Prince Harry engaged to Meghan Markle

Why can't we all just wish this couple every happiness together? There is nothing political here. Just two people who found each other. They will be together in the early hours of the night in the same bed. Hugging, kissing, and hopefully having some right, good you-know-what. In this era of hate, call we not just celebrate love?

They've been in the same bed for quite sometime. I don't think that will be an appreciable change.
And isn't it GOOD? Celebrate human people and their happiness together.
Those aren't humans.
She's dang hot gotta say! :)

Very good looking.
Why would anyone want it?

Will you do not know what you are talking about on any level in this thread, all you therefore can do is just Troll me, all you know is that being American you are happy to call yourself a Melting Pot of Mutts who have no idea where you even originated from because you are a Melting Pot and you all hate peoples and nations who do not want to go full on Multicultural into a Melting Pot.

Listen if someone wants to marry a Mulatto and they are say Middle Class, who cares, but Upper Class it's not social protocol to oil drill or burn the coal, it's just not done as in marrying that type, again Americans don't get this because you have no actual Class System.

EG. You think something like the Kennedy's are the Highest Class, ridiculous they get there because of bootlegging in the 1920s, the Kennedy DNA is from poor Irish who went to America during the Potato Famine, this is who then JFK was the lowest Class possible ie. even below Working Class, he was the descendent of poor Irish who escape the Potato Famine, that his father made a lot of money changes nothing, you can never change your Class ever. If you are from Working Class and you make 2 BILLION you are still Working Class because that's your Heritage.

already told you, I'm from English, Scots, Irish, and German blood.

We were here long before the revolution, and you'll find the name of one of my great uncles at the bottom of the Declaration of Independence.

Kennedys bought their class, as did most of the supposed American upper class we have today.

when was the last time one of your ancestors EARNED their title?

100 years ago? 200?

"My family is important because 500 years ago, a king/queen knighted my great great great great etc grandfather"


That makes your family leeches, not heroes.
I don't think anyone can take credit for what an ancestor did, or even a parent. For anyone else. A person can only take credit for his or her own achievements. And that includes thinking oneself superior for being of any particular race, ethnicity, nationality, etc. It's all an accident of birth and nothing more.

Who said anything about being superior? I like the old saying: as good as you are and as bad as I am, I'm as good as you are as bad as I am.

That says it all really. And yes: I am quite pleased that my dad was recognised by his King (in exile) with being an Officer of the Order of St Michael (Civil). I don't think it raised my status any though.


I am proud of my dad for being a Pearl Harbor Survivor, but it doesn't raise my status either. However, many people whose ancestors were aristocratic, people around the world, consider themselves superior. In the US, a group called the Daughters of the American Revolution consider themselves superior. Also, people who can trace their heritage back to the American pilgrims consider themselves superior. It's a very pervasive mindset.
Why can't we all just wish this couple every happiness together? There is nothing political here. Just two people who found each other. They will be together in the early hours of the night in the same bed. Hugging, kissing, and hopefully having some right, good you-know-what. In this era of hate, call we not just celebrate love?

They've been in the same bed for quite sometime. I don't think that will be an appreciable change.
And isn't it GOOD? Celebrate human people and their happiness together.
Those aren't humans.
Just how sick in the head are you? Of course Harry and Meghan are humans. You? Perhaps not.
Meghan is divorced, mulatto, American and considerably older than Harry. His engagement is a huge FU to the entire family or as he sees it, the monarchy itself, which he despises. This is not a foundation upon which to build a successful marriage. At some future date, continually giving your family the finger gets old. He gets along well with his brother that's about all. He's been in therapy for years dealing with his emotions over the death of his mother. This is just more "treatment".

If you remember, Harry once went to a costume party in full SS officer uniform. This is just stage two of that exhibition.

^^^^ Tipsycatlover get's it.
^^^^ Tipsycatlover get's it.

Why would anyone want it?

I mean Tipsycatlover in her responses in this thread illustrates she gets it why Harry is marrying the Mulatto, it's a rebellion against his family who apart from William he has always been problematic to that family from the boozing and drugs to public embarrassments like being drunk and naked with hooker type women in Las Vegas and getting filmed doing that and it being across the newspapers to as Tipsy said wearing that uniform to a party. So the natural next rebellion is marrying a half Black woman which behind closed doors anyone will know Queen Elizabeth is not going to be happy about.

It's not like this came from out of the blue. At the time Diana died, she was having an affair with Pakistani, Dodi Al Fayed and rumored to be pregnant with this child. Al Fayed's father maintained that the monarchy had Diana and Dodi killed to prevent a non white child born into the royal family. This has got to be an impossible burden for a boy, devoted to his mother, to bear. Harry intends to force a non white baby down the collective Royal throat and make them choke on it.

How can this not be obvious?????

Exactly and there is something psychological about this from Harry, the other situation is that British Royal family has a modern history of all being divorced the marriages not lasting, so then will be the same Harry will stick it to the family who treated his mother with such contempt by giving them a Mulatto child as payback - which is the most outrageous thing he can do now, see my other comments you don't oil drill or coal burn it's just not social protocol - and then when that happens he'll divorce this Meghan woman, I say probably the whole thing is finished within two years.
Mulatto is a very offensive word; it is almost as bad as the N word.

I don't think there is anything 'psychological' about Harry loving a woman of mixed race. Modern, intelligent people see all races and all peoples as equal. He is just an adult being who sees the world in modern terms.

In previous times, many people have been aattracted to people of other races, but because of social attitudes did not marry. The reason most African Americans are lighter skinned than Sub-Saharan Africans is because the black women slaves were so often raped by the white slave owner.

My point is that it isn't rebellion on Harry's part: his attraction is quite normal and his love is based on character and personality--this was quite clear from the engagement interview they did.
^^^^ Tipsycatlover get's it.
^^^^ Tipsycatlover get's it.

Why would anyone want it?

I mean Tipsycatlover in her responses in this thread illustrates she gets it why Harry is marrying the Mulatto, it's a rebellion against his family who apart from William he has always been problematic to that family from the boozing and drugs to public embarrassments like being drunk and naked with hooker type women in Las Vegas and getting filmed doing that and it being across the newspapers to as Tipsy said wearing that uniform to a party. So the natural next rebellion is marrying a half Black woman which behind closed doors anyone will know Queen Elizabeth is not going to be happy about.

It's not like this came from out of the blue. At the time Diana died, she was having an affair with Pakistani, Dodi Al Fayed and rumored to be pregnant with this child. Al Fayed's father maintained that the monarchy had Diana and Dodi killed to prevent a non white child born into the royal family. This has got to be an impossible burden for a boy, devoted to his mother, to bear. Harry intends to force a non white baby down the collective Royal throat and make them choke on it.

How can this not be obvious?????

Exactly and there is something psychological about this from Harry, the other situation is that British Royal family has a modern history of all being divorced the marriages not lasting, so then will be the same Harry will stick it to the family who treated his mother with such contempt by giving them a Mulatto child as payback - which is the most outrageous thing he can do now, see my other comments you don't oil drill or coal burn it's just not social protocol - and then when that happens he'll divorce this Meghan woman, I say probably the whole thing is finished within two years.
Mulatto is a very offensive word; it is almost as bad as the N word.

I don't think there is anything 'psychological' about Harry loving a woman of mixed race. Modern, intelligent people see all races and all peoples as equal. He is just an adult being who sees the world in modern terms.

In previous times, many people have been aattracted to people of other races, but because of social attitudes did not marry. The reason most African Americans are lighter skinned than Sub-Saharan Africans is because the black women slaves were so often raped by the white slave owner.

My point is that it isn't rebellion on Harry's part: his attraction is quite normal and his love is based on character and personality--this was quite clear from the engagement interview they did.

her divorced status is a BIGGIE in the Anglican church----lets see how this pans out
Big change compared to 1936.
Why? It's not like Harry is abdicating.

The attitudes, and all that went with it! Social change, and conventions. That sort of thing.
There hasn't been any change in the family. Harry has his own demons to slay. If Harry were the heir to the crown then he would be required to abdicate to marry this girl. No difference.

Harry has a lot of baggage over his mother's death. This marriage of rebellion isn't going to help. This is not a marriage to last.
Why would this be a "marriage of rebellion"? It just seems to be two people who have found each other. No one other than themselves can know what it is like when they are alone together: laugh? cry? have hot sex? Tickle each other? All of the above?
Remember how long it took for Harry's father to finally wed the love of his life after his sham marriage to Harry's mother, who just was selected because she was a virgin and royal.
If Harry and Meghan are in the same bed together and happy when the lights go out, this is all that matters.

Everything about it screams marriage of rebellion, she's a Mulatto that's all you need to know that its a rebellion. He should just do what the usual has always been, keep this one hidden as a mistress to get extra fucks from and marry someone more appropriate also it's never a good idea to marry outside your Class, Americans won't get that as you don't have an actual Class system yours is based on how much money some Meat Packing Heir from New York has been passed down or whatever which is not a Class system, you cannot buy your way into a Higher Class you are born into it and you also cannot change what Class you are.

This is a European thing so Americans don't get this stuff.
You do know that Winston Churchill was half American? One of England's most revered prime ministers. Seems mixing British and American blood can't be all bad.

Maybe one day one of Harry's and Meghan's kids will be prime minster. What a kick that would be! :)
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Why would anyone want it?

I mean Tipsycatlover in her responses in this thread illustrates she gets it why Harry is marrying the Mulatto, it's a rebellion against his family who apart from William he has always been problematic to that family from the boozing and drugs to public embarrassments like being drunk and naked with hooker type women in Las Vegas and getting filmed doing that and it being across the newspapers to as Tipsy said wearing that uniform to a party. So the natural next rebellion is marrying a half Black woman which behind closed doors anyone will know Queen Elizabeth is not going to be happy about.

It's not like this came from out of the blue. At the time Diana died, she was having an affair with Pakistani, Dodi Al Fayed and rumored to be pregnant with this child. Al Fayed's father maintained that the monarchy had Diana and Dodi killed to prevent a non white child born into the royal family. This has got to be an impossible burden for a boy, devoted to his mother, to bear. Harry intends to force a non white baby down the collective Royal throat and make them choke on it.

How can this not be obvious?????

Exactly and there is something psychological about this from Harry, the other situation is that British Royal family has a modern history of all being divorced the marriages not lasting, so then will be the same Harry will stick it to the family who treated his mother with such contempt by giving them a Mulatto child as payback - which is the most outrageous thing he can do now, see my other comments you don't oil drill or coal burn it's just not social protocol - and then when that happens he'll divorce this Meghan woman, I say probably the whole thing is finished within two years.
Mulatto is a very offensive word; it is almost as bad as the N word.

I don't think there is anything 'psychological' about Harry loving a woman of mixed race. Modern, intelligent people see all races and all peoples as equal. He is just an adult being who sees the world in modern terms.

In previous times, many people have been aattracted to people of other races, but because of social attitudes did not marry. The reason most African Americans are lighter skinned than Sub-Saharan Africans is because the black women slaves were so often raped by the white slave owner.

My point is that it isn't rebellion on Harry's part: his attraction is quite normal and his love is based on character and personality--this was quite clear from the engagement interview they did.

her divorced status is a BIGGIE in the Anglican church----lets see how this pans out
Prince Charles is divorced.
News in from Buckingham Palace.

Prince Harry says he doesn’t want the traditional fruit cake at his wedding.
Prince Phillip says he doesn't give a f**k, he's still going.

Why can't we all just wish this couple every happiness together? There is nothing political here. Just two people who found each other. They will be together in the early hours of the night in the same bed. Hugging, kissing, and hopefully having some right, good you-know-what. In this era of hate, call we not just celebrate love?

They've been in the same bed for quite sometime. I don't think that will be an appreciable change.
And isn't it GOOD? Celebrate human people and their happiness together.
Those aren't humans.

They are indeed humans and both a blessed and cursed type. They are blessed with greatness thrust upon them and cursed with total service to their nation. Both are burdens we cannot hope to comprehend and. as they are mere mortals like the rest of us, the Demands of their station are indeed arduous. Frankly, mate, I wouldn't have that situation for quids!!!

News in from Buckingham Palace.

Prince Harry says he doesn’t want the traditional fruit cake at his wedding.
Prince Phillip says he doesn't give a f**k, he's still going.


We are amused.

I mean Tipsycatlover in her responses in this thread illustrates she gets it why Harry is marrying the Mulatto, it's a rebellion against his family who apart from William he has always been problematic to that family from the boozing and drugs to public embarrassments like being drunk and naked with hooker type women in Las Vegas and getting filmed doing that and it being across the newspapers to as Tipsy said wearing that uniform to a party. So the natural next rebellion is marrying a half Black woman which behind closed doors anyone will know Queen Elizabeth is not going to be happy about.

It's not like this came from out of the blue. At the time Diana died, she was having an affair with Pakistani, Dodi Al Fayed and rumored to be pregnant with this child. Al Fayed's father maintained that the monarchy had Diana and Dodi killed to prevent a non white child born into the royal family. This has got to be an impossible burden for a boy, devoted to his mother, to bear. Harry intends to force a non white baby down the collective Royal throat and make them choke on it.

How can this not be obvious?????

Exactly and there is something psychological about this from Harry, the other situation is that British Royal family has a modern history of all being divorced the marriages not lasting, so then will be the same Harry will stick it to the family who treated his mother with such contempt by giving them a Mulatto child as payback - which is the most outrageous thing he can do now, see my other comments you don't oil drill or coal burn it's just not social protocol - and then when that happens he'll divorce this Meghan woman, I say probably the whole thing is finished within two years.
Mulatto is a very offensive word; it is almost as bad as the N word.

I don't think there is anything 'psychological' about Harry loving a woman of mixed race. Modern, intelligent people see all races and all peoples as equal. He is just an adult being who sees the world in modern terms.

In previous times, many people have been aattracted to people of other races, but because of social attitudes did not marry. The reason most African Americans are lighter skinned than Sub-Saharan Africans is because the black women slaves were so often raped by the white slave owner.

My point is that it isn't rebellion on Harry's part: his attraction is quite normal and his love is based on character and personality--this was quite clear from the engagement interview they did.

her divorced status is a BIGGIE in the Anglican church----lets see how this pans out
Prince Charles is divorced.
Not any more; his ex is dead. He is released from any vow now. Pretty sad way to look at it though.

Why? It's not like Harry is abdicating.

The attitudes, and all that went with it! Social change, and conventions. That sort of thing.
There hasn't been any change in the family. Harry has his own demons to slay. If Harry were the heir to the crown then he would be required to abdicate to marry this girl. No difference.

Harry has a lot of baggage over his mother's death. This marriage of rebellion isn't going to help. This is not a marriage to last.
Why would this be a "marriage of rebellion"? It just seems to be two people who have found each other. No one other than themselves can know what it is like when they are alone together: laugh? cry? have hot sex? Tickle each other? All of the above?
Remember how long it took for Harry's father to finally wed the love of his life after his sham marriage to Harry's mother, who just was selected because she was a virgin and royal.
If Harry and Meghan are in the same bed together and happy when the lights go out, this is all that matters.

Everything about it screams marriage of rebellion, she's a Mulatto that's all you need to know that its a rebellion. He should just do what the usual has always been, keep this one hidden as a mistress to get extra fucks from and marry someone more appropriate also it's never a good idea to marry outside your Class, Americans won't get that as you don't have an actual Class system yours is based on how much money some Meat Packing Heir from New York has been passed down or whatever which is not a Class system, you cannot buy your way into a Higher Class you are born into it and you also cannot change what Class you are.

This is a European thing so Americans don't get this stuff.
You do know that Winston Churchill was half American? One of England's most revered prime ministers. Seems mixing British and American blood can't be all bad.

Yes; the American half was perpetually drunk and acerbic.


(Just joking: he was among the Greatest of the Great...of course).
The attitudes, and all that went with it! Social change, and conventions. That sort of thing.
There hasn't been any change in the family. Harry has his own demons to slay. If Harry were the heir to the crown then he would be required to abdicate to marry this girl. No difference.

Harry has a lot of baggage over his mother's death. This marriage of rebellion isn't going to help. This is not a marriage to last.
Why would this be a "marriage of rebellion"? It just seems to be two people who have found each other. No one other than themselves can know what it is like when they are alone together: laugh? cry? have hot sex? Tickle each other? All of the above?
Remember how long it took for Harry's father to finally wed the love of his life after his sham marriage to Harry's mother, who just was selected because she was a virgin and royal.
If Harry and Meghan are in the same bed together and happy when the lights go out, this is all that matters.

Everything about it screams marriage of rebellion, she's a Mulatto that's all you need to know that its a rebellion. He should just do what the usual has always been, keep this one hidden as a mistress to get extra fucks from and marry someone more appropriate also it's never a good idea to marry outside your Class, Americans won't get that as you don't have an actual Class system yours is based on how much money some Meat Packing Heir from New York has been passed down or whatever which is not a Class system, you cannot buy your way into a Higher Class you are born into it and you also cannot change what Class you are.

This is a European thing so Americans don't get this stuff.
You do know that Winston Churchill was half American? One of England's most revered prime ministers. Seems mixing British and American blood can't be all bad.

Yes; the American half was perpetually drunk and acerbic.


(Just joking: he was among the Greatest of the Great...of course).

Mixing British and American blood? Hope they didn't put too much ice in it.

Why would anyone want it?

I mean Tipsycatlover in her responses in this thread illustrates she gets it why Harry is marrying the Mulatto, it's a rebellion against his family who apart from William he has always been problematic to that family from the boozing and drugs to public embarrassments like being drunk and naked with hooker type women in Las Vegas and getting filmed doing that and it being across the newspapers to as Tipsy said wearing that uniform to a party. So the natural next rebellion is marrying a half Black woman which behind closed doors anyone will know Queen Elizabeth is not going to be happy about.

It's not like this came from out of the blue. At the time Diana died, she was having an affair with Pakistani, Dodi Al Fayed and rumored to be pregnant with this child. Al Fayed's father maintained that the monarchy had Diana and Dodi killed to prevent a non white child born into the royal family. This has got to be an impossible burden for a boy, devoted to his mother, to bear. Harry intends to force a non white baby down the collective Royal throat and make them choke on it.

How can this not be obvious?????

Exactly and there is something psychological about this from Harry, the other situation is that British Royal family has a modern history of all being divorced the marriages not lasting, so then will be the same Harry will stick it to the family who treated his mother with such contempt by giving them a Mulatto child as payback - which is the most outrageous thing he can do now, see my other comments you don't oil drill or coal burn it's just not social protocol - and then when that happens he'll divorce this Meghan woman, I say probably the whole thing is finished within two years.
Mulatto is a very offensive word; it is almost as bad as the N word.

I don't think there is anything 'psychological' about Harry loving a woman of mixed race. Modern, intelligent people see all races and all peoples as equal. He is just an adult being who sees the world in modern terms.

In previous times, many people have been aattracted to people of other races, but because of social attitudes did not marry. The reason most African Americans are lighter skinned than Sub-Saharan Africans is because the black women slaves were so often raped by the white slave owner.

My point is that it isn't rebellion on Harry's part: his attraction is quite normal and his love is based on character and personality--this was quite clear from the engagement interview they did.

her divorced status is a BIGGIE in the Anglican church----lets see how this pans out
Meghan is divorced, mulatto, American and considerably older than Harry. His engagement is a huge FU to the entire family or as he sees it, the monarchy itself, which he despises. This is not a foundation upon which to build a successful marriage. At some future date, continually giving your family the finger gets old. He gets along well with his brother that's about all. He's been in therapy for years dealing with his emotions over the death of his mother. This is just more "treatment".

If you remember, Harry once went to a costume party in full SS officer uniform. This is just stage two of that exhibition.

^^^^ Tipsycatlover get's it.
^^^^ Tipsycatlover get's it.

Why would anyone want it?

I mean Tipsycatlover in her responses in this thread illustrates she gets it why Harry is marrying the Mulatto, it's a rebellion against his family who apart from William he has always been problematic to that family from the boozing and drugs to public embarrassments like being drunk and naked with hooker type women in Las Vegas and getting filmed doing that and it being across the newspapers to as Tipsy said wearing that uniform to a party. So the natural next rebellion is marrying a half Black woman which behind closed doors anyone will know Queen Elizabeth is not going to be happy about.

It's not like this came from out of the blue. At the time Diana died, she was having an affair with Pakistani, Dodi Al Fayed and rumored to be pregnant with this child. Al Fayed's father maintained that the monarchy had Diana and Dodi killed to prevent a non white child born into the royal family. This has got to be an impossible burden for a boy, devoted to his mother, to bear. Harry intends to force a non white baby down the collective Royal throat and make them choke on it.

How can this not be obvious?????

Exactly and there is something psychological about this from Harry, the other situation is that British Royal family has a modern history of all being divorced the marriages not lasting, so then will be the same Harry will stick it to the family who treated his mother with such contempt by giving them a Mulatto child as payback - which is the most outrageous thing he can do now, see my other comments you don't oil drill or coal burn it's just not social protocol - and then when that happens he'll divorce this Meghan woman, I say probably the whole thing is finished within two years.
Just what are you trying to achieve? Harry, son of Charles, whose mother holds the title of Queen of England, and the late Diana, Lady Spencer, Princess of Wales, loves the daughter of the Markles, now divorced, and she loves him back. Why is this such a problem?
I mean Tipsycatlover in her responses in this thread illustrates she gets it why Harry is marrying the Mulatto, it's a rebellion against his family who apart from William he has always been problematic to that family from the boozing and drugs to public embarrassments like being drunk and naked with hooker type women in Las Vegas and getting filmed doing that and it being across the newspapers to as Tipsy said wearing that uniform to a party. So the natural next rebellion is marrying a half Black woman which behind closed doors anyone will know Queen Elizabeth is not going to be happy about.

It's not like this came from out of the blue. At the time Diana died, she was having an affair with Pakistani, Dodi Al Fayed and rumored to be pregnant with this child. Al Fayed's father maintained that the monarchy had Diana and Dodi killed to prevent a non white child born into the royal family. This has got to be an impossible burden for a boy, devoted to his mother, to bear. Harry intends to force a non white baby down the collective Royal throat and make them choke on it.

How can this not be obvious?????

Exactly and there is something psychological about this from Harry, the other situation is that British Royal family has a modern history of all being divorced the marriages not lasting, so then will be the same Harry will stick it to the family who treated his mother with such contempt by giving them a Mulatto child as payback - which is the most outrageous thing he can do now, see my other comments you don't oil drill or coal burn it's just not social protocol - and then when that happens he'll divorce this Meghan woman, I say probably the whole thing is finished within two years.
Mulatto is a very offensive word; it is almost as bad as the N word.

I don't think there is anything 'psychological' about Harry loving a woman of mixed race. Modern, intelligent people see all races and all peoples as equal. He is just an adult being who sees the world in modern terms.

In previous times, many people have been aattracted to people of other races, but because of social attitudes did not marry. The reason most African Americans are lighter skinned than Sub-Saharan Africans is because the black women slaves were so often raped by the white slave owner.

My point is that it isn't rebellion on Harry's part: his attraction is quite normal and his love is based on character and personality--this was quite clear from the engagement interview they did.

her divorced status is a BIGGIE in the Anglican church----lets see how this pans out
^^^^ Tipsycatlover get's it.
^^^^ Tipsycatlover get's it.

Why would anyone want it?

I mean Tipsycatlover in her responses in this thread illustrates she gets it why Harry is marrying the Mulatto, it's a rebellion against his family who apart from William he has always been problematic to that family from the boozing and drugs to public embarrassments like being drunk and naked with hooker type women in Las Vegas and getting filmed doing that and it being across the newspapers to as Tipsy said wearing that uniform to a party. So the natural next rebellion is marrying a half Black woman which behind closed doors anyone will know Queen Elizabeth is not going to be happy about.

It's not like this came from out of the blue. At the time Diana died, she was having an affair with Pakistani, Dodi Al Fayed and rumored to be pregnant with this child. Al Fayed's father maintained that the monarchy had Diana and Dodi killed to prevent a non white child born into the royal family. This has got to be an impossible burden for a boy, devoted to his mother, to bear. Harry intends to force a non white baby down the collective Royal throat and make them choke on it.

How can this not be obvious?????

Exactly and there is something psychological about this from Harry, the other situation is that British Royal family has a modern history of all being divorced the marriages not lasting, so then will be the same Harry will stick it to the family who treated his mother with such contempt by giving them a Mulatto child as payback - which is the most outrageous thing he can do now, see my other comments you don't oil drill or coal burn it's just not social protocol - and then when that happens he'll divorce this Meghan woman, I say probably the whole thing is finished within two years.
Just what are you trying to achieve? Harry, son of Charles, whose mother holds the title of Queen of England, and the late Diana, Lady Spencer, Princess of Wales, loves the daughter of the Markles, now divorced, and she loves him back. Why is this such a problem?

Yeah; I don't see a problem except in pressure in being a Royal. I wish them both every happiness and would love to see the Prince have a term as our Governor General. I don't think that'll happen though.

There hasn't been any change in the family. Harry has his own demons to slay. If Harry were the heir to the crown then he would be required to abdicate to marry this girl. No difference.

Harry has a lot of baggage over his mother's death. This marriage of rebellion isn't going to help. This is not a marriage to last.
Why would this be a "marriage of rebellion"? It just seems to be two people who have found each other. No one other than themselves can know what it is like when they are alone together: laugh? cry? have hot sex? Tickle each other? All of the above?
Remember how long it took for Harry's father to finally wed the love of his life after his sham marriage to Harry's mother, who just was selected because she was a virgin and royal.
If Harry and Meghan are in the same bed together and happy when the lights go out, this is all that matters.

Everything about it screams marriage of rebellion, she's a Mulatto that's all you need to know that its a rebellion. He should just do what the usual has always been, keep this one hidden as a mistress to get extra fucks from and marry someone more appropriate also it's never a good idea to marry outside your Class, Americans won't get that as you don't have an actual Class system yours is based on how much money some Meat Packing Heir from New York has been passed down or whatever which is not a Class system, you cannot buy your way into a Higher Class you are born into it and you also cannot change what Class you are.

This is a European thing so Americans don't get this stuff.
You do know that Winston Churchill was half American? One of England's most revered prime ministers. Seems mixing British and American blood can't be all bad.

Yes; the American half was perpetually drunk and acerbic.


(Just joking: he was among the Greatest of the Great...of course).

Mixing British and American blood? Hope they didn't put too much ice in it.

Shaken, not stirred.
Why? It's not like Harry is abdicating.

The attitudes, and all that went with it! Social change, and conventions. That sort of thing.
There hasn't been any change in the family. Harry has his own demons to slay. If Harry were the heir to the crown then he would be required to abdicate to marry this girl. No difference.

Harry has a lot of baggage over his mother's death. This marriage of rebellion isn't going to help. This is not a marriage to last.
Why would this be a "marriage of rebellion"? It just seems to be two people who have found each other. No one other than themselves can know what it is like when they are alone together: laugh? cry? have hot sex? Tickle each other? All of the above?
Remember how long it took for Harry's father to finally wed the love of his life after his sham marriage to Harry's mother, who just was selected because she was a virgin and royal.
If Harry and Meghan are in the same bed together and happy when the lights go out, this is all that matters.

Everything about it screams marriage of rebellion, she's a Mulatto that's all you need to know that its a rebellion. He should just do what the usual has always been, keep this one hidden as a mistress to get extra fucks from and marry someone more appropriate also it's never a good idea to marry outside your Class, Americans won't get that as you don't have an actual Class system yours is based on how much money some Meat Packing Heir from New York has been passed down or whatever which is not a Class system, you cannot buy your way into a Higher Class you are born into it and you also cannot change what Class you are.

This is a European thing so Americans don't get this stuff.
You do know that Winston Churchill was half American? One of England's most revered prime ministers. Seems mixing British and American blood can't be all bad.

Maybe one day one of Harry's and Meghan's kids will be prime minster. What a kick that would be! :)

What is "American blood" exactly?

How was Churchill not bad?

- Dresden Firebombing under him where 10's of thousands of German civilians were killed, in a non-military target.

- Bengali Famine under him in 1943 where 3 million Indians perished most likely due to Britain taking resources from India.

- Yalta, and Potsdam Conference a decision which killed many, and oppressed many more by supporting Stalin's takeover of much of Central-Europe.

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