Prior coddling of China


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

has helped make a mess. And yes elements of BOTH parties are responsible. On the other hand if you are Hunter Biden this crap was worth a personal fortune to him. He just had to hitch a ride on AF 2.
Yes the monster that is China was born during the Nixon administration under his "detente" campaign with China. We naively thought that China would abandon it's Communist ways if opened to the wonders of Capitalism. Huge huge mistake! Presidents of both parties looked the other way as China cheated, spied, murdered, lied, and imprisoned anytime it wanted. We and the world did nothing. Now they have launched a pandemic on the world and we are still doing nothing.
Yes the monster that is China was born during the Nixon administration under his "detente" campaign with China. We naively thought that China would abandon it's Communist ways if opened to the wonders of Capitalism. Huge huge mistake! Presidents of both parties looked the other way as China cheated, spied, murdered, lied, and imprisoned anytime it wanted. We and the world did nothing. Now they have launched a pandemic on the world and we are still doing nothing.

Two generations of American scholars held out hope that China would become “a responsible stakeholder.” In 2020, those hopes have been dashed

The deteriorating relationship between the world’s two superpowers—the United States and China—is now entering a period of grave danger. An emboldened Chinese Communist Party is now on the move in Asia and globally. Increasingly, its behavior constitutes a threat to peace and security in Asia and the core national interests of the United States. Whether the United States and its allies exhibit the strategy and resolve to meet this threat will be the single most important determinant of world order in the coming decade

Yes the monster that is China was born during the Nixon administration under his "detente" campaign with China. We naively thought that China would abandon it's Communist ways if opened to the wonders of Capitalism. Huge huge mistake! Presidents of both parties looked the other way as China cheated, spied, murdered, lied, and imprisoned anytime it wanted. We and the world did nothing. Now they have launched a pandemic on the world and we are still doing nothing.

Kissinger and Ping Pong Diplomacy - Kissinger is a Globalist he ran Nixon's Foreign Affairs for the most part.
Yes the monster that is China was born during the Nixon administration under his "detente" campaign with China. We naively thought that China would abandon it's Communist ways if opened to the wonders of Capitalism. Huge huge mistake! Presidents of both parties looked the other way as China cheated, spied, murdered, lied, and imprisoned anytime it wanted. We and the world did nothing. Now they have launched a pandemic on the world and we are still doing nothing.

Kissinger and Ping Pong Diplomacy - Kissinger is a Globalist he ran Nixon's Foreign Affairs for the most part.
Very good point.
I don't think any of those pseudo intellectuals ever really thought engaging China would make them more freedom loving or Democratic. Kissinger and Nixon were just greedy neocon globalists. The only person capable of dealing with China today is Trump. MAGA
I don't think any of those pseudo intellectuals ever really thought engaging China would make them more freedom loving or Democratic. Kissinger and Nixon were just greedy neocon globalists. The only person capable of dealing with China today is Trump. MAGA
Kissinger was/is a Globalist - not so sure about tricky dick

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