Prince Harry engaged to Meghan Markle

Let's hope the Straight Outta Compton relatives don't give the wedding the Chuck E. Cheese treatment.
straight outta Compton relatives?

who would that be?
"Straight out of Compton" is some racist thing advertised by people who think that it is wrong to have a descent from relatives from the continent of Africa. It's an ignorance thing, done to show off how little the speaker knows.
Oh, I know it was racist.

But considering the social standing of the Markles, I find her insult doubling the humor of it

I took it for granted that everyone knew that Doris Ragland was from Compton, Crenshaw district to be a bit more precise.

What is the social standing of the Markles? Or what do you think it is. Thomas Markle dumped Doris, filed for bankruptcy and now lives in Mexico with his new wife. It is to his credit that he took steps to remain close to his daughter (unless that's part of the story).

What did you think the social standing of this family was? Really? Why did Meghan Markle leave her mother in Los Angeles and move to Canada?
Her show was filmed in Canada .. Markle is and adult. Do you live with your mother?
Let's hope the Straight Outta Compton relatives don't give the wedding the Chuck E. Cheese treatment.
straight outta Compton relatives?

who would that be?
"Straight out of Compton" is some racist thing advertised by people who think that it is wrong to have a descent from relatives from the continent of Africa. It's an ignorance thing, done to show off how little the speaker knows.
Oh, I know it was racist.

But considering the social standing of the Markles, I find her insult doubling the humor of it

I took it for granted that everyone knew that Doris Ragland was from Compton, Crenshaw district to be a bit more precise.

What is the social standing of the Markles? Or what do you think it is. Thomas Markle dumped Doris, filed for bankruptcy and now lives in Mexico with his new wife. It is to his credit that he took steps to remain close to his daughter (unless that's part of the story).

What did you think the social standing of this family was? Really? Why did Meghan Markle leave her mother in Los Angeles and move to Canada?
Her show was filmed in Canada .. Markle is and adult. Do you live with your mother?

My mother is dead. This is why it is against the rules to use family in a personal attack.

If I had a successful actress's money and my mother had a job in a home for dementia patients to keep her going, no I would not let her live like that. Mr. Markle had already dumped his black wife and run off to Mexico. Mother Doris was alone. Nope. I would have dragged Mama off with me. And, I am the biggest unsympathetic, unempathetic bitch you might ever run across.

Prince Harry Windsor might be very wealthy, he's a prince, but there is something about him that is tormented and this looks like it is some sort of self punishment instead of a match made in heaven.
I don’t think being a modern prince is all it’s made out to be. Especially the younger one.
Why can't we all just wish this couple every happiness together? There is nothing political here. Just two people who found each other. They will be together in the early hours of the night in the same bed. Hugging, kissing, and hopefully having some right, good you-know-what. In this era of hate, call we not just celebrate love?
Why can't we all just wish this couple every happiness together? There is nothing political here. Just two people who found each other. They will be together in the early hours of the night in the same bed. Hugging, kissing, and hopefully having some right, good you-know-what. In this era of hate, call we not just celebrate love?
Sorry, typed "call" instead of "can." Typo. Good luck Harry and Meghan!
Why can't we all just wish this couple every happiness together? There is nothing political here. Just two people who found each other. They will be together in the early hours of the night in the same bed. Hugging, kissing, and hopefully having some right, good you-know-what. In this era of hate, call we not just celebrate love?

They've been in the same bed for quite sometime. I don't think that will be an appreciable change.
I don’t think being a modern prince is all it’s made out to be. Especially the younger one.

To be a modern royal is to have a lifetime of service to the people. Harry has done very well founding the Invictus Games. I just don't see his new wife, raised in American victimhood, to have the same outlook. Didn't she say her goal was African equality? That's not going to go over very well in a monarchy whose existence is devoted to the British people. I do believe her philosophy of eternal victim status will not translate well.
Why can't we all just wish this couple every happiness together? There is nothing political here. Just two people who found each other. They will be together in the early hours of the night in the same bed. Hugging, kissing, and hopefully having some right, good you-know-what. In this era of hate, call we not just celebrate love?

They've been in the same bed for quite sometime. I don't think that will be an appreciable change.
So? You can't support heterosexual love? Your "victim" garbage doesn't matter. If people are subjected to bad behavior by others, yes, they are "victims." The people with the philosophy of blaming people who are subjected to bad behavior by others, instead of blaming those who perpetrated this aggressive behavior, are accountable and must be held to it.
I don’t think being a modern prince is all it’s made out to be. Especially the younger one.

To be a modern royal is to have a lifetime of service to the people. Harry has done very well founding the Invictus Games. I just don't see his new wife, raised in American victimhood, to have the same outlook. Didn't she say her goal was African equality? That's not going to go over very well in a monarchy whose existence is devoted to the British people. I do believe her philosophy of eternal victim status will not translate well.
Who is Meghan Markle? Profile of the actress, humanitarian and campaigner engaged to Prince Harry

Markle is an an ambassador for Canada’s World Vision Clean Water campaign and as part of that role, she has travelled to Rwanda. Last month, she was seen talking to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the One Young World Summit in Ottawa – a celebration of young leaders from across the world.

She has also visited the Gihembe refugee camp in Rwanda to meet with women leaders in the camp as part of her gender equality campaign work.

In a recent column for Elle, the actress explained how her two worlds of red-carpets and TV shows can be successfully combined with her humanitarian work.
I don’t think being a modern prince is all it’s made out to be. Especially the younger one.

To be a modern royal is to have a lifetime of service to the people. Harry has done very well founding the Invictus Games. I just don't see his new wife, raised in American victimhood, to have the same outlook. Didn't she say her goal was African equality? That's not going to go over very well in a monarchy whose existence is devoted to the British people. I do believe her philosophy of eternal victim status will not translate well.

I agree. She is steeped in victim hood and will, like Obama, devote herself to trashing the country she is supposed to represent while speaking for non British...and they will usually be Marxist non Brits.
And as you say a Royals are raised for service. The Markels of the world are raised to grab what they can.
But even so I’m thinking they believe they can contain the damage.
Prince Charles will make a mess of it if he gets involved. Long live queen Elizabeth I hope.
Harry will eventually be relegated to Prince Andrew status which is good.
In a recent column for Elle, the actress explained how her two worlds of red-carpets and TV shows can be successfully combined with her humanitarian work.

How long, oh Lord, will we suffer this liberal worship of red carpets and TV shows ?
I don’t think being a modern prince is all it’s made out to be. Especially the younger one.

To be a modern royal is to have a lifetime of service to the people. Harry has done very well founding the Invictus Games. I just don't see his new wife, raised in American victimhood, to have the same outlook. Didn't she say her goal was African equality? That's not going to go over very well in a monarchy whose existence is devoted to the British people. I do believe her philosophy of eternal victim status will not translate well.

I agree. She is steeped in victim hood and will, like Obama, devote herself to trashing the country she is supposed to represent while speaking for non British...and they will usually be Marxist non Brits.
And as you say a Royals are raised for service. The Markels of the world are raised to grab what they can.
But even so I’m thinking they believe they can contain the damage.
Prince Charles will make a mess of it if he gets involved. Long live queen Elizabeth I hope.
Harry will eventually be relegated to Prince Andrew status which is good.
Such incredible bullshit. Your avatar just defames an entire religion. Own it.
Why can't we all just wish this couple every happiness together? There is nothing political here. Just two people who found each other. They will be together in the early hours of the night in the same bed. Hugging, kissing, and hopefully having some right, good you-know-what. In this era of hate, call we not just celebrate love?

Translation...keep your mouth shut while liberals gush about the sweet comeuppance of a venerable institution because she’s part black...and common...and divorced....and from a broken family...and Catholic...
Gaslighting thy name is lysistrata.
I don’t think being a modern prince is all it’s made out to be. Especially the younger one.

To be a modern royal is to have a lifetime of service to the people. Harry has done very well founding the Invictus Games. I just don't see his new wife, raised in American victimhood, to have the same outlook. Didn't she say her goal was African equality? That's not going to go over very well in a monarchy whose existence is devoted to the British people. I do believe her philosophy of eternal victim status will not translate well.

I agree. She is steeped in victim hood and will, like Obama, devote herself to trashing the country she is supposed to represent while speaking for non British...and they will usually be Marxist non Brits.
And as you say a Royals are raised for service. The Markels of the world are raised to grab what they can.
But even so I’m thinking they believe they can contain the damage.
Prince Charles will make a mess of it if he gets involved. Long live queen Elizabeth I hope.
Harry will eventually be relegated to Prince Andrew status which is good.
Such incredible bullshit. Your avatar just defames an entire religion. Own it.

Oh I do. That’s why I chose the avatar nitwit.
I don’t think being a modern prince is all it’s made out to be. Especially the younger one.

To be a modern royal is to have a lifetime of service to the people. Harry has done very well founding the Invictus Games. I just don't see his new wife, raised in American victimhood, to have the same outlook. Didn't she say her goal was African equality? That's not going to go over very well in a monarchy whose existence is devoted to the British people. I do believe her philosophy of eternal victim status will not translate well.

I agree. She is steeped in victim hood and will, like Obama, devote herself to trashing the country she is supposed to represent while speaking for non British...and they will usually be Marxist non Brits.
And as you say a Royals are raised for service. The Markels of the world are raised to grab what they can.
But even so I’m thinking they believe they can contain the damage.
Prince Charles will make a mess of it if he gets involved. Long live queen Elizabeth I hope.
Harry will eventually be relegated to Prince Andrew status which is good.
There's no denying it. The Queen intends to outlive her son. If Charles had an ounce of brains, he would abdicate. William would be King by next week. Elizabeth would retire as Queen Mother. The people adore William and Kate. For the good of the country and his mother, Charles should give it up.
Let's hope the Straight Outta Compton relatives don't give the wedding the Chuck E. Cheese treatment.
straight outta Compton relatives?

who would that be?
"Straight out of Compton" is some racist thing advertised by people who think that it is wrong to have a descent from relatives from the continent of Africa. It's an ignorance thing, done to show off how little the speaker knows.
Oh, I know it was racist.

But considering the social standing of the Markles, I find her insult doubling the humor of it

I took it for granted that everyone knew that Doris Ragland was from Compton, Crenshaw district to be a bit more precise.

What is the social standing of the Markles? Or what do you think it is. Thomas Markle dumped Doris, filed for bankruptcy and now lives in Mexico with his new wife. It is to his credit that he took steps to remain close to his daughter (unless that's part of the story).

What did you think the social standing of this family was? Really? Why did Meghan Markle leave her mother in Los Angeles and move to Canada?

Things aren't that squeaky clean in the Middleton family either.
Why can't we all just wish this couple every happiness together? There is nothing political here. Just two people who found each other. They will be together in the early hours of the night in the same bed. Hugging, kissing, and hopefully having some right, good you-know-what. In this era of hate, call we not just celebrate love?

Translation...keep your mouth shut while liberals gush about the sweet comeuppance of a venerable institution because she’s part black...and common...and divorced....and from a broken family...and Catholic...
Gaslighting thy name is lysistrata.
What "comeuppance" of any institution? You frame it as though there is something wrong with being of African descent. "Common"? Yes, aren't we all in the U.S., where we don't have ranks. "Divorced"? well, the orange whore in the Oval Office has that one down, now doesn't he? And Sanford, and Gingrich, etc. "Broken family"? Who chooses their parents and has power over what they do? "Catholic"? Why not? It's as good a religion as fundie protestant, Methodist, Lutheranism, Episcopalian, Sunni Islam, Shia Islam, Judaism, and all the others with faithful adherents.
I don't know why you have such a dim view of this woman. I don't see that she has done anything wrong. I'm glad that Harry has a much better opinion of her and, yeah, there's that ring he just gave her!
The negativity expressed in your post is emblematic of the cancer of hate that is destroying the U.S.A. from the inside. Why can't you just wish this couple a long and loving life together?
straight outta Compton relatives?

who would that be?
"Straight out of Compton" is some racist thing advertised by people who think that it is wrong to have a descent from relatives from the continent of Africa. It's an ignorance thing, done to show off how little the speaker knows.
Oh, I know it was racist.

But considering the social standing of the Markles, I find her insult doubling the humor of it

I took it for granted that everyone knew that Doris Ragland was from Compton, Crenshaw district to be a bit more precise.

What is the social standing of the Markles? Or what do you think it is. Thomas Markle dumped Doris, filed for bankruptcy and now lives in Mexico with his new wife. It is to his credit that he took steps to remain close to his daughter (unless that's part of the story).

What did you think the social standing of this family was? Really? Why did Meghan Markle leave her mother in Los Angeles and move to Canada?
Her show was filmed in Canada .. Markle is and adult. Do you live with your mother?

My mother is dead. This is why it is against the rules to use family in a personal attack.

If I had a successful actress's money and my mother had a job in a home for dementia patients to keep her going, no I would not let her live like that. Mr. Markle had already dumped his black wife and run off to Mexico. Mother Doris was alone. Nope. I would have dragged Mama off with me. And, I am the biggest unsympathetic, unempathetic bitch you might ever run across.

Prince Harry Windsor might be very wealthy, he's a prince, but there is something about him that is tormented and this looks like it is some sort of self punishment instead of a match made in heaven.
mother had a job in a home for dementia patients to keep her going,

a job working with dementia patients to keep her going?

Sound like an odd occupation for someone with a Masters degree in social work.

you think she's emptying bed pans or something for minimum page?

"Her mother, Doria Ragland, has a master's degree in social work from the University of Southern California, lives in View Park-Windsor Hills,"
Meghan Markle - Wikipedia
^^^^ Tipsycatlover get's it.
^^^^ Tipsycatlover get's it.

Why would anyone want it?

Will you do not know what you are talking about on any level in this thread, all you therefore can do is just Troll me, all you know is that being American you are happy to call yourself a Melting Pot of Mutts who have no idea where you even originated from because you are a Melting Pot and you all hate peoples and nations who do not want to go full on Multicultural into a Melting Pot.

Listen if someone wants to marry a Mulatto and they are say Middle Class, who cares, but Upper Class it's not social protocol to oil drill or burn the coal, it's just not done as in marrying that type, again Americans don't get this because you have no actual Class System.

EG. You think something like the Kennedy's are the Highest Class, ridiculous they get there because of bootlegging in the 1920s, the Kennedy DNA is from poor Irish who went to America during the Potato Famine, this is who then JFK was the lowest Class possible ie. even below Working Class, he was the descendent of poor Irish who escape the Potato Famine, that his father made a lot of money changes nothing, you can never change your Class ever. If you are from Working Class and you make 2 BILLION you are still Working Class because that's your Heritage.

already told you, I'm from English, Scots, Irish, and German blood.

We were here long before the revolution, and you'll find the name of one of my great uncles at the bottom of the Declaration of Independence.

Kennedys bought their class, as did most of the supposed American upper class we have today.

when was the last time one of your ancestors EARNED their title?

100 years ago? 200?

"My family is important because 500 years ago, a king/queen knighted my great great great great etc grandfather"


That makes your family leeches, not heroes.
I don't think anyone can take credit for what an ancestor did, or even a parent. For anyone else. A person can only take credit for his or her own achievements. And that includes thinking oneself superior for being of any particular race, ethnicity, nationality, etc. It's all an accident of birth and nothing more.

Who said anything about being superior? I like the old saying: as good as you are and as bad as I am, I'm as good as you are as bad as I am.

That says it all really. And yes: I am quite pleased that my dad was recognised by his King (in exile) with being an Officer of the Order of St Michael (Civil). I don't think it raised my status any though.


I am proud of my dad for being a Pearl Harbor Survivor, but it doesn't raise my status either. However, many people whose ancestors were aristocratic, people around the world, consider themselves superior. In the US, a group called the Daughters of the American Revolution consider themselves superior. Also, people who can trace their heritage back to the American pilgrims consider themselves superior. It's a very pervasive mindset.
Why can't we all just wish this couple every happiness together? There is nothing political here. Just two people who found each other. They will be together in the early hours of the night in the same bed. Hugging, kissing, and hopefully having some right, good you-know-what. In this era of hate, call we not just celebrate love?

They've been in the same bed for quite sometime. I don't think that will be an appreciable change.
And isn't it GOOD? Celebrate human people and their happiness together.

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