Princeton professor: transgenderism not scientific

I wonder if she'd "ALWAYS" put family first if one of them was a serial killer? At some point one has to look at the stark insanity, even in one's own's for the best...enabling an illness is not an act of love or kindness.
You're comparing my son to a serial killer? Wow. You are out of your fucking mind.

People are afraid of anything different, remember aides? People are more aware and educated on the topic now so they are not treated like a leper. Ignorance brings hostility, knowledge brings compassion.

Comparing a transgender to a serial killer is about as ignorant as you can get...don't take it personal.

I think the professor makes a valid point. This is matter of what a person feels in their emotions or soul, not what biology shows. We should be pursuing impactful ways to help the person, but categorizing it as a mental condition is unacceptable, so little real help can be found.
Enlightened view. I appreciate it.

I'm surprised at how important this issue is to me. It's put a cleaver between me and a couple of folks.
I wonder if she'd "ALWAYS" put family first if one of them was a serial killer? At some point one has to look at the stark insanity, even in one's own's for the best...enabling an illness is not an act of love or kindness.
You're comparing my son to a serial killer? Wow. You are out of your fucking mind.

People are afraid of anything different, remember aides? People are more aware and educated on the topic now so they are not treated like a leper. Ignorance brings hostility, knowledge brings compassion.

Comparing a transgender to a serial killer is about as ignorant as you can get...don't take it personal.

Yes, and preventing trans people from using the bathroom is similarly ignorant.
Eaglewings understands my position as a mother, Tilly. You don't. This is a HUGE deal for my family. The fact that you won't stand in solidarity for my son's right to live his life as he is with dignity is very taxing on our connection with each other.

I am deeply saddened.

Its best not to talk about this with your friends on here...My sister and I have to avoid many discussions because of our past arguments..we love each other, yet we are very passionate about our opinions..

Bottom line. If my "friends" and "family" don't have my back, who will?

My sister has my back Big Time...we have just learned to love each other through our differences. She really pisses me off But we have each others back..

Transgender is a condition, but it isn't an illness.

I accept that you and I part company on this important issue. We don't see eye to eye.

Our friendship is based on respect for each other as human beings. I don't agree with or like your position on this issue which means so much to me and my family.

What biological condition causes it Dhara?
Transgender is a condition, but it isn't an illness.

I accept that you and I part company on this important issue. We don't see eye to eye.

Our friendship is based on respect for each other as human beings. I don't agree with or like your position on this issue which means so much to me and my family.

What biological condition causes it Dhara?
Causes what?
Eaglewings understands my position as a mother, Tilly. You don't. This is a HUGE deal for my family. The fact that you won't stand in solidarity for my son's right to live his life as he is with dignity is very taxing on our connection with each other.

I am deeply saddened.

Its best not to talk about this with your friends on here...My sister and I have to avoid many discussions because of our past arguments..we love each other, yet we are very passionate about our opinions..

Bottom line. If my "friends" and "family" don't have my back, who will?

My sister has my back Big Time...we have just learned to love each other through our differences. She really pisses me off But we have each others back..

You're lucky.
Yes, and preventing trans people from using the bathroom is similarly ignorant.

I get the issue Dhara, if a transgender has a vagina use the woman's bathroom..I don't want to come out of a stall and a old man pervert is getting his rocks off in disguise of a transgender..

Yes, and preventing trans people from using the bathroom is similarly ignorant.

I get the issue Dhara, if a transgender has a vagina use the woman's bathroom..I don't want to come out of a stall and a old man pervert is getting his rocks off is disguise of a transgender..

I don't want my son to be assaulted for using the wrong bathroom.
"Princeton professor: transgenderism not scientific"


This is completely irrelevant and has no bearing on the fact that being transgender is a form of self -expression entitled to Constitutional protections.
The poor professor is about to be crucified by the gaystapo and left loons

Princeton Prof: Transgenderism Not Scientific, ‘Superstitious Belief’

A noted Princeton University professor has attacked the very notion of transgenderism, saying that the belief “that a woman can be trapped inside a man’s body” is ludicrous and superstitious, with no basis in medical fact.

Robert P. George, the McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton, sent out a tweet late Sunday evening questioning the science behind the transgender movement, in reaction to the Obama administration’s threatening letter to educators mandating accommodation of gender-confused teenagers.

Robert P. George‏@McCormickProf

There are few superstitious beliefs as absurd as the idea that a woman can be trapped in a man's body & vv. But in the Age of Feeling . . .

Robert P. George‏@McCormickProf

With Obama's bathroom edict, the right of parents to direct the upbringing and education of children is in graver peril than ever. Vouchers!

Prof: Transgenderism Not Scientific, ‘Superstitious Belief’
This same ridiculous "argument" was used to justify discriminating against gay Americans, and it will likewise fail with regard to those transgender.
Transgender is a condition, but it isn't an illness.

I accept that you and I part company on this important issue. We don't see eye to eye.

Our friendship is based on respect for each other as human beings. I don't agree with or like your position on this issue which means so much to me and my family.

What biological condition causes it Dhara?

Our bodies are being bombarded with excess over the top estrogen's ..Drinking milk is like drinking a glass of estrogen's, a cow is pregnant while producing our dairy ..They used hormones in the milk supply to produce more milk.....our food, air, water is fucking with our bodies..

Like I said with my other post..

Too many estrogen's = cancer and triggers imbalances in the pituitary glands which send messages to the brain, spinal cord..basically our beings.

To Christians who say they love others but refuse to use a transgender individual’s new name and affirmed pronoun, who say that God doesn’t make mistakes in regard to my daughter’s gender, who use the Bible as a weapon, I have this to say. I don’t hear you anymore; I stopped listening and you’re wasting your time. When you started by calling my child, and those like her, disgusting and perverted, I left the conversation. When you said that you loved all people, but called them trannies, I took note. When you told me that you loved my child, but disagreed with the choices my husband and I made to keep her alive, I cut you out of my life. When you started quoting scriptures at me, I tuned you out. I deleted your comments from my page. I skipped your blog post. I moved to the next article. I stopped listening because I’d heard it all before. Your message wasn’t new. It didn’t convince me of anything before, and it’s not going to convince me of anything now except that I want nothing to do with you or your brand of religion.
When the AIDS epidemic first came onto the scene in the early 80s, you had an opportunity to extend love and support to a community that was frightened and alone. Instead of showing God’s love, you proclaimed God’s judgment. When the LGBTQ community was hungry and naked, you did not feed them, and you did not clothe them. And now, when the trans community has jumped into the headlines, you scream Bible versus at my family, you accuse us of child abuse, you tell us not to heed the advice of medical professionals and you are quite clear that we aren’t welcome in your community.

If this is how you show God’s love, then you’re doing it wrong.
An Open Letter to Christians From the Parents of a Transgender Child
I think the professor makes a valid point. This is matter of what a person feels in their emotions or soul, not what biology shows. We should be pursuing impactful ways to help the person, but categorizing it as a mental condition is unacceptable, so little real help can be found.
Enlightened view. I appreciate it.

I'm surprised at how important this issue is to me. It's put a cleaver between me and a couple of folks.

I don't think I said what you think I said. The cleaver came from your hand, they are willing to let you take it out. I am saying this IS a mental issue and finding a truly workable solution is impeded by denying that. I don't blame cancer patients for having cancer, I do not belittle those who have lost a limb. I do NOT have sympathy for those who act purely as victims.
Transgender is a condition, but it isn't an illness.

I accept that you and I part company on this important issue. We don't see eye to eye.

Our friendship is based on respect for each other as human beings. I don't agree with or like your position on this issue which means so much to me and my family.

What biological condition causes it Dhara?
Causes what?

Transgenderism, what biologically causes it?
"Princeton professor: transgenderism not scientific"


This is completely irrelevant and has no bearing on the fact that being transgender is a form of self -expression entitled to Constitutional protections.

You've missed the intent of my thread also....but thanks for helping prove my intent.
I wonder if she'd "ALWAYS" put family first if one of them was a serial killer? At some point one has to look at the stark insanity, even in one's own's for the best...enabling an illness is not an act of love or kindness.
You're comparing my son to a serial killer? Wow. You are out of your fucking mind.

People are afraid of anything different, remember aides? People are more aware and educated on the topic now so they are not treated like a leper. Ignorance brings hostility, knowledge brings compassion.

Comparing a transgender to a serial killer is about as ignorant as you can get...don't take it personal.


As the hypersensitive strawman lover Dhara already knew, the comparison of transgender and serial killer was to illustrate a point: not that they are equal. Idiots!

The point being that if obvious and stark mental illness exists in your family, enabling it is in no way shape or form an act of love or kindness. You must confront it. That is the greatest act of love you could perform. No matter how long you've let it go on or how "normal" your social groups are urging you to believe it is. If your son says he's a girl, then he is having trouble processing reality. Indulging him further down this dark road will only lead to his ultimate pain and suffering.

It's like gently placing a child's hand just barely on a hot stove so that later she doesn't burn off half her face by running straight into it. You don't want to see your child cry at the tiny "ouch!" But do you want to sit at her side as a burn victim in a hospital later? Do you want to sit by your son's side later with tears streaming down his cheeks after mutilating surgery as he aches from another UTI and feels just as depressed or suicidal as he did, possibly moreso, than before your indulgent ideas caused him to amputate his healthy organs to complete a game of pretend?
The poor professor is about to be crucified by the gaystapo and left loons

Princeton Prof: Transgenderism Not Scientific, ‘Superstitious Belief’

A noted Princeton University professor has attacked the very notion of transgenderism, saying that the belief “that a woman can be trapped inside a man’s body” is ludicrous and superstitious, with no basis in medical fact.

Robert P. George, the McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton, sent out a tweet late Sunday evening questioning the science behind the transgender movement, in reaction to the Obama administration’s threatening letter to educators mandating accommodation of gender-confused teenagers.

Robert P. George‏@McCormickProf

There are few superstitious beliefs as absurd as the idea that a woman can be trapped in a man's body & vv. But in the Age of Feeling . . .

Robert P. George‏@McCormickProf

With Obama's bathroom edict, the right of parents to direct the upbringing and education of children is in graver peril than ever. Vouchers!

Prof: Transgenderism Not Scientific, ‘Superstitious Belief’
This same ridiculous "argument" was used to justify discriminating against gay Americans, and it will likewise fail with regard to those transgender.

You're still missing the point....keep trying old feller
Our bodies are being bombarded with excess over the top estrogen's ..Drinking milk is like drinking a glass of estrogen's, a cow is pregnant while producing our dairy ..They used hormones in the milk supply to produce more milk.....our food, air, water is fucking with our bodies..

Like I said with my other post..

Too many estrogen's = cancer and triggers imbalances in the pituitary glands which send messages to the brain, spinal cord..basically our beings.


You realize horomone therapy is MORE Estrogen correct?

Anyone considered boosting Testosterone to help?

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