Princeton professor: transgenderism not scientific

Just because he has professor after his name doesn't make him a expert...He is a Law professor and Blue Grass Banjo Picker...

He has Princeton professor on his profile, and making political comments, I doubt the school is very happy today.

Actually a person said it and some lefties think "the right" said it. I think you lost your struggle with sanity as well.

You think only ONE rightwinger on this forum called transgenderism a mental disease?

Name that ONE.
By the number of times I've been attacked for mothering a trans teen I'd say at least 20 people here call transgenderism a disease.

More like a mental affliction. Hopefully they will find a cure someday
It's more like a condition that folks like you condemn.
Just because he has professor after his name doesn't make him a expert...He is a Law professor and Blue Grass Banjo Picker...

He has Princeton professor on his profile, and making political comments, I doubt the school is very happy today.

Actually a person said it and some lefties think "the right" said it. I think you lost your struggle with sanity as well.

You think only ONE rightwinger on this forum called transgenderism a mental disease?

Name that ONE.
By the number of times I've been attacked for mothering a trans teen I'd say at least 20 people here call transgenderism a disease.

More like a mental affliction. Hopefully they will find a cure someday
Unfortunately, there is no cure for your bigotry. You have to turn that around yourself.

Tolerate me.....isn't that what you desire and demand? You'd be wise to start practicing what you are preaching
Tolerate bigotry? No, I will oppose it.

Do I accept that people like you are prejudiced? Yes.
So transgenderism is like Religion...

...superstitious belief unsupported by scientific fact?

Interesting. Then I guess transgender rights are fully protected under the 1st Amendment.

By gosh I think you've finally got it! Has the cult of LGBT applied for recognition and tax-exempt status yet?

Of course you realize though, accurate as it is assessing the subjective "facts" of the LGBT cult...they are not allowed to bring their religion into any official public policy or monument so...goodbye influence at the hands or your henchmen in the form of judges, presidents and senators..

Obergefell will be wiped clean and the states will once again decide if polygamy or gay marriage may be legal. Men will not use bathrooms of women of other faiths just because their belief system says they can. All will be well again.
I gotta agree, though, that a law professor has no scientific/psychological expertise to back up his OPINION on transgenderism. I got one of those, too. Doesn't mean anyone is going to listen to me.
Would you listen to Johns Hopkins hospital?

A consensus of doctors at John Hopkins? Show us.
I've posted it numerous times on the board. They no longer do sex change operations. Period. Their issues didn't go away with the parts swap, go figure.

Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: ‘Transgendered Men Don’t Become Women,’ They Become ‘Feminized Men,’ ‘Impersonators’

Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University and former psychiatrist–in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital, who has studied transgendered people for 40 years, said it is a scientific fact that “transgendered men do not become women, nor do transgendered women become men.”

Dr. McHugh, who was psychiatrist-in-chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital for 26 years, the medical institute that had initially pioneered sex-change surgery – and later ceased the practice – stressed that the cultural meme, or idea that “one’s sex is fluid and a matter of choice” is extremely damaging, especially to young people.

The idea that one’s sexuality is a feeling and not a biological fact “is doing much damage to families, adolescents, and children and should be confronted as an opinion without biological foundation wherever it emerges,” said Dr. McHugh in his article,Transgenderism: A Pathogenic Meme.

So you got one guy. Big deal.
He used his means of employment ( Princeton) on his twitter page..
People get fired for that all of the time..


Where have you been, you disappeared or something, this is the first post of yours I've seen for a while.

Is that correct or are you being sarcastic, about his using his means of employment on his Twitter page = firing offence?

Yes he's right. Here in the US....if you identify your employer on social media and then say something political (mostly if you're a conservative) they can fire you for it.

The left here is inching us closer to Chinese communist speech restrictions.

Wow that's very the First Amendment is now just for Leftists also....any Conservative sppech is automatically a variation of Hate Speech or something.
All that swill is highly exaggerated. College campuses tolerate a lot of different voices.
Not really. They are the bastions of political correctness. Conservatives don't get much air time on college reeducation camps.
I think you are allowing yourself to be bamboozled by the whining conservatives.
You think only ONE rightwinger on this forum called transgenderism a mental disease?

Name that ONE.
By the number of times I've been attacked for mothering a trans teen I'd say at least 20 people here call transgenderism a disease.

More like a mental affliction. Hopefully they will find a cure someday
It's more like a condition that folks like you condemn.
You think only ONE rightwinger on this forum called transgenderism a mental disease?

Name that ONE.
By the number of times I've been attacked for mothering a trans teen I'd say at least 20 people here call transgenderism a disease.

More like a mental affliction. Hopefully they will find a cure someday
Unfortunately, there is no cure for your bigotry. You have to turn that around yourself.

Tolerate me.....isn't that what you desire and demand? You'd be wise to start practicing what you are preaching
Tolerate bigotry? No, I will oppose it.

Do I accept that people like you are prejudiced? Yes.

Tolerate my beliefs...if you choose not to then cease demanding tolerance.
Where have you been, you disappeared or something, this is the first post of yours I've seen for a while.

Is that correct or are you being sarcastic, about his using his means of employment on his Twitter page = firing offence?

Yes he's right. Here in the US....if you identify your employer on social media and then say something political (mostly if you're a conservative) they can fire you for it.

The left here is inching us closer to Chinese communist speech restrictions.

Wow that's very the First Amendment is now just for Leftists also....any Conservative sppech is automatically a variation of Hate Speech or something.
All that swill is highly exaggerated. College campuses tolerate a lot of different voices.
Not really. They are the bastions of political correctness. Conservatives don't get much air time on college reeducation camps.
I think you are allowing yourself to be bamboozled by the whining conservatives.
I think you have no clue on what's going on.
The poor professor is about to be crucified by the gaystapo and left loons

Princeton Prof: Transgenderism Not Scientific, ‘Superstitious Belief’

A noted Princeton University professor has attacked the very notion of transgenderism, saying that the belief “that a woman can be trapped inside a man’s body” is ludicrous and superstitious, with no basis in medical fact.

Robert P. George, the McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton, sent out a tweet late Sunday evening questioning the science behind the transgender movement, in reaction to the Obama administration’s threatening letter to educators mandating accommodation of gender-confused teenagers.

Robert P. George‏@McCormickProf

There are few superstitious beliefs as absurd as the idea that a woman can be trapped in a man's body & vv. But in the Age of Feeling . . .

Robert P. George‏@McCormickProf

With Obama's bathroom edict, the right of parents to direct the upbringing and education of children is in graver peril than ever. Vouchers!

Prof: Transgenderism Not Scientific, ‘Superstitious Belief’

Just because he has professor after his name doesn't make him a expert...He is a Law professor and Blue Grass Banjo Picker...

He has Princeton professor on his profile, and making political comments, I doubt the school is very happy today.


Or he just has common sense and knows it's some sort of mental issue

Your mental faculties are biological. Your brain is run by chemistry.

Pffft like I'm going to listen to you? Go pester someone you can snow

Okay. Now we have one nut here on record as saying she doesn't believe her brain functions as a biological organ. No biochemistry involved. No chemistry. No molecules. No elements.

You wonder where the adherents to superstitious beliefs come from? Well, there you go.
The poor professor is about to be crucified by the gaystapo and left loons

Princeton Prof: Transgenderism Not Scientific, ‘Superstitious Belief’

A noted Princeton University professor has attacked the very notion of transgenderism, saying that the belief “that a woman can be trapped inside a man’s body” is ludicrous and superstitious, with no basis in medical fact.

Robert P. George, the McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton, sent out a tweet late Sunday evening questioning the science behind the transgender movement, in reaction to the Obama administration’s threatening letter to educators mandating accommodation of gender-confused teenagers.

Robert P. George‏@McCormickProf

There are few superstitious beliefs as absurd as the idea that a woman can be trapped in a man's body & vv. But in the Age of Feeling . . .

Robert P. George‏@McCormickProf

With Obama's bathroom edict, the right of parents to direct the upbringing and education of children is in graver peril than ever. Vouchers!

Prof: Transgenderism Not Scientific, ‘Superstitious Belief’

Just because he has professor after his name doesn't make him a expert...He is a Law professor and Blue Grass Banjo Picker...

He has Princeton professor on his profile, and making political comments, I doubt the school is very happy today.

So last week the RWnuts were calling transgenderism mental disease, this week it's a superstitious belief?

What will it be next week?
They're losing their fight so they're pulling out the attack stops.
Actually a person said it and some lefties think "the right" said it. I think you lost your struggle with sanity as well.

You think only ONE rightwinger on this forum called transgenderism a mental disease?

Name that ONE.
By the number of times I've been attacked for mothering a trans teen I'd say at least 20 people here call transgenderism a disease.
Well many doctors also recognise it as a psychological condition, it's even classified as such in the DSM. To acknowledge that is NOT AN INSULT.
Last edited:
I gotta agree, though, that a law professor has no scientific/psychological expertise to back up his OPINION on transgenderism. I got one of those, too. Doesn't mean anyone is going to listen to me.
Would you listen to Johns Hopkins hospital?

A consensus of doctors at John Hopkins? Show us.
I've posted it numerous times on the board. They no longer do sex change operations. Period. Their issues didn't go away with the parts swap, go figure.

Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: ‘Transgendered Men Don’t Become Women,’ They Become ‘Feminized Men,’ ‘Impersonators’

Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University and former psychiatrist–in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital, who has studied transgendered people for 40 years, said it is a scientific fact that “transgendered men do not become women, nor do transgendered women become men.”

Dr. McHugh, who was psychiatrist-in-chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital for 26 years, the medical institute that had initially pioneered sex-change surgery – and later ceased the practice – stressed that the cultural meme, or idea that “one’s sex is fluid and a matter of choice” is extremely damaging, especially to young people.

The idea that one’s sexuality is a feeling and not a biological fact “is doing much damage to families, adolescents, and children and should be confronted as an opinion without biological foundation wherever it emerges,” said Dr. McHugh in his article,Transgenderism: A Pathogenic Meme.

So you got one guy. Big deal.
LOL. Retard! They no longer do the procedures and you think it's one guy's opinion!
So last week the RWnuts were calling transgenderism mental disease, this week it's a superstitious belief?

What will it be next week?
They're losing their fight so they're pulling out the attack stops.
Who is 'they'?
It's one man who aired his opinion, as far as I can see.
"They' are the people who have such prejudice against transpeople.
This is really a serious problem, Dhara. If anyone expresses their opinion that it is a psychological issue, they are immediately and thoughtlessly labelled prejudiced and haters. It's becoming like the screech of islamofauxbia - designed to silence all who wish to express an opinion that is not currently PC. I wish you could see yourself doing this and try to apply the breaks. It does nothing for the discussion and probably just put makes people dig their heels in.
There are plenty of psychiatrists and other doctors who regard this as a psychological condition. They can't all be prejudiced haters and they aren't. Pretty soon no one will bother to attempt to discuss this issue with you as you insist on immediately labelling them prejudiced, ignorant haters. Not helpful, IMHO.
Transgender is a condition, but it isn't an illness.

I accept that you and I part company on this important issue. We don't see eye to eye.

Our friendship is based on respect for each other as human beings. I don't agree with or like your position on this issue which means so much to me and my family.
The basis of this thread is that one law professor calls transgender a superstition. What value is that?
It's not valuable at all. It's his opinion and it's not based on science or the law. Should he lose his job over it? I'm less clear on that.
I really hope it becomes clear to you that no one should lose their job / possibly career because they express their opinion that it's a psychological issue.
The poor professor is about to be crucified by the gaystapo and left loons

Princeton Prof: Transgenderism Not Scientific, ‘Superstitious Belief’

A noted Princeton University professor has attacked the very notion of transgenderism, saying that the belief “that a woman can be trapped inside a man’s body” is ludicrous and superstitious, with no basis in medical fact.

Robert P. George, the McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton, sent out a tweet late Sunday evening questioning the science behind the transgender movement, in reaction to the Obama administration’s threatening letter to educators mandating accommodation of gender-confused teenagers.

Robert P. George‏@McCormickProf

There are few superstitious beliefs as absurd as the idea that a woman can be trapped in a man's body & vv. But in the Age of Feeling . . .

Robert P. George‏@McCormickProf

With Obama's bathroom edict, the right of parents to direct the upbringing and education of children is in graver peril than ever. Vouchers!

Prof: Transgenderism Not Scientific, ‘Superstitious Belief’

Just because he has professor after his name doesn't make him a expert...He is a Law professor and Blue Grass Banjo Picker...

He has Princeton professor on his profile, and making political comments, I doubt the school is very happy today.


Or he just has common sense and knows it's some sort of mental issue

Your mental faculties are biological. Your brain is run by chemistry.

Pffft like I'm going to listen to you? Go pester someone you can snow

Okay. Now we have one nut here on record as saying she doesn't believe her brain functions as a biological organ. No biochemistry involved. No chemistry. No molecules. No elements.

You wonder where the adherents to superstitious beliefs come from? Well, there you go.

I never said that, I said I don't take you serious, dumbass. I couldn't care less what you spew, you're a troll and get all venomous when someone dares to disagree with you. Furthermore stop trying to put words in my mouth, this ain't my first rodeo
Just because he has professor after his name doesn't make him a expert...He is a Law professor and Blue Grass Banjo Picker...

He has Princeton professor on his profile, and making political comments, I doubt the school is very happy today.


Or he just has common sense and knows it's some sort of mental issue

Your mental faculties are biological. Your brain is run by chemistry.

Pffft like I'm going to listen to you? Go pester someone you can snow

Okay. Now we have one nut here on record as saying she doesn't believe her brain functions as a biological organ. No biochemistry involved. No chemistry. No molecules. No elements.

You wonder where the adherents to superstitious beliefs come from? Well, there you go.

I never said that, I said I don't take you serious, dumbass. I couldn't care less what you spew, you're a troll and get all venomous when someone dares to disagree with you. Furthermore stop trying to put words in my mouth, this ain't my first rodeo

So you admit the brain is run by chemistry.
The basis of this thread is that one law professor calls transgender a superstition. What value is that?
It's not valuable at all. It's his opinion and it's not based on science or the law. Should he lose his job over it? I'm less clear on that.
I really hope it becomes clear to you that no one should lose their job / possibly career because they express their opinion that it's a psychological issue.
I agree he should not lose his job, AND I hate your position on transgender people. It's abominable.
Dr. McHugh, who was psychiatrist-in-chief at Johns Hopkins Hospital for 26 years, the medical institute that had initially pioneered sex-change surgery – and later ceased the practice – stressed that the cultural meme, or idea that “one’s sex is fluid and a matter of choice” is extremely damaging, especially to young people.

The idea that one’s sexuality is a feeling and not a biological fact “is doing much damage to families, adolescents, and children and should be confronted as an opinion without biological foundation wherever it emerges,” said Dr. McHugh in his article,Transgenderism: A Pathogenic Meme.

So you got one guy. Big deal.

LOL. Retard! They no longer do the procedures and you think it's one guy's opinion!

All of the entire Johns Hopkins institute agreed to stop doing "sex change" operations because they felt there was no good science behind it and that the procedure is outright butchery. Suicide rates are the same or higher post-op. And, often these butchered patients want to go back; where the butchery and mess gets even worse.
"They' are the people who have such prejudice against transpeople.

You mean people playing pretend in their head and completely denying the stark objective reality between their legs? The ones self-diagnosing a condition that does not and cannot exist in this real universe.

People don't want to hurt people that fit the DSM manual for insanity's #1 symptom (denying stark reality staring them right in the face). They just don't want insane people to make the rules and force others to enable their mental disease.
Well, you've lost this battle.

Trans people will be treated with dignity despite your ugly attitude.
How is pointing out the psychological issue denying someone be treated with dignity?
The poor professor is about to be crucified by the gaystapo and left loons

Princeton Prof: Transgenderism Not Scientific, ‘Superstitious Belief’

A noted Princeton University professor has attacked the very notion of transgenderism, saying that the belief “that a woman can be trapped inside a man’s body” is ludicrous and superstitious, with no basis in medical fact.

Robert P. George, the McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton, sent out a tweet late Sunday evening questioning the science behind the transgender movement, in reaction to the Obama administration’s threatening letter to educators mandating accommodation of gender-confused teenagers.

Robert P. George‏@McCormickProf

There are few superstitious beliefs as absurd as the idea that a woman can be trapped in a man's body & vv. But in the Age of Feeling . . .

Robert P. George‏@McCormickProf

With Obama's bathroom edict, the right of parents to direct the upbringing and education of children is in graver peril than ever. Vouchers!

Prof: Transgenderism Not Scientific, ‘Superstitious Belief’


A LAW professor commenting on BIOLOGY

And RWs jump on it like a newly wed transgender................. :lmao:
Or he just has common sense and knows it's some sort of mental issue

Your mental faculties are biological. Your brain is run by chemistry.

Pffft like I'm going to listen to you? Go pester someone you can snow

Okay. Now we have one nut here on record as saying she doesn't believe her brain functions as a biological organ. No biochemistry involved. No chemistry. No molecules. No elements.

You wonder where the adherents to superstitious beliefs come from? Well, there you go.

I never said that, I said I don't take you serious, dumbass. I couldn't care less what you spew, you're a troll and get all venomous when someone dares to disagree with you. Furthermore stop trying to put words in my mouth, this ain't my first rodeo

So you admit the brain is run by chemistry.

Again...I said I don't listen to you....for someone that claims to be so damn intelligent you're one stupid fucker at reading comprehension

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