Prisoners of Sex

1) you don't have the quintessential answer to anything, 2) you know nothing about the Muslim world

There are decent men in every culture; in Muslim culture, decent Muslim men do not go around calling women the 'C' word. You are not a decent man, even by Muslim standards.

Using the 'C' word repeatedly, as well as the 'B' word (especially to a woman who has used no swear words): this is not something a non-Chauvinist does--this is something a misogynist does. This is a man who is no friend to women.

I assume you are talking about the words bitch and ****.

Does your judgement apply if the same person uses those words to both men and women?

What if they are from a country other than the US where the word ****, in particular, doesn't hold the same stigma?

What country would that be, exactly? I'm curious.

From what I've read, the Irish in particular use it much more frequently and as more of a general insult than in the US, also the UK and possibly Australia.

I also don't know the history behind this particular word becoming so taboo that it needs the same kind of treatment as the word ******, i.e. calling it the c-word and people feeling a need to avoid saying or writing it at all, or it being more insulting/derogatory than any other word when used toward a woman.

To me it has always seemed like just another swear word, less used than most, but without particular meaning compared to others. I don't know why **** would be so much worse to call a woman than bitch, or whore, or any other word. I also don't know why there is no such word for men.

It's just something I find curious and that I think is given more power by people's reactions.
most people do who have a healthy attitude toward sex.

Boom there it is.

Anybody who questions a culture of promiscuity by rights doesn't have a *healthy* attitude towards sex.

Boom there it is.

You don't want people to think you're unhealthy do you? Prove you're healthy. out and screw men you have no intention of having a relationship with.

THAT will prove you're *healthy*.


Exactly the point of the article.
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This tension between sexual expectations and social reality is a potential problem for both sexes, but for a variety of reasons — social, cultural and biological — it’s more likely to produce toxic reactions in the male of the species. Such toxicity need not lead to murder (as it usually, mercifully, does not) to be a source of widespread misery, both for the men who wallow in it and the women unfortunate enough to be targets for their bile. "
What kind of horse shit is this? Guys fortunately don't generally murder women if they don't get laid? What a ****. Which, by the way, is the female equivalent of a prick. Someone that creates a problem apparently for the sole reason to have a cause to live for. If you don't want sex, don't do it. The fact is it's very rare for a guy not to want it, if they move on to a woman that is willing, where's the problem? You both got what you wanted.

Perhaps you can explain how your misogynistic rant has anything to do with the OP...aside from proving the point of the OP.
Perhaps you could climb down from your perch and explain why you think it's misogynistic? Was the point too big for you?
It's misogynistic because it's a sexual term used to demean women.

Is that simple enough?
Now try to focus and address the op rather than this odd sidebar....or start another thread.
okay. I'll run out and screw men I have no intention of having a relationship with.

THAT will prove I'm *healthy*.


Exactly the point of the article.
If so, that proves the author is a moron.

No, it proves that the author is correct....Americans really do think that women can only prove their worth by screwing indiscriminately.

And that's a problem.
I find sex more liberating than restrictive

most people do who have a healthy attitude toward sex.

Boom there it is.

Anybody who questions a culture of promiscuity by rights doesn't have a *healthy* attitude towards sex.

That is not what was said.

What was said, was that most people who find sex more liberating than restrictive have a healthy view of sex. Nobody said that "anyone who questions a culture of promiscuity by rights doesn't have a healthy attitude towards sex." It was you who said that.
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It's misogynistic because it's a sexual term used to demean women.

Is that simple enough?
Now try to focus and address the op rather than this odd sidebar....or start another thread.
I did, and I asked if the point was too big. All you saw was "****". I use it the same way I use "prick" for males. Which I believe I also explained. Also, if you don't want sex don't do it, where's the problem?
okay. I'll run out and screw men I have no intention of having a relationship with.

THAT will prove I'm *healthy*.


Exactly the point of the article.
If so, that proves the author is a moron.

No, it proves that the author is correct....Americans really do think that women can only prove their worth by screwing indiscriminately.

And that's a problem.
No, it proves she's a moron. She painted the entire country with a broad brush (no pun intended). No one is asking anyone to prove their worth by having sex. Guys like sex, and most women, so they go that direction, it isn't rocket science.
most people do who have a healthy attitude toward sex.

Boom there it is.

Anybody who questions a culture of promiscuity by rights doesn't have a *healthy* attitude towards sex.

That is not what was said.

What was said, was that most people who find sex more liberating than restrictive have a healthy view of sex. Nobody said that "anyone who questions a culture of promiscuity by rights doesn't have a healthy attitude towards sex." It was you who said that.

Got a link for the bold ?
It truly is one of the most sickening things to me, the sex slave trade.

Here's the quintessential link with the pertinent facts, koshergrl:

1) you don't have the quintessential answer to anything, 2) you know nothing about the Muslim world

There are decent men in every culture; in Muslim culture, decent Muslim men do not go around calling women the 'C' word. You are not a decent man, even by Muslim standards.

Using the 'C' word repeatedly, as well as the 'B' word (especially to a woman who has used no swear words): this is not something a non-Chauvinist does--this is something a misogynist does. This is a man who is no friend to women.
Any 'Muslim'(cough) man who believes little ten year old girls ought be sexually mutilated is a '****' in my opinion.
Another time and place my friends.
Boom there it is.

Anybody who questions a culture of promiscuity by rights doesn't have a *healthy* attitude towards sex.

That is not what was said.

What was said, was that most people who find sex more liberating than restrictive have a healthy view of sex. Nobody said that "anyone who questions a culture of promiscuity by rights doesn't have a healthy attitude towards sex." It was you who said that.

Got a link for the bold ?

I said that I find sex more liberating than restrictive. Someone else responded to me and said," Most people who do have a healthy view of sex." Kosherdill twisted it around in attempt to save her dying argument.
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Sex trade is bad too, and our slavish devotion to the idea of sex feeds into it.

Given our attitudes toward women, it kinda makes you wonder why Islam isn't more popular here, doesn't it?

But even so, I freely admit to loving a hot set of lonnnnnnnnnnnnnng legs.

Sorry if that makes me a chauvinist, in your view.

We will never let you Muzzies make our gorgeous American women wear frick'n burkas.

^ that.
That is not what was said.

What was said, was that most people who find sex more liberating than restrictive have a healthy view of sex. Nobody said that "anyone who questions a culture of promiscuity by rights doesn't have a healthy attitude towards sex." It was you who said that.

Got a link for the bold ?

I said that I find sex more liberating than restrictive. Someone else responded to me and said," Most people who do have a healthy view of sex." Kosherdill twisted it around in attempt to save her dying argument.

Oh, yeah, as if you even know what my argument is. Your only purpose here is to post inane and ridiculous distractions. You just aren't that sharp, weirdo.
This tension between sexual expectations and social reality is a potential problem for both sexes, but for a variety of reasons — social, cultural and biological — it’s more likely to produce toxic reactions in the male of the species. Such toxicity need not lead to murder (as it usually, mercifully, does not) to be a source of widespread misery, both for the men who wallow in it and the women unfortunate enough to be targets for their bile. "
What kind of horse shit is this? Guys fortunately don't generally murder women if they don't get laid? What a ****. Which, by the way, is the female equivalent of a prick. Someone that creates a problem apparently for the sole reason to have a cause to live for. If you don't want sex, don't do it. The fact is it's very rare for a guy not to want it, if they move on to a woman that is willing, where's the problem? You both got what you wanted.
A perfect example of choice.Attempting to stifle anyone's legal right to choose is obscene.
Boom there it is.

Anybody who questions a culture of promiscuity by rights doesn't have a *healthy* attitude towards sex.

That is not what was said.

What was said, was that most people who find sex more liberating than restrictive have a healthy view of sex. Nobody said that "anyone who questions a culture of promiscuity by rights doesn't have a healthy attitude towards sex." It was you who said that.

Got a link for the bold ?
here's a link, its quite simple so you should be able to do it. Sex Guide Kama Sutra Join-the-Dots Version Launched
IMO the Vagina is the only true evolutionary WMD, the Vagina has broken empires, caused wars and continuously reduces both males and females to shivering jellies.
I kneel before the Vagina.
I generally dont like the word ****, but in 1230 in London the map maker that named a street filled with brothels "Gropecuntelane" was a true word-smith.
We also have the famous town of Scunthorpe.
Got a link for the bold ?

I said that I find sex more liberating than restrictive. Someone else responded to me and said," Most people who do have a healthy view of sex." Kosherdill twisted it around in attempt to save her dying argument.

Oh, yeah, as if you even know what my argument is. Your only purpose here is to post inane and ridiculous distractions. You just aren't that sharp, weirdo.
I think you suffer from penis envy,you should take a leaf out of Germaine Greer's book The Female Eunuch. To Quote "Lady, love your ****"
I assume you are talking about the words bitch and ****.

Does your judgement apply if the same person uses those words to both men and women?

What if they are from a country other than the US where the word ****, in particular, doesn't hold the same stigma?

What country would that be, exactly? I'm curious.

From what I've read, the Irish in particular use it much more frequently and as more of a general insult than in the US, also the UK and possibly Australia.

I also don't know the history behind this particular word becoming so taboo that it needs the same kind of treatment as the word ******, i.e. calling it the c-word and people feeling a need to avoid saying or writing it at all, or it being more insulting/derogatory than any other word when used toward a woman.

To me it has always seemed like just another swear word, less used than most, but without particular meaning compared to others. I don't know why **** would be so much worse to call a woman than bitch, or whore, or any other word. I also don't know why there is no such word for men.

It's just something I find curious and that I think is given more power by people's reactions.
For the past 11 years I have worked exclusively in an international environment with people from all over the world. I have never experienced anyone using that word at all in any situation: but they are decent, educated people. I work and socialize far more often with British people than Americans, simply because there are more of them. I also work and socialize with Irish and Australian people. No one, in my experience, has ever used this word for any purpose.

I think you do not know what you are talking about. Perhaps drunken louts in B movies you watch use this word? I would not try to use the behavior of people in movies, especially bad movies, to ascertain what an entire culture does or thinks. None of the international people I have ever known use the C word for anything.

And I do not care whether you think it is a bad word or not. I don't care that you don't 'get' why it is not okay to use. You are obviously a Cretin. Isn't it about time to become civilized?
This tension between sexual expectations and social reality is a potential problem for both sexes, but for a variety of reasons — social, cultural and biological — it’s more likely to produce toxic reactions in the male of the species. Such toxicity need not lead to murder (as it usually, mercifully, does not) to be a source of widespread misery, both for the men who wallow in it and the women unfortunate enough to be targets for their bile. "
What kind of horse shit is this? Guys fortunately don't generally murder women if they don't get laid? What a ****. Which, by the way, is the female equivalent of a prick. Someone that creates a problem apparently for the sole reason to have a cause to live for. If you don't want sex, don't do it. The fact is it's very rare for a guy not to want it, if they move on to a woman that is willing, where's the problem? You both got what you wanted.
A perfect example of choice.Attempting to stifle anyone's legal right to choose is obscene.
What are you talking about?

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