ALL night about this stupid Conspiracy Theory pushed by a crackpot and accepted by ONLY Black Revisionist Conspiracy websites and Afrocentric magazines, but it would be pointless for many reasons including you are a Professional Troll so why waste the time.

Go on go on post the equally STUPID MORONIC Conspiracy that BEETHOVEN WAS A BLACK MAN :lol:

Charlotte's father was Herzog Carl Ludwig Friedrich zu Mecklenburg, Prinz von Mirow ie. Duke Charles Louis Frederick of Mecklenburg and her mother was Herzogin Elisabeth Albertine von Saxe-Hildburghausen ie. Duchess Elisabeth Albertine of Saxe-Hildburghausen.

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Stuart Jeffries: Was the consort of George III Britain's first black queen?

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^^^^ Great some idiot American called Ken Aptekat is now going to tell EVERYONE that not only was Queen Charlotte Black but that Queen Victoria and Kaiser Wilhelm and Marie-Antoinette and Napoléon Bonaparte and everyone else was also Black. Pathetic and hilarious, Americans should just GTFO and stop having this OBSESSION with trashing ALL White EUROPEAN people and in their mental delusion symptom of their mental illness INSISTING EVERYONE throughout EUROPEAN history that was White was actually Black.

Oh did I mention these MANIACS the Black Revisionists are trying to convince people that Ludwig van Beethoven was BLACK :uhoh3:

From wait for it....THE AFRICA CHANNEL :lol:

This is um Ludwig van Beethoven according to these fucking INSANE low IQ morons:


Um NO this is Ludwig van Beethoven:


See WHEN you have NO Culture of your own throughout History you have to attempt to STEAL others Culture to co-opt it and push it on low IQ morons.

View attachment 163118

View attachment 163117

Was Beethoven’s African Heritage Whitewashed?

^^^^ TOTAL BULLSHIT. Ludwig van Beethoven was the son of Johann van Beethoven and his wife Maria Magdalena Keverich who was NOT A MOOR NOR WAS SHE A BLACK WIMMENS. She was from Ehrenbreitstein which is on the Rhein and near Koblenz and her parents were Johann Heinrich Keverich and Anna Klara Westorff and Beethoven's mothers mother was also from Ehrenbreitstein.

This directly from the Mittelrhein Museum in Koblenz:

Mutter-Beethoven-Haus : Mittelrhein Museum Koblenz

Beethoven's parents:

View attachment 163119

Is that the Queen Charlotte whose memory lingers on in the North Carolina city?

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