Princeton professor: transgenderism not scientific

"They' are the people who have such prejudice against transpeople.

You mean people playing pretend in their head and completely denying the stark objective reality between their legs? The ones self-diagnosing a condition that does not and cannot exist in this real universe.

People don't want to hurt people that fit the DSM manual for insanity's #1 symptom (denying stark reality staring them right in the face). They just don't want insane people to make the rules and force others to enable their mental disease.
Well, you've lost this battle.

Trans people will be treated with dignity despite your ugly attitude.
How is pointing out the psychological issue denying someone be treated with dignity?
I can't really talk to you anymore about this and stay friends. I already lost one today. I will ALWAYS put family first.
How is pointing out the psychological issue denying someone be treated with dignity?

How it treating a mental patient with dignity = to enabling him in his delusions by allowing him to force others to place women in danger by allowing men in the women's bathrooms and showers?
8 pages of right wing whining.
Why are you guys always the "victims" in all this ?
Its perverse that people question your hate campaigns it really is.
I can't really talk to you anymore about this and stay friends. I already lost one today. I will ALWAYS put family first.

Uh oh! Better give the liberal activist what she wants or.....or....or....she won't be friends with you anymore!!

:crybaby: :cuckoo:
8 pages of right wing whining.
Why are you guys always the "victims" in all this ?
Its perverse that people question your hate campaigns it really is.

Look at you, Mr Victimhood whining about other's claiming to be victims.
I wonder if she'd "ALWAYS" put family first if one of them was a serial killer? At some point one has to look at the stark insanity, even in one's own's for the best...enabling an illness is not an act of love or kindness.
The poor professor is about to be crucified by the gaystapo and left loons

Princeton Prof: Transgenderism Not Scientific, ‘Superstitious Belief’

A noted Princeton University professor has attacked the very notion of transgenderism, saying that the belief “that a woman can be trapped inside a man’s body” is ludicrous and superstitious, with no basis in medical fact.

Robert P. George, the McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton, sent out a tweet late Sunday evening questioning the science behind the transgender movement, in reaction to the Obama administration’s threatening letter to educators mandating accommodation of gender-confused teenagers.

Robert P. George‏@McCormickProf

There are few superstitious beliefs as absurd as the idea that a woman can be trapped in a man's body & vv. But in the Age of Feeling . . .

Robert P. George‏@McCormickProf

With Obama's bathroom edict, the right of parents to direct the upbringing and education of children is in graver peril than ever. Vouchers!

Prof: Transgenderism Not Scientific, ‘Superstitious Belief’

So transgenderism is like Religion...

...superstitious belief unsupported by scientific fact?

Interesting. Then I guess transgender rights are fully protected under the 1st Amendment.

Wrong again (that seems to be a theme with you)

The first gives RELIGIOUS freedom, not the right to use your mental disorder to use the wrong restroom (for example)

And in fact, if some organized religion stated " we don't believe in gender segregated bathrooms) that wouldn't fly either.
More like a mental affliction. Hopefully they will find a cure someday

The poor professor is about to be crucified by the gaystapo and left loons

Princeton Prof: Transgenderism Not Scientific, ‘Superstitious Belief’

A noted Princeton University professor has attacked the very notion of transgenderism, saying that the belief “that a woman can be trapped inside a man’s body” is ludicrous and superstitious, with no basis in medical fact.

Robert P. George, the McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton, sent out a tweet late Sunday evening questioning the science behind the transgender movement, in reaction to the Obama administration’s threatening letter to educators mandating accommodation of gender-confused teenagers.

Robert P. George‏@McCormickProf

There are few superstitious beliefs as absurd as the idea that a woman can be trapped in a man's body & vv. But in the Age of Feeling . . .

Robert P. George‏@McCormickProf

With Obama's bathroom edict, the right of parents to direct the upbringing and education of children is in graver peril than ever. Vouchers!

Prof: Transgenderism Not Scientific, ‘Superstitious Belief’

Just because he has professor after his name doesn't make him a expert...He is a Law professor and Blue Grass Banjo Picker...

He has Princeton professor on his profile, and making political comments, I doubt the school is very happy today.

So last week the RWnuts were calling transgenderism mental disease, this week it's a superstitious belief?

What will it be next week?
They're losing their fight so they're pulling out the attack stops.
Actually a person said it and some lefties think "the right" said it. I think you lost your struggle with sanity as well.

You think only ONE rightwinger on this forum called transgenderism a mental disease?

Name that ONE.
By the number of times I've been attacked for mothering a trans teen I'd say at least 20 people here call transgenderism a disease.

This must be very hard for a mother, we love our children through everything, and do not want to see them get hurt. There are some really cruel people out there.

Unless you live it, it is hard to understand. My son had a time in his life where he questioned who he was..many young adults do as their brains, along with bodies are growing into adults.

I do feel that the abundance of estrogen's in our food, air and water supply has something to do with it.
I have estrogen positive breast cancer and have been studying to avoid more estrogen's..they are cancer is 95% estrogen positive..

Too many estrogen's = cancer or in the future we may find the to be the key to understanding the fluctuation of hormones.

The poor professor is about to be crucified by the gaystapo and left loons

Princeton Prof: Transgenderism Not Scientific, ‘Superstitious Belief’

A noted Princeton University professor has attacked the very notion of transgenderism, saying that the belief “that a woman can be trapped inside a man’s body” is ludicrous and superstitious, with no basis in medical fact.

Robert P. George, the McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton, sent out a tweet late Sunday evening questioning the science behind the transgender movement, in reaction to the Obama administration’s threatening letter to educators mandating accommodation of gender-confused teenagers.

Robert P. George‏@McCormickProf

There are few superstitious beliefs as absurd as the idea that a woman can be trapped in a man's body & vv. But in the Age of Feeling . . .

Robert P. George‏@McCormickProf

With Obama's bathroom edict, the right of parents to direct the upbringing and education of children is in graver peril than ever. Vouchers!

Prof: Transgenderism Not Scientific, ‘Superstitious Belief’
is he biology professor?
The poor professor is about to be crucified by the gaystapo and left loons

Princeton Prof: Transgenderism Not Scientific, ‘Superstitious Belief’

A noted Princeton University professor has attacked the very notion of transgenderism, saying that the belief “that a woman can be trapped inside a man’s body” is ludicrous and superstitious, with no basis in medical fact.

Robert P. George, the McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton, sent out a tweet late Sunday evening questioning the science behind the transgender movement, in reaction to the Obama administration’s threatening letter to educators mandating accommodation of gender-confused teenagers.

Robert P. George‏@McCormickProf

There are few superstitious beliefs as absurd as the idea that a woman can be trapped in a man's body & vv. But in the Age of Feeling . . .

Robert P. George‏@McCormickProf

With Obama's bathroom edict, the right of parents to direct the upbringing and education of children is in graver peril than ever. Vouchers!

Prof: Transgenderism Not Scientific, ‘Superstitious Belief’
is he biology professor?

Doesn't matter to me if he's a dog catcher....the point of my thread is this man will be attacked for his views and beliefs by the left and LGBT crowd....and like clockwork I am correct.
More like a mental affliction. Hopefully they will find a cure someday

The poor professor is about to be crucified by the gaystapo and left loons

Princeton Prof: Transgenderism Not Scientific, ‘Superstitious Belief’

A noted Princeton University professor has attacked the very notion of transgenderism, saying that the belief “that a woman can be trapped inside a man’s body” is ludicrous and superstitious, with no basis in medical fact.

Robert P. George, the McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton, sent out a tweet late Sunday evening questioning the science behind the transgender movement, in reaction to the Obama administration’s threatening letter to educators mandating accommodation of gender-confused teenagers.

Robert P. George‏@McCormickProf

There are few superstitious beliefs as absurd as the idea that a woman can be trapped in a man's body & vv. But in the Age of Feeling . . .

Robert P. George‏@McCormickProf

With Obama's bathroom edict, the right of parents to direct the upbringing and education of children is in graver peril than ever. Vouchers!

Prof: Transgenderism Not Scientific, ‘Superstitious Belief’

Just because he has professor after his name doesn't make him a expert...He is a Law professor and Blue Grass Banjo Picker...

He has Princeton professor on his profile, and making political comments, I doubt the school is very happy today.

So last week the RWnuts were calling transgenderism mental disease, this week it's a superstitious belief?

What will it be next week?
They're losing their fight so they're pulling out the attack stops.
Actually a person said it and some lefties think "the right" said it. I think you lost your struggle with sanity as well.

You think only ONE rightwinger on this forum called transgenderism a mental disease?

Name that ONE.
By the number of times I've been attacked for mothering a trans teen I'd say at least 20 people here call transgenderism a disease.

This must be very hard for a mother, we love our children through everything, and do not want to see them get hurt. There are some really cruel people out there.

Unless you live it, it is hard to understand. My son had a time in his life where he questioned who he was..many young adults do as their brains, along with bodies are growing into adults.

I do feel that the abundance of estrogen's in our food, air and water supply has something to do with it.
I have estrogen positive breast cancer and have been studying to avoid more estrogen's..they are cancer is 95% estrogen positive..

Too many estrogen's = cancer or in the future we may find the to be the key to understanding the fluctuation of hormones.

Thank you for understanding my position as a mother.

I wish some other people would too.
The poor professor is about to be crucified by the gaystapo and left loons

Princeton Prof: Transgenderism Not Scientific, ‘Superstitious Belief’

A noted Princeton University professor has attacked the very notion of transgenderism, saying that the belief “that a woman can be trapped inside a man’s body” is ludicrous and superstitious, with no basis in medical fact.

Robert P. George, the McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton, sent out a tweet late Sunday evening questioning the science behind the transgender movement, in reaction to the Obama administration’s threatening letter to educators mandating accommodation of gender-confused teenagers.

Robert P. George‏@McCormickProf

There are few superstitious beliefs as absurd as the idea that a woman can be trapped in a man's body & vv. But in the Age of Feeling . . .

Robert P. George‏@McCormickProf

With Obama's bathroom edict, the right of parents to direct the upbringing and education of children is in graver peril than ever. Vouchers!

Prof: Transgenderism Not Scientific, ‘Superstitious Belief’

Just because he has professor after his name doesn't make him a expert...He is a Law professor and Blue Grass Banjo Picker...

He has Princeton professor on his profile, and making political comments, I doubt the school is very happy today.

So last week the RWnuts were calling transgenderism mental disease, this week it's a superstitious belief?

What will it be next week?
They're losing their fight so they're pulling out the attack stops.
Actually a person said it and some lefties think "the right" said it. I think you lost your struggle with sanity as well.

You think only ONE rightwinger on this forum called transgenderism a mental disease?

Name that ONE.
By the number of times I've been attacked for mothering a trans teen I'd say at least 20 people here call transgenderism a disease.
Well many doctors also recognise it as a psychological condition, it's even classified as such in the DSM. To acknowledge that is NOT AN INSULT, just as it isn't an insult to recognise a person with depression is affected by a mental health issue.
Eaglewings understands my position as a mother, Tilly. You don't. This is a HUGE deal for my family. The fact that you won't stand in solidarity for my son's right to live his life as he is with dignity is very taxing on our connection with each other.

I am deeply saddened.
Eaglewings understands my position as a mother, Tilly. You don't. This is a HUGE deal for my family. The fact that you won't stand in solidarity for my son's right to live his life as he is with dignity is very taxing on our connection with each other.

I am deeply saddened.

NO ONE has an unlimited right to live their life as they see fit. You understand that don't you?
I wonder if she'd "ALWAYS" put family first if one of them was a serial killer? At some point one has to look at the stark insanity, even in one's own's for the best...enabling an illness is not an act of love or kindness.
You're comparing my son to a serial killer? Wow. You are out of your fucking mind.
Eaglewings understands my position as a mother, Tilly. You don't. This is a HUGE deal for my family. The fact that you won't stand in solidarity for my son's right to live his life as he is with dignity is very taxing on our connection with each other.

I am deeply saddened.

Its best not to talk about this with your friends on here...My sister and I have to avoid many discussions because of our past arguments..we love each other, yet we are very passionate about our opinions..

I think the professor makes a valid point. This is matter of what a person feels in their emotions or soul, not what biology shows. We should be pursuing impactful ways to help the person, but categorizing it as a mental condition is unacceptable, so little real help can be found.
Eaglewings understands my position as a mother, Tilly. You don't. This is a HUGE deal for my family. The fact that you won't stand in solidarity for my son's right to live his life as he is with dignity is very taxing on our connection with each other.

I am deeply saddened.

Its best not to talk about this with your friends on here...My sister and I have to avoid many discussions because of our past arguments..we love each other, yet we are very passionate about our opinions..

Bottom line. If my "friends" and "family" don't have my back, who will?

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